array<integer> C_nextFree115 integer C_firstFree705 integer C_maxIndex100 array<integer> C_typeId121 integer C_firstFree705 = 0 integer C_maxIndex100 = 0 function initGlobals848() { C_firstFree_705 = 0; C_maxIndex_100 = 0; } function main546() { initGlobals848(); init_test391(); } function config100() { } function init_test391() { local integer c118 local integer d204 c_118 = new_C148(); d_204 = new_D319(); if (((dispatch_C_test_C_foo_2160(c_118, 1, 2) == 3) and (dispatch_C_test_C_foo_2160(d_204, 1, 2) == 2)) and (dispatch_C_test_C_foo_4140(d_204, 1, 2, 3, 4) == 24)) { testSuccess748(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess748() { } function C_init149(integer this191) { } function new_C148() returns integer { local integer this128 this_128 = alloc_C136(); construct_C133(this_128); return this_128; } function construct_C133(integer this101) { C_init149(this_101); } function D_init559(integer this172) { } function new_D319() returns integer { local integer this386 this_386 = alloc_D301(); construct_D136(this_386); return this_386; } function construct_D136(integer this166) { construct_C133(this_166); D_init559(this_166); } function alloc_C136() returns integer { local integer this412 if (C_firstFree_705 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_100 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_100 = (C_maxIndex_100 + 1); this_412 = C_maxIndex_100; C_typeId_121[this_412] = 1; } else { error383("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_412 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_705 = (C_firstFree_705 - 1); this_412 = C_nextFree_115[C_firstFree_705]; C_typeId_121[this_412] = 1; }; return this_412; } function error383(string msg176) { $debugPrint195((msg_176 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function alloc_D301() returns integer { local integer this615 if (C_firstFree_705 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_100 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_100 = (C_maxIndex_100 + 1); this_615 = C_maxIndex_100; C_typeId_121[this_615] = 2; } else { error383("Out of memory: Could not create D."); this_615 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_705 = (C_firstFree_705 - 1); this_615 = C_nextFree_115[C_firstFree_705]; C_typeId_121[this_615] = 2; }; return this_615; } function C_foo_2618(integer this214, integer xs_0100, integer xs_1181) returns integer { local integer sum527 sum_527 = 0; sum_527 = (sum_527 + xs_0_100); sum_527 = (sum_527 + xs_1_181); return sum_527; } function D_foo_2102(integer this168, integer xs_0113, integer xs_1528) returns integer { local integer prod180 prod_180 = 1; prod_180 = (prod_180 * xs_0_113); prod_180 = (prod_180 * xs_1_528); return prod_180; } function dispatch_C_test_C_foo_2160(integer this156, integer xs_0170, integer xs_1737) returns integer { local integer test_C_foo_result452 if (C_typeId_121[this_156] == 0) { if (this_156 == 0) { error383("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error383("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; if (C_typeId_121[this_156] <= 1) { test_C_foo_result_452 = C_foo_2618(this_156, xs_0_170, xs_1_737); } else { test_C_foo_result_452 = D_foo_2102(this_156, xs_0_170, xs_1_737); }; return test_C_foo_result_452; } function C_foo_4199(integer this197, integer xs_0777, integer xs_1199, integer xs_2690, integer xs_3121) returns integer { local integer sum690 sum_690 = 0; sum_690 = (sum_690 + xs_0_777); sum_690 = (sum_690 + xs_1_199); sum_690 = (sum_690 + xs_2_690); sum_690 = (sum_690 + xs_3_121); return sum_690; } function D_foo_4696(integer this159, integer xs_0118, integer xs_1123, integer xs_2214, integer xs_3368) returns integer { local integer prod714 prod_714 = 1; prod_714 = (prod_714 * xs_0_118); prod_714 = (prod_714 * xs_1_123); prod_714 = (prod_714 * xs_2_214); prod_714 = (prod_714 * xs_3_368); return prod_714; } function dispatch_C_test_C_foo_4140(integer this152, integer xs_0188, integer xs_1170, integer xs_2596, integer xs_3418) returns integer { local integer test_C_foo_result154 if (C_typeId_121[this_152] == 0) { if (this_152 == 0) { error383("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error383("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; if (C_typeId_121[this_152] <= 1) { test_C_foo_result_154 = C_foo_4199(this_152, xs_0_188, xs_1_170, xs_2_596, xs_3_418); } else { test_C_foo_result_154 = D_foo_4696(this_152, xs_0_188, xs_1_170, xs_2_596, xs_3_418); }; return test_C_foo_result_154; }