globals integer i real udg_zw timer udg_t integer udg_MeineAbility unit udg_CasterVariable group udg_UnverwundbarkeitsGruppe hashtable udg_MeineHashtable rect udg_Urspung rect udg_Ziel real udg_x1 real udg_x2 real udg_x3 real udg_x4 real udg_x5 real udg_y1 real udg_y4 real udg_y5 real udg_y3 real udg_y2 camerasetup gg_cam_Camera_001 camerasetup gg_cam_Camera_002 trigger gg_trg_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003 integer array LinkedList_dummy integer array LinkedList_size integer array LLEntry_elem integer array LLEntry_prev integer array LLEntry_next integer array LLIterator_dummy integer array LLIterator_current string array Char_c2s integer array Char_s2c real array Char_width integer Char_MAX_INDEX real Char_DEFAULT_WIDTH string Char_DEFAULT_STRING hashtable Table_ht integer Trigger_triggerData timer array TimerUtils_freeTimers integer TimerUtils_freeTimersCount integer TimerUtils_timerData integer TimerUtils_HELD boolean array PrintingHelper_wantDebug integer PrintingHelper_DEBUG_LEVEL real PrintingHelper_DEBUG_MSG_DURATION integer PrintingHelper_msgcount string array PrintingHelper_texts string String_charset string String_numberset integer String_numbersetlength integer String_charsetlength string array StringIterator_s integer array StringIterator_currentpos integer array StringIterator_stringLen string array StringLines_s integer array StringLines_currentLine integer array StringLines_lineCount integer array StringLines_lastIndex real Maths_PI real Maths_PI2 real Maths_PIHALF real Maths_DEGTORAD real Maths_RADTODEG integer Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID integer Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER integer Basics_TREE_RECOGNITION integer Basics_LOCUST_ID real Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD real Basics_MAX_COLLISION_SIZE player Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER player Basics_DUMMY_HOSTILE_PLAYER integer Rect_sourceTable integer Rect_regionData timer array Camera_noiseTimer integer TypeCasting_typecastdata integer array BigNum_l_leaf integer array BigNum_l_next integer BigNum_l_count integer array BigNum_list integer array BigNum_base unit array UnitIndex_u integer array Event_first integer array Event_last boolean array Event_checkData integer array Action_next integer array Action_prev integer array Action_ev hashtable TList_ht integer array TList_size integer array TIterator_pos integer array TIterator_list real Terrain_MAX_RANGE integer Terrain_DUMMY_ITEM_ID location Terrain_tempLoc rect Terrain_worldRect real Terrain_minWorldX real Terrain_minWorldY real Terrain_maxWorldX real Terrain_maxWorldY item Terrain_dItem rect Terrain_find item array Terrain_hid integer Terrain_hidMax real Terrain_X real Terrain_Y unit Filter_filterCheckUnit player Filter_filterCheckPlayer integer array Helper_pow2 integer array Dot_a integer array Dot_u integer array Dot_source real array Dot_damage timer array Dot_t integer LinkedListModule_first integer LinkedListModule_last integer LinkedListModule_size integer array LinkedListModule_prev integer array LinkedListModule_next integer array this integer array Buff_action integer array Buff_u integer array Buff_buffId integer array Buff_abiId effect array Buff_fx timer array Buff_fxTimer timer array Buff_t integer array Buff_fxCounter string array Buff_fxType string array Buff_attachment integer array this_2 string array AbilityDefinition_def string array BuffDefinition_def string array W3UDefinition_def integer array SpellPreset_lvl string ChannelSpellPreset_CHANNEL_ID integer ChannelSpellPreset_visibleval integer ChannelSpellPreset_targetimageval integer ChannelSpellPreset_physicalspellval integer ChannelSpellPreset_universalspellval integer ChannelSpellPreset_uniquecastval boolean array ChannelSpellPreset_visible boolean array ChannelSpellPreset_targetimage boolean array ChannelSpellPreset_physicalspell boolean array ChannelSpellPreset_universalspell boolean array ChannelSpellPreset_uniquecast integer array ChannelSpellPreset_optionval string SpellDesignConfig_TITLECOLOR string SpellDesignConfig_TITLE_COOLDOWN string SpellDesignConfig_TITLE_TTYPE string SpellDesignConfig_TITLE_EFFECT hashtable array Table3D_ht integer array Table3D_key3IndexSize integer Array_currentSize integer array Array_content integer array Array_pos integer array Array_size string DebugFile_path string DebugFile_filetype integer DebugFile_lastSavedFile string array DebugFile_filename string array DebugFile_buffer integer array DebugFile_content integer array DebugFile_currentLine hashtable HashMap_ht timer array CallbackPeriodic_t timer array CallbackCounted_t integer array CallbackCounted_count integer array CallbackCounted_maxCount timer Setup_timeTest integer Setup_maxBonSize integer Setup_attackRaw_raw integer Setup_attackRaw_size integer Setup_attackSpeedRaw_raw integer Setup_attackSpeedRaw_size integer Setup_armorRaw_raw integer Setup_armorRaw_size integer Setup_lifeRaw_raw integer Setup_lifeRaw_size integer Setup_manaRaw_raw integer Setup_manaRaw_size integer Setup_agiRaw_raw integer Setup_agiRaw_size integer Setup_strRaw_raw integer Setup_strRaw_size integer Setup_intRaw_raw integer Setup_intRaw_size integer Setup_lifeRegRaw_raw integer Setup_lifeRegRaw_size integer Setup_manaRegRaw_raw integer Setup_manaRegRaw_size integer array Setup_attackPerm integer Setup_preloadAbi item array Setup_permAttackTome integer Setup_permAttackTomeId integer Setup_permAttackNegTomeId item Setup_permAttackNegTome integer Setup_infoFile integer Setup_errorFile integer Setup_debugFile string Setup_charMap integer Setup_allPlayers string Setup_team1 string Setup_team2 real Setup_recycleGraveyard_x real Setup_recycleGraveyard_y real Setup_menuStart_x real Setup_menuStart_y hashtable Setup_trackBlacklist trigger Setup_trackableTrackTrigger trigger Setup_trackableHitTrigger trigger Setup_trackableDoubleHitTrigger integer Setup_trackableMap integer Setup_menuHeight integer Setup_menuWidth real Setup_abilityLoadTime real Setup_abilityLoadTimeLevelBonus integer InstanceBoard_classes hashtable InstanceBoard_ht multiboard InstanceBoard_mb integer array InstanceBoard_count string array InstanceBoard_nameOfClass integer array TextTag_u texttag array TextTag_tt timer array TextTag_t real array TextTag_amount integer array TextTag_tType integer ShowInstances_classId string array Colors_hexs integer Colors_decs integer array Colors_playercolors integer array Colors_playercolors_2 integer array Colors_playercolors_3 integer array ShieldList_first integer array ShieldList_last real array ShieldList_shieldSum integer array Shield_prev integer array Shield_next integer array Shield_referingList timer array Shield_t real array Shield_amount integer array Shield_target integer array Shield_shieldDestroyed string HeroBar_hpColor string HeroBar_hpColorDead string HeroBar_shieldColor string HeroBar_mpColor string HeroBar_mpColorDead string HeroBar_endColor string HeroBar_marker string HeroBar_bar integer HeroBar_realBarCount integer HeroBar_fakeBarCount integer HeroBar_seperateAt timer Bar_updatePos timer Bar_updateVision integer array Bar_owner boolean array Bar_isVisible boolean array Bar_check string array Bar_hpFull integer array Bar_markerDistance texttag array Bar_tt integer LinkedListModule_first_2 integer LinkedListModule_last_2 integer LinkedListModule_size_2 integer array LinkedListModule_prev_2 integer array LinkedListModule_next_2 string array BarTest_hpFull real array BarTest_maxHp integer array BarTest_markerDistance integer array Queue_dummy integer array Queue_front integer array Queue_back integer array Queue_size integer array SEntry_elem integer array SEntry_next integer array SIterator_dummy integer array SIterator_current string Lightning_CHAIN_LIGHTNING_PRIMARY string Lightning_CHAIN_LIGHTNING_SECONDARY string Lightning_DRAIN string Lightning_DRAIN_LIFE string Lightning_DRAIN_MANA string Lightning_FINGER_OF_DEATH string Lightning_FORKED_LIGHTNING string Lightning_HEALING_WAVE_PRIMARY string Lightning_HEALING_WAVE_SECONDARY string Lightning_LIGHTNING_ATTACK string Lightning_MAGIC_LEASH string Lightning_MANA_BURN string Lightning_MANA_FLARE string Lightning_SPIRIT_LINK image array AreaMarker_img timer array AreaMarker_t hashtable HandleMap_ht integer CaptureAnimation_captureTimer rect MapBounds_mapRect real MapBounds_mapMinX real MapBounds_mapMinY real MapBounds_mapMaxX real MapBounds_mapMaxY real MapBounds_mapCenter_x real MapBounds_mapCenter_y timer GameTimer_gameTimer integer DummyRecycler_ANG_N integer DummyRecycler_ANG_STORAGE_MAX real DummyRecycler_DEATH_TIME integer DummyRecycler_ANG_VAL integer DummyRecycler_ANG_MID unit array DummyRecycler_stack integer array DummyRecycler_stackN real array DummyRecycler_timeStamp integer array DummyRecycler_queueNext integer array DummyRecycler_queueLast integer DummyRecycler_recycle group DummyRecycler_protect unit array DelayData_dum real array DelayData_dT integer LinkedListModule_first_3 integer LinkedListModule_last_3 integer LinkedListModule_size_3 integer array LinkedListModule_prev_3 integer array LinkedListModule_next_3 unit array Fx_dummy effect array Fx_fx real array Fx_zAngle string array Fx_sfxPath integer array Fx_col integer array Fx_col_2 integer array Fx_col_3 integer array Fx_col_4 integer TimedEffect_effectData real ControlPoint_range real ControlPoint_captureRange integer ControlPoint_model integer ControlPoint_morphAbi real ControlPoint_height real ControlPoint_baseDmg real ControlPoint_dmgPerLvl real ControlPoint_percentualDmg real ControlPoint_heroDmgFactor real ControlPoint_unitDmgFactor real ControlPoint_creepDmg real ControlPoint_captureSpeedPoint real ControlPoint_captureSpeedHero real ControlPoint_baseSHeal real ControlPoint_heroSHealFactor real ControlPoint_unitSHealFactor integer array this_3 integer array h real array ControlPoint_pos real array ControlPoint_pos_2 real array ControlPoint_pos_3 unit array ControlPoint_clickDummy unit array ControlPoint_visualDummy group array ControlPoint_inRange integer array ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup integer array ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup integer array ControlPoint_enemysInGroup integer array ControlPoint_allysInGroup player array ControlPoint_owner timer array ControlPoint_t1 timer array ControlPoint_t2 real array ControlPoint_hp lightning array CaptureData_l1 lightning array CaptureData_l2 real array CaptureData_blitzPos boolean array CaptureData_captures integer array CaptureData_onDeath integer array CaptureData_target integer array CaptureData_fx integer array CaptureData_armor integer array CaptureData_attack integer array CaptureData_life integer array CaptureData_mana integer array CaptureData_spellpower integer array CaptureData_resistance integer OrderHandling_smartId integer OrderHandling_stopId integer OrderHandling_attackId integer OrderHandling_scoreboardId integer OrderHandling_exitDetectId integer OrderHandling_skillMenuId integer OrderHandling_stopSpell integer OrderHandling_attackSpell integer OrderHandling_scoreboardSpell integer OrderHandling_exitDetectSpell integer OrderHandling_qSpellNoTarget integer OrderHandling_qSpellUnitTarget integer OrderHandling_qSpellPointTarget integer OrderHandling_qSpellUnitPointTarget integer OrderHandling_wSpellNoTarget integer OrderHandling_wSpellUnitTarget integer OrderHandling_wSpellPointTarget integer OrderHandling_wSpellUnitPointTarget integer OrderHandling_eSpellNoTarget integer OrderHandling_eSpellUnitTarget integer OrderHandling_eSpellPointTarget integer OrderHandling_eSpellUnitPointTarget integer OrderHandling_rSpellNoTarget integer OrderHandling_rSpellUnitTarget integer OrderHandling_rSpellPointTarget integer OrderHandling_rSpellUnitPointTarget integer OrderHandling_dSpellNoTarget integer OrderHandling_dSpellUnitTarget integer OrderHandling_dSpellPointTarget integer OrderHandling_dSpellUnitPointTarget integer OrderHandling_fSpellNoTarget integer OrderHandling_fpellUnitTarget integer OrderHandling_fSpellPointTarget integer OrderHandling_fSpellUnitPointTarget integer array Order_orderId integer ShowInstances_classId_2 integer MoveOrder_moveOrderId real array MoveOrder_pos real array MoveOrder_pos_2 real array MoveOrder_lastPos real array MoveOrder_lastPos_2 integer AttackOrder_atkOrderId unit array AttackOrder_target integer array CaptureOrder_cp hashtable PrimitiveIndexes_ht integer array ObjId_id1 integer array ObjId_id2 integer array ObjId_id3 integer array ObjId_id4 unit PreloadHandler_dum integer Spell_qSpellId integer Spell_wSpellId integer Spell_eSpellId integer Spell_rSpellId integer Spell_dSpellId integer Spell_fSpellId integer array SpellSetup_sp integer array SpellSetup_spell integer array SpellSetup_spellbook integer array SpellSetup_maxLvl integer array SpellSetup_castDummy integer array SpellSetup_pointCost integer Spell_cleanSpellbook unit array Spellcast_target real array Spellcast_pos real array Spellcast_pos_2 integer array Spellcast_spell integer array Spell_spell integer array Spell_spellbook integer array Spell_castDummy integer array Spell_maxLvl integer array Spell_lvl integer array Spell_pointCost integer array Spell_st integer array Spell_owner integer array Cooldown_cdIcon integer Cooldown_count integer Cooldown_lastAbi integer array EventData_someData1 real array EventData_someData2 boolean array EventData_someData3 integer HeroClass_heroCount integer array this_4 real array amount integer array this_5 real array amount_2 integer array this_6 real array amount_3 integer array this_7 real array amount_4 integer array this_8 real array amount_5 integer array this_9 real array amount_6 integer array this_10 real array amount_7 integer array this_11 real array amount_8 integer array this_12 real array amount_9 integer array this_13 real array amount_10 integer array this_14 real array amount_11 integer array this_15 real array amount_12 integer array this_16 real array amount_13 integer array this_17 real array amount_14 integer array this_18 real array amount_15 integer array this_19 real array amount_16 integer array this_20 real array amount_17 integer array this_21 real array amount_18 integer array this_22 real array amount_19 integer array this_23 real array amount_20 integer array this_24 real array amount_21 integer array this_25 real array amount_22 integer array this_26 real array amount_23 integer array this_27 real array amount_24 integer array this_28 real array amount_25 integer array this_29 real array amount_26 integer array this_30 real array amount_27 integer array this_31 real array amount_28 integer array this_32 real array amount_29 integer array this_33 real array amount_30 integer array this_34 real array amount_31 integer array this_35 real array amount_32 integer array this_36 real array amount_33 integer array this_37 real array amount_34 integer array this_38 real array amount_35 integer array this_39 real array amount_36 integer array this_40 real array amount_37 integer array this_41 real array amount_38 real Unit_bounceFactor real Unit_knockbackFactor real Unit_basicAttackspeed unit array Unit_u real array Unit_attack real array Unit_bonusAttack real array Unit_bonusAttackPer real array Unit_armor real array Unit_bonusArmor real array Unit_bonusArmorPer real array Unit_life real array Unit_bonusLife real array Unit_bonusLifePer real array Unit_mana real array Unit_bonusMana real array Unit_bonusManaPer real array Unit_lifeReg real array Unit_bonusLifeReg real array Unit_bonusLifeRegPer real array Unit_manaReg real array Unit_bonusManaReg real array Unit_bonusManaRegPer real array Unit_bonusAttackspeed real array Unit_spellpower real array Unit_spellpowerPer real array Unit_movespeed real array Unit_bonusMovespeed real array Unit_bonusMovespeedPer real array Unit_magicReduction real array Unit_normalReduction real array Unit_resistance real array Unit_bonusResistance real array Unit_bonusResistancePer real array Unit_hitchance real array Unit_evade real array Unit_critchance real array Unit_critdamage real array Unit_bonusDamage real array Unit_magicDeflection real array Unit_normalDeflection real array Unit_lifesteal real array Unit_bonusHeal integer array Unit_vunerableCount boolean array Unit_vunerable integer array Unit_shieldList integer array Unit_lastDamager integer array Unit_lastHeroDamager real array Unit_mass real array Unit_bonusMass real array Unit_bonusMassPer real array Unit_knockX real array Unit_knockY real array Unit_radius real array Unit_height integer array Unit_lastKnocker integer array Unit_lastCollision real array Unit_wallLocX real array Unit_wallLocY boolean array Unit_hasKnockback boolean array Unit_isHero boolean array Unit_isDead integer array Unit_level integer array Unit_bounty integer array Unit_ownerId player array Unit_owner integer array Unit_stun integer array Unit_damageTT integer array Unit_healTT integer array Unit_dotTT integer array Unit_percentDamage integer array Unit_allDots integer array Unit_allBuffs integer array Unit_causeNormalDamagePre integer array Unit_causeNormalDamageOn integer array Unit_takeNormalDamagePre integer array Unit_takeNormalDamageOn integer array Unit_causeMagicDamagePre integer array Unit_causeMagicDamageOn integer array Unit_takeMagicDamagePre integer array Unit_takeMagicDamageOn integer array Unit_takeHitPre integer array Unit_takeHitOn integer array Unit_causeHitPre integer array Unit_causeHitOn integer array Unit_takeCritHitOn integer array Unit_causeCritHitOn integer array Unit_onDodge integer array Unit_onMiss integer array Unit_onDeath integer array Unit_causeDeath integer array Unit_takeSpell integer array Unit_causeSpell integer array Unit_takeHeal integer array Unit_causeHeal integer array Unit_takeManaHeal integer array Unit_causeManaHeal integer array Unit_ct integer array Unit_onCapture trigger Unit_damageDetect integer ShowInstances_classId_3 integer array this_42 trigger Hero_castDetect integer Hero_abiIdToSpell timer Hero_checkOrders real array Hero_agi real array Hero_bonusAgi real array Hero_bonusAgiPer real array Hero_str real array Hero_bonusStr real array Hero_bonusStrPer real array Hero_inte real array Hero_bonusInt real array Hero_bonusIntPer integer array Hero_armorBuffer integer array Hero_attackBuffer integer array Hero_morphAbi boolean array Hero_onAdd boolean array Hero_wantCapture integer array Hero_channelCancel integer array Hero_animationIndex boolean array Hero_hasPeriodicAnimation real array Hero_animationIntervall real array Hero_animationSpeed real array Hero_captureOffsetZ real array Hero_captureOffsetDistance string array Hero_captureEffect string array Hero_captureEffectAttachmentPoint effect array Hero_currentEffect real array Hero_captureOffsetAngle integer array Hero_hb integer array Hero_enableAbility boolean array Hero_acceptOrders boolean array Hero_stillNoOrder integer array Hero_mainOrder integer array Hero_lastOrdered integer array Hero_castQueue integer array Hero_spellQ integer array Hero_spellW integer array Hero_spellE integer array Hero_spellR integer array Hero_spellD integer array Hero_spellF trigger GetOrders_orderDetect integer LinkedListModule_first_4 integer LinkedListModule_last_4 integer LinkedListModule_size_4 integer array LinkedListModule_prev_4 integer array LinkedListModule_next_4 integer array Stun_u timer array Stun_t integer UnitClass_knocklist integer UnitClass_last item UnitClass_tome unit UnitClass_tempCheck integer array PreDamageData_source integer array PreDamageData_target integer array PreDamageData_tempBons integer array PreDamageEvent_target integer array OnDamageData_source integer array OnDamageData_target real array OnDamageData_damage boolean array OnDamageData_stop integer array OnDamageEvent_target integer array SpellData_source integer array SpellData_target boolean array SpellData_spellSuccess integer array SpellEvent_target integer array Units_source integer array Units_target integer array CaptureEventData_u integer array CaptureEventData_cp hashtable array HTable_ht integer PlayerClass_lastp real PlayerClass_camDistance real PlayerClass_camAngle real PlayerClass_camWidth real PlayerClass_camHeightLow real PlayerClass_camHeightHigh integer PlayerClass_playerData player array Player_p integer array Player_h string array Player_team integer array Player_kills integer array Player_assists integer array Player_death boolean array Player_selectionOn timer array Player_camSet real array Player_sightfield real array Player_perspektiv integer Trackable_trackData real Trackable_doubleHitSpeed trigger Trackable_doubleHitDetect trackable Trackable_triggeringTrackable real array Trackable_pos real array Trackable_pos_2 player array Trackable_owner string array Trackable_filePath trigger array Trackable_doubleHit boolean array Trackable_wasHit timer array Trackable_doubleHitTimer real Icon_animationSpeedHover destructable array Icon_d integer array Icon_canSee integer array Icon_needToSee integer array Icon_objId real array Icon_scale real array Icon_realPos real array Icon_realPos_2 real array Icon_localPos real array Icon_localPos_2 integer Menu_clickingPlayer integer Menu_clickedButton integer Menu_buttons integer Menu_index integer array Button_e1 integer array Button_e1_2 integer array Button_e2 integer array Button_e2_2 image array Button_img integer array Button_referingMenu trigger array Button_onHitAction trigger array Button_onDoubleHitAction trigger array Button_onTrackAction trigger array Button_onUnTrackAction integer array Button_ob integer TrackableEventHandler_trackableTrackAction integer TrackableEventHandler_trackableHitAction integer TrackableEventHandler_trackableDoubleHitAction integer array TrackableEventHandler_currentMenuOfPlayer integer array TrackableEventHandler_currentButtonOfPlayer integer TextTagEx_standardColor_red integer TextTagEx_standardColor_green integer TextTagEx_standardColor_blue integer TextTagEx_standardColor_alpha real TextTagEx_resizeRateConstant integer TextTagEx_fadeTicks integer TextTagEx_resizeTicks integer TextTagEx_timerOwner integer TextTagEx_tick texttag array TextTagEx_tt string array TextTagEx_content real array TextTagEx_pos real array TextTagEx_pos_2 real array TextTagEx_pos_3 real Image_resizeRateConstant integer Image_fadeTicks integer Image_resizeTicks integer Image_timerOwner integer Image_tick image array Image_img string array Image_filePath real array Image_pos real array Image_pos_2 real array Image_realPos real array Image_realPos_2 real array Image_size real array Image_size_2 real array Image_realSize real array Image_realSize_2 real array Image_resizeRate real array Image_resizeRate_2 integer array Image_layer integer array Image_col integer array Image_col_2 integer array Image_col_3 integer array Image_col_4 real TextHelper_charLengthFactor string array TextBox_boxPath real array TextBox_maxSpace integer array TextBox_content integer array Text_textBlocks real array Text_textLength integer array TextBlock_words real array TextBlock_wordLength integer array TextBlock_col integer array TextBlock_col_2 integer array TextBlock_col_3 integer array TextBlock_textSize string array Word_w real array Word_length boolean array Word_hasColor integer array Word_col integer array Word_col_2 integer array Word_col_3 integer Word_allWords integer ShowInstances_classId_4 integer SamplePointSpellSetup_setup real SamplePointSpellSetup_sampleVar integer array SamplePointSpell_setupData timer array SamplePointSpell_t integer TestSpell1Setup_setup integer TestSpell1_animationType integer array TestSpell1_setup integer array TestSpell1_caster timer array TestSpell1_t real RunningMazeChecker_tileWidth rect array MazeChecker_checkArea real array MazeChecker_start real array MazeChecker_start_2 real array MazeChecker_goal real array MazeChecker_goal_2 unit array RockThrow_dummy unit array RockThrow_u real array RockThrow_dist real array RockThrow_range real array RockThrow_speed real array RockThrow_distd real array RockThrow_x real array RockThrow_y real array RockThrow_z real array RockThrow_grav real array RockThrow_currentZ real array RockThrow_ang real array RockThrow_damage integer array RockThrow_i integer array RockThrow_c integer array RockThrow_level timer array RockThrow_t group array RockThrow_g effect array RockThrow_e integer RTable_tableSize hashtable array RTable_ht integer array RTable_indexPos timer array Pull2_t unit array Pull2_u unit array Pull2_ut lightning array Pull2_l integer array Pull2_i integer array Pull2_imax integer array Pull2_uut timer array Missle_t integer array Missle_fx real array Missle_radius real array Missle_vel real array Missle_vel_2 integer array Missle_dl integer array Missle_atHit integer array Missle_atEnd integer array Missle_source boolexpr array Missle_filter integer array Item_itemID string array Item_name string array Item_toolTipN string array Item_toolTipE integer array Item_cost integer array Item_sellcost real array Item_life real array Item_mana real array Item_armor integer array Item_attack integer array Item_movespeed real array Item_lifereg real array Item_manareg real array Item_lifeper real array Item_manaper real array Item_armorper real array Item_attackper real array Item_movespeedper real array Item_attackspeed real array Item_liferegper real array Item_manaregper integer array Item_intel integer array Item_str integer array Item_agi real array Item_intelper real array Item_strper real array Item_agiper real array Item_crit real array Item_evade real array Item_hitdmg real array Item_critdmg real array Item_block real array Item_blockdmg group array Item_group1 group array Item_group2 group array Item_group3 group array Item_group4 group array Item_group5 ability array Item_spell1 ability array Item_spell2 ability array Item_spell3 ability array Item_spell4 ability array Item_spell5 integer array Item_need1 integer array Item_need2 integer array Item_need3 integer array Item_need4 integer array Item_need5 integer array Item_upg1 integer array Item_upg2 integer array Item_upg3 integer array Item_upg4 integer array Item_upg5 integer array Item_upg6 integer array Item_upg7 integer array Item_upg8 integer array Item_upg9 integer array Item_upg10 string HandleCounter_TITLE leaderboard HandleCounter_board timer HandleCounter_boardTimer player HandleCounter_HANDLE string HandleCounter_HANDLE_TEXT player HandleCounter_MAX_HANDLE string HandleCounter_MAX_HANDLE_TEXT string HandleCounter_TIME_TEXT player HandleCounter_TIME real HandleCounter_updatePeriod integer HandleCounter_stackEndTreshold timer HandleCounter_clock integer HandleCounter_seconds integer HandleCounter_maxHandleCount rect array Aura_r real array Aura_radius integer array Aura_buffId boolexpr array Aura_filter integer array Aura_u timer array Aura_t group array Aura_g integer array Aura_enter integer array Aura_leave integer CustomBar_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND integer CustomBar_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND integer CustomBar_MAX_GRADIENTS force CustomBar_tempForce integer array CustomBar_bars integer CustomBar_count timer CustomBar_animationTimer texttag array CustomBar_t integer array CustomBar_bg_color integer array CustomBar_bg_color_2 integer array CustomBar_bg_color_3 integer array CustomBar_bg_color_4 integer array CustomBar_fg_color integer array CustomBar_fg_color_2 integer array CustomBar_fg_color_3 integer array CustomBar_fg_color_4 real array CustomBar_position real array CustomBar_position_2 real array CustomBar_position_3 string array CustomBar_txt real array CustomBar_textsize integer array CustomBar_lockindex boolean array CustomBar_locked unit array CustomBar_u real array CustomBar_xOffset real array CustomBar_yOffset force array CustomBar_disp real array CustomBar_value integer array CustomBar_NUM_CHARS string array CustomBar_char string array CustomBar_ptext integer array Stack_dummy integer array Stack_top integer array Stack_size integer array SEntry_elem_2 integer array SEntry_prev integer array SIterator_dummy_2 integer array SIterator_current_2 trigger GameStart_testt integer GameStart_lastBon real GameStart_hp integer GameStart_testc integer GameStart_testi real GameStart_ttSize real GameStart_testr string GameStart_tests integer GameStart_testSpell string GameStart_testChar texttag GameStart_testTag unit GameStart_testu group GameStart_testg integer GameStart_progress integer GameStart_recursionCounter destructable GameStart_testd integer GameStart_callLimit integer GameStart_testImg integer GameStart_tList integer GameStart_lList real Preload_maxProgress real Preload_progress integer Preload_preloadStatus integer Preload_preloadEnd boolean Preload_showProgress integer Preload_trackCounter trigger Preload_trackTrig integer Preload_trackPos_i1 integer Preload_trackPos_i2 unit Preload_preloadDummy integer Preload_abiCounter integer Preload_itemCounter integer array ForceIterator_pos integer array ForceIterator_stop integer ForceIterator_tempThis integer ForceIterator_tempIndex player array ForceIterator_players player array ForceIterator_tempPlayers integer OnCast_casts integer array OnCast_abiCode integer OnPointCast_casts integer array OnPointCast_abiCode integer OnUnitCast_casts integer array OnUnitCast_abiCode integer array A_otherA string array Char_c integer array LinkedList_nextFree integer LinkedList_firstFree integer LinkedList_lastFree integer LinkedList_maxIndex integer array LinkedList_typeId integer array LLEntry_nextFree integer LLEntry_firstFree integer LLEntry_lastFree integer LLEntry_maxIndex integer array LLEntry_typeId integer array LLIterator_nextFree integer LLIterator_firstFree integer LLIterator_lastFree integer LLIterator_maxIndex integer array LLIterator_typeId integer array Table_nextFree integer Table_firstFree integer Table_lastFree integer Table_maxIndex integer array Table_typeId integer array StringIterator_nextFree integer StringIterator_firstFree integer StringIterator_lastFree integer StringIterator_maxIndex integer array StringIterator_typeId integer array StringLines_nextFree integer StringLines_firstFree integer StringLines_lastFree integer StringLines_maxIndex integer array StringLines_typeId integer array BigNum_l_nextFree integer BigNum_l_firstFree integer BigNum_l_lastFree integer BigNum_l_maxIndex integer array BigNum_l_typeId integer array BigNum_nextFree integer BigNum_firstFree integer BigNum_lastFree integer BigNum_maxIndex integer array BigNum_typeId integer array UnitIndex_nextFree integer UnitIndex_firstFree integer UnitIndex_lastFree integer UnitIndex_maxIndex integer array UnitIndex_typeId integer array Event_nextFree integer Event_firstFree integer Event_lastFree integer Event_maxIndex integer array Event_typeId integer array Action_nextFree integer Action_firstFree integer Action_lastFree integer Action_maxIndex integer array Action_typeId integer array TList_nextFree integer TList_firstFree integer TList_lastFree integer TList_maxIndex integer array TList_typeId integer array TIterator_nextFree integer TIterator_firstFree integer TIterator_lastFree integer TIterator_maxIndex integer array TIterator_typeId integer array Dot_nextFree integer Dot_firstFree integer Dot_lastFree integer Dot_maxIndex integer array Dot_typeId integer array Buff_nextFree integer Buff_firstFree integer Buff_lastFree integer Buff_maxIndex integer array Buff_typeId integer array AbilityDefinition_nextFree integer AbilityDefinition_firstFree integer AbilityDefinition_lastFree integer AbilityDefinition_maxIndex integer array AbilityDefinition_typeId integer array BuffDefinition_nextFree integer BuffDefinition_firstFree integer BuffDefinition_lastFree integer BuffDefinition_maxIndex integer array BuffDefinition_typeId integer array W3UDefinition_nextFree integer W3UDefinition_firstFree integer W3UDefinition_lastFree integer W3UDefinition_maxIndex integer array W3UDefinition_typeId integer array Table3D_nextFree integer Table3D_firstFree integer Table3D_lastFree integer Table3D_maxIndex integer array Table3D_typeId integer array Array_nextFree integer Array_firstFree integer Array_lastFree integer Array_maxIndex integer array Array_typeId integer array DebugFile_nextFree integer DebugFile_firstFree integer DebugFile_lastFree integer DebugFile_maxIndex integer array DebugFile_typeId integer array HashMap_nextFree integer HashMap_firstFree integer HashMap_lastFree integer HashMap_maxIndex integer array HashMap_typeId integer array CallbackSingle_nextFree integer CallbackSingle_firstFree integer CallbackSingle_lastFree integer CallbackSingle_maxIndex integer array CallbackSingle_typeId integer array CallbackPeriodic_nextFree integer CallbackPeriodic_firstFree integer CallbackPeriodic_lastFree integer CallbackPeriodic_maxIndex integer array CallbackPeriodic_typeId integer array CallbackCounted_nextFree integer CallbackCounted_firstFree integer CallbackCounted_lastFree integer CallbackCounted_maxIndex integer array CallbackCounted_typeId integer array Widget_nextFree integer Widget_firstFree integer Widget_lastFree integer Widget_maxIndex integer array Widget_typeId integer array TextTag_nextFree integer TextTag_firstFree integer TextTag_lastFree integer TextTag_maxIndex integer array TextTag_typeId integer array ShieldList_nextFree integer ShieldList_firstFree integer ShieldList_lastFree integer ShieldList_maxIndex integer array ShieldList_typeId integer array Shield_nextFree integer Shield_firstFree integer Shield_lastFree integer Shield_maxIndex integer array Shield_typeId integer array Bar_nextFree integer Bar_firstFree integer Bar_lastFree integer Bar_maxIndex integer array Bar_typeId integer array BarTest_nextFree integer BarTest_firstFree integer BarTest_lastFree integer BarTest_maxIndex integer array BarTest_typeId integer array Queue_nextFree integer Queue_firstFree integer Queue_lastFree integer Queue_maxIndex integer array Queue_typeId integer array SEntry_nextFree integer SEntry_firstFree integer SEntry_lastFree integer SEntry_maxIndex integer array SEntry_typeId integer array SIterator_nextFree integer SIterator_firstFree integer SIterator_lastFree integer SIterator_maxIndex integer array SIterator_typeId integer array AreaMarker_nextFree integer AreaMarker_firstFree integer AreaMarker_lastFree integer AreaMarker_maxIndex integer array AreaMarker_typeId integer array HandleMap_nextFree integer HandleMap_firstFree integer HandleMap_lastFree integer HandleMap_maxIndex integer array HandleMap_typeId integer array DelayData_nextFree integer DelayData_firstFree integer DelayData_lastFree integer DelayData_maxIndex integer array DelayData_typeId integer array Fx_nextFree integer Fx_firstFree integer Fx_lastFree integer Fx_maxIndex integer array Fx_typeId integer array ControlPoint_nextFree integer ControlPoint_firstFree integer ControlPoint_lastFree integer ControlPoint_maxIndex integer array ControlPoint_typeId integer array CaptureData_nextFree integer CaptureData_firstFree integer CaptureData_lastFree integer CaptureData_maxIndex integer array CaptureData_typeId integer array Order_nextFree integer Order_firstFree integer Order_lastFree integer Order_maxIndex integer array Order_typeId integer array ObjId_nextFree integer ObjId_firstFree integer ObjId_lastFree integer ObjId_maxIndex integer array ObjId_typeId integer array SpellSetup_nextFree integer SpellSetup_firstFree integer SpellSetup_lastFree integer SpellSetup_maxIndex integer array SpellSetup_typeId integer array Spellcast_nextFree integer Spellcast_firstFree integer Spellcast_lastFree integer Spellcast_maxIndex integer array Spellcast_typeId integer array Spell_nextFree integer Spell_firstFree integer Spell_lastFree integer Spell_maxIndex integer array Spell_typeId integer array EventData_nextFree integer EventData_firstFree integer EventData_lastFree integer EventData_maxIndex integer array EventData_typeId integer array EventAction_nextFree integer EventAction_firstFree integer EventAction_lastFree integer EventAction_maxIndex integer array EventAction_typeId integer array Unit_nextFree integer Unit_firstFree integer Unit_lastFree integer Unit_maxIndex integer array Unit_typeId integer array Bonus_nextFree integer Bonus_firstFree integer Bonus_lastFree integer Bonus_maxIndex integer array Bonus_typeId integer array Stun_nextFree integer Stun_firstFree integer Stun_lastFree integer Stun_maxIndex integer array Stun_typeId integer array PreDamageData_nextFree integer PreDamageData_firstFree integer PreDamageData_lastFree integer PreDamageData_maxIndex integer array PreDamageData_typeId integer array OnDamageData_nextFree integer OnDamageData_firstFree integer OnDamageData_lastFree integer OnDamageData_maxIndex integer array OnDamageData_typeId integer array SpellData_nextFree integer SpellData_firstFree integer SpellData_lastFree integer SpellData_maxIndex integer array SpellData_typeId integer array Units_nextFree integer Units_firstFree integer Units_lastFree integer Units_maxIndex integer array Units_typeId integer array CaptureEventData_nextFree integer CaptureEventData_firstFree integer CaptureEventData_lastFree integer CaptureEventData_maxIndex integer array CaptureEventData_typeId integer array HTable_nextFree integer HTable_firstFree integer HTable_lastFree integer HTable_maxIndex integer array HTable_typeId integer array Player_nextFree integer Player_firstFree integer Player_lastFree integer Player_maxIndex integer array Player_typeId integer array Trackable_nextFree integer Trackable_firstFree integer Trackable_lastFree integer Trackable_maxIndex integer array Trackable_typeId integer array MenuIndexer_nextFree integer MenuIndexer_firstFree integer MenuIndexer_lastFree integer MenuIndexer_maxIndex integer array MenuIndexer_typeId integer array Menu_nextFree integer Menu_firstFree integer Menu_lastFree integer Menu_maxIndex integer array Menu_typeId integer array TextTagEx_nextFree integer TextTagEx_firstFree integer TextTagEx_lastFree integer TextTagEx_maxIndex integer array TextTagEx_typeId integer array Text_nextFree integer Text_firstFree integer Text_lastFree integer Text_maxIndex integer array Text_typeId integer array TextBlock_nextFree integer TextBlock_firstFree integer TextBlock_lastFree integer TextBlock_maxIndex integer array TextBlock_typeId integer array Word_nextFree integer Word_firstFree integer Word_lastFree integer Word_maxIndex integer array Word_typeId integer array SamplePointSpell_nextFree integer SamplePointSpell_firstFree integer SamplePointSpell_lastFree integer SamplePointSpell_maxIndex integer array SamplePointSpell_typeId integer array TestSpell1_nextFree integer TestSpell1_firstFree integer TestSpell1_lastFree integer TestSpell1_maxIndex integer array TestSpell1_typeId integer array MazeChecker_nextFree integer MazeChecker_firstFree integer MazeChecker_lastFree integer MazeChecker_maxIndex integer array MazeChecker_typeId integer array RockThrow_nextFree integer RockThrow_firstFree integer RockThrow_lastFree integer RockThrow_maxIndex integer array RockThrow_typeId integer array RTable_nextFree integer RTable_firstFree integer RTable_lastFree integer RTable_maxIndex integer array RTable_typeId integer array Pull2_nextFree integer Pull2_firstFree integer Pull2_lastFree integer Pull2_maxIndex integer array Pull2_typeId integer array Missle_nextFree integer Missle_firstFree integer Missle_lastFree integer Missle_maxIndex integer array Missle_typeId integer array Item_nextFree integer Item_firstFree integer Item_lastFree integer Item_maxIndex integer array Item_typeId integer array Aura_nextFree integer Aura_firstFree integer Aura_lastFree integer Aura_maxIndex integer array Aura_typeId integer array CustomBar_nextFree integer CustomBar_firstFree integer CustomBar_lastFree integer CustomBar_maxIndex integer array CustomBar_typeId integer array Stack_nextFree integer Stack_firstFree integer Stack_lastFree integer Stack_maxIndex integer array Stack_typeId integer array SEntry_nextFree_2 integer SEntry_firstFree_2 integer SEntry_lastFree_2 integer SEntry_maxIndex_2 integer array SEntry_typeId_2 integer array SIterator_nextFree_2 integer SIterator_firstFree_2 integer SIterator_lastFree_2 integer SIterator_maxIndex_2 integer array SIterator_typeId_2 integer array Preload_nextFree integer Preload_firstFree integer Preload_lastFree integer Preload_maxIndex integer array Preload_typeId integer array ForceIterator_nextFree integer ForceIterator_firstFree integer ForceIterator_lastFree integer ForceIterator_maxIndex integer array ForceIterator_typeId integer array OnCast_nextFree integer OnCast_firstFree integer OnCast_lastFree integer OnCast_maxIndex integer array OnCast_typeId integer array OnPointCast_nextFree integer OnPointCast_firstFree integer OnPointCast_lastFree integer OnPointCast_maxIndex integer array OnPointCast_typeId integer array OnUnitCast_nextFree integer OnUnitCast_firstFree integer OnUnitCast_lastFree integer OnUnitCast_maxIndex integer array OnUnitCast_typeId integer array A_nextFree integer A_firstFree integer A_lastFree integer A_maxIndex integer array A_typeId integer array Char_nextFree integer Char_firstFree integer Char_lastFree integer Char_maxIndex integer array Char_typeId real vec3_rotate_return_x real vec3_rotate_return_y real vec3_rotate_return_z real angle_toVec_return_x real angle_toVec_return_y real vec3_op_plus_return_x real vec3_op_plus_return_y real vec3_op_plus_return_z real vec2_op_plus_return_x real vec2_op_plus_return_y real vec2_polarOffset_return_x real vec2_polarOffset_return_y real vec2_setLength_return_x real vec2_setLength_return_y real vec2_op_mult_return_x real vec2_op_mult_return_y real vec2_toVec3_return_x real vec2_toVec3_return_y real vec2_toVec3_return_z real vec3_project_return_x real vec3_project_return_y real vec3_project_return_z real vec3_toVec2_return_x real vec3_toVec2_return_y real unit_getPos_return_x real unit_getPos_return_y integer fromPlayerColor_return_red integer fromPlayerColor_return_green integer fromPlayerColor_return_blue real vec2_withZ_return_x real vec2_withZ_return_y real vec2_withZ_return_z real dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_x real dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_y real dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_z integer colorA_toLightningColor_return_red integer colorA_toLightningColor_return_green integer colorA_toLightningColor_return_blue integer colorA_toLightningColor_return_alpha integer color_toLightningColor_return_red integer color_toLightningColor_return_green integer color_toLightningColor_return_blue real dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_x real dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_y real dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_z real dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_x real dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_y real dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_z real vec3_op_mult_return_x real vec3_op_mult_return_y real vec3_op_mult_return_z real vec3_op_plus_return_x_2 real vec3_op_plus_return_y_2 real vec3_op_plus_return_z_2 real getPathingNormal_return_x real getPathingNormal_return_y real getBounceVec_return_x real getBounceVec_return_y real vec2_op_minus_return_x real vec2_op_minus_return_y real vec2_toTile_return_x real vec2_toTile_return_y real dispatch_Fx_getPos2_return_x real dispatch_Fx_getPos2_return_y integer makeColor_return_red integer makeColor_return_green integer makeColor_return_blue integer makeColor_return_alpha integer cBonData_return_raw integer cBonData_return_size real Fx_getPos2_return_x real Fx_getPos2_return_y real Unit_getMiddle_return_x real Unit_getMiddle_return_y real Unit_getMiddle_return_z real Hero_getBarPos_return_x real Hero_getBarPos_return_y real Hero_getBarPos_return_z real Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_x real Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_y real Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_z real Missle_getPos_return_x real Missle_getPos_return_y real angle_direction_return_x real angle_direction_return_y real vec3_setLength_return_x real vec3_setLength_return_y real vec3_setLength_return_z real vec3_op_minus_return_x real vec3_op_minus_return_y real vec3_op_minus_return_z real vec3_op_minus_return_x_2 real vec3_op_minus_return_y_2 real vec3_op_minus_return_z_2 real vec3_addReals_return_x real vec3_addReals_return_y real vec3_addReals_return_z real vec3_scaleXY_return_x real vec3_scaleXY_return_y real vec3_scaleXY_return_z real vec3_cross_return_x real vec3_cross_return_y real vec3_cross_return_z real vec3_norm_return_x real vec3_norm_return_y real vec3_norm_return_z real vec3_trim_return_x real vec3_trim_return_y real vec3_trim_return_z real vec3_rotate_return_x_2 real vec3_rotate_return_y_2 real vec3_rotate_return_z_2 real vec3_offset2d_return_x real vec3_offset2d_return_y real vec3_offset2d_return_z real vec3_polarProject_return_x real vec3_polarProject_return_y real vec3_polarProject_return_z real vec2_addReals_return_x real vec2_addReals_return_y real vec2_norm_return_x real vec2_norm_return_y real vec2_trim_return_x real vec2_trim_return_y real vec2_isInRange_return_v_x real vec2_isInRange_return_v_y real vec2_isInRange_return_range real unit_getPos3fake_return_x real unit_getPos3fake_return_y real unit_getPos3fake_return_z real rect_getCenter_return_x real rect_getCenter_return_y real rect_getLeftTop_return_x real rect_getLeftTop_return_y real rect_getRightTop_return_x real rect_getRightTop_return_y real rect_getLeftBot_return_x real rect_getLeftBot_return_y real rect_getRightBot_return_x real rect_getRightBot_return_y real linear_return_x real linear_return_y real bezier_3_return_x real bezier_3_return_y real getTerrainNormal_return_x real getTerrainNormal_return_y real getTerrainNormal_return_z integer color_withAlpha_return_red integer color_withAlpha_return_green integer color_withAlpha_return_blue integer color_withAlpha_return_alpha integer fromHexString_return_red integer fromHexString_return_green integer fromHexString_return_blue integer fromHexString_return_alpha integer fromPlayer_return_red integer fromPlayer_return_green integer fromPlayer_return_blue integer colorA_mix_return_red integer colorA_mix_return_green integer colorA_mix_return_blue integer colorA_mix_return_alpha real randomPointOnMap_return_x real randomPointOnMap_return_y real tile_nextX_return_x real tile_nextX_return_y real tile_nextY_return_x real tile_nextY_return_y real tile_prevX_return_x real tile_prevX_return_y real tile_prevY_return_x real tile_prevY_return_y real dispatch_Missle_getPos_return_x real dispatch_Missle_getPos_return_y unit group_nexttempReturn texttag createTTExtempReturn texttag createTTExtempReturn_2 texttag createTTExtempReturn_3 texttag createTTExtempReturn_4 image createImagetempReturn image createImagetempReturn_2 trackable createTrackableForPlayertempReturn player ForceIterator_nexttempReturn player dispatch_Table_loadPlayertempReturn widget dispatch_Table_loadWidgettempReturn unit dispatch_Table_loadUnittempReturn destructable dispatch_Table_loadDestructabletempReturn item dispatch_Table_loadItemtempReturn ability dispatch_Table_loadAbilitytempReturn force dispatch_Table_loadForcetempReturn group dispatch_Table_loadGrouptempReturn trigger dispatch_Table_loadTriggertempReturn timer dispatch_Table_loadTimertempReturn location dispatch_Table_loadLocationtempReturn region dispatch_Table_loadRegiontempReturn rect dispatch_Table_loadRecttempReturn sound dispatch_Table_loadSoundtempReturn effect dispatch_Table_loadEffecttempReturn fogstate dispatch_Table_loadFogStatetempReturn dialog dispatch_Table_loadDialogtempReturn button dispatch_Table_loadButtontempReturn quest dispatch_Table_loadQuesttempReturn leaderboard dispatch_Table_loadLeaderboardtempReturn multiboard dispatch_Table_loadMultiboardtempReturn trackable dispatch_Table_loadTrackabletempReturn lightning dispatch_Table_loadLightningtempReturn image dispatch_Table_loadImagetempReturn ubersplat dispatch_Table_loadUbersplattempReturn trackable dispatch_Table3D_gettempReturn player dispatch_Fx_getOwnertempReturn unit dispatch_Fx_getDummytempReturn player dispatch_ForceIterator_nexttempReturn code ref_function_IssueHauntOrderAtLocBJFilter code ref_function_EnumDestructablesInCircleBJFilter code ref_function_GetUnitsInRectOfPlayerFilter code ref_function_GetUnitsOfTypeIdAllFilter code ref_function_GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeIdFilter code ref_function_MeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJFilter code ref_function_LivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeIdFilter code ref_function_QueuedTriggerDoneBJ code ref_function_SetDNCSoundsDawn code ref_function_SetDNCSoundsDusk code ref_function_SetDNCSoundsDay code ref_function_SetDNCSoundsNight code ref_function_StartStockUpdates code ref_function_RemovePurchasedItem code ref_function_MarkGameStarted code ref_function_PerformStockUpdates code ref_function_UpdateEachStockBuildingEnum code ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecay code ref_function_MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishSoon code ref_function_MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishNow code ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionConstructCancel code ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionUnitDeath code ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionUnitConstructionStart code ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionPlayerDefeated code ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionPlayerLeft code ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionAllianceChange code ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionPlayerLeft_2 code ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionAllianceChange_2 code ref_function_MeleeDoDrawEnum code ref_function_MeleeDoDefeatEnum code ref_function_MeleeDoVictoryEnum code ref_function_MeleeDoDefeatEnum_2 code ref_function_MeleeDoVictoryEnum_2 code ref_function_MeleeCrippledPlayerTimeout code ref_function_MeleeEnumFindNearestMine code ref_function_MeleeClearExcessUnit code ref_function_MeleeGrantItemsToTrainedHero code ref_function_MeleeGrantItemsToHiredHero code ref_function_SetPlayerColorBJEnum code ref_function_TriggerActionUnitRescuedBJ code ref_function_MakeUnitRescuableToForceBJEnum code ref_function_FinishCinematicFadeBJ code ref_function_ContinueCinematicFadeBJ code ref_function_SetCineModeVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ code ref_function_CancelCineSceneBJ code ref_function_CustomDefeatRestartBJ code ref_function_CustomDefeatReduceDifficultyBJ code ref_function_CustomDefeatLoadBJ code ref_function_CustomDefeatQuitBJ code ref_function_CustomVictoryOkBJ code ref_function_CustomVictoryQuitBJ code ref_function_MakeUnitsPassiveForPlayerEnum code ref_function_CountUnitsInGroupEnum code ref_function_GetRandomSubGroupEnum code ref_function_CountPlayersInForceEnum code ref_function_GroupAddGroupEnum code ref_function_ForcePickRandomPlayerEnum code ref_function_GroupPickRandomUnitEnum code ref_function_GroupRemoveGroupEnum code ref_function_NearbyElevatorExistsEnum code ref_function_FindElevatorWallBlockerEnum code ref_function_NudgeUnitsInRectEnum code ref_function_NudgeItemsInRectEnum code ref_function_RandomDestructableInRectBJEnum code ref_function_PauseAllUnitsBJEnum code ref_function_WakePlayerUnitsEnum code ref_function_IsUnitGroupInRectBJEnum code ref_function_IsUnitGroupEmptyBJEnum code ref_function_IsUnitGroupDeadBJEnum code ref_function_SelectGroupBJEnum code ref_function_SelectGroupBJEnum_2 code ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum code ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum_2 code ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayFleshEnum code ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayBoneEnum code ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum_3 code ref_function_GetLastCreatedGroupEnum code ref_function_RandomItemInRectBJEnum code ref_function_VolumeGroupResetImmediateBJ code ref_function_SetSpeechVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ code ref_function_RegisterDestDeathInRegionEnum code ref_function_Trig_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003_Actions code ref_function_GroupAddGroupEnum_2 code ref_function_resetCam code ref_function_resetCam_2 code ref_function_resetCam_3 code ref_function_hideItem code ref_function_Dot_timerDestroyDot code ref_function_Buff_createEffect code ref_function_Buff_timerDestroyBuff code ref_function_CallbackSingle_staticCallback code ref_function_CallbackPeriodic_staticCallback code ref_function_CallbackCounted_staticCallback code ref_function_Image_callShowFadedCallback code ref_function_Image_callHideFadedCallback code ref_function_TextTag_destroyTextTag code ref_function_TextTag_destroyTextTag_2 code ref_function_TextTag_destroyTextTag_3 code ref_function_Shield_onExpire code ref_function_Bar_callUpdateEx code ref_function_AreaMarker_destr code ref_function_playAnimation code ref_function_destroyTimedEffect code ref_function_destroyTimedFx code ref_function_notDead code ref_function_ControlPoint_callGroupCheck code ref_function_ControlPoint_callInRangeActions code ref_function_ControlPoint_hideDummy code ref_function_Spell_timedDisableCastDummy code ref_function_cdt code ref_function_notUnit code ref_function_Unit_callMakeVunerable code ref_function_Stun_destroyStun code ref_function_Hero_enableAbilityTimed code ref_function_Stun_destroyStun_2 code ref_function_resetDoubleHit code ref_function_Image_callSrinkCallback code ref_function_Image_callGrowCallback code ref_function_SamplePointSpell_callCallback code ref_function_TestSpell1_bla code ref_function_TestSpell1_callCallback code ref_function_RockThrow_rockMoveCall code ref_function_Pull2_blackHCall code ref_function_Missle_callMove code ref_function_Missle_callMove_2 code ref_function_actions code ref_function_callback code ref_function_Aura_callCheck code ref_function_CustomBar_copyForce code ref_function_CustomBar_lockCallback code ref_function_CustomBar_fadeOutCallback code ref_function_Preload_preload code ref_function_Preload_createBackground code ref_function_Preload_preload_2 code ref_function_Preload_preload_3 code ref_function_ForceIterator_callback code ref_function_createMultiboard code ref_function_Bar_updatePos code ref_function_Bar_updateVision code ref_function_checkDelayed code ref_function_kill code ref_function_Hero_handleCasts code ref_function_Hero_checkOrders code ref_function_GetOrders_callOnOrder code ref_function_Unit_tookDamage code ref_function_doubleHit code ref_function_trackableHitHandler code ref_function_trackableTrackHandler code ref_function_trackableDoubleHitHandler code ref_function_spellCondition code ref_function_spellStart code ref_function_updateTime code ref_function_setCallLimit code ref_function_Dot_loopList code ref_function_callKnockback code ref_function_camTest code ref_function_forceKey code ref_function_charMessung code ref_function_onEsc code ref_function_textTag code ref_function_handleCasts endglobals function CreatePlayerBuildings takes nothing returns nothing endfunction function CreateUnitsForPlayer0 takes nothing returns nothing local player p = Player(0) local unit u = CreateUnit(p, 1211117617, 265.8, 62.3, 118.887) local integer unitID local trigger t local real life set p = null set u = null set t = null endfunction function CreatePlayerUnits takes nothing returns nothing call CreateUnitsForPlayer0() endfunction function CreateAllUnits takes nothing returns nothing call CreatePlayerBuildings() call CreatePlayerUnits() endfunction function CreateCameras takes nothing returns nothing set gg_cam_Camera_001 = CreateCameraSetup() call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_001, CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET, 0.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_001, CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION, 90.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_001, CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, 270.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_001, CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, 150.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_001, CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL, 0.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_001, CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW, 20.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_001, CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ, 200.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetDestPosition(gg_cam_Camera_001, 1022.5, 11.0, 0.0) set gg_cam_Camera_002 = CreateCameraSetup() call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_002, CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET, 0.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_002, CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION, 90.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_002, CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, 270.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_002, CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, 150.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_002, CAMERA_FIELD_ROLL, 0.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_002, CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW, 20.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetField(gg_cam_Camera_002, CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ, 200.0, 0.0) call CameraSetupSetDestPosition(gg_cam_Camera_002, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) endfunction function InitTrig_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003 takes nothing returns nothing set gg_trg_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003 = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterTimerEventSingle(gg_trg_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003, 5.) call TriggerAddAction(gg_trg_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003, ref_function_Trig_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003_Actions) endfunction function InitCustomTriggers takes nothing returns nothing call InitTrig_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003() endfunction function InitGlobals takes nothing returns nothing set udg_zw = 0. set udg_t = CreateTimer() set udg_UnverwundbarkeitsGruppe = CreateGroup() set udg_x1 = 0. set udg_x2 = 0. set udg_x3 = 0. set udg_x4 = 0. set udg_x5 = 0. set udg_y1 = 0. set udg_y4 = 0. set udg_y5 = 0. set udg_y3 = 0. set udg_y2 = 0. endfunction function RunInitializationTriggers takes nothing returns nothing call ConditionalTriggerExecute(gg_trg_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003) endfunction function printError takes string msg returns nothing call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., PrintingHelper_DEBUG_MSG_DURATION, "|cffFF0000[ERROR]|r - " + msg) endfunction function image_remove takes image this_43 returns nothing if this_43 != null then call DestroyImage(this_43) else call printError("Nullpointer exeption by destroying an image") endif endfunction function hashtable_loadInt takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns integer return LoadInteger(this_43, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table_loadInt takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns integer return hashtable_loadInt(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_loadInt takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns integer local integer loadInt_result if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadInt") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.loadInt on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set loadInt_result = Table_loadInt(this_43, parentKey) return loadInt_result endfunction function timer_getData takes timer this_43 returns integer return dispatch_Table_loadInt(TimerUtils_timerData, GetHandleId(this_43)) endfunction function timer_pause takes timer this_43 returns nothing call PauseTimer(this_43) endfunction function hashtable_saveInt takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey, integer value returns hashtable call SaveInteger(this_43, parentKey, childKey, value) return this_43 endfunction function Table_saveInt takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, integer value returns nothing call hashtable_saveInt(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function dispatch_Table_saveInt takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, integer value returns nothing if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.saveInt") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.saveInt on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Table_saveInt(this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function timer_setData takes timer this_43, integer data returns timer call dispatch_Table_saveInt(TimerUtils_timerData, GetHandleId(this_43), data) return this_43 endfunction function timer_release takes timer this_43 returns nothing if this_43 == null then call printError("Trying to release a null timer") return endif if timer_getData(this_43) == TimerUtils_HELD then call printError("ReleaseTimer: Double free!") return endif call timer_setData(this_43, TimerUtils_HELD) call timer_pause(this_43) set TimerUtils_freeTimers[TimerUtils_freeTimersCount] = this_43 set TimerUtils_freeTimersCount = TimerUtils_freeTimersCount + 1 endfunction function AreaMarker_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call image_remove(AreaMarker_img[this_43]) if AreaMarker_t[this_43] != null then call timer_release(AreaMarker_t[this_43]) endif endfunction function dealloc_AreaMarker takes integer obj returns nothing if AreaMarker_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type AreaMarker") call I2S(1 / 0) else set AreaMarker_nextFree[AreaMarker_lastFree] = obj set AreaMarker_lastFree = obj if AreaMarker_firstFree == 0 then set AreaMarker_firstFree = obj set AreaMarker_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set AreaMarker_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyAreaMarker takes integer this_43 returns nothing call AreaMarker_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_AreaMarker(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_AreaMarker_destroyAreaMarker takes integer this_43 returns nothing if AreaMarker_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling AreaMarker.destroyAreaMarker") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called AreaMarker.destroyAreaMarker on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyAreaMarker(this_43) endfunction function AreaMarker_destr takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_AreaMarker_destroyAreaMarker(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function Action_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Event_first[Action_ev[this_43]] != this_43 then set Action_next[Action_prev[this_43]] = Action_next[this_43] else set Event_first[Action_ev[this_43]] = Action_next[this_43] endif if Event_last[Action_ev[this_43]] != this_43 then set Action_prev[Action_next[this_43]] = Action_prev[this_43] else set Event_last[Action_ev[this_43]] = Action_prev[this_43] endif endfunction function dealloc_Action takes integer obj returns nothing if Action_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Action") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Action_nextFree[Action_lastFree] = obj set Action_lastFree = obj if Action_firstFree == 0 then set Action_firstFree = obj set Action_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Action_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyAction takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Action_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Action(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Action_destroyAction takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Action_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Action.destroyAction") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Action.destroyAction on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Action_typeId[this_43] <= 17 then if Action_typeId[this_43] <= 15 then if Action_typeId[this_43] <= 11 then call destroyAction(this_43) else call destroyAction(this_43) endif else call destroyAction(this_43) endif elseif Action_typeId[this_43] <= 629 then call destroyAction(this_43) else call destroyAction(this_43) endif endfunction function unit_addAbility takes unit this_43, integer abil returns unit call UnitAddAbility(this_43, abil) return this_43 endfunction function unit_removeAbility takes unit this_43, integer abil returns unit call UnitRemoveAbility(this_43, abil) return this_43 endfunction function Unit_updateState takes integer this_43, integer amount_39, integer data_raw, integer data_size returns nothing local integer i_2 local integer temp local integer statHelper local integer i_3 local integer temp_2 local integer i_4 local integer temp_3 call unit_removeAbility(Unit_u[this_43], data_raw + 45) set i_2 = data_raw + 97 set temp = data_raw + 97 + data_size loop exitwhen i_2 > temp call unit_removeAbility(Unit_u[this_43], i_2) set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop set statHelper = amount_39 if statHelper >= 0 then set i_3 = data_raw + 97 set temp_2 = data_raw + 97 + data_size loop exitwhen i_3 > temp_2 if ModuloInteger(statHelper, 2) == 1 then call unit_addAbility(Unit_u[this_43], i_3) endif set statHelper = statHelper / 2 set i_3 = i_3 + 1 endloop else set statHelper = statHelper + 1 set i_4 = data_raw + 97 set temp_3 = data_raw + 97 + data_size loop exitwhen i_4 > temp_3 if ModuloInteger(statHelper, 2) == 0 then call unit_addAbility(Unit_u[this_43], i_4) endif set statHelper = statHelper / 2 set i_4 = i_4 + 1 endloop call unit_addAbility(Unit_u[this_43], data_raw + 45) endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_updateState takes integer this_43, integer amount_39, integer data_raw, integer data_size returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.updateState") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.updateState on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_updateState(this_43, amount_39, data_raw, data_size) else call Unit_updateState(this_43, amount_39, data_raw, data_size) endif endfunction function roundReal takes real value returns integer if value > 0. then return R2I(value + 0.5) else return R2I(value - 0.5) endif endfunction function Unit_updateLife takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_updateState(this_43, roundReal((Unit_lifeReg[this_43] + Unit_bonusLifeReg[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusLifeRegPer[this_43] / 100.) - Unit_lifeReg[this_43]), Setup_lifeRegRaw_raw, Setup_lifeRegRaw_size) endfunction function getTimer takes nothing returns timer if TimerUtils_freeTimersCount > 0 then set TimerUtils_freeTimersCount = TimerUtils_freeTimersCount - 1 call timer_setData(TimerUtils_freeTimers[TimerUtils_freeTimersCount], 0) return TimerUtils_freeTimers[TimerUtils_freeTimersCount] else return timer_setData(CreateTimer(), 0) endif endfunction function timer_start takes timer this_43, real time, code timerCallBack returns timer call TimerStart(this_43, time, false, timerCallBack) return this_43 endfunction function Bar_updateEx takes integer this_43 returns nothing local timer t = timer_start(timer_setData(getTimer(), this_43), 0.0, ref_function_Bar_callUpdateEx) set t = null endfunction function dispatch_Bar_updateEx takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Bar_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Bar.updateEx") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Bar.updateEx on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Bar_updateEx(this_43) endfunction function Hero_updateLife takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Bar_updateEx(Hero_hb[this_43]) call Unit_updateLife(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_updateLife takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.updateLife") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.updateLife on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_updateLife(this_43) else call Hero_updateLife(this_43) endif endfunction function closure_impl takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusLife[this_26[this_43]] = Unit_bonusLife[this_26[this_43]] - amount_23[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateLife(this_26[this_43]) endfunction function Unit_updateAttackspeed takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_updateState(this_43, roundReal(Unit_bonusAttackspeed[this_43]), Setup_attackSpeedRaw_raw, Setup_attackSpeedRaw_size) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_updateAttackspeed takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.updateAttackspeed") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.updateAttackspeed on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_updateAttackspeed(this_43) else call Unit_updateAttackspeed(this_43) endif endfunction function closure_impl_2 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusAttackspeed[this_20[this_43]] = Unit_bonusAttackspeed[this_20[this_43]] - amount_17[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateAttackspeed(this_20[this_43]) endfunction function Unit_updateArmor takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_updateState(this_43, roundReal((Unit_armor[this_43] + Unit_bonusArmor[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusArmorPer[this_43] / 100.) - Unit_armor[this_43]), Setup_armorRaw_raw, Setup_armorRaw_size) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_updateArmor takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.updateArmor") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.updateArmor on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_updateArmor(this_43) else call Unit_updateArmor(this_43) endif endfunction function closure_impl_3 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusArmorPer[this_14[this_43]] = Unit_bonusArmorPer[this_14[this_43]] - amount_11[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateArmor(this_14[this_43]) endfunction function Unit_updateManaReg takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_updateState(this_43, roundReal((Unit_manaReg[this_43] + Unit_bonusManaReg[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusManaRegPer[this_43] / 100.) - Unit_manaReg[this_43]), Setup_manaRegRaw_raw, Setup_manaRegRaw_size) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_updateManaReg takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.updateManaReg") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.updateManaReg on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_updateManaReg(this_43) else call Unit_updateManaReg(this_43) endif endfunction function closure_impl_4 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusManaReg[this_38[this_43]] = Unit_bonusManaReg[this_38[this_43]] - amount_35[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateManaReg(this_38[this_43]) endfunction function Unit_updateLifeReg takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_updateState(this_43, roundReal((Unit_lifeReg[this_43] + Unit_bonusLifeReg[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusLifeRegPer[this_43] / 100.) - Unit_lifeReg[this_43]), Setup_lifeRegRaw_raw, Setup_lifeRegRaw_size) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_updateLifeReg takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.updateLifeReg") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.updateLifeReg on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_updateLifeReg(this_43) else call Unit_updateLifeReg(this_43) endif endfunction function closure_impl_5 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusLifeReg[this_30[this_43]] = Unit_bonusLifeReg[this_30[this_43]] - amount_27[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateLifeReg(this_30[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_6 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_spellpower[this_8[this_43]] = Unit_spellpower[this_8[this_43]] - amount_5[this_43] endfunction function closure_impl_7 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusResistancePer[this_18[this_43]] = Unit_bonusResistancePer[this_18[this_43]] - amount_15[this_43] endfunction function closure_impl_8 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusResistance[this_16[this_43]] = Unit_bonusResistance[this_16[this_43]] - amount_13[this_43] endfunction function Unit_updateMana takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_updateState(this_43, roundReal((Unit_mana[this_43] + Unit_bonusMana[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusManaPer[this_43] / 100.) - Unit_mana[this_43]), Setup_manaRaw_raw, Setup_manaRaw_size) endfunction function Hero_updateMana takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Bar_updateEx(Hero_hb[this_43]) call Unit_updateMana(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_updateMana takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.updateMana") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.updateMana on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_updateMana(this_43) else call Hero_updateMana(this_43) endif endfunction function closure_impl_9 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusMana[this_34[this_43]] = Unit_bonusMana[this_34[this_43]] - amount_31[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateMana(this_34[this_43]) endfunction function Unit_updateAttack takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_updateState(this_43, roundReal((Unit_attack[this_43] + Unit_bonusAttack[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusAttackPer[this_43] / 100.) - Unit_attack[this_43]), Setup_attackRaw_raw, Setup_attackRaw_size) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_updateAttack takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.updateAttack") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.updateAttack on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_updateAttack(this_43) else call Unit_updateAttack(this_43) endif endfunction function closure_impl_10 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusAttackPer[this_6[this_43]] = Unit_bonusAttackPer[this_6[this_43]] - amount_3[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateAttack(this_6[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_11 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusManaPer[this_36[this_43]] = Unit_bonusManaPer[this_36[this_43]] - amount_33[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateMana(this_36[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_12 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusLife[this_24[this_43]] = Unit_bonusLife[this_24[this_43]] - amount_21[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateLife(this_24[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_13 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusLifePer[this_28[this_43]] = Unit_bonusLifePer[this_28[this_43]] - amount_25[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateLife(this_28[this_43]) endfunction function Unit_updateMovespeed takes integer this_43 returns nothing call SetUnitMoveSpeed(Unit_u[this_43], (Unit_movespeed[this_43] + Unit_bonusMovespeed[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusMovespeedPer[this_43] / 100.)) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_updateMovespeed takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.updateMovespeed") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.updateMovespeed on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_updateMovespeed(this_43) else call Unit_updateMovespeed(this_43) endif endfunction function closure_impl_14 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusMovespeed[this_22[this_43]] = Unit_bonusMovespeed[this_22[this_43]] - amount_19[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateMovespeed(this_22[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_15 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_spellpowerPer[this_10[this_43]] = Unit_spellpowerPer[this_10[this_43]] - amount_7[this_43] endfunction function closure_impl_16 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusLifeRegPer[this_32[this_43]] = Unit_bonusLifeRegPer[this_32[this_43]] - amount_29[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateLifeReg(this_32[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_17 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusManaRegPer[this_40[this_43]] = Unit_bonusManaRegPer[this_40[this_43]] - amount_37[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateManaReg(this_40[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_18 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusArmor[this_12[this_43]] = Unit_bonusArmor[this_12[this_43]] - amount_9[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateArmor(this_12[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_19 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusAttack[this_4[this_43]] = Unit_bonusAttack[this_4[this_43]] - amount[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateAttack(this_4[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_Bonus_remove takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Bonus_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Bonus.remove") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Bonus.remove on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 665 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 655 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 651 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 649 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 646 then call closure_impl_19(this_43) else call closure_impl_10(this_43) endif else call closure_impl_6(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 653 then call closure_impl_15(this_43) else call closure_impl_18(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 661 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 659 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 657 then call closure_impl_3(this_43) else call closure_impl_8(this_43) endif else call closure_impl_7(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 663 then call closure_impl_2(this_43) else call closure_impl_14(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 675 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 671 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 669 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 667 then call closure_impl_12(this_43) else call closure_impl(this_43) endif else call closure_impl_13(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 673 then call closure_impl_5(this_43) else call closure_impl_16(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 679 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 677 then call closure_impl_9(this_43) else call closure_impl_11(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 681 then call closure_impl_4(this_43) else call closure_impl_17(this_43) endif endfunction function Bonus_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Bonus_remove(this_43) endfunction function dealloc_Bonus takes integer obj returns nothing if Bonus_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Bonus") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Bonus_nextFree[Bonus_lastFree] = obj set Bonus_lastFree = obj if Bonus_firstFree == 0 then set Bonus_firstFree = obj set Bonus_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Bonus_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyBonus takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Bonus_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Bonus(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Bonus_destroyBonus takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Bonus_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Bonus.destroyBonus") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Bonus.destroyBonus on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 665 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 655 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 651 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 649 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 647 then call destroyBonus(this_43) else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 653 then call destroyBonus(this_43) else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 661 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 659 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 657 then call destroyBonus(this_43) else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 663 then call destroyBonus(this_43) else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 675 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 671 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 669 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 667 then call destroyBonus(this_43) else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 673 then call destroyBonus(this_43) else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 679 then if Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 677 then call destroyBonus(this_43) else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif elseif Bonus_typeId[this_43] <= 681 then call destroyBonus(this_43) else call destroyBonus(this_43) endif endfunction function effect_destr takes effect this_43 returns nothing call DestroyEffect(this_43) endfunction function timer_getElapsed takes timer this_43 returns real return TimerGetElapsed(this_43) endfunction function getElapsedGameTime takes nothing returns real return timer_getElapsed(GameTimer_gameTimer) endfunction function int_toReal takes integer this_43 returns real return I2R(this_43) endfunction function unit_getTypeId takes unit this_43 returns integer return GetUnitTypeId(this_43) endfunction function unit_remove takes unit this_43 returns nothing call RemoveUnit(this_43) endfunction function unit_setFacing takes unit this_43, real deg returns unit call SetUnitFacing(this_43, deg) return this_43 endfunction function unit_setOwner takes unit this_43, player p, boolean changeColor returns unit call SetUnitOwner(this_43, p, changeColor) return this_43 endfunction function recycleDummy takes unit u returns nothing local integer rc = DummyRecycler_recycle local integer i_2 if unit_getTypeId(u) == Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID and ( not IsUnitInGroup(u, DummyRecycler_protect)) then if rc == 0 then call unit_remove(u) return endif set DummyRecycler_recycle = DummyRecycler_queueLast[rc] set i_2 = R2I(GetUnitFacing(u)) / DummyRecycler_ANG_VAL if DummyRecycler_stackN[i_2] < DummyRecycler_ANG_STORAGE_MAX then set i_2 = DummyRecycler_ANG_N loop exitwhen not (DummyRecycler_stackN[i_2] > DummyRecycler_ANG_STORAGE_MAX) set i_2 = i_2 - 1 endloop endif set DummyRecycler_queueNext[DummyRecycler_queueLast[i_2]] = rc set DummyRecycler_queueLast[i_2] = rc set DummyRecycler_queueNext[rc] = 0 set DummyRecycler_stackN[i_2] = DummyRecycler_stackN[i_2] + 1 set DummyRecycler_timeStamp[rc] = getElapsedGameTime() + DummyRecycler_DEATH_TIME set DummyRecycler_stack[rc] = u call GroupAddUnit(DummyRecycler_protect, u) call unit_setFacing(u, int_toReal(i_2 * DummyRecycler_ANG_VAL + DummyRecycler_ANG_MID)) call SetUnitVertexColor(u, 255, 255, 255, 255) call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(u, 90) call SetUnitScale(u, 1., 1., 1.) call unit_setOwner(u, Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER, true) else call printError("[DummyRecycler] Error: Attempt to recycle invalid unit.") endif endfunction function Fx_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Fx_fx[this_43] != null then call effect_destr(Fx_fx[this_43]) endif call recycleDummy(Fx_dummy[this_43]) endfunction function dealloc_Fx takes integer obj returns nothing if Fx_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Fx") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Fx_nextFree[Fx_lastFree] = obj set Fx_lastFree = obj if Fx_firstFree == 0 then set Fx_firstFree = obj set Fx_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Fx_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyFx takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Fx_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Fx(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_destroyFx takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Fx_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.destroyFx") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Fx.destroyFx on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyFx(this_43) endfunction function lightning_destr takes lightning this_43 returns nothing call DestroyLightning(this_43) endfunction function CaptureData_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call lightning_destr(CaptureData_l1[this_43]) call lightning_destr(CaptureData_l2[this_43]) if CaptureData_onDeath[this_43] != 0 then call dispatch_Action_destroyAction(CaptureData_onDeath[this_43]) endif if CaptureData_fx[this_43] != 0 then call dispatch_Fx_destroyFx(CaptureData_fx[this_43]) endif if CaptureData_armor[this_43] != 0 then call dispatch_Bonus_destroyBonus(CaptureData_armor[this_43]) call dispatch_Bonus_destroyBonus(CaptureData_attack[this_43]) call dispatch_Bonus_destroyBonus(CaptureData_life[this_43]) call dispatch_Bonus_destroyBonus(CaptureData_mana[this_43]) call dispatch_Bonus_destroyBonus(CaptureData_spellpower[this_43]) call dispatch_Bonus_destroyBonus(CaptureData_resistance[this_43]) endif endfunction function dealloc_CaptureData takes integer obj returns nothing if CaptureData_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type CaptureData") call I2S(1 / 0) else set CaptureData_nextFree[CaptureData_lastFree] = obj set CaptureData_lastFree = obj if CaptureData_firstFree == 0 then set CaptureData_firstFree = obj set CaptureData_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set CaptureData_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyCaptureData takes integer this_43 returns nothing call CaptureData_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_CaptureData(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_CaptureData_destroyCaptureData takes integer this_43 returns nothing if CaptureData_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling CaptureData.destroyCaptureData") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called CaptureData.destroyCaptureData on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyCaptureData(this_43) endfunction function ControlPoint_onDeath takes integer this_43, integer triggerUnit returns nothing call dispatch_CaptureData_destroyCaptureData(Unit_ct[triggerUnit]) set Unit_ct[triggerUnit] = 0 if IsUnitAlly(Unit_u[triggerUnit], ControlPoint_owner[this_43]) then if Unit_isHero[triggerUnit] then set ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] - 1 else set ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] - 1 endif elseif Unit_isHero[triggerUnit] then set ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43] - 1 else set ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43] - 1 endif call GroupRemoveUnit(ControlPoint_inRange[this_43], Unit_u[triggerUnit]) endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_onDeath takes integer this_43, integer triggerUnit returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.onDeath") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.onDeath on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_onDeath(this_43, triggerUnit) endfunction function closure_impl_20 takes integer this_43, integer data returns nothing call dispatch_ControlPoint_onDeath(this_3[this_43], Units_target[data]) endfunction function Button_showDirect takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_Button_showDirect takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Button.showDirect") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Button.showDirect on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Button_showDirect(this_43, p) endfunction function alloc_Button takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Widget_firstFree == 0 then set Widget_maxIndex = Widget_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Widget_maxIndex else set this_43 = Widget_firstFree set Widget_firstFree = Widget_nextFree[Widget_firstFree] set Widget_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Widget_typeId[this_43] = 706 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Widget takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function construct_WidgetEx takes integer this_43 returns nothing call construct_Widget(this_43) endfunction function construct_Observable takes integer this_43 returns nothing call construct_WidgetEx(this_43) endfunction function HTable_put takes integer this_43, handle parentKey, integer childKey, integer data returns nothing call hashtable_saveInt(HTable_ht[this_43], GetHandleId(parentKey), childKey, data) endfunction function dispatch_HTable_put takes integer this_43, handle parentKey, integer childKey, integer data returns nothing if HTable_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling HTable.put") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called HTable.put on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call HTable_put(this_43, parentKey, childKey, data) endfunction function hashtable_loadTrackableHandle takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns trackable return LoadTrackableHandle(this_43, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table3D_get takes integer this_43, integer key1, integer key2, integer key3 returns trackable return hashtable_loadTrackableHandle(Table3D_ht[this_43], key1, key2 * Table3D_key3IndexSize[this_43] + key3) endfunction function dispatch_Table3D_get takes integer this_43, integer key1, integer key2, integer key3 returns trackable local trackable get_result if Table3D_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table3D.get") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table3D.get on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set get_result = Table3D_get(this_43, key1, key2, key3) set dispatch_Table3D_gettempReturn = get_result set get_result = null return dispatch_Table3D_gettempReturn endfunction function alloc_Icon takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Widget_firstFree == 0 then set Widget_maxIndex = Widget_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Widget_maxIndex else set this_43 = Widget_firstFree set Widget_firstFree = Widget_nextFree[Widget_firstFree] set Widget_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Widget_typeId[this_43] = 703 return this_43 endfunction function LLIterator_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_LLIterator takes integer obj returns nothing if LLIterator_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type LLIterator") call I2S(1 / 0) else set LLIterator_nextFree[LLIterator_lastFree] = obj set LLIterator_lastFree = obj if LLIterator_firstFree == 0 then set LLIterator_firstFree = obj set LLIterator_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set LLIterator_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyLLIterator takes integer this_43 returns nothing call LLIterator_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_LLIterator(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_LLIterator_destroyLLIterator takes integer this_43 returns nothing if LLIterator_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling LLIterator.destroyLLIterator") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called LLIterator.destroyLLIterator on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyLLIterator(this_43) endfunction function LLIterator_close takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_LLIterator_destroyLLIterator(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_LLIterator_close takes integer this_43 returns nothing if LLIterator_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling LLIterator.close") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called LLIterator.close on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call LLIterator_close(this_43) endfunction function LLIterator_hasNext takes integer this_43 returns boolean return LLEntry_next[LLIterator_current[this_43]] != LLIterator_dummy[this_43] endfunction function dispatch_LLIterator_hasNext takes integer this_43 returns boolean local boolean hasNext_result if LLIterator_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling LLIterator.hasNext") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called LLIterator.hasNext on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set hasNext_result = LLIterator_hasNext(this_43) return hasNext_result endfunction function LLIterator_next takes integer this_43 returns integer set LLIterator_current[this_43] = LLEntry_next[LLIterator_current[this_43]] return LLEntry_elem[LLIterator_current[this_43]] endfunction function dispatch_LLIterator_next takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer next_result if LLIterator_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set next_result = LLIterator_next(this_43) return next_result endfunction function alloc_LLIterator takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if LLIterator_firstFree == 0 then set LLIterator_maxIndex = LLIterator_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = LLIterator_maxIndex else set this_43 = LLIterator_firstFree set LLIterator_firstFree = LLIterator_nextFree[LLIterator_firstFree] set LLIterator_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set LLIterator_typeId[this_43] = 3 return this_43 endfunction function construct_LLIterator takes integer this_43, integer dummy returns nothing set LLIterator_dummy[this_43] = dummy set LLIterator_current[this_43] = dummy endfunction function new_LLIterator takes integer dummy returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_LLIterator() call construct_LLIterator(this_43, dummy) return this_43 endfunction function LinkedList_iterator takes integer this_43 returns integer return new_LLIterator(LinkedList_dummy[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_LinkedList_iterator takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer iterator_result if LinkedList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.iterator") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called LinkedList.iterator on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set iterator_result = LinkedList_iterator(this_43) return iterator_result endfunction function hashtable_saveBoolean takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey, boolean value returns hashtable call SaveBoolean(this_43, parentKey, childKey, value) return this_43 endfunction function Table_saveBoolean takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, boolean value returns nothing call hashtable_saveBoolean(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function dispatch_Table_saveBoolean takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, boolean value returns nothing if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.saveBoolean") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.saveBoolean on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Table_saveBoolean(this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function alloc_Table takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Table_firstFree == 0 then set Table_maxIndex = Table_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Table_maxIndex else set this_43 = Table_firstFree set Table_firstFree = Table_nextFree[Table_firstFree] set Table_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Table_typeId[this_43] = 4 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Table takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function new_Table takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Table() call construct_Table(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function hashtable_loadPlayerHandle takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns player return LoadPlayerHandle(this_43, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table_loadPlayer takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns player return hashtable_loadPlayerHandle(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_loadPlayer takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns player local player loadPlayer_result if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadPlayer") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.loadPlayer on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set loadPlayer_result = Table_loadPlayer(this_43, parentKey) set dispatch_Table_loadPlayertempReturn = loadPlayer_result set loadPlayer_result = null return dispatch_Table_loadPlayertempReturn endfunction function hashtable_saveFogStateHandle takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey, fogstate value returns hashtable call SaveFogStateHandle(this_43, parentKey, childKey, value) return this_43 endfunction function Table_saveFogState takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, fogstate value returns nothing call hashtable_saveFogStateHandle(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function dispatch_Table_saveFogState takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, fogstate value returns nothing if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.saveFogState") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.saveFogState on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Table_saveFogState(this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function playerFromIndex takes integer index returns player call dispatch_Table_saveFogState(TypeCasting_typecastdata, 0, ConvertFogState(index)) return dispatch_Table_loadPlayer(TypeCasting_typecastdata, 0) endfunction function construct_Icon takes integer this_43, integer objId, integer pos_i1, integer pos_i2 returns nothing local integer wurst__iterator0 local player p local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 call construct_Observable(this_43) set Icon_d[this_43] = null set Icon_canSee[this_43] = new_Table() set Icon_needToSee[this_43] = 0 set Icon_scale[this_43] = 1. set tempIndex = this_43 set Icon_localPos[tempIndex] = Setup_recycleGraveyard_x set Icon_localPos_2[tempIndex] = Setup_recycleGraveyard_y set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set Icon_realPos[tempIndex_2] = pos_i1 + Setup_menuStart_x set Icon_realPos_2[tempIndex_2] = pos_i2 + Setup_menuStart_y set Icon_objId[this_43] = objId set wurst__iterator0 = dispatch_LinkedList_iterator(Setup_allPlayers) loop exitwhen not dispatch_LLIterator_hasNext(wurst__iterator0) set p = playerFromIndex(dispatch_LLIterator_next(wurst__iterator0)) call dispatch_Table_saveBoolean(Icon_canSee[this_43], GetPlayerId(p), false) endloop call dispatch_LLIterator_close(wurst__iterator0) set p = null endfunction function new_Icon takes integer objId, integer pos_i1, integer pos_i2 returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Icon() call construct_Icon(this_43, objId, pos_i1, pos_i2) return this_43 endfunction function construct_Button takes integer this_43, integer fromHere_i1, integer fromHere_i2, integer toHere_i1, integer toHere_i2, integer bt, integer whichMenu returns nothing local integer i1 local integer temp local integer i2 local integer temp_2 local integer i3 local trackable t local integer temp_3 call construct_Observable(this_43) set Button_onHitAction[this_43] = null set Button_onDoubleHitAction[this_43] = null set Button_onTrackAction[this_43] = null set Button_onUnTrackAction[this_43] = null set i1 = fromHere_i1 set temp = toHere_i1 loop exitwhen i1 > temp set i2 = fromHere_i2 set temp_2 = toHere_i2 loop exitwhen i2 > temp_2 set i3 = 0 loop exitwhen i3 > 11 set t = dispatch_Table3D_get(Setup_trackableMap, i1, i2, i3) call dispatch_HTable_put(TrackableEventHandler_trackableTrackAction, t, whichMenu, this_43) call dispatch_HTable_put(TrackableEventHandler_trackableHitAction, t, whichMenu, this_43) call dispatch_HTable_put(TrackableEventHandler_trackableDoubleHitAction, t, whichMenu, this_43) set i3 = i3 + 1 endloop set i2 = i2 + 1 endloop set i1 = i1 + 1 endloop set temp_3 = bt if temp_3 == 1 then set Button_ob[this_43] = new_Icon(1231253358, 30, 20) else set Button_ob[this_43] = 0 endif set t = null endfunction function new_Button takes integer fromHere_i1, integer fromHere_i2, integer toHere_i1, integer toHere_i2, integer bt, integer whichMenu returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Button() call construct_Button(this_43, fromHere_i1, fromHere_i2, toHere_i1, toHere_i2, bt, whichMenu) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_MenuIndexer takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if MenuIndexer_firstFree == 0 then set MenuIndexer_maxIndex = MenuIndexer_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = MenuIndexer_maxIndex else set this_43 = MenuIndexer_firstFree set MenuIndexer_firstFree = MenuIndexer_nextFree[MenuIndexer_firstFree] set MenuIndexer_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set MenuIndexer_typeId[this_43] = 704 return this_43 endfunction function construct_MenuIndexer takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function new_MenuIndexer takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_MenuIndexer() call construct_MenuIndexer(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function afterPreload takes nothing returns nothing local integer test = new_MenuIndexer() local integer b = new_Button(30, 20, 30, 20, 1, test) call dispatch_Button_showDirect(b, Player(0)) call dispatch_Button_showDirect(b, Player(1)) set TrackableEventHandler_currentMenuOfPlayer[0] = test set TrackableEventHandler_currentMenuOfPlayer[1] = test endfunction function closure_impl_21 takes integer this_43, integer i_2 returns nothing call afterPreload() endfunction function hashtable_loadTimerHandle takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns timer return LoadTimerHandle(this_43, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table_loadTimer takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns timer return hashtable_loadTimerHandle(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_loadTimer takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns timer local timer loadTimer_result if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadTimer") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.loadTimer on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set loadTimer_result = Table_loadTimer(this_43, parentKey) set dispatch_Table_loadTimertempReturn = loadTimer_result set loadTimer_result = null return dispatch_Table_loadTimertempReturn endfunction function Hero_stopCaptureAnimation takes integer this_43 returns nothing if dispatch_Table_loadTimer(CaptureAnimation_captureTimer, this_43) != null then call timer_release(dispatch_Table_loadTimer(CaptureAnimation_captureTimer, this_43)) endif if Hero_currentEffect[this_43] != null then call effect_destr(Hero_currentEffect[this_43]) endif endfunction function closure_impl_22 takes integer this_43, integer u returns nothing set CaptureData_captures[Unit_ct[h[this_43]]] = false call Hero_stopCaptureAnimation(h[this_43]) endfunction function LinkedListModule_remove takes integer this_43 returns nothing set LinkedListModule_size = LinkedListModule_size - 1 if this_43 != LinkedListModule_first then set LinkedListModule_next[LinkedListModule_prev[this_43]] = LinkedListModule_next[this_43] endif if this_43 != LinkedListModule_last then set LinkedListModule_prev[LinkedListModule_next[this_43]] = LinkedListModule_prev[this_43] endif if this_43 == LinkedListModule_last then set LinkedListModule_last = LinkedListModule_prev[this_43] endif if this_43 == LinkedListModule_first then set LinkedListModule_first = LinkedListModule_next[this_43] endif endfunction function dispatch_Dot_remove takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Dot_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Dot.remove") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Dot.remove on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call LinkedListModule_remove(this_43) endfunction function TList_get takes integer this_43, integer index returns integer return hashtable_loadInt(TList_ht, this_43, index) endfunction function dispatch_TList_get takes integer this_43, integer index returns integer local integer get_result if TList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TList.get") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TList.get on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set get_result = TList_get(this_43, index) return get_result endfunction function TList_setElem takes integer this_43, integer index, integer elem returns nothing call hashtable_saveInt(TList_ht, this_43, index, elem) endfunction function dispatch_TList_setElem takes integer this_43, integer index, integer elem returns nothing if TList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TList.setElem") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TList.setElem on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call TList_setElem(this_43, index, elem) endfunction function TList_removeAt takes integer this_43, integer index returns nothing local integer i_2 local integer temp set TList_size[this_43] = TList_size[this_43] - 1 set i_2 = index set temp = TList_size[this_43] loop exitwhen i_2 > temp call dispatch_TList_setElem(this_43, i_2, dispatch_TList_get(this_43, i_2 + 1)) set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop endfunction function dispatch_TList_removeAt takes integer this_43, integer index returns nothing if TList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TList.removeAt") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TList.removeAt on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call TList_removeAt(this_43, index) endfunction function TList_remove takes integer this_43, integer t returns nothing local integer i_2 = 0 local integer temp = TList_size[this_43] - 1 loop exitwhen i_2 > temp if dispatch_TList_get(this_43, i_2) == t then call dispatch_TList_removeAt(this_43, i_2) exitwhen true endif set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop endfunction function dispatch_TList_remove takes integer this_43, integer t returns nothing if TList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TList.remove") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TList.remove on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call TList_remove(this_43, t) endfunction function Dot_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Action_destroyAction(Dot_a[this_43]) call timer_release(Dot_t[this_43]) call dispatch_TList_remove(Unit_allDots[Dot_u[this_43]], this_43) call dispatch_Dot_remove(this_43) endfunction function dealloc_Dot takes integer obj returns nothing if Dot_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Dot") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Dot_nextFree[Dot_lastFree] = obj set Dot_lastFree = obj if Dot_firstFree == 0 then set Dot_firstFree = obj set Dot_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Dot_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyDot takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Dot_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Dot(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Dot_destroyDot takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Dot_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Dot.destroyDot") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Dot.destroyDot on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyDot(this_43) endfunction function closure_impl_23 takes integer this_43, integer data returns nothing call dispatch_Dot_destroyDot(this[this_43]) endfunction function Buff_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Action_destroyAction(Buff_action[this_43]) call timer_release(Buff_t[this_43]) call dispatch_TList_remove(Unit_allBuffs[Buff_u[this_43]], this_43) if Buff_fxTimer[this_43] != null then call timer_release(Buff_fxTimer[this_43]) endif call UnitRemoveAbility(Unit_u[Buff_u[this_43]], Buff_abiId[this_43]) call UnitRemoveAbility(Unit_u[Buff_u[this_43]], Buff_buffId[this_43]) if Buff_fx[this_43] != null then call DestroyEffect(Buff_fx[this_43]) endif endfunction function dealloc_Buff takes integer obj returns nothing if Buff_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Buff") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Buff_nextFree[Buff_lastFree] = obj set Buff_lastFree = obj if Buff_firstFree == 0 then set Buff_firstFree = obj set Buff_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Buff_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyBuff takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Buff_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Buff(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Buff_destroyBuff takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Buff_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Buff.destroyBuff") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Buff.destroyBuff on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyBuff(this_43) endfunction function closure_impl_24 takes integer this_43, integer data returns nothing call dispatch_Buff_destroyBuff(this_2[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_Action_fire takes integer this_43, integer d returns nothing if Action_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Action_typeId[this_43] <= 628 then if Action_typeId[this_43] <= 17 then if Action_typeId[this_43] <= 15 then call closure_impl_23(this_43, d) else call closure_impl_24(this_43, d) endif else call closure_impl_20(this_43, d) endif elseif Action_typeId[this_43] <= 629 then call closure_impl_22(this_43, d) else call closure_impl_21(this_43, d) endif endfunction function Event_stop takes integer this_43, integer d returns boolean return false endfunction function OnDamageEvent_stop takes integer this_43, integer data returns boolean return OnDamageData_stop[data] endfunction function SpellEvent_stop takes integer this_43, integer data returns boolean return not SpellData_spellSuccess[data] endfunction function dispatch_Event_stop takes integer this_43, integer d returns boolean local boolean stop_result if Event_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Event.stop") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Event.stop on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Event_typeId[this_43] <= 693 then if Event_typeId[this_43] <= 689 then if Event_typeId[this_43] <= 10 then set stop_result = Event_stop(this_43, d) else set stop_result = Event_stop(this_43, d) endif elseif Event_typeId[this_43] <= 691 then set stop_result = OnDamageEvent_stop(this_43, d) else set stop_result = SpellEvent_stop(this_43, d) endif elseif Event_typeId[this_43] <= 696 then if Event_typeId[this_43] <= 694 then set stop_result = Event_stop(this_43, d) else set stop_result = Event_stop(this_43, d) endif else set stop_result = Event_stop(this_43, d) endif return stop_result endfunction function Event_callActions takes integer this_43, integer d returns nothing local integer buffer = Event_first[this_43] loop exitwhen not (buffer != 0) call dispatch_Action_fire(buffer, d) if Event_checkData[this_43] and dispatch_Event_stop(this_43, d) then return endif set buffer = Action_next[buffer] endloop endfunction function UnitEvent_fire takes integer this_43, integer whichUnit returns nothing call Event_callActions(this_43, whichUnit) endfunction function dispatch_UnitEvent_fire takes integer this_43, integer whichUnit returns nothing if Event_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call UnitEvent_fire(this_43, whichUnit) endfunction function group_close takes group this_43 returns nothing call DestroyGroup(this_43) endfunction function group_hasNext takes group this_43 returns boolean return FirstOfGroup(this_43) != null endfunction function group_iterator takes group this_43 returns group set bj_groupAddGroupDest = CreateGroup() call ForGroup(this_43, ref_function_GroupAddGroupEnum_2) return bj_groupAddGroupDest endfunction function group_next takes group this_43 returns unit local unit u = FirstOfGroup(this_43) call GroupRemoveUnit(this_43, u) set group_nexttempReturn = u set u = null return group_nexttempReturn endfunction function unit_getX takes unit this_43 returns real return GetUnitX(this_43) endfunction function unit_getY takes unit this_43 returns real return GetUnitY(this_43) endfunction function unit_getPos takes unit this_43 returns real set unit_getPos_return_x = unit_getX(this_43) set unit_getPos_return_y = unit_getY(this_43) return unit_getPos_return_x endfunction function unit_getUserData takes unit this_43 returns integer return GetUnitUserData(this_43) endfunction function real_squared takes real this_43 returns real return this_43 * this_43 endfunction function vec2_distToVec takes real this_x, real this_y, real v_x, real v_y returns real return SquareRoot(real_squared(v_x - this_x) + real_squared(v_y - this_y)) endfunction function Aura_check takes integer this_43 returns nothing local group wurst__iterator0 local unit gu local integer obj local group tempGroup local unit gu_2 local integer obj_2 set Filter_filterCheckPlayer = Unit_owner[Aura_u[this_43]] set wurst__iterator0 = group_iterator(Aura_g[this_43]) loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(wurst__iterator0) set gu = group_next(wurst__iterator0) set obj = unit_getUserData(gu) if obj != 0 and vec2_distToVec(unit_getPos(gu), unit_getPos_return_y, unit_getPos(Unit_u[Aura_u[this_43]]), unit_getPos_return_y) > Aura_radius[this_43] then call dispatch_UnitEvent_fire(Aura_leave[this_43], obj) call GroupRemoveUnit(Aura_g[this_43], gu) endif endloop call group_close(wurst__iterator0) set tempGroup = CreateGroup() call MoveRectTo(Aura_r[this_43], unit_getX(Unit_u[Aura_u[this_43]]), unit_getY(Unit_u[Aura_u[this_43]])) call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(tempGroup, Aura_r[this_43], Aura_filter[this_43]) loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(tempGroup) set gu_2 = group_next(tempGroup) set obj_2 = unit_getUserData(gu_2) if obj_2 != 0 and vec2_distToVec(unit_getPos(gu_2), unit_getPos_return_y, unit_getPos(Unit_u[Aura_u[this_43]]), unit_getPos_return_y) <= Aura_radius[this_43] and ( not IsUnitInGroup(gu_2, Aura_g[this_43])) then call dispatch_UnitEvent_fire(Aura_enter[this_43], obj_2) call GroupAddUnit(Aura_g[this_43], gu_2) endif endloop call DestroyGroup(tempGroup) set wurst__iterator0 = null set gu = null set tempGroup = null set gu_2 = null endfunction function dispatch_Aura_check takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Aura_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Aura.check") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Aura.check on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Aura_check(this_43) endfunction function Aura_callCheck takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_Aura_check(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function unit_getState takes unit this_43, unitstate state returns real return GetUnitState(this_43, state) endfunction function unit_getHP takes unit this_43 returns real return unit_getState(this_43, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) endfunction function Bar_update takes integer this_43 returns nothing local real hp = unit_getHP(Unit_u[Bar_owner[this_43]]) local real maxHp = GetUnitState(Unit_u[Bar_owner[this_43]], UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) local real per = hp / maxHp local integer barsGot = roundReal(per * HeroBar_realBarCount) * 2 local integer shieldBars = roundReal(ShieldList_shieldSum[Unit_shieldList[Bar_owner[this_43]]] / maxHp * HeroBar_realBarCount) * 2 local integer barsLeft = HeroBar_fakeBarCount - barsGot - shieldBars local string hpGot local string shield local integer manaBarsGot local integer manaBarsLeft local string manaGot local string manaDead local string final set barsGot = barsGot + barsGot / (Bar_markerDistance[this_43] + 2) * 12 set hpGot = SubString(Bar_hpFull[this_43], 0, barsGot) set shield = SubString(HeroBar_bar, 0, shieldBars) set manaBarsGot = roundReal(GetUnitState(Unit_u[Bar_owner[this_43]], UNIT_STATE_MANA) / GetUnitState(Unit_u[Bar_owner[this_43]], UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA) * HeroBar_realBarCount) * 2 set manaBarsLeft = HeroBar_fakeBarCount - manaBarsGot set manaGot = SubString(HeroBar_bar, 0, manaBarsGot) set manaDead = SubString(HeroBar_bar, 0, manaBarsLeft) if barsLeft <= 0 then set final = hpGot + HeroBar_shieldColor + shield + HeroBar_endColor + "|n" + HeroBar_mpColor + manaGot + HeroBar_endColor + HeroBar_mpColorDead + manaDead + HeroBar_endColor else set final = hpGot + HeroBar_shieldColor + shield + HeroBar_endColor + HeroBar_hpColorDead + SubString(HeroBar_bar, 0, barsLeft) + HeroBar_endColor + "|n" + HeroBar_mpColor + manaGot + HeroBar_endColor + HeroBar_mpColorDead + manaDead + HeroBar_endColor endif call SetTextTagText(Bar_tt[this_43], final, 0.01) endfunction function dispatch_Bar_update takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Bar_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Bar.update") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Bar.update on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Bar_update(this_43) endfunction function Bar_updateExDirect takes integer this_43 returns nothing local integer i_2 local integer temp local integer charCount set Bar_markerDistance[this_43] = (HeroBar_seperateAt * HeroBar_realBarCount / R2I(GetUnitState(Unit_u[Bar_owner[this_43]], UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)) - 1) * 2 set Bar_hpFull[this_43] = "" set i_2 = 1 set temp = HeroBar_fakeBarCount / (Bar_markerDistance[this_43] + 2) loop exitwhen i_2 > temp set Bar_hpFull[this_43] = Bar_hpFull[this_43] + SubString(HeroBar_bar, 0, Bar_markerDistance[this_43]) set Bar_hpFull[this_43] = Bar_hpFull[this_43] + HeroBar_marker set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop set charCount = HeroBar_fakeBarCount / (Bar_markerDistance[this_43] + 2) * (Bar_markerDistance[this_43] + 2) set Bar_hpFull[this_43] = Bar_hpFull[this_43] + SubString(HeroBar_bar, 0, HeroBar_fakeBarCount - charCount) call dispatch_Bar_update(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Bar_updateExDirect takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Bar_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Bar.updateExDirect") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Bar.updateExDirect on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Bar_updateExDirect(this_43) endfunction function Bar_callUpdateEx takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() call dispatch_Bar_updateExDirect(timer_getData(t)) call timer_release(t) set t = null set t = null endfunction function Hero_getBarPos takes integer this_43 returns real set Hero_getBarPos_return_x = unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]) - 55. set Hero_getBarPos_return_y = unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]) set Hero_getBarPos_return_z = GetUnitFlyHeight(Unit_u[this_43]) + Unit_height[this_43] return Hero_getBarPos_return_x endfunction function dispatch_Hero_getBarPos takes integer this_43 returns real local real getBarPos_result_x local real getBarPos_result_y local real getBarPos_result_z if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.getBarPos") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.getBarPos on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getBarPos_result_x = Hero_getBarPos(this_43) set getBarPos_result_y = Hero_getBarPos_return_y set getBarPos_result_z = Hero_getBarPos_return_z set dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_x = getBarPos_result_x set dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_y = getBarPos_result_y set dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_z = getBarPos_result_z return dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_x endfunction function texttag_setPos takes texttag this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z returns texttag call SetTextTagPos(this_43, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) return this_43 endfunction function Bar_updatePos_2 takes nothing returns nothing local integer b = LinkedListModule_first_2 loop exitwhen not (b != 0) if Bar_isVisible[b] then call texttag_setPos(Bar_tt[b], dispatch_Hero_getBarPos(Bar_owner[b]), dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_y, dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_z) endif set b = LinkedListModule_next_2[b] endloop endfunction function texttag_setVisibility takes texttag this_43, boolean flag returns texttag call SetTextTagVisibility(this_43, flag) return this_43 endfunction function Bar_updateVision_2 takes nothing returns nothing local integer b = LinkedListModule_first_2 loop exitwhen not (b != 0) if Bar_check[b] then if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[Bar_owner[b]]), unit_getY(Unit_u[Bar_owner[b]]), GetLocalPlayer()) then set Bar_isVisible[b] = true call texttag_setVisibility(Bar_tt[b], true) else set Bar_isVisible[b] = false call texttag_setVisibility(Bar_tt[b], false) endif call dispatch_Bar_update(b) set b = LinkedListModule_next_2[b] endif endloop endfunction function unit_addEffect takes unit this_43, string fx, string attachment returns effect return AddSpecialEffectTarget(fx, this_43, attachment) endfunction function Buff_createEffect takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() local integer b = timer_getData(t) if Buff_fxCounter[b] > 0 then call DestroyEffect(unit_addEffect(Unit_u[Buff_u[b]], Buff_fxType[b], Buff_attachment[b])) set Buff_fxCounter[b] = Buff_fxCounter[b] - 1 else call timer_release(t) endif set t = null endfunction function Buff_timerDestroyBuff takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_Buff_destroyBuff(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function dispatch_CallbackCounted_call takes integer this_43, integer cb returns nothing endfunction function CallbackCounted_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call timer_release(CallbackCounted_t[this_43]) endfunction function dealloc_CallbackCounted takes integer obj returns nothing if CallbackCounted_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type CallbackCounted") call I2S(1 / 0) else set CallbackCounted_nextFree[CallbackCounted_lastFree] = obj set CallbackCounted_lastFree = obj if CallbackCounted_firstFree == 0 then set CallbackCounted_firstFree = obj set CallbackCounted_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set CallbackCounted_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyCallbackCounted takes integer this_43 returns nothing call CallbackCounted_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_CallbackCounted(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_CallbackCounted_destroyCallbackCounted takes integer this_43 returns nothing if CallbackCounted_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackCounted.destroyCallbackCounted") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called CallbackCounted.destroyCallbackCounted on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyCallbackCounted(this_43) endfunction function CallbackCounted_callAndCount takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_CallbackCounted_call(this_43, this_43) set CallbackCounted_count[this_43] = CallbackCounted_count[this_43] + 1 if CallbackCounted_count[this_43] >= CallbackCounted_maxCount[this_43] then call dispatch_CallbackCounted_destroyCallbackCounted(this_43) endif endfunction function dispatch_CallbackCounted_callAndCount takes integer this_43 returns nothing if CallbackCounted_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackCounted.callAndCount") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called CallbackCounted.callAndCount on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call CallbackCounted_callAndCount(this_43) endfunction function CallbackCounted_staticCallback takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_CallbackCounted_callAndCount(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function dispatch_CallbackPeriodic_call takes integer this_43, integer cb returns nothing endfunction function CallbackPeriodic_staticCallback takes nothing returns nothing local integer cb = timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer()) call dispatch_CallbackPeriodic_call(cb, cb) endfunction function closure_impl_25 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusLifePer[this_29[this_43]] = Unit_bonusLifePer[this_29[this_43]] - amount_26[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateLife(this_29[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_26 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusAttackspeed[this_21[this_43]] = Unit_bonusAttackspeed[this_21[this_43]] - amount_18[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateAttackspeed(this_21[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_Hero_updateLife takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.updateLife") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.updateLife on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_updateLife(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Hero_updateMana takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.updateMana") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.updateMana on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_updateMana(this_43) endfunction function closure_impl_27 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Hero_onAdd[this_42[this_43]] = false call dispatch_Unit_updateArmor(this_42[this_43]) call dispatch_Hero_updateLife(this_42[this_43]) call dispatch_Hero_updateMana(this_42[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_28 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusArmorPer[this_15[this_43]] = Unit_bonusArmorPer[this_15[this_43]] - amount_12[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateArmor(this_15[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_29 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_spellpower[this_9[this_43]] = Unit_spellpower[this_9[this_43]] - amount_6[this_43] endfunction function closure_impl_30 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusManaReg[this_39[this_43]] = Unit_bonusManaReg[this_39[this_43]] - amount_36[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateManaReg(this_39[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_31 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusMana[this_37[this_43]] = Unit_bonusMana[this_37[this_43]] - amount_34[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateMana(this_37[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_32 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusAttackPer[this_7[this_43]] = Unit_bonusAttackPer[this_7[this_43]] - amount_4[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateAttack(this_7[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_33 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusMovespeed[this_23[this_43]] = Unit_bonusMovespeed[this_23[this_43]] - amount_20[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateMovespeed(this_23[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_34 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusLife[this_27[this_43]] = Unit_bonusLife[this_27[this_43]] - amount_24[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateLife(this_27[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_35 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusResistancePer[this_19[this_43]] = Unit_bonusResistancePer[this_19[this_43]] - amount_16[this_43] endfunction function closure_impl_36 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_spellpowerPer[this_11[this_43]] = Unit_spellpowerPer[this_11[this_43]] - amount_8[this_43] endfunction function closure_impl_37 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusResistance[this_17[this_43]] = Unit_bonusResistance[this_17[this_43]] - amount_14[this_43] endfunction function closure_impl_38 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusLifeRegPer[this_33[this_43]] = Unit_bonusLifeRegPer[this_33[this_43]] - amount_30[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateLifeReg(this_33[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_39 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusManaRegPer[this_41[this_43]] = Unit_bonusManaRegPer[this_41[this_43]] - amount_38[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateManaReg(this_41[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_40 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusMovespeedPer[this_25[this_43]] = Unit_bonusMovespeedPer[this_25[this_43]] - amount_22[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateMovespeed(this_25[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_41 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusMana[this_35[this_43]] = Unit_bonusMana[this_35[this_43]] - amount_32[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateMana(this_35[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_42 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusLifeReg[this_31[this_43]] = Unit_bonusLifeReg[this_31[this_43]] - amount_28[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateLifeReg(this_31[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_43 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusArmor[this_13[this_43]] = Unit_bonusArmor[this_13[this_43]] - amount_10[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateArmor(this_13[this_43]) endfunction function closure_impl_44 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_bonusAttack[this_5[this_43]] = Unit_bonusAttack[this_5[this_43]] - amount_2[this_43] call dispatch_Unit_updateAttack(this_5[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_CallbackSingle_call takes integer this_43 returns nothing if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 666 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 656 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 652 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 650 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 648 then call closure_impl_44(this_43) else call closure_impl_32(this_43) endif else call closure_impl_29(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 654 then call closure_impl_36(this_43) else call closure_impl_43(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 662 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 660 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 658 then call closure_impl_28(this_43) else call closure_impl_37(this_43) endif else call closure_impl_35(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 664 then call closure_impl_26(this_43) else call closure_impl_33(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 676 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 672 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 670 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 668 then call closure_impl_40(this_43) else call closure_impl_34(this_43) endif else call closure_impl_25(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 674 then call closure_impl_42(this_43) else call closure_impl_38(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 682 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 680 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 678 then call closure_impl_41(this_43) else call closure_impl_31(this_43) endif else call closure_impl_30(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 684 then call closure_impl_39(this_43) else call closure_impl_27(this_43) endif endfunction function CallbackSingle_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_CallbackSingle takes integer obj returns nothing if CallbackSingle_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type CallbackSingle") call I2S(1 / 0) else set CallbackSingle_nextFree[CallbackSingle_lastFree] = obj set CallbackSingle_lastFree = obj if CallbackSingle_firstFree == 0 then set CallbackSingle_firstFree = obj set CallbackSingle_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set CallbackSingle_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyCallbackSingle takes integer this_43 returns nothing call CallbackSingle_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_CallbackSingle(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_CallbackSingle_destroyCallbackSingle takes integer this_43 returns nothing if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackSingle.destroyCallbackSingle") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called CallbackSingle.destroyCallbackSingle on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 666 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 656 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 650 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 648 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 609 then call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 654 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 652 then call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 662 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 660 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 658 then call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 664 then call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 676 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 672 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 670 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 668 then call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 674 then call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 682 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 680 then if CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 678 then call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif elseif CallbackSingle_typeId[this_43] <= 684 then call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) else call destroyCallbackSingle(this_43) endif endfunction function CallbackSingle_staticCallback takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() local integer cb = timer_getData(t) call dispatch_CallbackSingle_call(cb) call dispatch_CallbackSingle_destroyCallbackSingle(cb) call timer_release(t) set t = null endfunction function alloc_Closure takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Action_firstFree == 0 then set Action_maxIndex = Action_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Action_maxIndex else set this_43 = Action_firstFree set Action_firstFree = Action_nextFree[Action_firstFree] set Action_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Action_typeId[this_43] = 628 return this_43 endfunction function createLightning takes string typ, real pos1_x, real pos1_y, real pos1_z, real pos2_x, real pos2_y, real pos2_z returns lightning return AddLightningEx(typ, true, pos1_x, pos1_y, pos1_z, pos2_x, pos2_y, pos2_z) endfunction function alloc_Closure_2 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Bonus_firstFree == 0 then set Bonus_maxIndex = Bonus_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Bonus_maxIndex else set this_43 = Bonus_firstFree set Bonus_firstFree = Bonus_nextFree[Bonus_firstFree] set Bonus_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Bonus_typeId[this_43] = 657 return this_43 endfunction function Unit_bonusArmorPer_2 takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer clVar set Unit_bonusArmorPer[this_43] = Unit_bonusArmorPer[this_43] + amount_39 call dispatch_Unit_updateArmor(this_43) set clVar = alloc_Closure_2() set this_14[clVar] = this_43 set amount_11[clVar] = amount_39 return clVar endfunction function dispatch_Unit_bonusArmorPer takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer bonusArmorPer_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.bonusArmorPer") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.bonusArmorPer on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set bonusArmorPer_result = Unit_bonusArmorPer_2(this_43, amount_39) else set bonusArmorPer_result = Unit_bonusArmorPer_2(this_43, amount_39) endif return bonusArmorPer_result endfunction function alloc_Closure_3 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Bonus_firstFree == 0 then set Bonus_maxIndex = Bonus_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Bonus_maxIndex else set this_43 = Bonus_firstFree set Bonus_firstFree = Bonus_nextFree[Bonus_firstFree] set Bonus_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Bonus_typeId[this_43] = 649 return this_43 endfunction function Unit_bonusAttackPer_2 takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer clVar set Unit_bonusAttackPer[this_43] = Unit_bonusAttackPer[this_43] + amount_39 call dispatch_Unit_updateAttack(this_43) set clVar = alloc_Closure_3() set this_6[clVar] = this_43 set amount_3[clVar] = amount_39 return clVar endfunction function dispatch_Unit_bonusAttackPer takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer bonusAttackPer_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.bonusAttackPer") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.bonusAttackPer on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set bonusAttackPer_result = Unit_bonusAttackPer_2(this_43, amount_39) else set bonusAttackPer_result = Unit_bonusAttackPer_2(this_43, amount_39) endif return bonusAttackPer_result endfunction function alloc_Closure_4 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Bonus_firstFree == 0 then set Bonus_maxIndex = Bonus_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Bonus_maxIndex else set this_43 = Bonus_firstFree set Bonus_firstFree = Bonus_nextFree[Bonus_firstFree] set Bonus_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Bonus_typeId[this_43] = 671 return this_43 endfunction function Unit_bonusLifePer_2 takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer clVar set Unit_bonusLifePer[this_43] = Unit_bonusLifePer[this_43] + amount_39 call dispatch_Unit_updateLife(this_43) set clVar = alloc_Closure_4() set this_28[clVar] = this_43 set amount_25[clVar] = amount_39 return clVar endfunction function dispatch_Unit_bonusLifePer takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer bonusLifePer_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.bonusLifePer") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.bonusLifePer on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set bonusLifePer_result = Unit_bonusLifePer_2(this_43, amount_39) else set bonusLifePer_result = Unit_bonusLifePer_2(this_43, amount_39) endif return bonusLifePer_result endfunction function alloc_Closure_5 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Bonus_firstFree == 0 then set Bonus_maxIndex = Bonus_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Bonus_maxIndex else set this_43 = Bonus_firstFree set Bonus_firstFree = Bonus_nextFree[Bonus_firstFree] set Bonus_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Bonus_typeId[this_43] = 679 return this_43 endfunction function Unit_bonusManaPer_2 takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer clVar set Unit_bonusManaPer[this_43] = Unit_bonusManaPer[this_43] + amount_39 call dispatch_Unit_updateMana(this_43) set clVar = alloc_Closure_5() set this_36[clVar] = this_43 set amount_33[clVar] = amount_39 return clVar endfunction function dispatch_Unit_bonusManaPer takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer bonusManaPer_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.bonusManaPer") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.bonusManaPer on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set bonusManaPer_result = Unit_bonusManaPer_2(this_43, amount_39) else set bonusManaPer_result = Unit_bonusManaPer_2(this_43, amount_39) endif return bonusManaPer_result endfunction function alloc_Closure_6 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Bonus_firstFree == 0 then set Bonus_maxIndex = Bonus_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Bonus_maxIndex else set this_43 = Bonus_firstFree set Bonus_firstFree = Bonus_nextFree[Bonus_firstFree] set Bonus_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Bonus_typeId[this_43] = 661 return this_43 endfunction function Unit_bonusResistancePer_2 takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer clVar set Unit_bonusResistancePer[this_43] = Unit_bonusResistancePer[this_43] + amount_39 set clVar = alloc_Closure_6() set this_18[clVar] = this_43 set amount_15[clVar] = amount_39 return clVar endfunction function dispatch_Unit_bonusResistancePer takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer bonusResistancePer_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.bonusResistancePer") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.bonusResistancePer on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set bonusResistancePer_result = Unit_bonusResistancePer_2(this_43, amount_39) else set bonusResistancePer_result = Unit_bonusResistancePer_2(this_43, amount_39) endif return bonusResistancePer_result endfunction function alloc_Closure_7 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Bonus_firstFree == 0 then set Bonus_maxIndex = Bonus_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Bonus_maxIndex else set this_43 = Bonus_firstFree set Bonus_firstFree = Bonus_nextFree[Bonus_firstFree] set Bonus_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Bonus_typeId[this_43] = 653 return this_43 endfunction function Unit_bonusSpellpowerPer takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer clVar set Unit_spellpowerPer[this_43] = Unit_spellpowerPer[this_43] + amount_39 set clVar = alloc_Closure_7() set this_10[clVar] = this_43 set amount_7[clVar] = amount_39 return clVar endfunction function dispatch_Unit_bonusSpellpowerPer takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer bonusSpellpowerPer_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.bonusSpellpowerPer") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.bonusSpellpowerPer on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set bonusSpellpowerPer_result = Unit_bonusSpellpowerPer(this_43, amount_39) else set bonusSpellpowerPer_result = Unit_bonusSpellpowerPer(this_43, amount_39) endif return bonusSpellpowerPer_result endfunction function ControlPoint_addAllBons takes integer this_43, integer u returns nothing local integer ct = Unit_ct[u] set CaptureData_armor[ct] = dispatch_Unit_bonusArmorPer(u, 10.) set CaptureData_attack[ct] = dispatch_Unit_bonusAttackPer(u, 10.) set CaptureData_life[ct] = dispatch_Unit_bonusLifePer(u, 10.) set CaptureData_mana[ct] = dispatch_Unit_bonusManaPer(u, 10.) set CaptureData_resistance[ct] = dispatch_Unit_bonusResistancePer(u, 10.) set CaptureData_spellpower[ct] = dispatch_Unit_bonusSpellpowerPer(u, 10.) endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_addAllBons takes integer this_43, integer u returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.addAllBons") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.addAllBons on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_addAllBons(this_43, u) endfunction function ControlPoint_selfHeal takes integer this_43 returns nothing local real heal = ControlPoint_baseSHeal + ControlPoint_heroSHealFactor * ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] + ControlPoint_unitSHealFactor * ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] if ControlPoint_hp[this_43] + heal >= 1000. then set ControlPoint_hp[this_43] = 1000. else set ControlPoint_hp[this_43] = ControlPoint_hp[this_43] + heal endif endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_selfHeal takes integer this_43 returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.selfHeal") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.selfHeal on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_selfHeal(this_43) endfunction function real_toInt takes real this_43 returns integer return R2I(this_43) endfunction function unit_setVertexColor takes unit this_43, integer col_red, integer col_green, integer col_blue returns unit call SetUnitVertexColor(this_43, col_red, col_green, col_blue, 255) return this_43 endfunction function ControlPoint_setColor takes integer this_43 returns nothing local real helpHP = ControlPoint_hp[this_43] local real green local real red local real red_2 local real green_2 if ControlPoint_hp[this_43] >= 500. then set helpHP = 500. endif if IsPlayerAlly(GetLocalPlayer(), ControlPoint_owner[this_43]) then set helpHP = helpHP + 500. set green = 30. + helpHP / 1000. * 225. set red = 255. - helpHP / 1000. * 225. call unit_setVertexColor(ControlPoint_visualDummy[this_43], real_toInt(red), real_toInt(green), 30) else set helpHP = helpHP + 500. set red_2 = 30. + helpHP / 1000. * 225. set green_2 = 255. - helpHP / 1000. * 225. call unit_setVertexColor(ControlPoint_visualDummy[this_43], real_toInt(red_2), real_toInt(green_2), 30) endif endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_setColor takes integer this_43 returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.setColor") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.setColor on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_setColor(this_43) endfunction function hashtable_saveTimerHandle takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey, timer value returns hashtable call SaveTimerHandle(this_43, parentKey, childKey, value) return this_43 endfunction function Table_saveTimer takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, timer value returns nothing call hashtable_saveTimerHandle(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function dispatch_Table_saveTimer takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, timer value returns nothing if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.saveTimer") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.saveTimer on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Table_saveTimer(this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function timer_startPeriodic takes timer this_43, real time, code timerCallBack returns timer call TimerStart(this_43, time, true, timerCallBack) return this_43 endfunction function Hero_playCaptureAnimation takes integer this_43 returns nothing local timer t if Hero_hasPeriodicAnimation[this_43] then set t = getTimer() call timer_setData(t, this_43) call timer_startPeriodic(t, Hero_animationIntervall[this_43], ref_function_playAnimation) call dispatch_Table_saveTimer(CaptureAnimation_captureTimer, this_43, t) call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(Unit_u[this_43], Hero_animationIndex[this_43]) else call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(Unit_u[this_43], Hero_animationIndex[this_43]) endif if Hero_captureEffect[this_43] != null then set Hero_currentEffect[this_43] = unit_addEffect(Unit_u[this_43], Hero_captureEffect[this_43], Hero_captureEffectAttachmentPoint[this_43]) endif call SetUnitTimeScale(Unit_u[this_43], Hero_animationSpeed[this_43] / 100.) set t = null endfunction function alloc_Closure_8 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Action_firstFree == 0 then set Action_maxIndex = Action_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Action_maxIndex else set this_43 = Action_firstFree set Action_firstFree = Action_nextFree[Action_firstFree] set Action_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Action_typeId[this_43] = 629 return this_43 endfunction function angle_op_plus takes real this_radians, real other_radians returns real return this_radians + other_radians endfunction function Unit_getMiddle takes integer this_43 returns real set Unit_getMiddle_return_x = unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]) set Unit_getMiddle_return_y = unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]) set Unit_getMiddle_return_z = Unit_height[this_43] / 2. return Unit_getMiddle_return_x endfunction function dispatch_Unit_getMiddle takes integer this_43 returns real local real getMiddle_result_x local real getMiddle_result_y local real getMiddle_result_z if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.getMiddle") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.getMiddle on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set getMiddle_result_x = Unit_getMiddle(this_43) set getMiddle_result_y = Unit_getMiddle_return_y set getMiddle_result_z = Unit_getMiddle_return_z else set getMiddle_result_x = Unit_getMiddle(this_43) set getMiddle_result_y = Unit_getMiddle_return_y set getMiddle_result_z = Unit_getMiddle_return_z endif set dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_x = getMiddle_result_x set dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_y = getMiddle_result_y set dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_z = getMiddle_result_z return dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_x endfunction function real_asAngleRadians takes real this_43 returns real return this_43 endfunction function vec2_angleTo takes real this_x, real this_y, real v_x, real v_y returns real return real_asAngleRadians(Atan2(v_y - this_y, v_x - this_x)) endfunction function angle_toVec takes real this_radians, real len returns real set angle_toVec_return_x = Cos(this_radians) * len set angle_toVec_return_y = Sin(this_radians) * len return angle_toVec_return_x endfunction function vec2_op_plus takes real this_x, real this_y, real v_x, real v_y returns real set vec2_op_plus_return_x = this_x + v_x set vec2_op_plus_return_y = this_y + v_y return vec2_op_plus_return_x endfunction function vec2_polarOffset takes real this_x, real this_y, real ang_radians, real dist returns real set vec2_polarOffset_return_x = vec2_op_plus(this_x, this_y, angle_toVec(ang_radians, dist), angle_toVec_return_y) set vec2_polarOffset_return_y = vec2_op_plus_return_y return vec2_polarOffset_return_x endfunction function vec3_toVec2 takes real this_x, real this_y, real this_z returns real set vec3_toVec2_return_x = this_x set vec3_toVec2_return_y = this_y return vec3_toVec2_return_x endfunction function Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint takes integer this_43, real controllPointPos_x, real controllPointPos_y, real controllPointPos_z returns real local real pos_x = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle(this_43) local real pos_y = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_y local real pos_z = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_z local real pos2D_x = vec3_toVec2(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) local real pos2D_y = vec3_toVec2_return_y local integer tempIndex local real temp local real temp_2 local real temp_3 set pos_z = pos_z + Hero_captureOffsetZ[this_43] set temp_2 = pos2D_x set temp_3 = pos2D_y set temp = vec2_angleTo(pos2D_x, pos2D_y, vec3_toVec2(controllPointPos_x, controllPointPos_y, controllPointPos_z), vec3_toVec2_return_y) set tempIndex = this_43 set pos2D_x = vec2_polarOffset(temp_2, temp_3, angle_op_plus(temp, Hero_captureOffsetAngle[tempIndex]), Hero_captureOffsetDistance[this_43]) set pos2D_y = vec2_polarOffset_return_y set pos_x = pos2D_x set pos_y = pos2D_y set Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_x = pos_x set Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_y = pos_y set Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_z = pos_z return Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_x endfunction function dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint takes integer this_43, real controllPointPos_x, real controllPointPos_y, real controllPointPos_z returns real local real getCaptureAttackPoint_result_x local real getCaptureAttackPoint_result_y local real getCaptureAttackPoint_result_z if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.getCaptureAttackPoint") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.getCaptureAttackPoint on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getCaptureAttackPoint_result_x = Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint(this_43, controllPointPos_x, controllPointPos_y, controllPointPos_z) set getCaptureAttackPoint_result_y = Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_y set getCaptureAttackPoint_result_z = Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_z set dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_x = getCaptureAttackPoint_result_x set dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_y = getCaptureAttackPoint_result_y set dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_z = getCaptureAttackPoint_result_z return dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_x endfunction function Event_addAction takes integer this_43, integer a returns integer set Action_ev[a] = this_43 if Event_first[this_43] == 0 then set Event_first[this_43] = a set Event_last[this_43] = a set Action_next[a] = 0 set Action_prev[a] = 0 else set Action_prev[Event_first[this_43]] = a set Action_next[a] = Event_first[this_43] set Event_first[this_43] = a endif return a endfunction function dispatch_Event_addAction takes integer this_43, integer a returns integer local integer addAction_result if Event_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Event.addAction") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Event.addAction on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Event_typeId[this_43] <= 691 then if Event_typeId[this_43] <= 689 then if Event_typeId[this_43] <= 10 then set addAction_result = Event_addAction(this_43, a) else set addAction_result = Event_addAction(this_43, a) endif else set addAction_result = Event_addAction(this_43, a) endif elseif Event_typeId[this_43] <= 696 then if Event_typeId[this_43] <= 694 then set addAction_result = Event_addAction(this_43, a) else set addAction_result = Event_addAction(this_43, a) endif else set addAction_result = Event_addAction(this_43, a) endif return addAction_result endfunction function alloc_UnitEvent takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Event_firstFree == 0 then set Event_maxIndex = Event_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Event_maxIndex else set this_43 = Event_firstFree set Event_firstFree = Event_nextFree[Event_firstFree] set Event_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Event_typeId[this_43] = 694 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Event takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Event_first[this_43] = 0 set Event_last[this_43] = 0 set Event_checkData[this_43] = false endfunction function construct_UnitEvent takes integer this_43 returns nothing call construct_Event(this_43) endfunction function new_UnitEvent takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_UnitEvent() call construct_UnitEvent(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function Hero_registerChannelCancel takes integer this_43, integer action returns integer if Hero_channelCancel[this_43] == 0 then set Hero_channelCancel[this_43] = new_UnitEvent() endif return dispatch_Event_addAction(Hero_channelCancel[this_43], action) endfunction function dispatch_Hero_registerChannelCancel takes integer this_43, integer action returns integer local integer registerChannelCancel_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.registerChannelCancel") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.registerChannelCancel on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set registerChannelCancel_result = Hero_registerChannelCancel(this_43, action) return registerChannelCancel_result endfunction function print takes string msg returns nothing call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., PrintingHelper_DEBUG_MSG_DURATION, msg) endfunction function trigger_disable takes trigger this_43 returns trigger call DisableTrigger(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function trigger_enable takes trigger this_43 returns trigger call EnableTrigger(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function angle_degrees takes real this_radians returns real return this_radians * Maths_RADTODEG endfunction function unit_setFacing_2 takes unit this_43, real a_radians returns unit call SetUnitFacing(this_43, angle_degrees(a_radians)) return this_43 endfunction function ControlPoint_startCapture takes integer this_43, integer h_2 returns nothing local integer clVar local real hpos_x local real hpos_y local real hpos_z local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer temp local real temp_2 local real temp_3 local unit temp_4 local integer temp_5 call print("start") call trigger_disable(GetOrders_orderDetect) call IssueImmediateOrder(Unit_u[h_2], "stop") call trigger_enable(GetOrders_orderDetect) set CaptureData_captures[Unit_ct[h_2]] = true set temp = h_2 set clVar = alloc_Closure_8() set h[clVar] = h_2 call dispatch_Hero_registerChannelCancel(temp, clVar) set temp_4 = Unit_u[h_2] set temp_2 = unit_getPos(Unit_u[h_2]) set temp_3 = unit_getPos_return_y set tempIndex = this_43 call unit_setFacing_2(temp_4, vec2_angleTo(temp_2, temp_3, vec3_toVec2(ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex]), vec3_toVec2_return_y)) call Hero_playCaptureAnimation(h_2) set temp_5 = h_2 set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set hpos_x = dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint(temp_5, ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_2], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_2], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_2]) set hpos_y = dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_y set hpos_z = dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_z if CaptureData_l2[Unit_ct[h_2]] == null then set CaptureData_l2[Unit_ct[h_2]] = createLightning(Lightning_FORKED_LIGHTNING, hpos_x, hpos_y, hpos_z, hpos_x, hpos_y, hpos_z) call SetLightningColor(CaptureData_l2[Unit_ct[h_2]], 1., 0.5, 0.1, 1.) endif set temp_4 = null endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_startCapture takes integer this_43, integer h_2 returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.startCapture") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.startCapture on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_startCapture(this_43, h_2) endfunction function unit_setScale takes unit this_43, real scale returns unit call SetUnitScale(this_43, scale, scale, scale) return this_43 endfunction function Fx_setScale takes integer this_43, real value returns integer call unit_setScale(Fx_dummy[this_43], value) return this_43 endfunction function dispatch_Fx_setScale takes integer this_43, real value returns integer local integer setScale_result if Fx_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.setScale") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Fx.setScale on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set setScale_result = Fx_setScale(this_43, value) return setScale_result endfunction function alloc_Unit2Event takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Event_firstFree == 0 then set Event_maxIndex = Event_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Event_maxIndex else set this_43 = Event_firstFree set Event_firstFree = Event_nextFree[Event_firstFree] set Event_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Event_typeId[this_43] = 696 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Unit2Event takes integer this_43 returns nothing call construct_Event(this_43) endfunction function new_Unit2Event takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Unit2Event() call construct_Unit2Event(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function Unit_registerDeath takes integer this_43, integer action returns integer if Unit_onDeath[this_43] == 0 then set Unit_onDeath[this_43] = new_Unit2Event() endif return dispatch_Event_addAction(Unit_onDeath[this_43], action) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_registerDeath takes integer this_43, integer action returns integer local integer registerDeath_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.registerDeath") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.registerDeath on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set registerDeath_result = Unit_registerDeath(this_43, action) else set registerDeath_result = Unit_registerDeath(this_43, action) endif return registerDeath_result endfunction function alloc_CaptureData takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if CaptureData_firstFree == 0 then set CaptureData_maxIndex = CaptureData_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = CaptureData_maxIndex else set this_43 = CaptureData_firstFree set CaptureData_firstFree = CaptureData_nextFree[CaptureData_firstFree] set CaptureData_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set CaptureData_typeId[this_43] = 630 return this_43 endfunction function construct_CaptureData takes integer this_43, integer target returns nothing set CaptureData_l1[this_43] = null set CaptureData_l2[this_43] = null set CaptureData_blitzPos[this_43] = 0. set CaptureData_captures[this_43] = false set CaptureData_onDeath[this_43] = 0 set CaptureData_target[this_43] = 0 set CaptureData_fx[this_43] = 0 set CaptureData_armor[this_43] = 0 set CaptureData_attack[this_43] = 0 set CaptureData_life[this_43] = 0 set CaptureData_mana[this_43] = 0 set CaptureData_spellpower[this_43] = 0 set CaptureData_resistance[this_43] = 0 set CaptureData_target[this_43] = target endfunction function new_CaptureData takes integer target returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_CaptureData() call construct_CaptureData(this_43, target) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_Fx takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Fx_firstFree == 0 then set Fx_maxIndex = Fx_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Fx_maxIndex else set this_43 = Fx_firstFree set Fx_firstFree = Fx_nextFree[Fx_firstFree] set Fx_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Fx_typeId[this_43] = 626 return this_43 endfunction function Fx_setFx takes integer this_43, string newpath returns integer if Fx_fx[this_43] != null then call effect_destr(Fx_fx[this_43]) endif if newpath == "" then set Fx_fx[this_43] = null else set Fx_fx[this_43] = unit_addEffect(Fx_dummy[this_43], newpath, "origin") endif set Fx_sfxPath[this_43] = newpath return this_43 endfunction function dispatch_Fx_setFx takes integer this_43, string newpath returns integer local integer setFx_result if Fx_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.setFx") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Fx.setFx on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set setFx_result = Fx_setFx(this_43, newpath) return setFx_result endfunction function unit_setFlyHeight takes unit this_43, real height, real rate returns unit call SetUnitFlyHeight(this_43, height, rate) return this_43 endfunction function Fx_setZ takes integer this_43, real z returns integer call unit_setFlyHeight(Fx_dummy[this_43], z, 0.) return this_43 endfunction function dispatch_Fx_setZ takes integer this_43, real z returns integer local integer setZ_result if Fx_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.setZ") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Fx.setZ on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set setZ_result = Fx_setZ(this_43, z) return setZ_result endfunction function createUnit takes player p, integer unitId, real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z, real facing_radians returns unit return CreateUnit(p, unitId, pos_x, pos_y, angle_degrees(facing_radians)) endfunction function int_moduloInt takes integer this_43, integer divisor returns integer return this_43 - this_43 / divisor * divisor endfunction function unit_pause takes unit this_43 returns unit call PauseUnit(this_43, true) return this_43 endfunction function unit_setXYZ takes unit this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z returns unit call SetUnitX(this_43, pos_x) call SetUnitY(this_43, pos_y) call SetUnitFlyHeight(this_43, pos_z, 0.) return this_43 endfunction function newDummy takes real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z, real facing_radians returns unit local integer i_2 = int_moduloInt(R2I(angle_degrees(facing_radians)), 360) / DummyRecycler_ANG_VAL local integer qn = DummyRecycler_queueNext[i_2] local unit u if qn != 0 and getElapsedGameTime() >= DummyRecycler_timeStamp[qn] then set DummyRecycler_queueNext[i_2] = DummyRecycler_queueNext[qn] if DummyRecycler_queueNext[i_2] == 0 then set DummyRecycler_queueLast[i_2] = i_2 endif set DummyRecycler_stackN[i_2] = DummyRecycler_stackN[i_2] - 1 set DummyRecycler_queueLast[qn] = DummyRecycler_recycle set DummyRecycler_recycle = qn set u = DummyRecycler_stack[qn] call unit_setFacing(u, angle_degrees(facing_radians)) call GroupRemoveUnit(DummyRecycler_protect, u) call unit_pause(u) else set u = createUnit(Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER, Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, facing_radians) call unit_pause(unit_addAbility(unit_removeAbility(unit_addAbility(u, Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER), Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER), Basics_LOCUST_ID)) endif call unit_setXYZ(u, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) set bj_lastCreatedUnit = u set u = null return bj_lastCreatedUnit endfunction function construct_Fx takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z, real facing_radians, string fxpath returns nothing set Fx_dummy[this_43] = null set Fx_fx[this_43] = null set Fx_zAngle[this_43] = 0. set Fx_dummy[this_43] = newDummy(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, facing_radians) call dispatch_Fx_setZ(this_43, pos_z) call dispatch_Fx_setFx(this_43, fxpath) endfunction function new_Fx takes real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z, real facing_radians, string fxpath returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Fx() call construct_Fx(this_43, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, facing_radians, fxpath) return this_43 endfunction function ControlPoint_groupCheck takes integer this_43 returns nothing local group wurst__iterator0 local unit gu local integer obj local group tempGroup local unit gu_2 local integer obj_2 local integer a local integer clVar local real middle_x local real middle_y local real middle_z local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_3 local integer tempIndex_3 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 local integer tempIndex_4 local real temp local real temp_2 local group temp_3 local real temp_4 local integer temp_5 local string temp_6 local real temp_7 local real temp_8 local real temp_9 local integer temp_10 call dispatch_ControlPoint_selfHeal(this_43) call dispatch_ControlPoint_setColor(this_43) set wurst__iterator0 = group_iterator(ControlPoint_inRange[this_43]) loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(wurst__iterator0) set gu = group_next(wurst__iterator0) set obj = unit_getUserData(gu) set temp = unit_getPos(gu) set temp_2 = unit_getPos_return_y set tempIndex = this_43 if vec2_distToVec(temp, temp_2, vec3_toVec2(ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex]), vec3_toVec2_return_y) > ControlPoint_range then call dispatch_CaptureData_destroyCaptureData(Unit_ct[obj]) set Unit_ct[obj] = 0 if IsUnitAlly(gu, ControlPoint_owner[this_43]) then if Unit_isHero[obj] then set ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] - 1 else set ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] - 1 endif elseif Unit_isHero[obj] then set ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43] - 1 else set ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43] - 1 endif call GroupRemoveUnit(ControlPoint_inRange[this_43], gu) endif endloop call group_close(wurst__iterator0) set tempGroup = CreateGroup() set temp_3 = tempGroup set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3 = ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_2] set temp_4 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_3] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_3] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 = ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_3] call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(temp_3, temp_4, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2, ControlPoint_range, Condition(ref_function_notDead)) loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(tempGroup) set gu_2 = group_next(tempGroup) if not IsUnitInGroup(gu_2, ControlPoint_inRange[this_43]) then set obj_2 = unit_getUserData(gu_2) set Unit_ct[obj_2] = new_CaptureData(this_43) set temp_5 = obj_2 set clVar = alloc_Closure() set this_3[clVar] = this_43 set a = dispatch_Unit_registerDeath(temp_5, clVar) set CaptureData_onDeath[Unit_ct[obj_2]] = a call GroupAddUnit(ControlPoint_inRange[this_43], gu_2) if IsUnitAlly(gu_2, ControlPoint_owner[this_43]) then call dispatch_ControlPoint_addAllBons(this_43, obj_2) if Unit_isHero[obj_2] then set ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] + 1 else set ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] + 1 endif else if Unit_isHero[obj_2] then set ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43] + 1 if Hero_wantCapture[obj_2] then call dispatch_ControlPoint_startCapture(this_43, obj_2) endif else set ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43] + 1 endif set middle_x = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle(obj_2) set middle_y = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_y set middle_z = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_z set temp_10 = Unit_ct[obj_2] set temp_6 = Lightning_FORKED_LIGHTNING set temp_7 = middle_x set temp_8 = middle_y set temp_9 = middle_z set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set CaptureData_l1[temp_10] = createLightning(temp_6, temp_7, temp_8, temp_9, ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_4], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_4], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_4]) set CaptureData_fx[Unit_ct[obj_2]] = new_Fx(middle_x, middle_y, middle_z, real_asAngleRadians(0.), "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\Bloodlust\\BloodlustTarget.mdl") call dispatch_Fx_setScale(CaptureData_fx[Unit_ct[obj_2]], 3.) endif endif endloop call DestroyGroup(tempGroup) set wurst__iterator0 = null set gu = null set tempGroup = null set gu_2 = null set temp_3 = null endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_groupCheck takes integer this_43 returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.groupCheck") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.groupCheck on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_groupCheck(this_43) endfunction function ControlPoint_callGroupCheck takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_ControlPoint_groupCheck(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function ControlPoint_calcDamage takes integer this_43, integer u returns real local real damage = ControlPoint_baseDmg + ControlPoint_dmgPerLvl * Unit_level[u] local real damageModifer if Unit_isHero[u] then set damage = damage + GetUnitState(Unit_u[u], UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) / 100. * ControlPoint_percentualDmg set damage = damage + GetHeroLevel(Unit_u[u]) * ControlPoint_dmgPerLvl else set damage = damage * ControlPoint_creepDmg endif set damageModifer = (ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] - ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43]) * ControlPoint_heroDmgFactor + (ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] - ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43]) * ControlPoint_unitDmgFactor set damage = damage * (1. + damageModifer) return damage endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_calcDamage takes integer this_43, integer u returns real local real calcDamage_result if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.calcDamage") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.calcDamage on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set calcDamage_result = ControlPoint_calcDamage(this_43, u) return calcDamage_result endfunction function vec2_toVec3 takes real this_x, real this_y returns real set vec2_toVec3_return_x = this_x set vec2_toVec3_return_y = this_y set vec2_toVec3_return_z = 0. return vec2_toVec3_return_x endfunction function newDummy_2 takes real pos_x, real pos_y, real facing_radians returns unit return newDummy(vec2_toVec3(pos_x, pos_y), vec2_toVec3_return_y, vec2_toVec3_return_z, facing_radians) endfunction function construct_Fx_2 takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, real facing_radians, string fxpath returns nothing set Fx_dummy[this_43] = null set Fx_fx[this_43] = null set Fx_zAngle[this_43] = 0. set Fx_dummy[this_43] = newDummy_2(pos_x, pos_y, facing_radians) call dispatch_Fx_setFx(this_43, fxpath) endfunction function new_Fx_2 takes real pos_x, real pos_y, real facing_radians, string fxpath returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Fx() call construct_Fx_2(this_43, pos_x, pos_y, facing_radians, fxpath) return this_43 endfunction function createTimedFx takes string path, real pos_x, real pos_y, real duration returns integer local integer fx = new_Fx_2(pos_x, pos_y, 0., path) call timer_setData(timer_start(getTimer(), duration, ref_function_destroyTimedFx), fx) return fx endfunction function ControlPoint_captured takes integer this_43 returns nothing local integer tempIndex = this_43 local unit u local integer obj call dispatch_Fx_setScale(createTimedFx("war3mapImported\\BlizzardEruption.mdx", vec3_toVec2(ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex]), vec3_toVec2_return_y, 3.), 4.) set ControlPoint_hp[this_43] = 500. loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(ControlPoint_inRange[this_43]) set u = group_next(ControlPoint_inRange[this_43]) set obj = unit_getUserData(u) call dispatch_CaptureData_destroyCaptureData(Unit_ct[obj]) set Unit_ct[obj] = 0 call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(u, 0) if IsUnitAlly(u, ControlPoint_owner[this_43]) then if Unit_isHero[obj] then set ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] - 1 else set ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] - 1 endif elseif Unit_isHero[obj] then set ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43] - 1 call Hero_stopCaptureAnimation(obj) else set ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43] = ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43] - 1 endif endloop set ControlPoint_owner[this_43] = Player(0) set u = null endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_captured takes integer this_43 returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.captured") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.captured on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_captured(this_43) endfunction function ControlPoint_damage takes integer this_43, real amount_39, integer source returns nothing if ControlPoint_hp[this_43] - amount_39 <= 0. then set ControlPoint_hp[this_43] = 0. if Unit_ct[source] != 0 then endif call dispatch_ControlPoint_captured(this_43) else set ControlPoint_hp[this_43] = ControlPoint_hp[this_43] - amount_39 endif endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_damage takes integer this_43, real amount_39, integer source returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.damage") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.damage on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_damage(this_43, amount_39, source) endfunction function getTerrainZ takes real x, real y returns real call MoveLocation(Terrain_tempLoc, x, y) return GetLocationZ(Terrain_tempLoc) endfunction function unit_setPos takes unit this_43, real x, real y returns unit call SetUnitPosition(this_43, x, y) return this_43 endfunction function Fx_setPos takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z returns integer call unit_setPos(Fx_dummy[this_43], pos_x, pos_y) call dispatch_Fx_setZ(this_43, pos_z - getTerrainZ(pos_x, pos_y)) return this_43 endfunction function dispatch_Fx_setPos takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z returns integer local integer setPos_result if Fx_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.setPos") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Fx.setPos on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set setPos_result = Fx_setPos(this_43, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) return setPos_result endfunction function Event_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing local integer buffer1 = Event_first[this_43] local integer buffer2 loop exitwhen not (buffer1 != 0) set buffer2 = Action_next[buffer1] call dispatch_Action_destroyAction(buffer1) set buffer1 = buffer2 endloop endfunction function Unit2Event_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Event_onDestroy(this_43) endfunction function dealloc_Unit2Event takes integer obj returns nothing if Event_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Unit2Event") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Event_nextFree[Event_lastFree] = obj set Event_lastFree = obj if Event_firstFree == 0 then set Event_firstFree = obj set Event_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Event_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyUnit2Event takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Unit2Event_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Unit2Event(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Unit2Event_destroyUnit2Event takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Event_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit2Event.destroyUnit2Event") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit2Event.destroyUnit2Event on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyUnit2Event(this_43) endfunction function Shield_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing set ShieldList_shieldSum[Shield_referingList[this_43]] = ShieldList_shieldSum[Shield_referingList[this_43]] - Shield_amount[this_43] call timer_release(Shield_t[this_43]) if Shield_shieldDestroyed[this_43] != 0 then call dispatch_Unit2Event_destroyUnit2Event(Shield_shieldDestroyed[this_43]) endif if Shield_prev[this_43] != 0 then set Shield_next[Shield_prev[this_43]] = Shield_next[this_43] endif if Shield_next[this_43] != 0 then set Shield_prev[Shield_next[this_43]] = Shield_prev[this_43] endif if ShieldList_first[Shield_referingList[this_43]] == this_43 then set ShieldList_first[Shield_referingList[this_43]] = Shield_next[this_43] endif if ShieldList_last[Shield_referingList[this_43]] == this_43 then set ShieldList_last[Shield_referingList[this_43]] = Shield_prev[this_43] endif endfunction function dealloc_Shield takes integer obj returns nothing if Shield_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Shield") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Shield_nextFree[Shield_lastFree] = obj set Shield_lastFree = obj if Shield_firstFree == 0 then set Shield_firstFree = obj set Shield_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Shield_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyShield takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Shield_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Shield(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Shield_destroyShield takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Shield_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Shield.destroyShield") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Shield.destroyShield on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyShield(this_43) endfunction function Units_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_Units takes integer obj returns nothing if Units_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Units") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Units_nextFree[Units_lastFree] = obj set Units_lastFree = obj if Units_firstFree == 0 then set Units_firstFree = obj set Units_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Units_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyUnits takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Units_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Units(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Units_destroyUnits takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Units_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Units.destroyUnits") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Units.destroyUnits on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyUnits(this_43) endfunction function alloc_Units takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Units_firstFree == 0 then set Units_maxIndex = Units_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Units_maxIndex else set this_43 = Units_firstFree set Units_firstFree = Units_nextFree[Units_firstFree] set Units_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Units_typeId[this_43] = 695 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Units takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function new_Units takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Units() call construct_Units(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function Unit2Event_fire takes integer this_43, integer source, integer target returns nothing local integer data = new_Units() set Units_source[data] = source set Units_target[data] = target call Event_callActions(this_43, data) call dispatch_Units_destroyUnits(data) endfunction function dispatch_Unit2Event_fire takes integer this_43, integer source, integer target returns nothing if Event_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Unit2Event_fire(this_43, source, target) endfunction function ShieldList_damage takes integer this_43, real amount_39, integer source returns real local real remainingDmg local integer pos local integer buffer if ShieldList_first[this_43] == 0 then return amount_39 endif if amount_39 > ShieldList_shieldSum[this_43] then set ShieldList_shieldSum[this_43] = 0. else set ShieldList_shieldSum[this_43] = ShieldList_shieldSum[this_43] - amount_39 endif set remainingDmg = amount_39 set pos = ShieldList_first[this_43] loop exitwhen not (remainingDmg > 0. and pos != 0) if Shield_amount[pos] >= remainingDmg then set Shield_amount[pos] = Shield_amount[pos] - remainingDmg return 0. else set remainingDmg = remainingDmg - Shield_amount[pos] set Shield_amount[pos] = 0. if Shield_shieldDestroyed[pos] != 0 then call dispatch_Unit2Event_fire(Shield_shieldDestroyed[pos], source, Shield_target[pos]) endif set buffer = pos set pos = Shield_next[buffer] call dispatch_Shield_destroyShield(buffer) endif endloop return remainingDmg endfunction function dispatch_ShieldList_damage takes integer this_43, real amount_39, integer source returns real local real damage_result if ShieldList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ShieldList.damage") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ShieldList.damage on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set damage_result = ShieldList_damage(this_43, amount_39, source) return damage_result endfunction function hashtable_loadReal takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns real return LoadReal(this_43, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table_loadReal takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns real return hashtable_loadReal(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_loadReal takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns real local real loadReal_result if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadReal") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.loadReal on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set loadReal_result = Table_loadReal(this_43, parentKey) return loadReal_result endfunction function hashtable_saveReal takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey, real value returns hashtable call SaveReal(this_43, parentKey, childKey, value) return this_43 endfunction function Table_saveReal takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, real value returns nothing call hashtable_saveReal(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function dispatch_Table_saveReal takes integer this_43, integer parentKey, real value returns nothing if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.saveReal") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.saveReal on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Table_saveReal(this_43, parentKey, value) endfunction function Unit_invuTT takes integer this_43 returns nothing if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]), GetLocalPlayer()) then endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_invuTT takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.invuTT") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.invuTT on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_invuTT(this_43) else call Unit_invuTT(this_43) endif endfunction function alloc_TextTag takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if TextTag_firstFree == 0 then set TextTag_maxIndex = TextTag_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = TextTag_maxIndex else set this_43 = TextTag_firstFree set TextTag_firstFree = TextTag_nextFree[TextTag_firstFree] set TextTag_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set TextTag_typeId[this_43] = 615 return this_43 endfunction function int_toString takes integer this_43 returns string return I2S(this_43) endfunction function multiboard_getItem takes multiboard this_43, integer row, integer column returns multiboarditem return MultiboardGetItem(this_43, row, column) endfunction function multiboarditem_release takes multiboarditem this_43 returns multiboarditem call MultiboardReleaseItem(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function multiboarditem_setValue takes multiboarditem this_43, string value returns multiboarditem call MultiboardSetItemValue(this_43, value) return this_43 endfunction function construct_TextTag takes integer this_43, real amount_39, integer u, integer R, integer B, integer G, real size, integer tType returns nothing local multiboarditem mbi local real x local real y set InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId] = InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId] + 1 set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, ShowInstances_classId, 1) call multiboarditem_release(multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, int_toString(InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId]))) set TextTag_tt[this_43] = CreateTextTag() set TextTag_tType[this_43] = tType set x = unit_getX(Unit_u[u]) - 25. set y = unit_getY(Unit_u[u]) - 25. if tType == 0 then set x = x + 35. elseif tType == 1 then set x = x - 35. elseif tType == 4 or tType == 3 then set y = y + 35. elseif tType == 5 then set y = y - 35. endif call SetTextTagPos(TextTag_tt[this_43], x, y, Unit_height[u] + 10.) call SetTextTagColor(TextTag_tt[this_43], R, B, G, 255) call SetTextTagPermanent(TextTag_tt[this_43], false) call SetTextTagLifespan(TextTag_tt[this_43], 1.) call SetTextTagFadepoint(TextTag_tt[this_43], 0.80) call SetTextTagVelocity(TextTag_tt[this_43], 0., 0.08) call SetTextTagVisibility(TextTag_tt[this_43], true) if tType == 4 then call SetTextTagText(TextTag_tt[this_43], "Dodge", size * 0.023 / 10.) elseif tType == 3 then call SetTextTagText(TextTag_tt[this_43], "Miss", size * 0.023 / 10.) elseif tType == 5 then call SetTextTagText(TextTag_tt[this_43], "+" + I2S(R2I(amount_39)) + "g", size * 0.023 / 10.) else call SetTextTagText(TextTag_tt[this_43], R2SW(amount_39, 0, 1), size * 0.023 / 10.) endif set TextTag_amount[this_43] = amount_39 set TextTag_u[this_43] = u set TextTag_t[this_43] = getTimer() call timer_setData(TextTag_t[this_43], this_43) if tType == 2 then set Unit_dotTT[TextTag_u[this_43]] = this_43 call timer_start(TextTag_t[this_43], 0.45, ref_function_TextTag_destroyTextTag) elseif tType == 0 then set Unit_damageTT[TextTag_u[this_43]] = this_43 call timer_start(TextTag_t[this_43], 1., ref_function_TextTag_destroyTextTag_2) else set Unit_healTT[TextTag_u[this_43]] = this_43 call timer_start(TextTag_t[this_43], 1., ref_function_TextTag_destroyTextTag_3) endif set mbi = null endfunction function new_TextTag takes real amount_39, integer u, integer R, integer B, integer G, real size, integer tType returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_TextTag() call construct_TextTag(this_43, amount_39, u, R, B, G, size, tType) return this_43 endfunction function Unit_goldTT takes integer this_43, real dmg, player p returns nothing if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]), GetLocalPlayer()) and GetLocalPlayer() == p then call new_TextTag(dmg, this_43, 255, 255, 0, 11., 5) endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_goldTT takes integer this_43, real dmg, player p returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.goldTT") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.goldTT on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_goldTT(this_43, dmg, p) else call Unit_goldTT(this_43, dmg, p) endif endfunction function unit_kill takes unit this_43 returns unit call KillUnit(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function Unit_kill takes integer this_43, integer source returns nothing local integer i_2 if not Unit_isDead[this_43] then set Unit_isDead[this_43] = true call unit_addAbility(Unit_u[this_43], 1684365668) call dispatch_Unit2Event_fire(Unit_onDeath[this_43], source, this_43) call dispatch_Unit2Event_fire(Unit_causeDeath[this_43], source, this_43) set i_2 = 0 loop exitwhen i_2 > 11 if dispatch_Table_loadReal(Unit_percentDamage[this_43], i_2) != 0. then call SetPlayerState(Player(i_2), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD, GetPlayerState(Player(i_2), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) + R2I(dispatch_Table_loadReal(Unit_percentDamage[this_43], i_2) * Unit_bounty[this_43] + 0.5)) call dispatch_Unit_goldTT(this_43, dispatch_Table_loadReal(Unit_percentDamage[this_43], i_2) * Unit_bounty[this_43] + 0.50, Player(i_2)) endif set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop call unit_kill(Unit_u[this_43]) endif endfunction function Bar_disable takes integer this_43 returns nothing call texttag_setVisibility(Bar_tt[this_43], false) set Bar_check[this_43] = false endfunction function dispatch_Bar_disable takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Bar_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Bar.disable") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Bar.disable on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Bar_disable(this_43) endfunction function Hero_kill takes integer this_43, integer source returns nothing call dispatch_Bar_disable(Hero_hb[this_43]) call Unit_kill(this_43, source) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_kill takes integer this_43, integer source returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.kill") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.kill on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_kill(this_43, source) else call Hero_kill(this_43, source) endif endfunction function unit_setState takes unit this_43, unitstate state, real value returns unit call SetUnitState(this_43, state, value) return this_43 endfunction function unit_setHP takes unit this_43, real hp returns unit call unit_setState(this_43, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, hp) return this_43 endfunction function Unit_dealDamage takes integer this_43, real amount_39, integer source returns boolean local real tHP local real currentAmount set Unit_lastDamager[this_43] = source if Unit_isHero[source] then set Unit_lastHeroDamager[this_43] = source endif if Unit_vunerable[this_43] then set tHP = unit_getHP(Unit_u[this_43]) set currentAmount = dispatch_ShieldList_damage(Unit_shieldList[this_43], amount_39, source) if tHP - 0.405 <= currentAmount then call dispatch_Table_saveReal(Unit_percentDamage[this_43], Unit_ownerId[this_43], dispatch_Table_loadReal(Unit_percentDamage[this_43], Unit_ownerId[this_43]) + tHP / unit_getState(Unit_u[this_43], UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)) call dispatch_Unit_kill(this_43, source) else call dispatch_Table_saveReal(Unit_percentDamage[this_43], Unit_ownerId[this_43], dispatch_Table_loadReal(Unit_percentDamage[this_43], Unit_ownerId[this_43]) + amount_39 / unit_getState(Unit_u[this_43], UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)) endif call unit_setHP(Unit_u[this_43], tHP - currentAmount) if Unit_isHero[this_43] or Unit_isHero[source] then return true else return false endif else if Unit_isHero[this_43] or Unit_isHero[source] then call dispatch_Unit_invuTT(this_43) endif return false endif endfunction function Hero_dealDamage takes integer this_43, real amount_39, integer source returns boolean call dispatch_Bar_update(Hero_hb[this_43]) return Unit_dealDamage(this_43, amount_39, source) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_dealDamage takes integer this_43, real amount_39, integer source returns boolean local boolean dealDamage_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.dealDamage") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.dealDamage on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set dealDamage_result = Unit_dealDamage(this_43, amount_39, source) else set dealDamage_result = Hero_dealDamage(this_43, amount_39, source) endif return dealDamage_result endfunction function Unit_damageSystem takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_dealDamage(this_43, amount_39, Unit_lastHeroDamager[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_damageSystem takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.damageSystem") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.damageSystem on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_damageSystem(this_43, amount_39) else call Unit_damageSystem(this_43, amount_39) endif endfunction function Unit_getMaxHP takes integer this_43, boolean withBonus returns real if withBonus then return (Unit_life[this_43] + Unit_bonusLife[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusLifePer[this_43] / 100.) else return Unit_life[this_43] endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_getMaxHP takes integer this_43, boolean withBonus returns real local real getMaxHP_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.getMaxHP") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.getMaxHP on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set getMaxHP_result = Unit_getMaxHP(this_43, withBonus) else set getMaxHP_result = Unit_getMaxHP(this_43, withBonus) endif return getMaxHP_result endfunction function Unit_causeHeal_2 takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns real local real tHP = unit_getHP(Unit_u[this_43]) local real currentAmount = amount_39 if dispatch_Unit_getMaxHP(this_43, true) - tHP < amount_39 then set currentAmount = dispatch_Unit_getMaxHP(this_43, true) - tHP endif call unit_setHP(Unit_u[this_43], tHP + amount_39) return currentAmount endfunction function Hero_causeHeal takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns real call dispatch_Bar_update(Hero_hb[this_43]) return Unit_causeHeal_2(this_43, amount_39) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_causeHeal takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns real local real causeHeal_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.causeHeal") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.causeHeal on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set causeHeal_result = Unit_causeHeal_2(this_43, amount_39) else set causeHeal_result = Hero_causeHeal(this_43, amount_39) endif return causeHeal_result endfunction function Unit_healSystem takes integer this_43, real takenAmount returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_causeHeal(this_43, takenAmount) endfunction function dispatch_Unit_healSystem takes integer this_43, real takenAmount returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.healSystem") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.healSystem on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_healSystem(this_43, takenAmount) else call Unit_healSystem(this_43, takenAmount) endif endfunction function lightning_setPos takes lightning this_43, real pos1_x, real pos1_y, real pos1_z, real pos2_x, real pos2_y, real pos2_z returns nothing call MoveLightningEx(this_43, true, pos1_x, pos1_y, pos1_z, pos2_x, pos2_y, pos2_z) endfunction function vec3_op_mult takes real this_x, real this_y, real this_z, real factor returns real set vec3_op_mult_return_x = this_x * factor set vec3_op_mult_return_y = this_y * factor set vec3_op_mult_return_z = this_z * factor return vec3_op_mult_return_x endfunction function vec3_op_plus takes real this_x, real this_y, real this_z, real v_x, real v_y, real v_z returns real set vec3_op_plus_return_x_2 = this_x + v_x set vec3_op_plus_return_y_2 = this_y + v_y set vec3_op_plus_return_z_2 = this_z + v_z return vec3_op_plus_return_x_2 endfunction function ControlPoint_inRangeActions takes integer this_43 returns nothing local group wurst__iterator1 = group_iterator(ControlPoint_inRange[this_43]) local unit gu local integer obj local integer ct local real middle_x local real middle_y local real middle_z local real pos1_x local real pos1_y local real pos1_z local real mid_x local real mid_y local real mid_z local real pos1_x_2 local real pos1_y_2 local real pos1_z_2 local real mid_x_2 local real mid_y_2 local real mid_z_2 local integer tempIndex local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_3 local integer tempIndex_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempIndex_5 local integer tempIndex_6 local integer tempIndex_7 local lightning temp local real temp_2 local real temp_3 local real temp_4 local real temp_5 local lightning temp_6 local integer temp_7 local real temp_8 local real temp_9 local real temp_10 local lightning temp_11 loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(wurst__iterator1) set gu = group_next(wurst__iterator1) set obj = unit_getUserData(gu) set ct = Unit_ct[obj] if IsUnitAlly(gu, ControlPoint_owner[this_43]) then call dispatch_Unit_healSystem(obj, 2.5) elseif not CaptureData_captures[ct] then if CaptureData_blitzPos[ct] < 0. then set middle_x = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle(obj) set middle_y = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_y set middle_z = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_z set temp = CaptureData_l1[ct] set tempIndex = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3 = ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex] set temp_2 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 = ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_2] call lightning_setPos(temp, temp_2, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2, ControlPoint_height, middle_x, middle_y, middle_z) call dispatch_Fx_setPos(CaptureData_fx[ct], middle_x, middle_y, middle_z) call dispatch_Unit_damageSystem(obj, dispatch_ControlPoint_calcDamage(this_43, obj)) if CaptureData_l2[ct] != null then call lightning_destr(CaptureData_l2[ct]) set CaptureData_l2[ct] = null endif else set CaptureData_blitzPos[ct] = CaptureData_blitzPos[ct] - ControlPoint_captureSpeedPoint set pos1_x = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle(obj) set pos1_y = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_y set pos1_z = dispatch_Unit_getMiddle_return_z set temp_3 = vec3_op_mult(pos1_x, pos1_y, pos1_z, 1. - CaptureData_blitzPos[ct]) set temp_4 = vec3_op_mult_return_y set temp_5 = vec3_op_mult_return_z set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set mid_x = vec3_op_plus(temp_3, temp_4, temp_5, vec3_op_mult(ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_3], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_3], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_3], CaptureData_blitzPos[ct]), vec3_op_mult_return_y, vec3_op_mult_return_z) set mid_y = vec3_op_plus_return_y_2 set mid_z = vec3_op_plus_return_z_2 set temp_6 = CaptureData_l1[ct] set tempIndex_4 = this_43 call lightning_setPos(temp_6, ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_4], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_4], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_4], mid_x, mid_y, mid_z) call lightning_setPos(CaptureData_l2[ct], pos1_x, pos1_y, pos1_z, mid_x, mid_y, mid_z) call dispatch_Fx_setPos(CaptureData_fx[ct], mid_x, mid_y, mid_z) endif elseif CaptureData_blitzPos[ct] < 1. then set CaptureData_blitzPos[ct] = CaptureData_blitzPos[ct] + ControlPoint_captureSpeedHero set temp_7 = obj set tempIndex_5 = this_43 set pos1_x_2 = dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint(temp_7, ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_5], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_5], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_5]) set pos1_y_2 = dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_y set pos1_z_2 = dispatch_Hero_getCaptureAttackPoint_return_z set temp_8 = vec3_op_mult(pos1_x_2, pos1_y_2, pos1_z_2, 1. - CaptureData_blitzPos[ct]) set temp_9 = vec3_op_mult_return_y set temp_10 = vec3_op_mult_return_z set tempIndex_6 = this_43 set mid_x_2 = vec3_op_plus(temp_8, temp_9, temp_10, vec3_op_mult(ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_6], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_6], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_6], CaptureData_blitzPos[ct]), vec3_op_mult_return_y, vec3_op_mult_return_z) set mid_y_2 = vec3_op_plus_return_y_2 set mid_z_2 = vec3_op_plus_return_z_2 set temp_11 = CaptureData_l1[ct] set tempIndex_7 = this_43 call lightning_setPos(temp_11, ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex_7], ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex_7], ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex_7], mid_x_2, mid_y_2, mid_z_2) call lightning_setPos(CaptureData_l2[ct], pos1_x_2, pos1_y_2, pos1_z_2, mid_x_2, mid_y_2, mid_z_2) call dispatch_Fx_setPos(CaptureData_fx[ct], mid_x_2, mid_y_2, mid_z_2) else call dispatch_ControlPoint_damage(this_43, 2., obj) endif endloop call group_close(wurst__iterator1) set wurst__iterator1 = null set gu = null set temp = null set temp_6 = null set temp_11 = null endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_inRangeActions takes integer this_43 returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.inRangeActions") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.inRangeActions on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_inRangeActions(this_43) endfunction function ControlPoint_callInRangeActions takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_ControlPoint_inRangeActions(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function unit_setVertexColor_2 takes unit this_43, integer r, integer g, integer b, integer a returns unit call SetUnitVertexColor(this_43, r, g, b, a) return this_43 endfunction function ControlPoint_hideDummy takes nothing returns nothing call unit_setVertexColor_2(ControlPoint_clickDummy[timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())], 255, 255, 255, 0) endfunction function CustomBar_copyForce takes nothing returns nothing call ForceAddPlayer(CustomBar_tempForce, GetEnumPlayer()) endfunction function CustomBar_unlock takes integer this_43 returns nothing local integer i_2 = 0 if not CustomBar_locked[this_43] then return endif set CustomBar_count = CustomBar_count - 1 if CustomBar_count == 0 then call PauseTimer(CustomBar_animationTimer) endif set CustomBar_bars[CustomBar_lockindex[this_43]] = CustomBar_bars[CustomBar_count] set CustomBar_lockindex[CustomBar_bars[CustomBar_count]] = CustomBar_lockindex[this_43] set CustomBar_locked[this_43] = false endfunction function dispatch_CustomBar_unlock takes integer this_43 returns nothing if CustomBar_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling CustomBar.unlock") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called CustomBar.unlock on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call CustomBar_unlock(this_43) endfunction function CustomBar_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing if CustomBar_t[this_43] != null then call DestroyTextTag(CustomBar_t[this_43]) endif if CustomBar_locked[this_43] then call dispatch_CustomBar_unlock(this_43) endif endfunction function dealloc_CustomBar takes integer obj returns nothing if CustomBar_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type CustomBar") call I2S(1 / 0) else set CustomBar_nextFree[CustomBar_lastFree] = obj set CustomBar_lastFree = obj if CustomBar_firstFree == 0 then set CustomBar_firstFree = obj set CustomBar_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set CustomBar_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyCustomBar takes integer this_43 returns nothing call CustomBar_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_CustomBar(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_CustomBar_destroyCustomBar takes integer this_43 returns nothing if CustomBar_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling CustomBar.destroyCustomBar") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called CustomBar.destroyCustomBar on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyCustomBar(this_43) endfunction function CustomBar_fadeOutCallback takes nothing returns nothing local integer bar = timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer()) set CustomBar_t[bar] = null call dispatch_CustomBar_destroyCustomBar(bar) call timer_release(GetExpiredTimer()) endfunction function CustomBar_lockCallback takes nothing returns nothing local integer i_2 = CustomBar_count - 1 local integer s local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 local integer tempIndex_5 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_3 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_3 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_3_3 local texttag temp local real temp_2 local real temp_3 loop exitwhen i_2 < 0 set s = CustomBar_bars[i_2] set tempIndex = s set CustomBar_position[tempIndex] = GetUnitX(CustomBar_u[s]) set tempIndex_2 = s set CustomBar_position_2[tempIndex_2] = GetUnitY(CustomBar_u[s]) set temp = CustomBar_t[s] set tempIndex_3 = s set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = CustomBar_position[tempIndex_3] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = CustomBar_position_2[tempIndex_3] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3 = CustomBar_position_3[tempIndex_3] set temp_2 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 + CustomBar_xOffset[s] set tempIndex_4 = s set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = CustomBar_position[tempIndex_4] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = CustomBar_position_2[tempIndex_4] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 = CustomBar_position_3[tempIndex_4] set temp_3 = tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 + CustomBar_yOffset[s] set tempIndex_5 = s set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_3 = CustomBar_position[tempIndex_5] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_3 = CustomBar_position_2[tempIndex_5] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3_3 = CustomBar_position_3[tempIndex_5] call SetTextTagPos(temp, temp_2, temp_3, tempTupleSelectionResult_3_3) set i_2 = i_2 - 1 endloop set temp = null endfunction function LinkedListModule_getFirst takes nothing returns integer return LinkedListModule_first endfunction function LinkedListModule_getNext takes integer this_43 returns integer return LinkedListModule_next[this_43] endfunction function dispatch_Dot_getNext takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer getNext_result if Dot_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Dot.getNext") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Dot.getNext on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getNext_result = LinkedListModule_getNext(this_43) return getNext_result endfunction function TextTag_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing local multiboarditem mbi call timer_release(TextTag_t[this_43]) call DestroyTextTag(TextTag_tt[this_43]) if TextTag_tType[this_43] == 0 then set Unit_damageTT[TextTag_u[this_43]] = 0 elseif TextTag_tType[this_43] == 1 then set Unit_healTT[TextTag_u[this_43]] = 0 elseif TextTag_tType[this_43] == 2 then set Unit_dotTT[TextTag_u[this_43]] = 0 endif set InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId] = InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId] - 1 set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, ShowInstances_classId, 1) call multiboarditem_release(multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, int_toString(InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId]))) set mbi = null endfunction function dealloc_TextTag takes integer obj returns nothing if TextTag_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type TextTag") call I2S(1 / 0) else set TextTag_nextFree[TextTag_lastFree] = obj set TextTag_lastFree = obj if TextTag_firstFree == 0 then set TextTag_firstFree = obj set TextTag_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set TextTag_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyTextTag takes integer this_43 returns nothing call TextTag_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_TextTag(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_TextTag_destroyTextTag takes integer this_43 returns nothing if TextTag_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TextTag.destroyTextTag") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TextTag.destroyTextTag on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyTextTag(this_43) endfunction function Unit_dotTT_2 takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing local real tempAmount if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]), GetLocalPlayer()) then if Unit_dotTT[this_43] == 0 then call new_TextTag(dmg, this_43, 255, 0, 255, 7., 2) else set tempAmount = TextTag_amount[Unit_dotTT[this_43]] call dispatch_TextTag_destroyTextTag(Unit_dotTT[this_43]) call new_TextTag(dmg + tempAmount, this_43, 255, 0, 255, 7., 2) endif endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_dotTT takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.dotTT") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.dotTT on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_dotTT_2(this_43, dmg) else call Unit_dotTT_2(this_43, dmg) endif endfunction function Unit_damageDot takes integer this_43, integer source, real amount_39 returns nothing if dispatch_Unit_dealDamage(this_43, amount_39, source) then call dispatch_Unit_dotTT(this_43, amount_39) endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_damageDot takes integer this_43, integer source, real amount_39 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.damageDot") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.damageDot on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_damageDot(this_43, source, amount_39) else call Unit_damageDot(this_43, source, amount_39) endif endfunction function Dot_loopList takes nothing returns nothing local integer d = LinkedListModule_getFirst() local integer buffer loop exitwhen not (d != 0) set buffer = d set d = dispatch_Dot_getNext(d) call dispatch_Unit_damageDot(Dot_u[buffer], Dot_source[buffer], Dot_damage[buffer]) endloop endfunction function Dot_timerDestroyDot takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_Dot_destroyDot(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function ForceIterator_callback takes nothing returns nothing set ForceIterator_players[ForceIterator_tempIndex] = GetEnumPlayer() set ForceIterator_tempIndex = ForceIterator_tempIndex + 1 endfunction function cd takes nothing returns nothing call unit_addAbility(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], Cooldown_cdIcon[100]) set Cooldown_lastAbi = 1127297072 call timer_startPeriodic(getTimer(), 0.1, ref_function_cdt) endfunction function ControlPoint_conquerOrderGet takes integer this_43, integer h_2 returns nothing local integer obj if not IsUnitAlly(Unit_u[h_2], ControlPoint_owner[this_43]) then set obj = Unit_ct[h_2] if obj != 0 and CaptureData_target[obj] == this_43 then if not CaptureData_captures[obj] then call dispatch_ControlPoint_startCapture(this_43, h_2) else call trigger_disable(GetOrders_orderDetect) call IssueImmediateOrder(Unit_u[h_2], "stop") call trigger_enable(GetOrders_orderDetect) endif else call trigger_disable(GetOrders_orderDetect) call IssuePointOrder(Unit_u[h_2], "move", unit_getX(ControlPoint_visualDummy[this_43]), unit_getY(ControlPoint_visualDummy[this_43])) call trigger_enable(GetOrders_orderDetect) set Hero_wantCapture[h_2] = true endif endif endfunction function dispatch_ControlPoint_conquerOrderGet takes integer this_43, integer h_2 returns nothing if ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ControlPoint.conquerOrderGet") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ControlPoint.conquerOrderGet on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ControlPoint_conquerOrderGet(this_43, h_2) endfunction function HandleMap_put takes integer this_43, handle h_2, integer data returns nothing call hashtable_saveInt(HandleMap_ht, this_43, GetHandleId(h_2), data) endfunction function dispatch_HandleMap_put takes integer this_43, handle h_2, integer data returns nothing if HandleMap_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling HandleMap.put") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called HandleMap.put on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call HandleMap_put(this_43, h_2, data) endfunction function Hero_addAbilityCastProtection takes integer this_43, integer abiId returns nothing local timer t call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Unit_owner[this_43], abiId, false) set t = getTimer() call timer_setData(t, this_43) call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Hero_enableAbility[this_43], t, abiId) call timer_start(t, 0.0, ref_function_Hero_enableAbilityTimed) set t = null endfunction function dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection takes integer this_43, integer abiId returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.addAbilityCastProtection") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.addAbilityCastProtection on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, abiId) endfunction function Hero_channelCancel_2 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Hero_wantCapture[this_43] = false call dispatch_UnitEvent_fire(Hero_channelCancel[this_43], this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Hero_channelCancel takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.channelCancel") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.channelCancel on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_channelCancel_2(this_43) endfunction function Queue_dequeue takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer tmp = Queue_front[this_43] set Queue_front[this_43] = SEntry_next[Queue_front[this_43]] set Queue_size[this_43] = Queue_size[this_43] - 1 return SEntry_elem[tmp] endfunction function dispatch_Queue_dequeue takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer dequeue_result if Queue_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Queue.dequeue") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Queue.dequeue on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set dequeue_result = Queue_dequeue(this_43) return dequeue_result endfunction function Hero_cleanCastQueue takes integer this_43 returns nothing loop exitwhen not (dispatch_Queue_dequeue(Hero_castQueue[this_43]) != 0) endloop endfunction function dispatch_Hero_cleanCastQueue takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.cleanCastQueue") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.cleanCastQueue on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_cleanCastQueue(this_43) endfunction function Order_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing local multiboarditem mbi set InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId_2] = InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId_2] - 1 set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, ShowInstances_classId_2, 1) call multiboarditem_release(multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, int_toString(InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId_2]))) set mbi = null endfunction function dealloc_Order takes integer obj returns nothing if Order_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Order") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Order_nextFree[Order_lastFree] = obj set Order_lastFree = obj if Order_firstFree == 0 then set Order_firstFree = obj set Order_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Order_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyOrder takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Order_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Order(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Order_destroyOrder takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Order_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Order.destroyOrder") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Order.destroyOrder on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyOrder(this_43) endfunction function Hero_setMainOrder takes integer this_43, integer o returns nothing if Hero_mainOrder[this_43] != 0 then call dispatch_Order_destroyOrder(Hero_mainOrder[this_43]) endif set Hero_mainOrder[this_43] = o endfunction function dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder takes integer this_43, integer o returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.setMainOrder") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.setMainOrder on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, o) endfunction function AttackOrder_issueToUnit takes integer this_43, unit u returns boolean call trigger_disable(GetOrders_orderDetect) call IssueTargetOrderById(u, AttackOrder_atkOrderId, AttackOrder_target[this_43]) call trigger_enable(GetOrders_orderDetect) return GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, 1684365668) == 1 endfunction function CaptureOrder_issueToUnit takes integer this_43, unit u returns boolean local integer h_2 = unit_getUserData(u) call trigger_disable(GetOrders_orderDetect) call dispatch_ControlPoint_conquerOrderGet(CaptureOrder_cp[this_43], h_2) call trigger_enable(GetOrders_orderDetect) return Unit_ct[h_2] != 0 and CaptureData_captures[Unit_ct[h_2]] endfunction function MoveOrder_issueToUnit takes integer this_43, unit u returns boolean local real currentPos_x local real currentPos_y local boolean b local integer tempIndex local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempIndex_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local unit temp local integer temp_2 local real temp_3 local real temp_4 call trigger_disable(GetOrders_orderDetect) set temp = u set temp_2 = MoveOrder_moveOrderId set tempIndex = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = MoveOrder_pos[tempIndex] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = MoveOrder_pos_2[tempIndex] set temp_3 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = MoveOrder_pos[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = MoveOrder_pos_2[tempIndex_2] call IssuePointOrderById(temp, temp_2, temp_3, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2) call trigger_enable(GetOrders_orderDetect) set currentPos_x = unit_getPos(u) set currentPos_y = unit_getPos_return_y set temp_4 = currentPos_x set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set b = temp_4 == MoveOrder_lastPos[tempIndex_3] and currentPos_y == MoveOrder_lastPos_2[tempIndex_3] set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set MoveOrder_lastPos[tempIndex_4] = currentPos_x set MoveOrder_lastPos_2[tempIndex_4] = currentPos_y set temp = null return b endfunction function dispatch_Order_issueToUnit takes integer this_43, unit u returns boolean local boolean issueToUnit_result if Order_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Order.issueToUnit") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Order.issueToUnit on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Order_typeId[this_43] <= 633 then if Order_typeId[this_43] <= 632 then set issueToUnit_result = MoveOrder_issueToUnit(this_43, u) else set issueToUnit_result = AttackOrder_issueToUnit(this_43, u) endif else set issueToUnit_result = CaptureOrder_issueToUnit(this_43, u) endif return issueToUnit_result endfunction function alloc_SEntry takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if SEntry_firstFree == 0 then set SEntry_maxIndex = SEntry_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = SEntry_maxIndex else set this_43 = SEntry_firstFree set SEntry_firstFree = SEntry_nextFree[SEntry_firstFree] set SEntry_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set SEntry_typeId[this_43] = 621 return this_43 endfunction function construct_SEntry takes integer this_43, integer elem, integer next returns nothing set SEntry_elem[this_43] = elem set SEntry_next[this_43] = next endfunction function new_SEntry takes integer elem, integer next returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_SEntry() call construct_SEntry(this_43, elem, next) return this_43 endfunction function Queue_enqueue takes integer this_43, integer elem returns nothing if Queue_front[this_43] == Queue_dummy[this_43] then set Queue_front[this_43] = new_SEntry(elem, Queue_dummy[this_43]) set Queue_back[this_43] = Queue_front[this_43] else set SEntry_next[Queue_back[this_43]] = new_SEntry(elem, Queue_dummy[this_43]) set Queue_back[this_43] = SEntry_next[Queue_back[this_43]] endif set Queue_size[this_43] = Queue_size[this_43] + 1 endfunction function dispatch_Queue_enqueue takes integer this_43, integer elem returns nothing if Queue_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Queue.enqueue") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Queue.enqueue on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Queue_enqueue(this_43, elem) endfunction function alloc_Spellcast takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Spellcast_firstFree == 0 then set Spellcast_maxIndex = Spellcast_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Spellcast_maxIndex else set this_43 = Spellcast_firstFree set Spellcast_firstFree = Spellcast_nextFree[Spellcast_firstFree] set Spellcast_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Spellcast_typeId[this_43] = 637 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Spellcast takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function new_Spellcast takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Spellcast() call construct_Spellcast(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function Spell_getInstantSpellCast takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer sc = new_Spellcast() set Spellcast_spell[sc] = this_43 return sc endfunction function dispatch_Spell_getInstantSpellCast takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer getInstantSpellCast_result if Spell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spell.getInstantSpellCast") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spell.getInstantSpellCast on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 713 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 642 then set getInstantSpellCast_result = Spell_getInstantSpellCast(this_43) else set getInstantSpellCast_result = Spell_getInstantSpellCast(this_43) endif else set getInstantSpellCast_result = Spell_getInstantSpellCast(this_43) endif return getInstantSpellCast_result endfunction function Spell_getPointSpellCast takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y returns integer local integer sc = new_Spellcast() local integer tempIndex set Spellcast_spell[sc] = this_43 set tempIndex = sc set Spellcast_pos[tempIndex] = pos_x set Spellcast_pos_2[tempIndex] = pos_y return sc endfunction function dispatch_Spell_getPointSpellCast takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y returns integer local integer getPointSpellCast_result if Spell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spell.getPointSpellCast") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spell.getPointSpellCast on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 713 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 642 then set getPointSpellCast_result = Spell_getPointSpellCast(this_43, pos_x, pos_y) else set getPointSpellCast_result = Spell_getPointSpellCast(this_43, pos_x, pos_y) endif else set getPointSpellCast_result = Spell_getPointSpellCast(this_43, pos_x, pos_y) endif return getPointSpellCast_result endfunction function Spell_getUnitSpellCast takes integer this_43, unit target returns integer local integer sc = new_Spellcast() set Spellcast_spell[sc] = this_43 set Spellcast_target[sc] = target return sc endfunction function dispatch_Spell_getUnitSpellCast takes integer this_43, unit target returns integer local integer getUnitSpellCast_result if Spell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spell.getUnitSpellCast") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spell.getUnitSpellCast on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 713 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 642 then set getUnitSpellCast_result = Spell_getUnitSpellCast(this_43, target) else set getUnitSpellCast_result = Spell_getUnitSpellCast(this_43, target) endif else set getUnitSpellCast_result = Spell_getUnitSpellCast(this_43, target) endif return getUnitSpellCast_result endfunction function alloc_AttackOrder takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Order_firstFree == 0 then set Order_maxIndex = Order_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Order_maxIndex else set this_43 = Order_firstFree set Order_firstFree = Order_nextFree[Order_firstFree] set Order_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Order_typeId[this_43] = 633 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Order takes integer this_43 returns nothing local multiboarditem mbi set InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId_2] = InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId_2] + 1 set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, ShowInstances_classId_2, 1) call multiboarditem_release(multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, int_toString(InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId_2]))) set mbi = null endfunction function construct_AttackOrder takes integer this_43, unit target returns nothing call construct_Order(this_43) set Order_orderId[this_43] = Order_orderId[this_43] set AttackOrder_target[this_43] = target endfunction function new_AttackOrder takes unit target returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_AttackOrder() call construct_AttackOrder(this_43, target) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_CaptureOrder takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Order_firstFree == 0 then set Order_maxIndex = Order_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Order_maxIndex else set this_43 = Order_firstFree set Order_firstFree = Order_nextFree[Order_firstFree] set Order_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Order_typeId[this_43] = 634 return this_43 endfunction function construct_CaptureOrder takes integer this_43, integer cp returns nothing call construct_Order(this_43) set CaptureOrder_cp[this_43] = cp endfunction function new_CaptureOrder takes integer cp returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_CaptureOrder() call construct_CaptureOrder(this_43, cp) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_MoveOrder takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Order_firstFree == 0 then set Order_maxIndex = Order_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Order_maxIndex else set this_43 = Order_firstFree set Order_firstFree = Order_nextFree[Order_firstFree] set Order_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Order_typeId[this_43] = 632 return this_43 endfunction function construct_MoveOrder takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 call construct_Order(this_43) set tempIndex = this_43 set MoveOrder_lastPos[tempIndex] = 0. set MoveOrder_lastPos_2[tempIndex] = 0. set Order_orderId[this_43] = Order_orderId[this_43] set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set MoveOrder_pos[tempIndex_2] = pos_x set MoveOrder_pos_2[tempIndex_2] = pos_y endfunction function new_MoveOrder takes real pos_x, real pos_y returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_MoveOrder() call construct_MoveOrder(this_43, pos_x, pos_y) return this_43 endfunction function Hero_onOrder takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, unit target, integer orderId returns nothing local integer temp local integer temp_2 local integer casted local integer temp_3 set Hero_lastOrdered[this_43] = 0 set temp = orderId if temp == OrderHandling_exitDetectId then call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Unit_owner[this_43], 1702390132, false) call cd() return elseif temp == OrderHandling_scoreboardId then call dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, 1935896434) return endif if Hero_acceptOrders[this_43] then set temp_2 = orderId if temp_2 == OrderHandling_smartId then if target == null then call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_MoveOrder(pos_x, pos_y)) call dispatch_Order_issueToUnit(Hero_mainOrder[this_43], Unit_u[this_43]) elseif IsUnitAlly(target, Unit_owner[this_43]) then call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_MoveOrder(unit_getPos(target), unit_getPos_return_y)) call dispatch_Order_issueToUnit(Hero_mainOrder[this_43], Unit_u[this_43]) else call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_AttackOrder(target)) call dispatch_Order_issueToUnit(Hero_mainOrder[this_43], Unit_u[this_43]) endif elseif temp_2 == OrderHandling_attackId then if IsUnitAlly(target, Unit_owner[this_43]) then call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_MoveOrder(unit_getPos(target), unit_getPos_return_y)) call dispatch_Order_issueToUnit(Hero_mainOrder[this_43], Unit_u[this_43]) else call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_AttackOrder(target)) call dispatch_Order_issueToUnit(Hero_mainOrder[this_43], Unit_u[this_43]) endif elseif temp_2 == OrderHandling_stopId then call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, 0) call IssueImmediateOrderById(Unit_u[this_43], 851972) endif if Hero_channelCancel[this_43] != 0 and GetUnitTypeId(target) != 1668314229 then call dispatch_Hero_channelCancel(this_43) elseif GetUnitTypeId(target) == 1668314229 then call dispatch_ControlPoint_conquerOrderGet(unit_getUserData(target), this_43) endif else set casted = 0 set temp_3 = orderId if temp_3 == OrderHandling_smartId then call dispatch_Hero_cleanCastQueue(this_43) if target == null then call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_MoveOrder(pos_x, pos_y)) elseif IsUnitAlly(target, Unit_owner[this_43]) then call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_MoveOrder(unit_getPos(target), unit_getPos_return_y)) else call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_AttackOrder(target)) endif elseif temp_3 == OrderHandling_attackId then call dispatch_Hero_cleanCastQueue(this_43) call dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, OrderHandling_attackSpell) if IsUnitAlly(target, Unit_owner[this_43]) then call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_MoveOrder(unit_getPos(target), unit_getPos_return_y)) else call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_AttackOrder(target)) endif elseif temp_3 == OrderHandling_stopId then call dispatch_Hero_cleanCastQueue(this_43) call dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, OrderHandling_stopSpell) call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, 0) elseif temp_3 == Spell_qSpellId then set casted = Hero_spellQ[this_43] call dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, Spell_spell[Hero_spellQ[this_43]]) elseif temp_3 == Spell_wSpellId then set casted = Hero_spellW[this_43] call dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, Spell_spell[Hero_spellW[this_43]]) elseif temp_3 == Spell_eSpellId then set casted = Hero_spellE[this_43] call dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, Spell_spell[Hero_spellE[this_43]]) elseif temp_3 == Spell_rSpellId then set casted = Hero_spellR[this_43] call dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, Spell_spell[Hero_spellR[this_43]]) elseif temp_3 == Spell_dSpellId then set casted = Hero_spellD[this_43] call dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, Spell_spell[Hero_spellD[this_43]]) elseif temp_3 == Spell_fSpellId then set casted = Hero_spellF[this_43] call dispatch_Hero_addAbilityCastProtection(this_43, Spell_spell[Hero_spellF[this_43]]) endif if casted != 0 then if target == null then if pos_x == 0. and pos_y == 0. then call dispatch_Queue_enqueue(Hero_castQueue[this_43], dispatch_Spell_getInstantSpellCast(casted)) else call dispatch_Queue_enqueue(Hero_castQueue[this_43], dispatch_Spell_getPointSpellCast(casted, pos_x, pos_y)) endif else call dispatch_Queue_enqueue(Hero_castQueue[this_43], dispatch_Spell_getUnitSpellCast(casted, target)) endif endif if Hero_channelCancel[this_43] != 0 and GetUnitTypeId(target) != 1668314229 then call dispatch_Hero_channelCancel(this_43) elseif GetUnitTypeId(target) == 1668314229 then call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, new_CaptureOrder(unit_getUserData(target))) endif endif endfunction function dispatch_Hero_onOrder takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, unit target, integer orderId returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.onOrder") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.onOrder on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_onOrder(this_43, pos_x, pos_y, target, orderId) endfunction function GetOrders_callOnOrder takes nothing returns nothing call trigger_disable(GetOrders_orderDetect) call dispatch_Hero_onOrder(unit_getUserData(GetTriggerUnit()), GetOrderPointX(), GetOrderPointY(), GetOrderTargetUnit(), GetIssuedOrderId()) call trigger_enable(GetOrders_orderDetect) endfunction function Queue_getSize takes integer this_43 returns integer return Queue_size[this_43] endfunction function dispatch_Queue_getSize takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer getSize_result if Queue_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Queue.getSize") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Queue.getSize on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getSize_result = Queue_getSize(this_43) return getSize_result endfunction function Spellcast_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_Spellcast takes integer obj returns nothing if Spellcast_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Spellcast") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Spellcast_nextFree[Spellcast_lastFree] = obj set Spellcast_lastFree = obj if Spellcast_firstFree == 0 then set Spellcast_firstFree = obj set Spellcast_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Spellcast_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroySpellcast takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Spellcast_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Spellcast(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Spellcast_destroySpellcast takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Spellcast_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spellcast.destroySpellcast") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spellcast.destroySpellcast on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroySpellcast(this_43) endfunction function SpellType_toOrderId takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer temp = this_43 if temp == 0 then return Spell_qSpellId elseif temp == 1 then return Spell_wSpellId elseif temp == 2 then return Spell_eSpellId elseif temp == 3 then return Spell_rSpellId elseif temp == 4 then return Spell_dSpellId elseif temp == 5 then return Spell_fSpellId else return -1 endif endfunction function Spell_disableCastDummyTimed takes integer this_43 returns nothing call timer_start(timer_setData(getTimer(), this_43), 0.0, ref_function_Spell_timedDisableCastDummy) endfunction function dispatch_Spell_disableCastDummyTimed takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Spell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spell.disableCastDummyTimed") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spell.disableCastDummyTimed on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 713 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 642 then call Spell_disableCastDummyTimed(this_43) else call Spell_disableCastDummyTimed(this_43) endif else call Spell_disableCastDummyTimed(this_43) endif endfunction function Spell_enableCastDummy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Unit_owner[Spell_owner[this_43]], Spell_castDummy[this_43], true) endfunction function dispatch_Spell_enableCastDummy takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Spell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spell.enableCastDummy") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spell.enableCastDummy on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 713 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 642 then call Spell_enableCastDummy(this_43) else call Spell_enableCastDummy(this_43) endif else call Spell_enableCastDummy(this_43) endif endfunction function InstantSpell_forceCast takes integer this_43, integer sc returns nothing call dispatch_Spell_enableCastDummy(this_43) call IssueImmediateOrderById(Unit_u[Spell_owner[this_43]], SpellType_toOrderId(Spell_st[this_43])) call dispatch_Spell_disableCastDummyTimed(this_43) endfunction function PointOrUnitSpell_forceCast takes integer this_43, integer sc returns nothing local integer tempIndex local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempIndex_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local unit temp local integer temp_2 local real temp_3 call dispatch_Spell_enableCastDummy(this_43) if Spellcast_target[sc] == null then set temp = Unit_u[Spell_owner[this_43]] set temp_2 = SpellType_toOrderId(Spell_st[this_43]) set tempIndex = sc set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Spellcast_pos[tempIndex] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Spellcast_pos_2[tempIndex] set temp_3 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_2 = sc set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Spellcast_pos[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Spellcast_pos_2[tempIndex_2] call IssuePointOrderById(temp, temp_2, temp_3, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2) else call IssueTargetOrderById(Unit_u[Spell_owner[this_43]], SpellType_toOrderId(Spell_st[this_43]), Spellcast_target[sc]) endif call dispatch_Spell_disableCastDummyTimed(this_43) set temp = null endfunction function PointSpell_forceCast takes integer this_43, integer sc returns nothing local unit temp = Unit_u[Spell_owner[this_43]] local integer temp_2 = SpellType_toOrderId(Spell_st[this_43]) local integer tempIndex = sc local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Spellcast_pos[tempIndex] local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Spellcast_pos_2[tempIndex] local real temp_3 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local integer tempIndex_2 = sc local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Spellcast_pos[tempIndex_2] local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Spellcast_pos_2[tempIndex_2] call IssuePointOrderById(temp, temp_2, temp_3, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2) set temp = null endfunction function UnitSpell_forceCast takes integer this_43, integer sc returns nothing call dispatch_Spell_enableCastDummy(this_43) call IssueTargetOrderById(Unit_u[Spell_owner[this_43]], SpellType_toOrderId(Spell_st[this_43]), Spellcast_target[sc]) call dispatch_Spell_disableCastDummyTimed(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Spell_forceCast takes integer this_43, integer sc returns nothing if Spell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spell.forceCast") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spell.forceCast on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 641 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 640 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 639 then call InstantSpell_forceCast(this_43, sc) else call PointSpell_forceCast(this_43, sc) endif else call UnitSpell_forceCast(this_43, sc) endif elseif Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 713 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 642 then call PointOrUnitSpell_forceCast(this_43, sc) else call PointSpell_forceCast(this_43, sc) endif else call PointSpell_forceCast(this_43, sc) endif endfunction function Spellcast_force takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Spell_forceCast(Spellcast_spell[this_43], this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Spellcast_force takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Spellcast_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spellcast.force") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spellcast.force on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Spellcast_force(this_43) endfunction function Hero_nextOrder takes integer this_43 returns nothing local integer sc if dispatch_Queue_getSize(Hero_castQueue[this_43]) <= 0 then if Hero_mainOrder[this_43] != 0 and Hero_mainOrder[this_43] != Hero_lastOrdered[this_43] then set Hero_lastOrdered[this_43] = Hero_mainOrder[this_43] if dispatch_Order_issueToUnit(Hero_mainOrder[this_43], Unit_u[this_43]) then call dispatch_Hero_setMainOrder(this_43, 0) endif endif else set sc = dispatch_Queue_dequeue(Hero_castQueue[this_43]) call dispatch_Spellcast_force(sc) call dispatch_Spellcast_destroySpellcast(sc) endif endfunction function dispatch_Hero_nextOrder takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.nextOrder") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.nextOrder on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_nextOrder(this_43) endfunction function Hero_checkOrders_2 takes nothing returns nothing local integer buffer = LinkedListModule_first_4 loop exitwhen not (buffer != 0) if Hero_acceptOrders[buffer] and GetUnitCurrentOrder(Unit_u[buffer]) == 0 then call dispatch_Hero_nextOrder(buffer) endif set buffer = LinkedListModule_next_4[buffer] endloop endfunction function HandleMap_get takes integer this_43, handle h_2 returns integer return hashtable_loadInt(HandleMap_ht, this_43, GetHandleId(h_2)) endfunction function dispatch_HandleMap_get takes integer this_43, handle h_2 returns integer local integer get_result if HandleMap_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling HandleMap.get") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called HandleMap.get on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set get_result = HandleMap_get(this_43, h_2) return get_result endfunction function Hero_enableAbilityTimed takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() local integer obj = timer_getData(t) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Unit_owner[obj], dispatch_HandleMap_get(Hero_enableAbility[obj], t), true) call timer_release(t) set t = null set t = null endfunction function HashMap_get takes integer this_43, integer key returns integer return hashtable_loadInt(HashMap_ht, this_43, key) endfunction function dispatch_HashMap_get takes integer this_43, integer key returns integer local integer get_result if HashMap_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling HashMap.get") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called HashMap.get on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set get_result = HashMap_get(this_43, key) return get_result endfunction function dispatch_InstantSpell_onCast takes integer this_43, integer caster returns nothing endfunction function InstantSpell_callOnCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, real targetPos_x, real targetPos_y, integer target returns nothing call dispatch_InstantSpell_onCast(this_43, caster) endfunction function dispatch_PointOrUnitSpell_onPointCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, real targetPos_x, real targetPos_y returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_PointOrUnitSpell_onUnitCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, integer target returns nothing endfunction function PointOrUnitSpell_callOnCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, real targetPos_x, real targetPos_y, integer target returns nothing if target == 0 then call dispatch_PointOrUnitSpell_onPointCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y) else call dispatch_PointOrUnitSpell_onUnitCast(this_43, caster, target) endif endfunction function alloc_SamplePointSpell takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if SamplePointSpell_firstFree == 0 then set SamplePointSpell_maxIndex = SamplePointSpell_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = SamplePointSpell_maxIndex else set this_43 = SamplePointSpell_firstFree set SamplePointSpell_firstFree = SamplePointSpell_nextFree[SamplePointSpell_firstFree] set SamplePointSpell_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set SamplePointSpell_typeId[this_43] = 714 return this_43 endfunction function construct_SamplePointSpell takes integer this_43, integer caster, real pos_x, real pos_y, integer setupData returns nothing set SamplePointSpell_t[this_43] = getTimer() call timer_setData(SamplePointSpell_t[this_43], this_43) call timer_startPeriodic(SamplePointSpell_t[this_43], 0.03, ref_function_SamplePointSpell_callCallback) endfunction function new_SamplePointSpell takes integer caster, real pos_x, real pos_y, integer setupData returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_SamplePointSpell() call construct_SamplePointSpell(this_43, caster, pos_x, pos_y, setupData) return this_43 endfunction function SamplePointSpellSetup_onCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing call new_SamplePointSpell(caster, pos_x, pos_y, this_43) endfunction function alloc_TestSpell1 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if TestSpell1_firstFree == 0 then set TestSpell1_maxIndex = TestSpell1_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = TestSpell1_maxIndex else set this_43 = TestSpell1_firstFree set TestSpell1_firstFree = TestSpell1_nextFree[TestSpell1_firstFree] set TestSpell1_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set TestSpell1_typeId[this_43] = 716 return this_43 endfunction function Hero_spellStart takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Hero_acceptOrders[this_43] = false endfunction function dispatch_Hero_spellStart takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.spellStart") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.spellStart on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_spellStart(this_43) endfunction function construct_TestSpell1 takes integer this_43, integer caster, integer setup returns nothing call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(Unit_u[caster], TestSpell1_animationType) call timer_start(getTimer(), 0.0, ref_function_TestSpell1_bla) set TestSpell1_setup[this_43] = setup set TestSpell1_caster[this_43] = caster call dispatch_Hero_spellStart(caster) set TestSpell1_t[this_43] = getTimer() call timer_setData(TestSpell1_t[this_43], this_43) call timer_start(TestSpell1_t[this_43], int_toReal(Spell_lvl[setup]) + 3., ref_function_TestSpell1_callCallback) endfunction function new_TestSpell1 takes integer caster, integer setup returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_TestSpell1() call construct_TestSpell1(this_43, caster, setup) return this_43 endfunction function TestSpell1Setup_onCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing call new_TestSpell1(caster, this_43) endfunction function dispatch_PointSpell_onCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, real targetPos_x, real targetPos_y returns nothing if Spell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling PointSpell.onCast") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called PointSpell.onCast on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 713 then call SamplePointSpellSetup_onCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y) else call TestSpell1Setup_onCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y) endif endfunction function PointSpell_callOnCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, real targetPos_x, real targetPos_y, integer target returns nothing call dispatch_PointSpell_onCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y) endfunction function dispatch_UnitSpell_onCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, integer target returns nothing endfunction function UnitSpell_callOnCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, real targetPos_x, real targetPos_y, integer target returns nothing call dispatch_UnitSpell_onCast(this_43, caster, target) endfunction function dispatch_Spell_callOnCast takes integer this_43, integer caster, real targetPos_x, real targetPos_y, integer target returns nothing if Spell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spell.callOnCast") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spell.callOnCast on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 641 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 640 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 639 then call InstantSpell_callOnCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y, target) else call PointSpell_callOnCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y, target) endif else call UnitSpell_callOnCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y, target) endif elseif Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 713 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 642 then call PointOrUnitSpell_callOnCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y, target) else call PointSpell_callOnCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y, target) endif else call PointSpell_callOnCast(this_43, caster, targetPos_x, targetPos_y, target) endif endfunction function Hero_handleCasts takes nothing returns nothing local integer s = dispatch_HashMap_get(Hero_abiIdToSpell, GetSpellAbilityId()) local integer h_2 local real pos_x local real pos_y local integer un if s != 0 then set h_2 = unit_getUserData(GetTriggerUnit()) set pos_x = GetSpellTargetX() set pos_y = GetSpellTargetY() set un = unit_getUserData(GetSpellTargetUnit()) call dispatch_Spell_callOnCast(s, h_2, pos_x, pos_y, un) endif endfunction function createImage takes string path, real pos_x, real pos_y, real sizeX, real sizeY, integer layer returns image local image temp = CreateImage(path, sizeX, sizeY, 0., pos_x, pos_y, 0., sizeX / 2., sizeY / 2., 0., layer + 1) call SetImageConstantHeight(temp, true, - 2.9) set createImagetempReturn_2 = temp set temp = null return createImagetempReturn_2 endfunction function image_show takes image this_43 returns nothing call SetImageRenderAlways(this_43, true) endfunction function Image_growCallback takes integer this_43, player p, timer t returns nothing local integer currentTick = dispatch_HandleMap_get(Image_tick, t) local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempIndex_5 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempIndex_6 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local real temp local real temp_2 local integer temp_3 local string temp_4 local real temp_5 local real temp_6 local real temp_7 local integer temp_8 if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set temp_3 = tempIndex set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set temp = Image_realSize[tempIndex_2] set temp_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_2] set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set Image_realSize[temp_3] = vec2_op_plus(temp, temp_2, Image_resizeRate[tempIndex_3], Image_resizeRate_2[tempIndex_3]) set Image_realSize_2[tempIndex] = vec2_op_plus_return_y if Image_img[this_43] != null then call image_remove(Image_img[this_43]) set temp_8 = this_43 set temp_4 = Image_filePath[this_43] set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set temp_5 = Image_realPos[tempIndex_4] set temp_6 = Image_realPos_2[tempIndex_4] set tempIndex_5 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_5] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_5] set temp_7 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_6 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_6] set Image_img[temp_8] = createImage(temp_4, temp_5, temp_6, temp_7, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2, Image_layer[this_43]) call image_show(Image_img[this_43]) endif endif if currentTick > 1 then call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_tick, t, currentTick - 1) else call timer_release(GetExpiredTimer()) endif endfunction function dispatch_Image_growCallback takes integer this_43, player p, timer t returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.growCallback") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.growCallback on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_growCallback(this_43, p, t) endfunction function Image_callGrowCallback takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() call dispatch_Image_growCallback(timer_getData(t), playerFromIndex(dispatch_HandleMap_get(Image_timerOwner, t)), t) set t = null endfunction function image_setColor takes image this_43, integer col_red, integer col_green, integer col_blue, integer col_alpha returns nothing call SetImageColor(this_43, col_red, col_green, col_blue, col_alpha) endfunction function Image_hideFadedCallback takes integer this_43, player p, timer t returns nothing local integer currentTick = dispatch_HandleMap_get(Image_tick, t) local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_4 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempIndex_5 local integer temp local image temp_2 local image temp_3 if currentTick < 0 then if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set temp = tempIndex set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_col[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_col_2[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3 = Image_col_3[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_4 = Image_col_4[tempIndex_2] set Image_col_4[temp] = tempTupleSelectionResult_4 - 31 set temp_2 = Image_img[this_43] set tempIndex_3 = this_43 call image_setColor(temp_2, Image_col[tempIndex_3], Image_col_2[tempIndex_3], Image_col_3[tempIndex_3], Image_col_4[tempIndex_3]) endif call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_tick, t, currentTick + 1) else call timer_release(GetExpiredTimer()) if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set Image_col_4[tempIndex_4] = 0 set temp_3 = Image_img[this_43] set tempIndex_5 = this_43 call image_setColor(temp_3, Image_col[tempIndex_5], Image_col_2[tempIndex_5], Image_col_3[tempIndex_5], Image_col_4[tempIndex_5]) call image_remove(Image_img[this_43]) set Image_img[this_43] = null endif endif set temp_2 = null set temp_3 = null endfunction function dispatch_Image_hideFadedCallback takes integer this_43, player p, timer t returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.hideFadedCallback") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.hideFadedCallback on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_hideFadedCallback(this_43, p, t) endfunction function Image_callHideFadedCallback takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() call dispatch_Image_hideFadedCallback(timer_getData(t), playerFromIndex(dispatch_HandleMap_get(Image_timerOwner, t)), t) set t = null endfunction function Image_showFadedCallback takes integer this_43, player p, timer t returns nothing local integer currentTick = dispatch_HandleMap_get(Image_tick, t) local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_4 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempIndex_5 local integer temp local image temp_2 local image temp_3 if currentTick > 0 then if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set temp = tempIndex set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_col[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_col_2[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3 = Image_col_3[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_4 = Image_col_4[tempIndex_2] set Image_col_4[temp] = tempTupleSelectionResult_4 + 31 set temp_2 = Image_img[this_43] set tempIndex_3 = this_43 call image_setColor(temp_2, Image_col[tempIndex_3], Image_col_2[tempIndex_3], Image_col_3[tempIndex_3], Image_col_4[tempIndex_3]) endif call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_tick, t, currentTick - 1) else if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set Image_col_4[tempIndex_4] = 255 set temp_3 = Image_img[this_43] set tempIndex_5 = this_43 call image_setColor(temp_3, Image_col[tempIndex_5], Image_col_2[tempIndex_5], Image_col_3[tempIndex_5], Image_col_4[tempIndex_5]) endif call timer_release(t) endif set temp_2 = null set temp_3 = null endfunction function dispatch_Image_showFadedCallback takes integer this_43, player p, timer t returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.showFadedCallback") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.showFadedCallback on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_showFadedCallback(this_43, p, t) endfunction function Image_callShowFadedCallback takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() call dispatch_Image_showFadedCallback(timer_getData(t), playerFromIndex(dispatch_HandleMap_get(Image_timerOwner, t)), t) set t = null endfunction function vec2_op_minus takes real this_x, real this_y, real v_x, real v_y returns real set vec2_op_minus_return_x = this_x - v_x set vec2_op_minus_return_y = this_y - v_y return vec2_op_minus_return_x endfunction function Image_srinkCallback takes integer this_43, player p, timer t returns nothing local integer currentTick = dispatch_HandleMap_get(Image_tick, t) local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempIndex_5 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempIndex_6 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local real temp local real temp_2 local integer temp_3 local string temp_4 local real temp_5 local real temp_6 local real temp_7 local integer temp_8 if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set temp_3 = tempIndex set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set temp = Image_realSize[tempIndex_2] set temp_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_2] set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set Image_realSize[temp_3] = vec2_op_minus(temp, temp_2, Image_resizeRate[tempIndex_3], Image_resizeRate_2[tempIndex_3]) set Image_realSize_2[tempIndex] = vec2_op_minus_return_y if Image_img[this_43] != null then call image_remove(Image_img[this_43]) set temp_8 = this_43 set temp_4 = Image_filePath[this_43] set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set temp_5 = Image_realPos[tempIndex_4] set temp_6 = Image_realPos_2[tempIndex_4] set tempIndex_5 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_5] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_5] set temp_7 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_6 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_6] set Image_img[temp_8] = createImage(temp_4, temp_5, temp_6, temp_7, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2, Image_layer[this_43]) call image_show(Image_img[this_43]) endif endif if currentTick > 1 then call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_tick, t, currentTick - 1) else call timer_release(GetExpiredTimer()) endif endfunction function dispatch_Image_srinkCallback takes integer this_43, player p, timer t returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.srinkCallback") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.srinkCallback on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_srinkCallback(this_43, p, t) endfunction function Image_callSrinkCallback takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() call dispatch_Image_srinkCallback(timer_getData(t), playerFromIndex(dispatch_HandleMap_get(Image_timerOwner, t)), t) set t = null endfunction function Fx_getX takes integer this_43 returns real return unit_getX(Fx_dummy[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_getX takes integer this_43 returns real local real getX_result if Fx_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.getX") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Fx.getX on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getX_result = Fx_getX(this_43) return getX_result endfunction function Fx_getY takes integer this_43 returns real return unit_getY(Fx_dummy[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_getY takes integer this_43 returns real local real getY_result if Fx_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.getY") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Fx.getY on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getY_result = Fx_getY(this_43) return getY_result endfunction function Fx_getPos2 takes integer this_43 returns real set Fx_getPos2_return_x = dispatch_Fx_getX(this_43) set Fx_getPos2_return_y = dispatch_Fx_getY(this_43) return Fx_getPos2_return_x endfunction function dispatch_Fx_getPos2 takes integer this_43 returns real local real getPos2_result_x local real getPos2_result_y if Fx_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.getPos2") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Fx.getPos2 on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getPos2_result_x = Fx_getPos2(this_43) set getPos2_result_y = Fx_getPos2_return_y set dispatch_Fx_getPos2_return_x = getPos2_result_x set dispatch_Fx_getPos2_return_y = getPos2_result_y return dispatch_Fx_getPos2_return_x endfunction function Fx_setPos_2 takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y returns integer call unit_setPos(Fx_dummy[this_43], pos_x, pos_y) return this_43 endfunction function dispatch_Fx_setPos_2 takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y returns integer local integer setPos_result if Fx_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.setPos") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Fx.setPos on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set setPos_result = Fx_setPos_2(this_43, pos_x, pos_y) return setPos_result endfunction function Missle_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_Unit2Event_destroyUnit2Event(Missle_atHit[this_43]) call dispatch_Unit2Event_destroyUnit2Event(Missle_atEnd[this_43]) call timer_release(Missle_t[this_43]) call dispatch_Fx_destroyFx(Missle_fx[this_43]) endfunction function dealloc_Missle takes integer obj returns nothing if Missle_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Missle") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Missle_nextFree[Missle_lastFree] = obj set Missle_lastFree = obj if Missle_firstFree == 0 then set Missle_firstFree = obj set Missle_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Missle_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyMissle takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Missle_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Missle(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Missle_destroyMissle takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Missle_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Missle.destroyMissle") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Missle.destroyMissle on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyMissle(this_43) endfunction function Missle_move takes integer this_43 returns nothing local group g local unit u local real prePos_x local real prePos_y local unit hitUnit local real minDist local unit lu local real targetPos_x local real targetPos_y local real currentDist local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local real temp local real temp_2 local integer temp_3 local real temp_4 local real temp_5 if Missle_dl[this_43] <= 0 then call dispatch_Unit2Event_fire(Missle_atEnd[this_43], Missle_source[this_43], 0) call dispatch_Missle_destroyMissle(this_43) else set temp_3 = Missle_fx[this_43] set temp = dispatch_Fx_getPos2(Missle_fx[this_43]) set temp_2 = dispatch_Fx_getPos2_return_y set tempIndex = this_43 call dispatch_Fx_setPos_2(temp_3, vec2_op_plus(temp, temp_2, Missle_vel[tempIndex], Missle_vel_2[tempIndex]), vec2_op_plus_return_y) set g = CreateGroup() set Filter_filterCheckUnit = Unit_u[Missle_source[this_43]] set Filter_filterCheckPlayer = Unit_owner[Missle_source[this_43]] call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, dispatch_Fx_getX(Missle_fx[this_43]), dispatch_Fx_getY(Missle_fx[this_43]), Missle_radius[this_43], Missle_filter[this_43]) set u = FirstOfGroup(g) if u == null then set Missle_dl[this_43] = Missle_dl[this_43] - 1 else call GroupRemoveUnit(g, u) if FirstOfGroup(g) == null then call dispatch_Unit2Event_fire(Missle_atHit[this_43], Missle_source[this_43], unit_getUserData(u)) call DestroyGroup(g) call dispatch_Missle_destroyMissle(this_43) set g = null set u = null else call GroupAddUnit(g, u) set temp_4 = dispatch_Fx_getPos2(Missle_fx[this_43]) set temp_5 = dispatch_Fx_getPos2_return_y set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set prePos_x = vec2_op_minus(temp_4, temp_5, Missle_vel[tempIndex_2], Missle_vel_2[tempIndex_2]) set prePos_y = vec2_op_minus_return_y set hitUnit = null set minDist = 10000. loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(g) set lu = group_next(g) set targetPos_x = unit_getPos(lu) set targetPos_y = unit_getPos_return_y set currentDist = vec2_distToVec(targetPos_x, targetPos_y, prePos_x, prePos_y) if currentDist > minDist then set minDist = currentDist set hitUnit = lu endif endloop call dispatch_Unit2Event_fire(Missle_atHit[this_43], Missle_source[this_43], unit_getUserData(hitUnit)) call DestroyGroup(g) set u = null set g = null set hitUnit = null call dispatch_Missle_destroyMissle(this_43) endif endif endif set g = null set u = null set hitUnit = null set lu = null endfunction function dispatch_Missle_move takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Missle_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Missle.move") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Missle.move on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Missle_move(this_43) endfunction function Missle_callMove takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_Missle_move(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function Preload_createBackground takes nothing returns nothing local integer i1 = 0 local integer i2 loop exitwhen i1 > 4 set i2 = 0 loop exitwhen i2 > 2 call image_show(createImage("war3mapImported\\background.blp", Setup_menuStart_x + 2.5 + i1 * 9.9, Setup_menuStart_y + 2.5 + i2 * 9.9, 10., 10., 1)) set i2 = i2 + 1 endloop set i1 = i1 + 1 endloop endfunction function TList_getSize takes integer this_43 returns integer return TList_size[this_43] endfunction function dispatch_TList_getSize takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer getSize_result if TList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TList.getSize") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TList.getSize on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getSize_result = TList_getSize(this_43) return getSize_result endfunction function Preload_createItems takes nothing returns real set Setup_permAttackTome[Preload_itemCounter] = CreateItem(dispatch_TList_get(Setup_permAttackTomeId, Preload_itemCounter), Setup_recycleGraveyard_x, Setup_recycleGraveyard_y) if Preload_itemCounter >= dispatch_TList_getSize(Setup_permAttackTomeId) - 1 then return 0. else set Preload_itemCounter = Preload_itemCounter + 1 return 0.05 endif endfunction function alloc_Trackable takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Trackable_firstFree == 0 then set Trackable_maxIndex = Trackable_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Trackable_maxIndex else set this_43 = Trackable_firstFree set Trackable_firstFree = Trackable_nextFree[Trackable_firstFree] set Trackable_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Trackable_typeId[this_43] = 702 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Trackable takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, string path, player owner returns nothing local integer tempIndex set Trackable_owner[this_43] = null set Trackable_doubleHit[this_43] = null set Trackable_wasHit[this_43] = false set Trackable_doubleHitTimer[this_43] = getTimer() set tempIndex = this_43 set Trackable_pos[tempIndex] = pos_x set Trackable_pos_2[tempIndex] = pos_y set Trackable_owner[this_43] = owner set Trackable_filePath[this_43] = path endfunction function new_Trackable takes real pos_x, real pos_y, string path, player owner returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Trackable() call construct_Trackable(this_43, pos_x, pos_y, path, owner) return this_43 endfunction function createTrackableForPlayer takes real pos_x, real pos_y, string path, player p returns trackable local string newPath = "" local trackable t if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set newPath = path endif set t = CreateTrackable(newPath, pos_x, pos_y, 0.) call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Trackable_trackData, t, new_Trackable(pos_x, pos_y, path, p)) set createTrackableForPlayertempReturn = t set t = null return createTrackableForPlayertempReturn endfunction function hashtable_saveTrackableHandle takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey, trackable value returns hashtable call SaveTrackableHandle(this_43, parentKey, childKey, value) return this_43 endfunction function Table3D_put takes integer this_43, integer key1, integer key2, integer key3, trackable t returns nothing call hashtable_saveTrackableHandle(Table3D_ht[this_43], key1, key2 * Table3D_key3IndexSize[this_43] + key3, t) endfunction function dispatch_Table3D_put takes integer this_43, integer key1, integer key2, integer key3, trackable t returns nothing if Table3D_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table3D.put") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table3D.put on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Table3D_put(this_43, key1, key2, key3, t) endfunction function hashtable_hasBoolean takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean return HaveSavedBoolean(this_43, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function trigger_registerTrackableHitEvent takes trigger this_43, trackable whichTrackable returns trigger call TriggerRegisterTrackableHitEvent(this_43, whichTrackable) return this_43 endfunction function trigger_registerTrackableDoubleHitEvent takes trigger this_43, trackable t returns nothing local integer tr = dispatch_HandleMap_get(Trackable_trackData, t) set Trackable_doubleHit[tr] = this_43 call trigger_registerTrackableHitEvent(Trackable_doubleHitDetect, t) endfunction function trigger_registerTrackableTrackEvent takes trigger this_43, trackable whichTrackable returns trigger call TriggerRegisterTrackableTrackEvent(this_43, whichTrackable) return this_43 endfunction function Preload_createTrackables takes nothing returns real local integer i1 = 1 local real trackVec_x local real trackVec_y local trackable t local integer i2 loop exitwhen i1 > 10 set Preload_trackCounter = Preload_trackCounter + 1 if Preload_trackCounter <= 968 then if not hashtable_hasBoolean(Setup_trackBlacklist, Preload_trackPos_i1, Preload_trackPos_i2) then set trackVec_x = Setup_menuStart_x + Preload_trackPos_i1 set trackVec_y = Setup_menuStart_y + Preload_trackPos_i2 set t = null set i2 = 0 loop exitwhen i2 > 11 set t = createTrackableForPlayer(trackVec_x, trackVec_y, "war3mapImported\\1x1TrackC.mdx", Player(i2)) call trigger_registerTrackableHitEvent(Setup_trackableHitTrigger, t) call trigger_registerTrackableTrackEvent(Setup_trackableTrackTrigger, t) call trigger_registerTrackableDoubleHitEvent(Setup_trackableDoubleHitTrigger, t) call dispatch_Table3D_put(Setup_trackableMap, Preload_trackPos_i1, Preload_trackPos_i2, i2, t) set i2 = i2 + 1 endloop endif if Preload_trackPos_i2 >= Setup_menuHeight then set Preload_trackPos_i2 = 1 set Preload_trackPos_i1 = Preload_trackPos_i1 + 1 else set Preload_trackPos_i2 = Preload_trackPos_i2 + 1 endif else set t = null return 0. endif set i1 = i1 + 1 endloop set t = null return 0.025 endfunction function SpellType_toId takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer temp = this_43 if temp == 0 then return 81 elseif temp == 1 then return 87 elseif temp == 2 then return 69 elseif temp == 3 then return 82 elseif temp == 4 then return 68 elseif temp == 5 then return 70 else return -1 endif endfunction function ObjId_getId takes integer this_43 returns integer return ObjId_id1[this_43] + ObjId_id2[this_43] + ObjId_id3[this_43] + ObjId_id4[this_43] endfunction function dispatch_ObjId_getId takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer getId_result if ObjId_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ObjId.getId") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ObjId.getId on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getId_result = ObjId_getId(this_43) return getId_result endfunction function ObjId_setId1 takes integer this_43, integer char1 returns nothing set ObjId_id1[this_43] = char1 * 16777216 endfunction function dispatch_ObjId_setId1 takes integer this_43, integer char1 returns nothing if ObjId_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ObjId.setId1") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ObjId.setId1 on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ObjId_setId1(this_43, char1) endfunction function ObjId_setId2 takes integer this_43, integer char2 returns nothing set ObjId_id2[this_43] = char2 * 65536 endfunction function dispatch_ObjId_setId2 takes integer this_43, integer char2 returns nothing if ObjId_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ObjId.setId2") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ObjId.setId2 on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ObjId_setId2(this_43, char2) endfunction function ObjId_setId3 takes integer this_43, integer char3 returns nothing set ObjId_id3[this_43] = char3 * 256 endfunction function dispatch_ObjId_setId3 takes integer this_43, integer char3 returns nothing if ObjId_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ObjId.setId3") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ObjId.setId3 on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ObjId_setId3(this_43, char3) endfunction function char takes string s returns integer local integer a if "\\" == s then return 92 endif set a = Char_s2c[StringHash(s) / 2033480 + 1002] if s != Char_c2s[a] then return a + 32 endif return a endfunction function char_toInt takes integer this_c returns integer return this_c endfunction function string_charAt takes string this_43, integer index returns string return SubString(this_43, index, index + 1) endfunction function ObjId_setId4 takes integer this_43, string char4 returns nothing set ObjId_id4[this_43] = char_toInt(char(string_charAt(char4, 3))) endfunction function dispatch_ObjId_setId4 takes integer this_43, string char4 returns nothing if ObjId_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ObjId.setId4") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ObjId.setId4 on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ObjId_setId4(this_43, char4) endfunction function alloc_ObjId takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if ObjId_firstFree == 0 then set ObjId_maxIndex = ObjId_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = ObjId_maxIndex else set this_43 = ObjId_firstFree set ObjId_firstFree = ObjId_nextFree[ObjId_firstFree] set ObjId_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set ObjId_typeId[this_43] = 635 return this_43 endfunction function construct_ObjId takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function new_ObjId takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_ObjId() call construct_ObjId(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function Preload_disableAbilitys takes nothing returns real local integer id = new_ObjId() local integer i1 local integer i2 local integer i3 call dispatch_ObjId_setId2(id, 83) call dispatch_ObjId_setId3(id, 80) set i1 = 0 loop exitwhen i1 > 5 call dispatch_ObjId_setId1(id, SpellType_toId(i1)) set i2 = 0 loop exitwhen i2 > 3 call dispatch_ObjId_setId4(id, int_toString(i2)) set i3 = 0 loop exitwhen i3 > 11 call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i3), dispatch_ObjId_getId(id), false) set i3 = i3 + 1 endloop set i2 = i2 + 1 endloop set i1 = i1 + 1 endloop return 0. endfunction function debugIdInteger2IdString takes integer value returns string local string charMap = ".................................!.#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>.@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[.]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~................................................................................................................................." local string result = "" local integer remainingValue = value local integer byteno = 0 local integer charValue loop exitwhen byteno > 3 set charValue = ModuloInteger(remainingValue, 256) set remainingValue = remainingValue / 256 set result = SubString(charMap, charValue, charValue + 1) + result set byteno = byteno + 1 endloop return result endfunction function Preload_preloadAbilitys takes nothing returns real call unit_addAbility(Preload_preloadDummy, dispatch_TList_get(Setup_preloadAbi, Preload_abiCounter)) if GetUnitAbilityLevel(Preload_preloadDummy, dispatch_TList_get(Setup_preloadAbi, Preload_abiCounter)) == 0 then call print("The Ability " + debugIdInteger2IdString(dispatch_TList_get(Setup_preloadAbi, Preload_abiCounter)) + " was not sucessfully loaded") return - 1. endif if Preload_abiCounter >= dispatch_TList_getSize(Setup_preloadAbi) - 1 then return 0. else call SetUnitAbilityLevel(Preload_preloadDummy, dispatch_TList_get(Setup_preloadAbi, Preload_abiCounter), 100) set Preload_abiCounter = Preload_abiCounter + 1 return Setup_abilityLoadTime + GetUnitAbilityLevel(Preload_preloadDummy, dispatch_TList_get(Setup_preloadAbi, Preload_abiCounter - 1)) * Setup_abilityLoadTimeLevelBonus endif endfunction function SimpleEvent_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Event_onDestroy(this_43) endfunction function dealloc_SimpleEvent takes integer obj returns nothing if Event_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type SimpleEvent") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Event_nextFree[Event_lastFree] = obj set Event_lastFree = obj if Event_firstFree == 0 then set Event_firstFree = obj set Event_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Event_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroySimpleEvent takes integer this_43 returns nothing call SimpleEvent_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_SimpleEvent(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_SimpleEvent_destroySimpleEvent takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Event_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling SimpleEvent.destroySimpleEvent") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called SimpleEvent.destroySimpleEvent on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroySimpleEvent(this_43) endfunction function SimpleEvent_fire takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Event_callActions(this_43, 0) endfunction function dispatch_SimpleEvent_fire takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Event_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call SimpleEvent_fire(this_43) endfunction function real_toString takes real this_43 returns string return R2S(this_43) endfunction function Preload_preload takes nothing returns nothing local real check = -1. local integer temp = Preload_preloadStatus if temp == 0 then set check = Preload_createTrackables() elseif temp == 1 then set check = Preload_preloadAbilitys() elseif temp == 2 then set check = Preload_createItems() elseif temp == 3 then set check = Preload_disableAbilitys() elseif temp == 4 then call ClearTextMessages() call print("Preload Done") call timer_release(GetExpiredTimer()) call unit_remove(Preload_preloadDummy) call dispatch_SimpleEvent_fire(Preload_preloadEnd) call dispatch_SimpleEvent_destroySimpleEvent(Preload_preloadEnd) return else call printError("Invaild preload Status") endif if check == -1. then call printError("An error while Preloading has ocurred") elseif check == 0. then set Preload_preloadStatus = Preload_preloadStatus + 1 call timer_start(GetExpiredTimer(), 0.05, ref_function_Preload_preload_2) set Preload_progress = Preload_progress + 0.05 else call timer_start(GetExpiredTimer(), check, ref_function_Preload_preload_3) set Preload_progress = Preload_progress + check endif if Preload_showProgress then call ClearTextMessages() call print("Loaded: " + real_toString(100. * (Preload_progress / Preload_maxProgress)) + "%") endif endfunction function TList_add takes integer this_43, integer elem returns nothing call hashtable_saveInt(TList_ht, this_43, TList_size[this_43], elem) set TList_size[this_43] = TList_size[this_43] + 1 endfunction function dispatch_TList_add takes integer this_43, integer elem returns nothing if TList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TList.add") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TList.add on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call TList_add(this_43, elem) endfunction function Unit_addKnock takes integer this_43, real x, real y returns nothing set Unit_wallLocX[this_43] = 0. set Unit_wallLocY[this_43] = 0. set Unit_knockX[this_43] = Unit_knockX[this_43] + x set Unit_knockY[this_43] = Unit_knockY[this_43] + y if not Unit_hasKnockback[this_43] then set Unit_hasKnockback[this_43] = true call dispatch_TList_add(UnitClass_knocklist, this_43) endif set Unit_lastCollision[this_43] = 0 endfunction function dispatch_Unit_addKnock takes integer this_43, real x, real y returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.addKnock") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.addKnock on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_addKnock(this_43, x, y) else call Unit_addKnock(this_43, x, y) endif endfunction function distanceBetweenCoords takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real return SquareRoot((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) endfunction function isTerrainWalkable takes real x, real y returns boolean call MoveRectTo(Terrain_find, x, y) call EnumItemsInRect(Terrain_find, null, ref_function_hideItem) call SetItemPosition(Terrain_dItem, x, y) set Terrain_X = GetItemX(Terrain_dItem) set Terrain_Y = GetItemY(Terrain_dItem) call SetItemVisible(Terrain_dItem, false) loop exitwhen not (Terrain_hidMax > 0) set Terrain_hidMax = Terrain_hidMax - 1 call SetItemVisible(Terrain_hid[Terrain_hidMax], true) set Terrain_hid[Terrain_hidMax] = null endloop return (Terrain_X - x) * (Terrain_X - x) + (Terrain_Y - y) * (Terrain_Y - y) <= Terrain_MAX_RANGE * Terrain_MAX_RANGE and ( not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY)) endfunction function Pull2_theSpell takes integer this_43 returns nothing local real dist local real x local real y set Pull2_i[this_43] = Pull2_i[this_43] - 1 call SetLightningColor(Pull2_l[this_43], Pull2_i[this_43] * 1. / Pull2_imax[this_43], Pull2_i[this_43] * 1. / Pull2_imax[this_43], Pull2_i[this_43] * 1. / Pull2_imax[this_43], 1.) call MoveLightningEx(Pull2_l[this_43], true, unit_getX(Pull2_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Pull2_u[this_43]), 50., unit_getX(Pull2_ut[this_43]), unit_getY(Pull2_ut[this_43]), 50.) set dist = distanceBetweenCoords(unit_getX(Pull2_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Pull2_u[this_43]), unit_getX(Pull2_ut[this_43]), unit_getY(Pull2_ut[this_43])) if Pull2_i[this_43] <= 0 then call timer_release(Pull2_t[this_43]) call DestroyLightning(Pull2_l[this_43]) elseif dist > 100. then set Unit_knockX[Pull2_uut[this_43]] = Unit_knockX[Pull2_uut[this_43]] * 0.5 set Unit_knockY[Pull2_uut[this_43]] = Unit_knockY[Pull2_uut[this_43]] * 0.5 set x = 0. set y = 0. if isTerrainWalkable(unit_getX(Pull2_ut[this_43]) + x, unit_getY(Pull2_ut[this_43]) + y) == true then call print(R2S(RAbsBJ(x) + RAbsBJ(y))) set Unit_lastKnocker[Pull2_uut[this_43]] = unit_getUserData(Pull2_u[this_43]) call dispatch_Unit_addKnock(Pull2_uut[this_43], x, y) else set Pull2_i[this_43] = 0 endif else set Pull2_i[this_43] = 0 endif endfunction function dispatch_Pull2_theSpell takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Pull2_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Pull2.theSpell") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Pull2.theSpell on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Pull2_theSpell(this_43) endfunction function Pull2_blackHCall takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_Pull2_theSpell(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function RockThrow_rockMove takes integer this_43 returns nothing local real terrainZ local group wurst__iterator0 local unit u local integer rocky set RockThrow_i[this_43] = RockThrow_i[this_43] - 1 set RockThrow_c[this_43] = RockThrow_c[this_43] + 1 call SetUnitPosition(RockThrow_dummy[this_43], unit_getX(RockThrow_dummy[this_43]) + RockThrow_x[this_43], unit_getY(RockThrow_dummy[this_43]) + RockThrow_y[this_43]) call SetUnitFacing(RockThrow_dummy[this_43], I2R(RockThrow_c[this_43])) set RockThrow_currentZ[this_43] = RockThrow_currentZ[this_43] + RockThrow_z[this_43] set terrainZ = getTerrainZ(unit_getX(RockThrow_dummy[this_43]), unit_getY(RockThrow_dummy[this_43])) call SetUnitFlyHeight(RockThrow_dummy[this_43], RockThrow_currentZ[this_43] - terrainZ, 0.) set RockThrow_z[this_43] = RockThrow_z[this_43] - RockThrow_grav[this_43] if RockThrow_i[this_43] <= 0 then set RockThrow_e[this_43] = AddSpecialEffect("Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\WarStomp\\WarStompCaster.mdl", unit_getX(RockThrow_dummy[this_43]), unit_getY(RockThrow_dummy[this_43])) call effect_destr(RockThrow_e[this_43]) set RockThrow_g[this_43] = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(RockThrow_g[this_43], unit_getX(RockThrow_dummy[this_43]), unit_getY(RockThrow_dummy[this_43]), RockThrow_range[this_43], null) set wurst__iterator0 = group_iterator(RockThrow_g[this_43]) loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(wurst__iterator0) set u = group_next(wurst__iterator0) set RockThrow_distd[this_43] = 1. - distanceBetweenCoords(unit_getX(u), unit_getY(u), unit_getX(RockThrow_dummy[this_43]), unit_getY(RockThrow_dummy[this_43])) / RockThrow_range[this_43] set RockThrow_ang[this_43] = 1. set RockThrow_x[this_43] = 1. set RockThrow_y[this_43] = 1. set rocky = GetUnitUserData(u) call dispatch_Unit_addKnock(rocky, RockThrow_x[this_43], RockThrow_y[this_43]) set Unit_lastKnocker[rocky] = unit_getUserData(RockThrow_u[this_43]) endloop call group_close(wurst__iterator0) call DestroyGroup(RockThrow_g[this_43]) call RemoveUnit(RockThrow_dummy[this_43]) call timer_release(RockThrow_t[this_43]) endif set wurst__iterator0 = null set u = null endfunction function dispatch_RockThrow_rockMove takes integer this_43 returns nothing if RockThrow_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling RockThrow.rockMove") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called RockThrow.rockMove on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call RockThrow_rockMove(this_43) endfunction function RockThrow_rockMoveCall takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() local integer i_2 = timer_getData(t) local integer tempObject = i_2 call dispatch_RockThrow_rockMove(tempObject) set t = null endfunction function SamplePointSpell_callback takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_SamplePointSpell_callback takes integer this_43 returns nothing if SamplePointSpell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling SamplePointSpell.callback") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called SamplePointSpell.callback on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call SamplePointSpell_callback(this_43) endfunction function SamplePointSpell_callCallback takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_SamplePointSpell_callback(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function Shield_onExpire takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_Shield_destroyShield(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function Spell_timedDisableCastDummy takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() local integer s = timer_getData(t) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Unit_owner[Spell_owner[s]], Spell_castDummy[s], false) call timer_release(t) set t = null set t = null endfunction function Stun_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call UnitRemoveAbility(Unit_u[Stun_u[this_43]], 1112560453) set Unit_stun[Stun_u[this_43]] = 0 call timer_release(Stun_t[this_43]) endfunction function dealloc_Stun takes integer obj returns nothing if Stun_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type Stun") call I2S(1 / 0) else set Stun_nextFree[Stun_lastFree] = obj set Stun_lastFree = obj if Stun_firstFree == 0 then set Stun_firstFree = obj set Stun_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set Stun_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyStun takes integer this_43 returns nothing call Stun_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_Stun(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Stun_destroyStun takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Stun_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Stun.destroyStun") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Stun.destroyStun on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyStun(this_43) endfunction function Stun_destroyStun takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_Stun_destroyStun(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function TestSpell1_bla takes nothing returns nothing call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], TestSpell1_animationType) endfunction function Hero_spellEnd takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Hero_acceptOrders[this_43] = true call dispatch_Hero_nextOrder(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Hero_spellEnd takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.spellEnd") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.spellEnd on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_spellEnd(this_43) endfunction function TestSpell1_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_TestSpell1 takes integer obj returns nothing if TestSpell1_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type TestSpell1") call I2S(1 / 0) else set TestSpell1_nextFree[TestSpell1_lastFree] = obj set TestSpell1_lastFree = obj if TestSpell1_firstFree == 0 then set TestSpell1_firstFree = obj set TestSpell1_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set TestSpell1_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyTestSpell1 takes integer this_43 returns nothing call TestSpell1_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_TestSpell1(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_TestSpell1_destroyTestSpell1 takes integer this_43 returns nothing if TestSpell1_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TestSpell1.destroyTestSpell1") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TestSpell1.destroyTestSpell1 on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyTestSpell1(this_43) endfunction function TestSpell1_callback takes integer this_43 returns nothing call ResetUnitAnimation(Unit_u[TestSpell1_caster[this_43]]) call dispatch_Hero_spellEnd(TestSpell1_caster[this_43]) call dispatch_TestSpell1_destroyTestSpell1(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_TestSpell1_callback takes integer this_43 returns nothing if TestSpell1_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TestSpell1.callback") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TestSpell1.callback on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call TestSpell1_callback(this_43) endfunction function TestSpell1_callCallback takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_TestSpell1_callback(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function TextTag_destroyTextTag takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_TextTag_destroyTextTag(timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())) endfunction function Trig_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003_Actions takes nothing returns nothing call CameraSetupApplyForPlayer(true, gg_cam_Camera_001, Player(0), 0.) call FogEnableOff() call FogMaskEnableOff() endfunction function Unit_makeVunerable takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Unit_vunerableCount[this_43] = Unit_vunerableCount[this_43] - 1 if Unit_vunerableCount[this_43] <= 0 then set Unit_vunerable[this_43] = true set Unit_vunerableCount[this_43] = 0 endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_makeVunerable takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.makeVunerable") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.makeVunerable on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_makeVunerable(this_43) else call Unit_makeVunerable(this_43) endif endfunction function Unit_callMakeVunerable takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() call dispatch_Unit_makeVunerable(timer_getData(t)) call timer_release(t) set t = null set t = null endfunction function OnDamageData_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_OnDamageData takes integer obj returns nothing if OnDamageData_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type OnDamageData") call I2S(1 / 0) else set OnDamageData_nextFree[OnDamageData_lastFree] = obj set OnDamageData_lastFree = obj if OnDamageData_firstFree == 0 then set OnDamageData_firstFree = obj set OnDamageData_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set OnDamageData_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyOnDamageData takes integer this_43 returns nothing call OnDamageData_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_OnDamageData(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_OnDamageData_destroyOnDamageData takes integer this_43 returns nothing if OnDamageData_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling OnDamageData.destroyOnDamageData") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called OnDamageData.destroyOnDamageData on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyOnDamageData(this_43) endfunction function alloc_OnDamageData takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if OnDamageData_firstFree == 0 then set OnDamageData_maxIndex = OnDamageData_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = OnDamageData_maxIndex else set this_43 = OnDamageData_firstFree set OnDamageData_firstFree = OnDamageData_nextFree[OnDamageData_firstFree] set OnDamageData_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set OnDamageData_typeId[this_43] = 690 return this_43 endfunction function construct_OnDamageData takes integer this_43 returns nothing set OnDamageData_stop[this_43] = false endfunction function new_OnDamageData takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_OnDamageData() call construct_OnDamageData(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function OnDamageEvent_fire takes integer this_43, integer source, real dmg returns real local integer data = new_OnDamageData() local real finalDmg set OnDamageData_source[data] = source set OnDamageData_target[data] = OnDamageEvent_target[this_43] set OnDamageData_damage[data] = dmg call Event_callActions(this_43, data) set finalDmg = OnDamageData_damage[data] call dispatch_OnDamageData_destroyOnDamageData(data) return finalDmg endfunction function dispatch_OnDamageEvent_fire takes integer this_43, integer source, real dmg returns real local real fire_result if Event_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set fire_result = OnDamageEvent_fire(this_43, source, dmg) return fire_result endfunction function PreDamageData_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_PreDamageData takes integer obj returns nothing if PreDamageData_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type PreDamageData") call I2S(1 / 0) else set PreDamageData_nextFree[PreDamageData_lastFree] = obj set PreDamageData_lastFree = obj if PreDamageData_firstFree == 0 then set PreDamageData_firstFree = obj set PreDamageData_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set PreDamageData_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyPreDamageData takes integer this_43 returns nothing call PreDamageData_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_PreDamageData(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_PreDamageData_destroyPreDamageData takes integer this_43 returns nothing if PreDamageData_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling PreDamageData.destroyPreDamageData") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called PreDamageData.destroyPreDamageData on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyPreDamageData(this_43) endfunction function alloc_PreDamageData takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if PreDamageData_firstFree == 0 then set PreDamageData_maxIndex = PreDamageData_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = PreDamageData_maxIndex else set this_43 = PreDamageData_firstFree set PreDamageData_firstFree = PreDamageData_nextFree[PreDamageData_firstFree] set PreDamageData_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set PreDamageData_typeId[this_43] = 688 return this_43 endfunction function construct_PreDamageData takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function new_PreDamageData takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_PreDamageData() call construct_PreDamageData(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function PreDamageEvent_fire takes integer this_43, integer source returns nothing local integer data = new_PreDamageData() set PreDamageData_source[data] = source set PreDamageData_target[data] = PreDamageEvent_target[this_43] call Event_callActions(this_43, data) call dispatch_PreDamageData_destroyPreDamageData(data) endfunction function dispatch_PreDamageEvent_fire takes integer this_43, integer source returns nothing if Event_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call PreDamageEvent_fire(this_43, source) endfunction function Unit_critTT takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing local real tempAmount if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]), GetLocalPlayer()) then if Unit_damageTT[this_43] == 0 then call new_TextTag(dmg, this_43, 255, 20, 20, 10., 0) else set tempAmount = TextTag_amount[Unit_damageTT[this_43]] call dispatch_TextTag_destroyTextTag(Unit_damageTT[this_43]) call new_TextTag(dmg + tempAmount, this_43, 255, 20, 20, 10., 0) endif endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_critTT takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.critTT") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.critTT on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_critTT(this_43, dmg) else call Unit_critTT(this_43, dmg) endif endfunction function Unit_absoluteTT takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing local real tempAmount if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]), GetLocalPlayer()) then if Unit_damageTT[this_43] == 0 then call new_TextTag(dmg, this_43, 0, 0, 0, 9., 0) else set tempAmount = TextTag_amount[Unit_damageTT[this_43]] call dispatch_TextTag_destroyTextTag(Unit_damageTT[this_43]) call new_TextTag(dmg + tempAmount, this_43, 0, 0, 0, 9., 0) endif endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_absoluteTT takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.absoluteTT") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.absoluteTT on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_absoluteTT(this_43, dmg) else call Unit_absoluteTT(this_43, dmg) endif endfunction function Unit_damageAbs takes integer this_43, integer source, real amount_39 returns nothing if dispatch_Unit_dealDamage(this_43, amount_39, source) then call dispatch_Unit_absoluteTT(this_43, amount_39) endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_damageAbs takes integer this_43, integer source, real amount_39 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.damageAbs") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.damageAbs on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_damageAbs(this_43, source, amount_39) else call Unit_damageAbs(this_43, source, amount_39) endif endfunction function Unit_dodgeTT takes integer this_43 returns nothing if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]), GetLocalPlayer()) then call new_TextTag(0., this_43, 0, 255, 128, 8., 4) endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_dodgeTT takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.dodgeTT") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.dodgeTT on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_dodgeTT(this_43) else call Unit_dodgeTT(this_43) endif endfunction function Unit_getArmor takes integer this_43, boolean withBonus returns real if withBonus then return (Unit_armor[this_43] + Unit_bonusArmor[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusArmorPer[this_43] / 100.) else return Unit_armor[this_43] endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_getArmor takes integer this_43, boolean withBonus returns real local real getArmor_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.getArmor") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.getArmor on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set getArmor_result = Unit_getArmor(this_43, withBonus) else set getArmor_result = Unit_getArmor(this_43, withBonus) endif return getArmor_result endfunction function Unit_getAttack takes integer this_43, boolean withBonus returns real if withBonus then return (Unit_attack[this_43] + Unit_bonusAttack[this_43]) * (1. + Unit_bonusAttackPer[this_43] / 100.) else return Unit_attack[this_43] endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_getAttack takes integer this_43, boolean withBonus returns real local real getAttack_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.getAttack") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.getAttack on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set getAttack_result = Unit_getAttack(this_43, withBonus) else set getAttack_result = Unit_getAttack(this_43, withBonus) endif return getAttack_result endfunction function Unit_missTT takes integer this_43 returns nothing if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]), GetLocalPlayer()) then call new_TextTag(0., this_43, 0, 255, 255, 8., 3) endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_missTT takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.missTT") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.missTT on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_missTT(this_43) else call Unit_missTT(this_43) endif endfunction function Unit_normalTT takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing local real tempAmount if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]), GetLocalPlayer()) then if Unit_damageTT[this_43] == 0 then call new_TextTag(dmg, this_43, 255, 50, 50, 10., 0) else set tempAmount = TextTag_amount[Unit_damageTT[this_43]] call dispatch_TextTag_destroyTextTag(Unit_damageTT[this_43]) call new_TextTag(dmg + tempAmount, this_43, 255, 50, 50, 9., 0) endif endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_normalTT takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.normalTT") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.normalTT on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_normalTT(this_43, dmg) else call Unit_normalTT(this_43, dmg) endif endfunction function Unit_damageAtk takes integer this_43, integer source returns nothing local real rand = GetRandomReal(0., 100.) local real amount_39 local boolean crit local real tempArmor call dispatch_PreDamageEvent_fire(Unit_takeHitPre[this_43], source) call dispatch_PreDamageEvent_fire(Unit_causeHitPre[source], this_43) if rand <= Unit_hitchance[source] then set rand = GetRandomReal(0., 100.) if rand > Unit_evade[this_43] then set rand = GetRandomReal(0., 100.) set amount_39 = dispatch_Unit_getAttack(source, true) + GetRandomReal( - (dispatch_Unit_getAttack(source, true) / 10.), dispatch_Unit_getAttack(source, true) / 10.) set crit = false set rand = GetRandomReal(0., 100.) if rand <= Unit_critchance[source] then set amount_39 = amount_39 * (2. + Unit_critdamage[source] / 100.) set crit = true endif set amount_39 = amount_39 * (1. + Unit_bonusDamage[source]) set tempArmor = dispatch_Unit_getArmor(this_43, true) if tempArmor < 0. then set amount_39 = amount_39 * (1. + (2. - Pow(0.94, - tempArmor))) else set amount_39 = amount_39 * (1. - tempArmor * 0.04 / (1. + 0.04 * tempArmor)) endif set amount_39 = amount_39 * (1. - Unit_normalReduction[this_43] / 100.) if Unit_takeHitOn[this_43] != 0 then set amount_39 = dispatch_OnDamageEvent_fire(Unit_takeHitOn[this_43], source, amount_39) endif if Unit_causeHitOn[source] != 0 then set amount_39 = dispatch_OnDamageEvent_fire(Unit_causeHitOn[source], this_43, amount_39) endif if crit then if Unit_takeCritHitOn[this_43] != 0 then set amount_39 = dispatch_OnDamageEvent_fire(Unit_takeCritHitOn[this_43], source, amount_39) endif if Unit_causeCritHitOn[source] != 0 then set amount_39 = dispatch_OnDamageEvent_fire(Unit_causeCritHitOn[source], this_43, amount_39) endif endif if dispatch_Unit_dealDamage(this_43, amount_39, source) then if Unit_isHero[this_43] or Unit_isHero[source] then if crit then call dispatch_Unit_critTT(this_43, amount_39) else call dispatch_Unit_normalTT(this_43, amount_39) endif endif endif if amount_39 > 0. and Unit_normalDeflection[this_43] > 0. then call dispatch_Unit_damageAbs(source, this_43, amount_39 * (Unit_normalDeflection[this_43] / 100.)) endif else if Unit_isHero[this_43] or Unit_isHero[source] then call dispatch_Unit_dodgeTT(this_43) endif if Unit_onDodge[this_43] != 0 then call dispatch_Unit2Event_fire(Unit_onDodge[this_43], source, this_43) endif endif else if Unit_isHero[this_43] or Unit_isHero[source] then call dispatch_Unit_missTT(source) endif if Unit_onMiss[source] != 0 then call dispatch_Unit2Event_fire(Unit_onMiss[source], source, this_43) endif endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_damageAtk takes integer this_43, integer source returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.damageAtk") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.damageAtk on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_damageAtk(this_43, source) else call Unit_damageAtk(this_43, source) endif endfunction function Unit_tookDamage takes nothing returns nothing if GetEventDamage() == 1. then call dispatch_Unit_damageAtk(unit_getUserData(GetTriggerUnit()), unit_getUserData(GetEventDamageSource())) endif endfunction function getHandleCount takes nothing returns integer local integer next = 0 local integer prevIndex = 0 local integer index = 0 local integer a = 0 local location array loc loop exitwhen not (next < HandleCounter_stackEndTreshold) set loc[a] = Location(0., 0.) set index = GetHandleId(loc[a]) - 1048576 set a = a + 1 if index == prevIndex + 1 then set next = next + 1 else set next = 0 endif set prevIndex = index endloop set index = index - a loop exitwhen not (a > 0) set a = a - 1 call RemoveLocation(loc[a]) set loc[a] = null endloop if index > HandleCounter_maxHandleCount then set HandleCounter_maxHandleCount = index endif return index endfunction function getMaxHandleCount takes nothing returns integer call getHandleCount() return HandleCounter_maxHandleCount endfunction function getTime takes nothing returns integer return HandleCounter_seconds endfunction function actions takes nothing returns nothing set HandleCounter_board = CreateLeaderboard() call LeaderboardSetLabel(HandleCounter_board, HandleCounter_TITLE) call PlayerSetLeaderboard(GetLocalPlayer(), HandleCounter_board) call LeaderboardDisplay(HandleCounter_board, true) call LeaderboardAddItem(HandleCounter_board, HandleCounter_HANDLE_TEXT, 0, HandleCounter_HANDLE) call LeaderboardSetItemValue(HandleCounter_board, 0, getHandleCount()) call LeaderboardAddItem(HandleCounter_board, HandleCounter_MAX_HANDLE_TEXT, 1, HandleCounter_MAX_HANDLE) call LeaderboardSetItemValue(HandleCounter_board, 1, getMaxHandleCount()) call LeaderboardAddItem(HandleCounter_board, HandleCounter_TIME_TEXT, 2, HandleCounter_TIME) call LeaderboardSetItemValue(HandleCounter_board, 2, getTime()) call LeaderboardSetSizeByItemCount(HandleCounter_board, 3) call TimerStart(GetExpiredTimer(), HandleCounter_updatePeriod, true, ref_function_callback) endfunction function TIterator_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_TIterator takes integer obj returns nothing if TIterator_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type TIterator") call I2S(1 / 0) else set TIterator_nextFree[TIterator_lastFree] = obj set TIterator_lastFree = obj if TIterator_firstFree == 0 then set TIterator_firstFree = obj set TIterator_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set TIterator_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyTIterator takes integer this_43 returns nothing call TIterator_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_TIterator(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_TIterator_destroyTIterator takes integer this_43 returns nothing if TIterator_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TIterator.destroyTIterator") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TIterator.destroyTIterator on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyTIterator(this_43) endfunction function TIterator_close takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_TIterator_destroyTIterator(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_TIterator_close takes integer this_43 returns nothing if TIterator_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TIterator.close") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TIterator.close on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call TIterator_close(this_43) endfunction function TIterator_hasNext takes integer this_43 returns boolean return TIterator_pos[this_43] < dispatch_TList_getSize(TIterator_list[this_43]) - 1 endfunction function dispatch_TIterator_hasNext takes integer this_43 returns boolean local boolean hasNext_result if TIterator_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TIterator.hasNext") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TIterator.hasNext on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set hasNext_result = TIterator_hasNext(this_43) return hasNext_result endfunction function TIterator_next takes integer this_43 returns integer set TIterator_pos[this_43] = TIterator_pos[this_43] + 1 return dispatch_TList_get(TIterator_list[this_43], TIterator_pos[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_TIterator_next takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer next_result if TIterator_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set next_result = TIterator_next(this_43) return next_result endfunction function alloc_TIterator takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if TIterator_firstFree == 0 then set TIterator_maxIndex = TIterator_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = TIterator_maxIndex else set this_43 = TIterator_firstFree set TIterator_firstFree = TIterator_nextFree[TIterator_firstFree] set TIterator_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set TIterator_typeId[this_43] = 13 return this_43 endfunction function construct_TIterator takes integer this_43, integer list returns nothing set TIterator_pos[this_43] = -1 set TIterator_list[this_43] = list endfunction function new_TIterator takes integer list returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_TIterator() call construct_TIterator(this_43, list) return this_43 endfunction function TList_iterator takes integer this_43 returns integer return new_TIterator(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_TList_iterator takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer iterator_result if TList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling TList.iterator") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called TList.iterator on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set iterator_result = TList_iterator(this_43) return iterator_result endfunction function Unit_setKnock takes integer this_43, real x, real y returns nothing set Unit_wallLocX[this_43] = 0. set Unit_wallLocY[this_43] = 0. set Unit_knockX[this_43] = x set Unit_knockY[this_43] = y if not Unit_hasKnockback[this_43] then set Unit_hasKnockback[this_43] = true call dispatch_TList_add(UnitClass_knocklist, this_43) endif set Unit_lastCollision[this_43] = 0 endfunction function dispatch_Unit_setKnock takes integer this_43, real x, real y returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.setKnock") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.setKnock on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_setKnock(this_43, x, y) else call Unit_setKnock(this_43, x, y) endif endfunction function vec2_dot takes real this_x, real this_y, real v_x, real v_y returns real return this_x * v_x + this_y * v_y endfunction function vec2_length takes real this_x, real this_y returns real return SquareRoot(this_x * this_x + this_y * this_y) endfunction function vec2_op_mult takes real this_x, real this_y, real factor returns real set vec2_op_mult_return_x = this_x * factor set vec2_op_mult_return_y = this_y * factor return vec2_op_mult_return_x endfunction function Unit_collision takes integer this_43, integer otherUnit returns nothing local real pos1_x local real pos1_y local real pos2_x local real pos2_y local real vel1_x local real vel1_y local real vel2_x local real vel2_y local real delta_x local real delta_y local real deltaLen local real deltaNorm_x local real deltaNorm_y local real speed1central local real speed2central local real intersectionWidth local real futurePos1_x local real futurePos1_y local real futurePos2_x local real futurePos2_y local real futureDelta_x local real futureDelta_y local real vel1central_x local real vel1central_y local real vel1orthogonal_x local real vel1orthogonal_y local real vel2central_x local real vel2central_y local real vel2orthogonal_x local real vel2orthogonal_y set Unit_lastCollision[this_43] = otherUnit set Unit_lastCollision[otherUnit] = this_43 if not IsUnitAlly(Unit_u[otherUnit], Unit_owner[this_43]) then set Unit_lastKnocker[otherUnit] = Unit_lastKnocker[this_43] endif set pos1_x = unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]) set pos1_y = unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]) set pos2_x = unit_getX(Unit_u[otherUnit]) set pos2_y = unit_getY(Unit_u[otherUnit]) set vel1_x = Unit_knockX[this_43] set vel1_y = Unit_knockY[this_43] set vel2_x = Unit_knockX[otherUnit] set vel2_y = Unit_knockY[otherUnit] set delta_x = vec2_op_minus(pos2_x, pos2_y, pos1_x, pos1_y) set delta_y = vec2_op_minus_return_y set deltaLen = vec2_length(delta_x, delta_y) if deltaLen == 0. then set deltaNorm_x = 0. set deltaNorm_y = 1. else set deltaNorm_x = vec2_op_mult(delta_x, delta_y, 1. / deltaLen) set deltaNorm_y = vec2_op_mult_return_y endif set speed1central = vec2_dot(vel1_x, vel1_y, deltaNorm_x, deltaNorm_y) set speed2central = vec2_dot(vel2_x, vel2_y, deltaNorm_x, deltaNorm_y) set intersectionWidth = Unit_radius[this_43] + Unit_radius[otherUnit] - deltaLen set futurePos1_x = vec2_op_plus(pos1_x, pos1_y, vec2_op_mult(vel1_x, vel1_y, 0.01), vec2_op_mult_return_y) set futurePos1_y = vec2_op_plus_return_y set futurePos2_x = vec2_op_plus(pos2_x, pos2_y, vec2_op_mult(vel2_x, vel2_y, 0.01), vec2_op_mult_return_y) set futurePos2_y = vec2_op_plus_return_y set futureDelta_x = vec2_op_minus(futurePos2_x, futurePos2_y, futurePos1_x, futurePos1_y) set futureDelta_y = vec2_op_minus_return_y if vec2_length(futureDelta_x, futureDelta_y) < deltaLen then set vel1central_x = vec2_op_mult(deltaNorm_x, deltaNorm_y, speed1central) set vel1central_y = vec2_op_mult_return_y set vel1orthogonal_x = vec2_op_minus(vel1_x, vel1_y, vel1central_x, vel1central_y) set vel1orthogonal_y = vec2_op_minus_return_y set vel2central_x = vec2_op_mult(deltaNorm_x, deltaNorm_y, speed2central) set vel2central_y = vec2_op_mult_return_y set vel2orthogonal_x = vec2_op_minus(vel2_x, vel2_y, vel2central_x, vel2central_y) set vel2orthogonal_y = vec2_op_minus_return_y set vel1_x = vec2_op_plus(vel1_x, vel1_y, vec2_op_mult(vec2_op_minus(vel2central_x, vel2central_y, vel1central_x, vel1central_y), vec2_op_minus_return_y, Unit_bounceFactor), vec2_op_mult_return_y) set vel1_y = vec2_op_plus_return_y set vel2_x = vec2_op_plus(vel2_x, vel2_y, vec2_op_mult(vec2_op_minus(vel1central_x, vel1central_y, vel2central_x, vel2central_y), vec2_op_minus_return_y, Unit_bounceFactor), vec2_op_mult_return_y) set vel2_y = vec2_op_plus_return_y call dispatch_Unit_setKnock(this_43, vel1_x, vel1_y) call dispatch_Unit_setKnock(otherUnit, vel2_x, vel2_y) endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_collision takes integer this_43, integer otherUnit returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.collision") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.collision on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_collision(this_43, otherUnit) else call Unit_collision(this_43, otherUnit) endif endfunction function vec3_project takes real this_x, real this_y, real this_z, real direction_x, real direction_y, real direction_z returns real local real l = direction_x * direction_x + direction_y * direction_y + direction_z * direction_z if l == 0.0 then call printError("vector.projectVector error: The length of the direction vector is 0.0!") set vec3_project_return_x = 0. set vec3_project_return_y = 0. set vec3_project_return_z = 0. return vec3_project_return_x endif set l = (this_x * direction_x + this_y * direction_y + this_z * direction_z) / l set vec3_project_return_x = direction_x * l set vec3_project_return_y = direction_y * l set vec3_project_return_z = direction_z * l return vec3_project_return_x endfunction function getBounceVec takes real vel2_x, real vel2_y, real nor2_x, real nor2_y returns real local real vel3_x = vec2_toVec3(vel2_x, vel2_y) local real vel3_y = vec2_toVec3_return_y local real vel3_z = vec2_toVec3_return_z local real nor3_x = vec2_toVec3(nor2_x, nor2_y) local real nor3_y = vec2_toVec3_return_y local real nor3_z = vec2_toVec3_return_z local real pv3_x = vec3_project(vel3_x, vel3_y, vel3_z, nor3_x, nor3_y, nor3_z) local real pv3_y = vec3_project_return_y local real pv3_z = vec3_project_return_z local real pv2_x = vec3_toVec2(pv3_x, pv3_y, pv3_z) local real pv2_y = vec3_toVec2_return_y local real nvel2_x local real nvel2_y set pv2_x = vec2_op_mult(pv2_x, pv2_y, - 2.) set pv2_y = vec2_op_mult_return_y set nvel2_x = vel2_x set nvel2_y = vel2_y set nvel2_x = vec2_op_plus(nvel2_x, nvel2_y, pv2_x, pv2_y) set nvel2_y = vec2_op_plus_return_y set getBounceVec_return_x = nvel2_x set getBounceVec_return_y = nvel2_y return getBounceVec_return_x endfunction function vec2_setLength takes real this_x, real this_y, real length returns real local real l = SquareRoot(this_x * this_x + this_y * this_y) if l == 0.0 then call printError("vector.setLength error: The length of the vector is 0.0!") set vec2_setLength_return_x = 0. set vec2_setLength_return_y = 0. return vec2_setLength_return_x endif set l = length / l set vec2_setLength_return_x = this_x * l set vec2_setLength_return_y = this_y * l return vec2_setLength_return_x endfunction function getPathingNormal takes real pos_x, real pos_y returns real local integer numberOfTests = 60 local real radius = 64. local real addedVecs_x = 0. local real addedVecs_y = 0. local integer i_2 = 1 local integer temp = numberOfTests local real direction_x local real direction_y local real testPoint_x local real testPoint_y loop exitwhen i_2 > temp set direction_x = vec2_polarOffset(0., 0., real_asAngleRadians(i_2 * 2 * bj_PI / numberOfTests), radius) set direction_y = vec2_polarOffset_return_y set testPoint_x = vec2_op_plus(pos_x, pos_y, direction_x, direction_y) set testPoint_y = vec2_op_plus_return_y if isTerrainWalkable(testPoint_x, testPoint_y) then set addedVecs_x = vec2_op_plus(addedVecs_x, addedVecs_y, direction_x, direction_y) set addedVecs_y = vec2_op_plus_return_y endif set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop set getPathingNormal_return_x = vec2_op_mult(vec2_setLength(addedVecs_x, addedVecs_y, 1.), vec2_setLength_return_y, - 1.) set getPathingNormal_return_y = vec2_op_mult_return_y return getPathingNormal_return_x endfunction function unit_setX takes unit this_43, real x returns unit call SetUnitX(this_43, x) return this_43 endfunction function unit_setY takes unit this_43, real y returns unit call SetUnitY(this_43, y) return this_43 endfunction function Unit_knockback takes integer this_43 returns nothing local real x local real y local group g local integer u2 local real ox local real oy local real speed local real nor_x local real nor_y local real vel_x local real vel_y local real nvel_x local real nvel_y local real nx local real ny if RAbsBJ(Unit_knockX[this_43]) <= 0.5 and RAbsBJ(Unit_knockY[this_43]) <= 0.5 then call dispatch_TList_remove(UnitClass_knocklist, this_43) set Unit_hasKnockback[this_43] = false set Unit_knockX[this_43] = 0. set Unit_knockY[this_43] = 0. else set x = unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]) set y = unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]) if isTerrainWalkable(x, y) == true or IsUnitInRangeXY(Unit_u[this_43], Unit_wallLocX[this_43], Unit_wallLocY[this_43], 30.) == true then set g = CreateGroup() set Filter_filterCheckUnit = Unit_u[this_43] call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, x, y, Unit_radius[this_43], Condition(ref_function_notUnit)) if FirstOfGroup(g) == null then set x = x + Unit_knockX[this_43] set y = y + Unit_knockY[this_43] call unit_setX(Unit_u[this_43], x) call unit_setY(Unit_u[this_43], y) set Unit_knockX[this_43] = Unit_knockX[this_43] - Unit_knockX[this_43] * (Unit_mass[this_43] / Unit_knockbackFactor) set Unit_knockY[this_43] = Unit_knockY[this_43] - Unit_knockY[this_43] * (Unit_mass[this_43] / 5000.) else set u2 = unit_getUserData(FirstOfGroup(g)) if not (u2 == Unit_lastCollision[this_43]) then call dispatch_Unit_collision(this_43, u2) set x = x + Unit_knockX[this_43] set y = y + Unit_knockY[this_43] call unit_setX(Unit_u[this_43], x) call unit_setY(Unit_u[this_43], y) set Unit_knockX[this_43] = Unit_knockX[this_43] - Unit_knockX[this_43] * (Unit_mass[this_43] / Unit_knockbackFactor) set Unit_knockY[this_43] = Unit_knockY[this_43] - Unit_knockY[this_43] * (Unit_mass[this_43] / Unit_knockbackFactor) set ox = unit_getX(Unit_u[u2]) set oy = unit_getY(Unit_u[u2]) set ox = ox + Unit_knockX[u2] set oy = oy + Unit_knockY[u2] call unit_setX(Unit_u[u2], ox) call unit_setY(Unit_u[u2], oy) set Unit_knockX[u2] = Unit_knockX[u2] - Unit_knockX[u2] * (Unit_mass[u2] / Unit_knockbackFactor) set Unit_knockY[u2] = Unit_knockY[u2] - Unit_knockY[u2] * (Unit_mass[u2] / Unit_knockbackFactor) else set x = x + Unit_knockX[this_43] set y = y + Unit_knockY[this_43] call unit_setX(Unit_u[this_43], x) call unit_setY(Unit_u[this_43], y) set Unit_knockX[this_43] = Unit_knockX[this_43] - Unit_knockX[this_43] * (Unit_mass[this_43] / Unit_knockbackFactor) set Unit_knockY[this_43] = Unit_knockY[this_43] - Unit_knockY[this_43] * (Unit_mass[this_43] / Unit_knockbackFactor) endif endif call DestroyGroup(g) set g = null else set Unit_wallLocX[this_43] = x set Unit_wallLocY[this_43] = y set speed = RAbsBJ(Unit_knockX[this_43]) + RAbsBJ(Unit_knockY[this_43]) call dispatch_Unit_damageAbs(this_43, Unit_lastKnocker[this_43], unit_getState(Unit_u[this_43], UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) * (speed / 200.)) set nor_x = getPathingNormal(x, y) set nor_y = getPathingNormal_return_y set vel_x = Unit_knockX[this_43] set vel_y = Unit_knockY[this_43] set nvel_x = getBounceVec(vel_x, vel_y, nor_x, nor_y) set nvel_y = getBounceVec_return_y set nx = nvel_x set ny = nvel_y set x = x + nx set y = y + ny call unit_setX(Unit_u[this_43], x) call unit_setY(Unit_u[this_43], y) set Unit_knockX[this_43] = nx - nx * (Unit_mass[this_43] / 5000.) set Unit_knockY[this_43] = ny - ny * (Unit_mass[this_43] / 5000.) set Unit_lastCollision[this_43] = 0 endif endif set g = null endfunction function dispatch_Unit_knockback takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.knockback") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.knockback on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_knockback(this_43) else call Unit_knockback(this_43) endif endfunction function callKnockback takes nothing returns nothing local integer wurst__iterator0 = dispatch_TList_iterator(UnitClass_knocklist) local integer obj loop exitwhen not dispatch_TIterator_hasNext(wurst__iterator0) set obj = dispatch_TIterator_next(wurst__iterator0) call dispatch_Unit_knockback(obj) endloop call dispatch_TIterator_close(wurst__iterator0) endfunction function callback takes nothing returns nothing call LeaderboardSetItemValue(HandleCounter_board, 0, getHandleCount()) call LeaderboardSetItemValue(HandleCounter_board, 1, getTime()) endfunction function Unit_manaTT takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing local real tempAmount if IsVisibleToPlayer(unit_getX(Unit_u[this_43]), unit_getY(Unit_u[this_43]), GetLocalPlayer()) then if Unit_healTT[this_43] == 0 then call new_TextTag(dmg, this_43, 80, 255, 80, 9., 1) else set tempAmount = TextTag_amount[Unit_healTT[this_43]] call dispatch_TextTag_destroyTextTag(Unit_healTT[this_43]) call new_TextTag(dmg + tempAmount, this_43, 80, 255, 80, 9., 1) endif endif endfunction function dispatch_Unit_manaTT takes integer this_43, real dmg returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.manaTT") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.manaTT on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then call Unit_manaTT(this_43, dmg) else call Unit_manaTT(this_43, dmg) endif endfunction function camTest takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_Unit_manaTT(UnitClass_last, 1.) call dispatch_Unit_dodgeTT(UnitClass_last) call dispatch_Unit_goldTT(UnitClass_last, 1., Player(0)) call dispatch_Unit_normalTT(UnitClass_last, 1.) endfunction function cdt takes nothing returns nothing set Cooldown_count = Cooldown_count - 1 if Cooldown_count >= 10 then if ModuloInteger(Cooldown_count, 10) == 0 then call unit_removeAbility(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], Cooldown_lastAbi) call unit_addAbility(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], Cooldown_cdIcon[Cooldown_count]) set Cooldown_lastAbi = Cooldown_cdIcon[Cooldown_count] endif elseif Cooldown_count == 0 then call unit_removeAbility(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], Cooldown_lastAbi) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Unit_owner[UnitClass_last], 1702390132, true) set Cooldown_lastAbi = 0 set Cooldown_count = 100 call timer_release(GetExpiredTimer()) else call unit_removeAbility(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], Cooldown_lastAbi) call unit_addAbility(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], Cooldown_cdIcon[Cooldown_count]) set Cooldown_lastAbi = Cooldown_cdIcon[Cooldown_count] endif endfunction function charMessung takes nothing returns nothing endfunction function LinkedListModule_remove_2 takes integer this_43 returns nothing set LinkedListModule_size_3 = LinkedListModule_size_3 - 1 if this_43 != LinkedListModule_first_3 then set LinkedListModule_next_3[LinkedListModule_prev_3[this_43]] = LinkedListModule_next_3[this_43] endif if this_43 != LinkedListModule_last_3 then set LinkedListModule_prev_3[LinkedListModule_next_3[this_43]] = LinkedListModule_prev_3[this_43] endif if this_43 == LinkedListModule_last_3 then set LinkedListModule_last_3 = LinkedListModule_prev_3[this_43] endif if this_43 == LinkedListModule_first_3 then set LinkedListModule_first_3 = LinkedListModule_next_3[this_43] endif endfunction function dispatch_DelayData_remove takes integer this_43 returns nothing if DelayData_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling DelayData.remove") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called DelayData.remove on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call LinkedListModule_remove_2(this_43) endfunction function DelayData_onDestroy takes integer this_43 returns nothing call dispatch_DelayData_remove(this_43) endfunction function dealloc_DelayData takes integer obj returns nothing if DelayData_typeId[obj] == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Double free: object of type DelayData") call I2S(1 / 0) else set DelayData_nextFree[DelayData_lastFree] = obj set DelayData_lastFree = obj if DelayData_firstFree == 0 then set DelayData_firstFree = obj set DelayData_nextFree[obj] = 0 endif set DelayData_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyDelayData takes integer this_43 returns nothing call DelayData_onDestroy(this_43) call dealloc_DelayData(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_DelayData_destroyDelayData takes integer this_43 returns nothing if DelayData_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling DelayData.destroyDelayData") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called DelayData.destroyDelayData on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call destroyDelayData(this_43) endfunction function checkDelayed takes nothing returns nothing local integer data = LinkedListModule_first_3 loop exitwhen not (data != 0) set DelayData_dT[data] = DelayData_dT[data] - .1 if DelayData_dT[data] <= 0. then call recycleDummy(DelayData_dum[data]) call dispatch_DelayData_destroyDelayData(data) endif set data = LinkedListModule_next_3[data] endloop endfunction function multiboard_display takes multiboard this_43, boolean show returns multiboard call MultiboardDisplay(this_43, show) return this_43 endfunction function multiboard_setColumnCount takes multiboard this_43, integer count returns multiboard call MultiboardSetColumnCount(this_43, count) return this_43 endfunction function multiboard_setItemsStyle takes multiboard this_43, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons returns multiboard call MultiboardSetItemsStyle(this_43, showValues, showIcons) return this_43 endfunction function multiboard_setItemsWidth takes multiboard this_43, real width returns multiboard call MultiboardSetItemsWidth(this_43, width) return this_43 endfunction function multiboard_setRowCount takes multiboard this_43, integer count returns multiboard call MultiboardSetRowCount(this_43, count) return this_43 endfunction function multiboard_setTitle takes multiboard this_43, string label returns multiboard call MultiboardSetTitleText(this_43, label) return this_43 endfunction function createMultiboard takes nothing returns nothing local multiboarditem mbi local integer i_2 local integer temp local string s set InstanceBoard_mb = CreateMultiboard() call multiboard_setColumnCount(InstanceBoard_mb, 2) call multiboard_setRowCount(InstanceBoard_mb, InstanceBoard_classes + 1) call multiboard_setItemsStyle(InstanceBoard_mb, true, false) call multiboard_setItemsWidth(InstanceBoard_mb, 0.10) call multiboard_setTitle(InstanceBoard_mb, "Instance Board") set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, 0, 0) call multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, "ClassName") set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, 0, 1) call multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, "Instance count") set i_2 = 1 set temp = InstanceBoard_classes loop exitwhen i_2 > temp set s = InstanceBoard_nameOfClass[i_2] if s != null then set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, i_2, 0) call multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, s) set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, i_2, 1) call multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, int_toString(InstanceBoard_count[i_2])) endif set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop call multiboard_display(InstanceBoard_mb, true) set mbi = null endfunction function hashtable_loadEffectHandle takes hashtable this_43, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns effect return LoadEffectHandle(this_43, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table_loadEffect takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns effect return hashtable_loadEffectHandle(Table_ht, this_43, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_loadEffect takes integer this_43, integer parentKey returns effect local effect loadEffect_result if Table_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadEffect") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Table.loadEffect on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set loadEffect_result = Table_loadEffect(this_43, parentKey) set dispatch_Table_loadEffecttempReturn = loadEffect_result set loadEffect_result = null return dispatch_Table_loadEffecttempReturn endfunction function destroyTimedEffect takes nothing returns nothing call effect_destr(dispatch_Table_loadEffect(TimedEffect_effectData, GetHandleId(GetExpiredTimer()))) endfunction function destroyTimedFx takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() call dispatch_Fx_destroyFx(timer_getData(t)) call timer_release(t) set t = null endfunction function trigger_execute takes trigger this_43 returns trigger call TriggerExecute(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function doubleHit takes nothing returns nothing local integer tr = dispatch_HandleMap_get(Trackable_trackData, GetTriggeringTrackable()) local timer t if not Trackable_wasHit[tr] then set Trackable_wasHit[tr] = true set t = Trackable_doubleHitTimer[tr] call timer_setData(t, tr) call timer_start(t, Trackable_doubleHitSpeed, ref_function_resetDoubleHit) set Trackable_doubleHitTimer[tr] = t else set Trackable_triggeringTrackable = GetTriggeringTrackable() call trigger_execute(Trackable_doubleHit[tr]) set Trackable_wasHit[tr] = false endif set t = null endfunction function forceKey takes nothing returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_OnCast_run takes integer this_43, unit caster returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_OnPointCast_run takes integer this_43, unit caster, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_OnUnitCast_run takes integer this_43, unit caster, unit target returns nothing endfunction function handleCasts takes nothing returns nothing local integer c local integer c_2 local integer c_3 if GetSpellTargetUnit() != null then set c = dispatch_HashMap_get(OnUnitCast_casts, GetSpellAbilityId()) if c != 0 then call dispatch_OnUnitCast_run(c, GetTriggerUnit(), GetSpellTargetUnit()) endif elseif GetSpellTargetX() != 0. then set c_2 = dispatch_HashMap_get(OnPointCast_casts, GetSpellAbilityId()) if c_2 != 0 then call dispatch_OnPointCast_run(c_2, GetTriggerUnit(), GetSpellTargetX(), GetSpellTargetY()) endif else set c_3 = dispatch_HashMap_get(OnCast_casts, GetSpellAbilityId()) if c_3 != 0 then call dispatch_OnCast_run(c_3, GetTriggerUnit()) endif endif endfunction function hideItem takes nothing returns nothing if IsItemVisible(GetEnumItem()) then set Terrain_hid[Terrain_hidMax] = GetEnumItem() call SetItemVisible(Terrain_hid[Terrain_hidMax], false) set Terrain_hidMax = Terrain_hidMax + 1 endif endfunction function kill takes nothing returns nothing call RemoveUnit(PreloadHandler_dum) call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer()) endfunction function notDead takes nothing returns boolean return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetFilterUnit(), 1684365668) != 1 endfunction function notUnit takes nothing returns boolean return ( not IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_UNDEAD)) and Filter_filterCheckUnit != GetFilterUnit() endfunction function onEsc takes nothing returns nothing call print("onEsc") endfunction function playAnimation takes nothing returns nothing local integer h_2 = timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer()) call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(Unit_u[h_2], Hero_animationIndex[h_2]) endfunction function resetCam takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() call CameraClearNoiseForPlayer(Player(timer_getData(t))) call timer_release(t) set t = null endfunction function resetDoubleHit takes nothing returns nothing set Trackable_wasHit[timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())] = false endfunction function Bar_enable takes integer this_43 returns nothing call texttag_setVisibility(Bar_tt[this_43], true) set Bar_check[this_43] = true call dispatch_Bar_update(this_43) endfunction function dispatch_Bar_enable takes integer this_43 returns nothing if Bar_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Bar.enable") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Bar.enable on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Bar_enable(this_43) endfunction function Hero_revive takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing local integer i_2 call ReviveHero(Unit_u[this_43], pos_x, pos_y, true) call dispatch_Bar_enable(Hero_hb[this_43]) call unit_removeAbility(Unit_u[this_43], 1684365668) set Unit_isDead[this_43] = false set i_2 = 0 loop exitwhen i_2 > 11 call dispatch_Table_saveReal(Unit_percentDamage[this_43], i_2, 0.) set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop endfunction function dispatch_Hero_revive takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Hero.revive") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Hero.revive on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Hero_revive(this_43, pos_x, pos_y) endfunction function Image_disable takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_4 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_4_2 local integer tempIndex_5 local integer tempIndex_6 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_1_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_2_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_3_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_4_3 local integer tempIndex_7 local integer temp local integer temp_2 local integer temp_3 local image temp_4 if p != null then if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set temp = tempIndex set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_col[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_col_2[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3 = Image_col_3[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_4 = Image_col_4[tempIndex_2] set Image_col[temp] = real_toInt(tempTupleSelectionResult_1 * 0.5) set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set temp_2 = tempIndex_3 set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Image_col[tempIndex_4] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Image_col_2[tempIndex_4] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 = Image_col_3[tempIndex_4] set tempTupleSelectionResult_4_2 = Image_col_4[tempIndex_4] set Image_col_2[temp_2] = real_toInt(tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 * 0.5) set tempIndex_5 = this_43 set temp_3 = tempIndex_5 set tempIndex_6 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_3 = Image_col[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_3 = Image_col_2[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3_3 = Image_col_3[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_4_3 = Image_col_4[tempIndex_6] set Image_col_3[temp_3] = real_toInt(tempTupleSelectionResult_3_3 * 0.5) set temp_4 = Image_img[this_43] set tempIndex_7 = this_43 call image_setColor(temp_4, Image_col[tempIndex_7], Image_col_2[tempIndex_7], Image_col_3[tempIndex_7], Image_col_4[tempIndex_7]) endif else call printError("Nullpoiter in function disable line 164 ImageEx.wurst") endif set temp_4 = null endfunction function dispatch_Image_disable takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.disable") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.disable on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_disable(this_43, p) endfunction function Image_enable takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_4 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_4_2 local integer tempIndex_5 local integer tempIndex_6 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_1_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_2_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_3_3 local integer tempTupleSelectionResult_4_3 local integer tempIndex_7 local integer temp local integer temp_2 local integer temp_3 local image temp_4 if p != null then if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set temp = tempIndex set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_col[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_col_2[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3 = Image_col_3[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_4 = Image_col_4[tempIndex_2] set Image_col[temp] = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 * 2 set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set temp_2 = tempIndex_3 set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Image_col[tempIndex_4] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Image_col_2[tempIndex_4] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3_2 = Image_col_3[tempIndex_4] set tempTupleSelectionResult_4_2 = Image_col_4[tempIndex_4] set Image_col_2[temp_2] = tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 * 2 set tempIndex_5 = this_43 set temp_3 = tempIndex_5 set tempIndex_6 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_3 = Image_col[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_3 = Image_col_2[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_3_3 = Image_col_3[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_4_3 = Image_col_4[tempIndex_6] set Image_col_3[temp_3] = tempTupleSelectionResult_3_3 * 2 set temp_4 = Image_img[this_43] set tempIndex_7 = this_43 call image_setColor(temp_4, Image_col[tempIndex_7], Image_col_2[tempIndex_7], Image_col_3[tempIndex_7], Image_col_4[tempIndex_7]) endif else call printError("Nullpoiter in function srink line 174 ImageEx.wurst") endif set temp_4 = null endfunction function dispatch_Image_enable takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.enable") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.enable on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_enable(this_43, p) endfunction function handle_getHandleId takes handle this_43 returns integer return GetHandleId(this_43) endfunction function playerToIndex takes player object returns integer return handle_getHandleId(object) endfunction function Image_grow takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing local timer t local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempIndex_5 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempIndex_6 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local real temp local real temp_2 local integer temp_3 local string temp_4 local real temp_5 local real temp_6 local real temp_7 local integer temp_8 if p != null then set t = getTimer() if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set temp_3 = tempIndex set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set temp = Image_realSize[tempIndex_2] set temp_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_2] set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set Image_realSize[temp_3] = vec2_op_plus(temp, temp_2, Image_resizeRate[tempIndex_3], Image_resizeRate_2[tempIndex_3]) set Image_realSize_2[tempIndex] = vec2_op_plus_return_y if Image_img[this_43] != null then call image_remove(Image_img[this_43]) set temp_8 = this_43 set temp_4 = Image_filePath[this_43] set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set temp_5 = Image_realPos[tempIndex_4] set temp_6 = Image_realPos_2[tempIndex_4] set tempIndex_5 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_5] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_5] set temp_7 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_6 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_6] set Image_img[temp_8] = createImage(temp_4, temp_5, temp_6, temp_7, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2, Image_layer[this_43]) call image_show(Image_img[this_43]) endif endif call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_tick, t, Image_resizeTicks) call timer_setData(t, this_43) call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_timerOwner, t, playerToIndex(p)) call timer_startPeriodic(t, 0.02, ref_function_Image_callGrowCallback) else call printError("Nullpoiter in function srink line 218 ImageEx.wurst") endif set t = null endfunction function dispatch_Image_grow takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.grow") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.grow on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_grow(this_43, p) endfunction function Image_hideDirect takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if p != null then if GetLocalPlayer() == p and Image_img[this_43] != null then call image_remove(Image_img[this_43]) set Image_img[this_43] = null endif else call printError("Nullpoiter in function hideDirect line 93 ImageEx.wurst") endif endfunction function TextBox_hideDirect takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_Image_hideDirect takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.hideDirect") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.hideDirect on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Widget_typeId[this_43] <= 708 then call Image_hideDirect(this_43, p) else call TextBox_hideDirect(this_43, p) endif endfunction function Image_hideFaded takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing local timer t local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local image temp if p != null then set t = getTimer() if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set Image_col_4[tempIndex] = 255 set temp = Image_img[this_43] set tempIndex_2 = this_43 call image_setColor(temp, Image_col[tempIndex_2], Image_col_2[tempIndex_2], Image_col_3[tempIndex_2], Image_col_4[tempIndex_2]) endif call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_tick, t, Image_fadeTicks * -1) call timer_setData(t, this_43) call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_timerOwner, t, playerToIndex(p)) call timer_startPeriodic(t, 0.02, ref_function_Image_callHideFadedCallback) else call printError("Nullpoiter in function hideFaded line 171 ImageEx.wurst") endif set t = null set temp = null endfunction function dispatch_Image_hideFaded takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.hideFaded") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.hideFaded on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_hideFaded(this_43, p) endfunction function Image_setRealSize takes integer this_43, real newSize_x, real newSize_y, player p returns nothing local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempIndex_4 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local string temp local real temp_2 local real temp_3 local real temp_4 local integer temp_5 if p != null then if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set Image_realSize[tempIndex] = newSize_x set Image_realSize_2[tempIndex] = newSize_y if Image_img[this_43] != null then call image_remove(Image_img[this_43]) set temp_5 = this_43 set temp = Image_filePath[this_43] set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set temp_2 = Image_realPos[tempIndex_2] set temp_3 = Image_realPos_2[tempIndex_2] set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_3] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_3] set temp_4 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_4] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_4] set Image_img[temp_5] = createImage(temp, temp_2, temp_3, temp_4, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2, Image_layer[this_43]) call image_show(Image_img[this_43]) endif endif else call printError("Nullpoiter in function setSize line 204 ImageEx.wurst") endif endfunction function dispatch_Image_setRealSize takes integer this_43, real newSize_x, real newSize_y, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.setRealSize") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.setRealSize on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_setRealSize(this_43, newSize_x, newSize_y, p) endfunction function Image_showDirect takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local string temp local real temp_2 local real temp_3 local real temp_4 local integer temp_5 if p != null then if GetLocalPlayer() == p then if Image_img[this_43] == null then set temp_5 = this_43 set temp = Image_filePath[this_43] set tempIndex = this_43 set temp_2 = Image_realPos[tempIndex] set temp_3 = Image_realPos_2[tempIndex] set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_2] set temp_4 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_3] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_3] set Image_img[temp_5] = createImage(temp, temp_2, temp_3, temp_4, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2, Image_layer[this_43]) endif call image_show(Image_img[this_43]) endif else call printError("Nullpoiter in function showDirect line 84 ImageEx.wurst") endif endfunction function dispatch_Image_showDirect takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.showDirect") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.showDirect on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_showDirect(this_43, p) endfunction function Image_showFaded takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing local timer t local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local image temp if p != null then call dispatch_Image_showDirect(this_43, p) set t = getTimer() if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set Image_col_4[tempIndex] = 0 set temp = Image_img[this_43] set tempIndex_2 = this_43 call image_setColor(temp, Image_col[tempIndex_2], Image_col_2[tempIndex_2], Image_col_3[tempIndex_2], Image_col_4[tempIndex_2]) endif call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_tick, t, Image_fadeTicks) call timer_setData(t, this_43) call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_timerOwner, t, playerToIndex(p)) call timer_startPeriodic(t, 0.02, ref_function_Image_callShowFadedCallback) else call printError("Nullpoiter in function showFaded line 101 ImageEx.wurst") endif set t = null set temp = null endfunction function dispatch_Image_showFaded takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.showFaded") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.showFaded on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_showFaded(this_43, p) endfunction function Image_srink takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing local timer t local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempIndex_5 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempIndex_6 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local real temp local real temp_2 local integer temp_3 local string temp_4 local real temp_5 local real temp_6 local real temp_7 local integer temp_8 if p != null then set t = getTimer() if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set tempIndex = this_43 set temp_3 = tempIndex set tempIndex_2 = this_43 set temp = Image_realSize[tempIndex_2] set temp_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_2] set tempIndex_3 = this_43 set Image_realSize[temp_3] = vec2_op_minus(temp, temp_2, Image_resizeRate[tempIndex_3], Image_resizeRate_2[tempIndex_3]) set Image_realSize_2[tempIndex] = vec2_op_minus_return_y if Image_img[this_43] != null then call image_remove(Image_img[this_43]) set temp_8 = this_43 set temp_4 = Image_filePath[this_43] set tempIndex_4 = this_43 set temp_5 = Image_realPos[tempIndex_4] set temp_6 = Image_realPos_2[tempIndex_4] set tempIndex_5 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_5] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_5] set temp_7 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set tempIndex_6 = this_43 set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_6] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_6] set Image_img[temp_8] = createImage(temp_4, temp_5, temp_6, temp_7, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2, Image_layer[this_43]) call image_show(Image_img[this_43]) endif endif call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_tick, t, Image_resizeTicks) call timer_setData(t, this_43) call dispatch_HandleMap_put(Image_timerOwner, t, playerToIndex(p)) call timer_startPeriodic(t, 0.02, ref_function_Image_callSrinkCallback) else call printError("Nullpoiter in function srink line 184 ImageEx.wurst") endif set t = null endfunction function dispatch_Image_srink takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Image.srink") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Image.srink on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Image_srink(this_43, p) endfunction function Shield_getRemainingTime takes integer this_43 returns real return TimerGetRemaining(Shield_t[this_43]) endfunction function dispatch_Shield_getRemainingTime takes integer this_43 returns real local real getRemainingTime_result if Shield_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Shield.getRemainingTime") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Shield.getRemainingTime on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set getRemainingTime_result = Shield_getRemainingTime(this_43) return getRemainingTime_result endfunction function ShieldList_add takes integer this_43, integer s returns nothing local real time local integer pos local integer buffer set ShieldList_shieldSum[this_43] = ShieldList_shieldSum[this_43] + Shield_amount[s] if ShieldList_first[this_43] == 0 then set ShieldList_first[this_43] = s set ShieldList_last[this_43] = s else set time = dispatch_Shield_getRemainingTime(s) set pos = ShieldList_first[this_43] loop exitwhen not (pos != 0) if dispatch_Shield_getRemainingTime(ShieldList_first[this_43]) > time then set buffer = Shield_prev[pos] set Shield_prev[pos] = s set Shield_next[buffer] = s set Shield_prev[s] = buffer set Shield_next[s] = pos exitwhen true else set pos = Shield_next[pos] endif endloop endif endfunction function dispatch_ShieldList_add takes integer this_43, integer s returns nothing if ShieldList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ShieldList.add") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ShieldList.add on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ShieldList_add(this_43, s) endfunction function alloc_Shield takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Shield_firstFree == 0 then set Shield_maxIndex = Shield_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Shield_maxIndex else set this_43 = Shield_firstFree set Shield_firstFree = Shield_nextFree[Shield_firstFree] set Shield_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Shield_typeId[this_43] = 617 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Shield takes integer this_43, integer u, real amount_39, real time, integer referingList returns nothing set Shield_t[this_43] = getTimer() set Shield_shieldDestroyed[this_43] = 0 set Shield_target[this_43] = u set Shield_amount[this_43] = amount_39 set Shield_referingList[this_43] = referingList call timer_setData(Shield_t[this_43], this_43) call timer_start(Shield_t[this_43], time, ref_function_Shield_onExpire) endfunction function new_Shield takes integer u, real amount_39, real time, integer referingList returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Shield() call construct_Shield(this_43, u, amount_39, time, referingList) return this_43 endfunction function Unit_addShield takes integer this_43, real amount_39, real duration returns integer local integer s = new_Shield(this_43, amount_39, duration, Unit_shieldList[this_43]) call dispatch_ShieldList_add(Unit_shieldList[this_43], s) return s endfunction function dispatch_Unit_addShield takes integer this_43, real amount_39, real duration returns integer local integer addShield_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.addShield") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.addShield on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set addShield_result = Unit_addShield(this_43, amount_39, duration) else set addShield_result = Unit_addShield(this_43, amount_39, duration) endif return addShield_result endfunction function alloc_Closure_9 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Bonus_firstFree == 0 then set Bonus_maxIndex = Bonus_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Bonus_maxIndex else set this_43 = Bonus_firstFree set Bonus_firstFree = Bonus_nextFree[Bonus_firstFree] set Bonus_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Bonus_typeId[this_43] = 669 return this_43 endfunction function Unit_bonusLife_2 takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer clVar set Unit_bonusLife[this_43] = Unit_bonusLife[this_43] + amount_39 call dispatch_Unit_updateLife(this_43) set clVar = alloc_Closure_9() set this_26[clVar] = this_43 set amount_23[clVar] = amount_39 return clVar endfunction function dispatch_Unit_bonusLife takes integer this_43, real amount_39 returns integer local integer bonusLife_result if Unit_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Unit.bonusLife") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Unit.bonusLife on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Unit_typeId[this_43] <= 645 then set bonusLife_result = Unit_bonusLife_2(this_43, amount_39) else set bonusLife_result = Unit_bonusLife_2(this_43, amount_39) endif return bonusLife_result endfunction function setCallLimit takes nothing returns nothing local string chatString = GetEventPlayerChatString() local string cuttet local string temp local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local real temp_2 local real temp_3 local integer temp_4 local real temp_5 local real temp_6 local integer temp_7 if SubString(chatString, 0, 1) == "a" then set cuttet = SubString(chatString, 1, 5) call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], S2I(cuttet)) endif set temp = chatString if temp == "showD" then call dispatch_Image_showDirect(GameStart_testImg, Player(0)) call dispatch_Image_showDirect(GameStart_testImg, Player(1)) elseif temp == "hideD" then call dispatch_Image_hideDirect(GameStart_testImg, Player(0)) call dispatch_Image_hideDirect(GameStart_testImg, Player(1)) elseif temp == "showF" then call dispatch_Image_showFaded(GameStart_testImg, Player(0)) call dispatch_Image_showFaded(GameStart_testImg, Player(1)) elseif temp == "hideF" then call dispatch_Image_hideFaded(GameStart_testImg, Player(0)) call dispatch_Image_hideFaded(GameStart_testImg, Player(1)) elseif temp == "dis" then call dispatch_Image_disable(GameStart_testImg, Player(0)) elseif temp == "en" then call dispatch_Image_enable(GameStart_testImg, Player(0)) elseif temp == "grow" then call dispatch_Image_grow(GameStart_testImg, Player(0)) elseif temp == "srink" then call dispatch_Image_srink(GameStart_testImg, Player(0)) elseif temp == "size+" then set temp_4 = GameStart_testImg set tempIndex = GameStart_testImg set temp_2 = Image_realSize[tempIndex] set temp_3 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex] set tempIndex_2 = GameStart_testImg call dispatch_Image_setRealSize(temp_4, vec2_op_plus(temp_2, temp_3, vec2_op_mult(Image_size[tempIndex_2], Image_size_2[tempIndex_2], 1.05), vec2_op_mult_return_y), vec2_op_plus_return_y, Player(0)) elseif temp == "size-" then set temp_7 = GameStart_testImg set tempIndex_3 = GameStart_testImg set temp_5 = Image_realSize[tempIndex_3] set temp_6 = Image_realSize_2[tempIndex_3] set tempIndex_4 = GameStart_testImg call dispatch_Image_setRealSize(temp_7, vec2_op_plus(temp_5, temp_6, vec2_op_mult(Image_size[tempIndex_4], Image_size_2[tempIndex_4], 0.95), vec2_op_mult_return_y), vec2_op_plus_return_y, Player(0)) elseif temp == "drag t t" then call EnableDragSelect(true, true) elseif temp == "drag t f" then call EnableDragSelect(true, false) elseif temp == "drag f t" then call EnableDragSelect(false, true) elseif temp == "drag f f" then call EnableDragSelect(false, false) elseif temp == "pre t t" then call EnablePreSelect(true, true) elseif temp == "pre t f" then call EnablePreSelect(true, false) elseif temp == "pre f t" then call EnablePreSelect(false, true) elseif temp == "pre f f" then call EnablePreSelect(false, false) elseif temp == "sel t t" then call EnableSelect(true, true) elseif temp == "sel t f" then call EnableSelect(true, false) elseif temp == "sel f t" then call EnableSelect(false, true) elseif temp == "sel f f" then call EnableSelect(false, false) elseif temp == "last" then call SelectUnitForPlayerSingle(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], Player(0)) elseif temp == "hp+" then call dispatch_Unit_bonusLife(UnitClass_last, 10.) elseif temp == "hp++" then call dispatch_Unit_bonusLife(UnitClass_last, 100.) elseif temp == "hp+++" then call dispatch_Unit_bonusLife(UnitClass_last, 1000.) elseif temp == "hp-" then call dispatch_Unit_bonusLife(UnitClass_last, -10.) elseif temp == "hp--" then call dispatch_Unit_bonusLife(UnitClass_last, -100.) elseif temp == "hp---" then call dispatch_Unit_bonusLife(UnitClass_last, -1000.) elseif temp == "rev" then call dispatch_Hero_revive(UnitClass_last, 100., 100.) elseif temp == "shield1" then call dispatch_Unit_addShield(UnitClass_last, 10., 10.) elseif temp == "shield2" then call dispatch_Unit_addShield(UnitClass_last, 100., 10.) elseif temp == "shield3" then call dispatch_Unit_addShield(UnitClass_last, 1000., 10.) elseif temp == "canMove f" then set Hero_acceptOrders[UnitClass_last] = false elseif temp == "canMove t" then set Hero_acceptOrders[UnitClass_last] = true elseif temp == "swap" then call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(0), 1094269238, false) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(0), 1094269241, true) elseif temp == "bswap" then call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(0), 1094269238, true) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(0), 1094269241, false) elseif temp == "slot" then call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(0), 1935896434, false) elseif temp == "key" then call print(int_toString(GetLocalizedHotkey("ESC"))) elseif temp == "abi" then call print(int_toString(GetUnitAbilityLevel(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], 1935896434))) call SetUnitAbilityLevel(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], 1935896434, 2) call print(int_toString(GetUnitAbilityLevel(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], 1935896434))) elseif temp == "cast" then call IssueInstantPointOrder(Unit_u[UnitClass_last], "ancestralspirit", 0., 0., null) elseif temp == "cd" then call cd() endif endfunction function spellCondition takes nothing returns boolean if GetSpellAbilityId() == 1096115059 then return true else return false endif endfunction function alloc_Pull2 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Pull2_firstFree == 0 then set Pull2_maxIndex = Pull2_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Pull2_maxIndex else set this_43 = Pull2_firstFree set Pull2_firstFree = Pull2_nextFree[Pull2_firstFree] set Pull2_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Pull2_typeId[this_43] = 720 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Pull2 takes integer this_43, unit u, unit ut returns nothing set Pull2_u[this_43] = u set Pull2_ut[this_43] = ut set Pull2_uut[this_43] = GetUnitUserData(ut) set Pull2_i[this_43] = R2I(distanceBetweenCoords(unit_getX(u), unit_getY(u), unit_getX(ut), unit_getY(ut)) / 20.) set Pull2_imax[this_43] = Pull2_i[this_43] set Pull2_l[this_43] = AddLightningEx("LEAS", true, unit_getX(u), unit_getY(u), 50., unit_getX(ut), unit_getY(ut), 50.) set Pull2_t[this_43] = getTimer() call timer_setData(Pull2_t[this_43], this_43) call timer_startPeriodic(Pull2_t[this_43], 0.03, ref_function_Pull2_blackHCall) endfunction function new_Pull2 takes unit u, unit ut returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Pull2() call construct_Pull2(this_43, u, ut) return this_43 endfunction function spellStart takes nothing returns nothing call new_Pull2(GetTriggerUnit(), GetSpellTargetUnit()) endfunction function textTag takes nothing returns nothing endfunction function Button_onDoubleHit takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Button_onDoubleHitAction[this_43] != null then set Menu_clickingPlayer = dispatch_HandleMap_get(PlayerClass_playerData, p) set Menu_clickedButton = this_43 call trigger_execute(Button_onDoubleHitAction[this_43]) endif endfunction function dispatch_Button_onDoubleHit takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Button.onDoubleHit") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Button.onDoubleHit on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Button_onDoubleHit(this_43, p) endfunction function HTable_get takes integer this_43, handle parentKey, integer childKey returns integer return hashtable_loadInt(HTable_ht[this_43], GetHandleId(parentKey), childKey) endfunction function dispatch_HTable_get takes integer this_43, handle parentKey, integer childKey returns integer local integer get_result if HTable_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling HTable.get") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called HTable.get on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif set get_result = HTable_get(this_43, parentKey, childKey) return get_result endfunction function trackable_getOwner takes trackable this_43 returns player return Trackable_owner[dispatch_HandleMap_get(Trackable_trackData, this_43)] endfunction function trackableDoubleHitHandler takes nothing returns nothing local player p = trackable_getOwner(GetTriggeringTrackable()) local integer b = dispatch_HTable_get(TrackableEventHandler_trackableDoubleHitAction, GetTriggeringTrackable(), TrackableEventHandler_currentMenuOfPlayer[GetPlayerId(p)]) if b != 0 then call dispatch_Button_onDoubleHit(b, p) endif set p = null endfunction function Button_onHit takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Button_onHitAction[this_43] != null then set Menu_clickingPlayer = dispatch_HandleMap_get(PlayerClass_playerData, p) set Menu_clickedButton = this_43 call trigger_execute(Button_onHitAction[this_43]) endif endfunction function dispatch_Button_onHit takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Button.onHit") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Button.onHit on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Button_onHit(this_43, p) endfunction function trackableHitHandler takes nothing returns nothing local player p = trackable_getOwner(GetTriggeringTrackable()) local integer b = dispatch_HTable_get(TrackableEventHandler_trackableHitAction, GetTriggeringTrackable(), TrackableEventHandler_currentMenuOfPlayer[GetPlayerId(p)]) if b != 0 then call dispatch_Button_onHit(b, p) endif set p = null endfunction function Button_onTrack takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Button_onTrackAction[this_43] != null then set Menu_clickingPlayer = dispatch_HandleMap_get(PlayerClass_playerData, p) set Menu_clickedButton = this_43 call trigger_execute(Button_onTrackAction[this_43]) endif endfunction function dispatch_Button_onTrack takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Button.onTrack") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Button.onTrack on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Button_onTrack(this_43, p) endfunction function Button_onUnTrack takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Button_onHitAction[this_43] != null then set Menu_clickingPlayer = dispatch_HandleMap_get(PlayerClass_playerData, p) set Menu_clickedButton = this_43 call trigger_execute(Button_onUnTrackAction[this_43]) endif endfunction function dispatch_Button_onUnTrack takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing if Widget_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Button.onUnTrack") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Button.onUnTrack on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call Button_onUnTrack(this_43, p) endfunction function trackableTrackHandler takes nothing returns nothing local player p = trackable_getOwner(GetTriggeringTrackable()) local integer playerId = GetPlayerId(p) local integer b = dispatch_HTable_get(TrackableEventHandler_trackableHitAction, GetTriggeringTrackable(), TrackableEventHandler_currentMenuOfPlayer[GetPlayerId(p)]) local integer current = TrackableEventHandler_currentButtonOfPlayer[playerId] if b != current then if b != 0 then call dispatch_Button_onTrack(b, p) endif if current != 0 then call dispatch_Button_onUnTrack(current, p) endif endif set TrackableEventHandler_currentButtonOfPlayer[playerId] = b set p = null endfunction function updateTime takes nothing returns nothing set HandleCounter_seconds = HandleCounter_seconds + 1 endfunction function initGlobals takes nothing returns nothing set udg_zw = 0. set udg_t = null set udg_MeineAbility = 0 set udg_CasterVariable = null set udg_UnverwundbarkeitsGruppe = null set udg_MeineHashtable = null set udg_Urspung = null set udg_Ziel = null set udg_x1 = 0. set udg_x2 = 0. set udg_x3 = 0. set udg_x4 = 0. set udg_x5 = 0. set udg_y1 = 0. set udg_y4 = 0. set udg_y5 = 0. set udg_y3 = 0. set udg_y2 = 0. set gg_cam_Camera_001 = null set gg_cam_Camera_002 = null set gg_trg_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003 = null set LinkedList_firstFree = 0 set LinkedList_lastFree = 0 set LinkedList_maxIndex = 0 set LLEntry_firstFree = 0 set LLEntry_lastFree = 0 set LLEntry_maxIndex = 0 set LLIterator_firstFree = 0 set LLIterator_lastFree = 0 set LLIterator_maxIndex = 0 set Table_firstFree = 0 set Table_lastFree = 0 set Table_maxIndex = 0 set StringIterator_firstFree = 0 set StringIterator_lastFree = 0 set StringIterator_maxIndex = 0 set StringLines_firstFree = 0 set StringLines_lastFree = 0 set StringLines_maxIndex = 0 set BigNum_l_firstFree = 0 set BigNum_l_lastFree = 0 set BigNum_l_maxIndex = 0 set BigNum_firstFree = 0 set BigNum_lastFree = 0 set BigNum_maxIndex = 0 set UnitIndex_firstFree = 0 set UnitIndex_lastFree = 0 set UnitIndex_maxIndex = 0 set Event_firstFree = 0 set Event_lastFree = 0 set Event_maxIndex = 0 set Action_firstFree = 0 set Action_lastFree = 0 set Action_maxIndex = 0 set TList_firstFree = 0 set TList_lastFree = 0 set TList_maxIndex = 0 set TIterator_firstFree = 0 set TIterator_lastFree = 0 set TIterator_maxIndex = 0 set Dot_firstFree = 0 set Dot_lastFree = 0 set Dot_maxIndex = 0 set Buff_firstFree = 0 set Buff_lastFree = 0 set Buff_maxIndex = 0 set AbilityDefinition_firstFree = 0 set AbilityDefinition_lastFree = 0 set AbilityDefinition_maxIndex = 0 set BuffDefinition_firstFree = 0 set BuffDefinition_lastFree = 0 set BuffDefinition_maxIndex = 0 set W3UDefinition_firstFree = 0 set W3UDefinition_lastFree = 0 set W3UDefinition_maxIndex = 0 set Table3D_firstFree = 0 set Table3D_lastFree = 0 set Table3D_maxIndex = 0 set Array_firstFree = 0 set Array_lastFree = 0 set Array_maxIndex = 0 set DebugFile_firstFree = 0 set DebugFile_lastFree = 0 set DebugFile_maxIndex = 0 set HashMap_firstFree = 0 set HashMap_lastFree = 0 set HashMap_maxIndex = 0 set CallbackSingle_firstFree = 0 set CallbackSingle_lastFree = 0 set CallbackSingle_maxIndex = 0 set CallbackPeriodic_firstFree = 0 set CallbackPeriodic_lastFree = 0 set CallbackPeriodic_maxIndex = 0 set CallbackCounted_firstFree = 0 set CallbackCounted_lastFree = 0 set CallbackCounted_maxIndex = 0 set Widget_firstFree = 0 set Widget_lastFree = 0 set Widget_maxIndex = 0 set TextTag_firstFree = 0 set TextTag_lastFree = 0 set TextTag_maxIndex = 0 set ShieldList_firstFree = 0 set ShieldList_lastFree = 0 set ShieldList_maxIndex = 0 set Shield_firstFree = 0 set Shield_lastFree = 0 set Shield_maxIndex = 0 set Bar_firstFree = 0 set Bar_lastFree = 0 set Bar_maxIndex = 0 set BarTest_firstFree = 0 set BarTest_lastFree = 0 set BarTest_maxIndex = 0 set Queue_firstFree = 0 set Queue_lastFree = 0 set Queue_maxIndex = 0 set SEntry_firstFree = 0 set SEntry_lastFree = 0 set SEntry_maxIndex = 0 set SIterator_firstFree = 0 set SIterator_lastFree = 0 set SIterator_maxIndex = 0 set AreaMarker_firstFree = 0 set AreaMarker_lastFree = 0 set AreaMarker_maxIndex = 0 set HandleMap_firstFree = 0 set HandleMap_lastFree = 0 set HandleMap_maxIndex = 0 set DelayData_firstFree = 0 set DelayData_lastFree = 0 set DelayData_maxIndex = 0 set Fx_firstFree = 0 set Fx_lastFree = 0 set Fx_maxIndex = 0 set ControlPoint_firstFree = 0 set ControlPoint_lastFree = 0 set ControlPoint_maxIndex = 0 set CaptureData_firstFree = 0 set CaptureData_lastFree = 0 set CaptureData_maxIndex = 0 set Order_firstFree = 0 set Order_lastFree = 0 set Order_maxIndex = 0 set ObjId_firstFree = 0 set ObjId_lastFree = 0 set ObjId_maxIndex = 0 set SpellSetup_firstFree = 0 set SpellSetup_lastFree = 0 set SpellSetup_maxIndex = 0 set Spellcast_firstFree = 0 set Spellcast_lastFree = 0 set Spellcast_maxIndex = 0 set Spell_firstFree = 0 set Spell_lastFree = 0 set Spell_maxIndex = 0 set EventData_firstFree = 0 set EventData_lastFree = 0 set EventData_maxIndex = 0 set EventAction_firstFree = 0 set EventAction_lastFree = 0 set EventAction_maxIndex = 0 set Unit_firstFree = 0 set Unit_lastFree = 0 set Unit_maxIndex = 0 set Bonus_firstFree = 0 set Bonus_lastFree = 0 set Bonus_maxIndex = 0 set Stun_firstFree = 0 set Stun_lastFree = 0 set Stun_maxIndex = 0 set PreDamageData_firstFree = 0 set PreDamageData_lastFree = 0 set PreDamageData_maxIndex = 0 set OnDamageData_firstFree = 0 set OnDamageData_lastFree = 0 set OnDamageData_maxIndex = 0 set SpellData_firstFree = 0 set SpellData_lastFree = 0 set SpellData_maxIndex = 0 set Units_firstFree = 0 set Units_lastFree = 0 set Units_maxIndex = 0 set CaptureEventData_firstFree = 0 set CaptureEventData_lastFree = 0 set CaptureEventData_maxIndex = 0 set HTable_firstFree = 0 set HTable_lastFree = 0 set HTable_maxIndex = 0 set Player_firstFree = 0 set Player_lastFree = 0 set Player_maxIndex = 0 set Trackable_firstFree = 0 set Trackable_lastFree = 0 set Trackable_maxIndex = 0 set MenuIndexer_firstFree = 0 set MenuIndexer_lastFree = 0 set MenuIndexer_maxIndex = 0 set Menu_firstFree = 0 set Menu_lastFree = 0 set Menu_maxIndex = 0 set TextTagEx_firstFree = 0 set TextTagEx_lastFree = 0 set TextTagEx_maxIndex = 0 set Text_firstFree = 0 set Text_lastFree = 0 set Text_maxIndex = 0 set TextBlock_firstFree = 0 set TextBlock_lastFree = 0 set TextBlock_maxIndex = 0 set Word_firstFree = 0 set Word_lastFree = 0 set Word_maxIndex = 0 set SamplePointSpell_firstFree = 0 set SamplePointSpell_lastFree = 0 set SamplePointSpell_maxIndex = 0 set TestSpell1_firstFree = 0 set TestSpell1_lastFree = 0 set TestSpell1_maxIndex = 0 set MazeChecker_firstFree = 0 set MazeChecker_lastFree = 0 set MazeChecker_maxIndex = 0 set RockThrow_firstFree = 0 set RockThrow_lastFree = 0 set RockThrow_maxIndex = 0 set RTable_firstFree = 0 set RTable_lastFree = 0 set RTable_maxIndex = 0 set Pull2_firstFree = 0 set Pull2_lastFree = 0 set Pull2_maxIndex = 0 set Missle_firstFree = 0 set Missle_lastFree = 0 set Missle_maxIndex = 0 set Item_firstFree = 0 set Item_lastFree = 0 set Item_maxIndex = 0 set Aura_firstFree = 0 set Aura_lastFree = 0 set Aura_maxIndex = 0 set CustomBar_firstFree = 0 set CustomBar_lastFree = 0 set CustomBar_maxIndex = 0 set Stack_firstFree = 0 set Stack_lastFree = 0 set Stack_maxIndex = 0 set SEntry_firstFree_2 = 0 set SEntry_lastFree_2 = 0 set SEntry_maxIndex_2 = 0 set SIterator_firstFree_2 = 0 set SIterator_lastFree_2 = 0 set SIterator_maxIndex_2 = 0 set Preload_firstFree = 0 set Preload_lastFree = 0 set Preload_maxIndex = 0 set ForceIterator_firstFree = 0 set ForceIterator_lastFree = 0 set ForceIterator_maxIndex = 0 set OnCast_firstFree = 0 set OnCast_lastFree = 0 set OnCast_maxIndex = 0 set OnPointCast_firstFree = 0 set OnPointCast_lastFree = 0 set OnPointCast_maxIndex = 0 set OnUnitCast_firstFree = 0 set OnUnitCast_lastFree = 0 set OnUnitCast_maxIndex = 0 set A_firstFree = 0 set A_lastFree = 0 set A_maxIndex = 0 set Char_firstFree = 0 set Char_lastFree = 0 set Char_maxIndex = 0 set ref_function_IssueHauntOrderAtLocBJFilter = function IssueHauntOrderAtLocBJFilter set ref_function_EnumDestructablesInCircleBJFilter = function EnumDestructablesInCircleBJFilter set ref_function_GetUnitsInRectOfPlayerFilter = function GetUnitsInRectOfPlayerFilter set ref_function_GetUnitsOfTypeIdAllFilter = function GetUnitsOfTypeIdAllFilter set ref_function_GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeIdFilter = function GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeIdFilter set ref_function_MeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJFilter = function MeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJFilter set ref_function_LivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeIdFilter = function LivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeIdFilter set ref_function_QueuedTriggerDoneBJ = function QueuedTriggerDoneBJ set ref_function_SetDNCSoundsDawn = function SetDNCSoundsDawn set ref_function_SetDNCSoundsDusk = function SetDNCSoundsDusk set ref_function_SetDNCSoundsDay = function SetDNCSoundsDay set ref_function_SetDNCSoundsNight = function SetDNCSoundsNight set ref_function_StartStockUpdates = function StartStockUpdates set ref_function_RemovePurchasedItem = function RemovePurchasedItem set ref_function_MarkGameStarted = function MarkGameStarted set ref_function_PerformStockUpdates = function PerformStockUpdates set ref_function_UpdateEachStockBuildingEnum = function UpdateEachStockBuildingEnum set ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecay = function DelayedSuspendDecay set ref_function_MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishSoon = function MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishSoon set ref_function_MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishNow = function MeleeTriggerTournamentFinishNow set ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionConstructCancel = function MeleeTriggerActionConstructCancel set ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionUnitDeath = function MeleeTriggerActionUnitDeath set ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionUnitConstructionStart = function MeleeTriggerActionUnitConstructionStart set ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionPlayerDefeated = function MeleeTriggerActionPlayerDefeated set ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionPlayerLeft = function MeleeTriggerActionPlayerLeft set ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionAllianceChange = function MeleeTriggerActionAllianceChange set ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionPlayerLeft_2 = function MeleeTriggerActionPlayerLeft set ref_function_MeleeTriggerActionAllianceChange_2 = function MeleeTriggerActionAllianceChange set ref_function_MeleeDoDrawEnum = function MeleeDoDrawEnum set ref_function_MeleeDoDefeatEnum = function MeleeDoDefeatEnum set ref_function_MeleeDoVictoryEnum = function MeleeDoVictoryEnum set ref_function_MeleeDoDefeatEnum_2 = function MeleeDoDefeatEnum set ref_function_MeleeDoVictoryEnum_2 = function MeleeDoVictoryEnum set ref_function_MeleeCrippledPlayerTimeout = function MeleeCrippledPlayerTimeout set ref_function_MeleeEnumFindNearestMine = function MeleeEnumFindNearestMine set ref_function_MeleeClearExcessUnit = function MeleeClearExcessUnit set ref_function_MeleeGrantItemsToTrainedHero = function MeleeGrantItemsToTrainedHero set ref_function_MeleeGrantItemsToHiredHero = function MeleeGrantItemsToHiredHero set ref_function_SetPlayerColorBJEnum = function SetPlayerColorBJEnum set ref_function_TriggerActionUnitRescuedBJ = function TriggerActionUnitRescuedBJ set ref_function_MakeUnitRescuableToForceBJEnum = function MakeUnitRescuableToForceBJEnum set ref_function_FinishCinematicFadeBJ = function FinishCinematicFadeBJ set ref_function_ContinueCinematicFadeBJ = function ContinueCinematicFadeBJ set ref_function_SetCineModeVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ = function SetCineModeVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ set ref_function_CancelCineSceneBJ = function CancelCineSceneBJ set ref_function_CustomDefeatRestartBJ = function CustomDefeatRestartBJ set ref_function_CustomDefeatReduceDifficultyBJ = function CustomDefeatReduceDifficultyBJ set ref_function_CustomDefeatLoadBJ = function CustomDefeatLoadBJ set ref_function_CustomDefeatQuitBJ = function CustomDefeatQuitBJ set ref_function_CustomVictoryOkBJ = function CustomVictoryOkBJ set ref_function_CustomVictoryQuitBJ = function CustomVictoryQuitBJ set ref_function_MakeUnitsPassiveForPlayerEnum = function MakeUnitsPassiveForPlayerEnum set ref_function_CountUnitsInGroupEnum = function CountUnitsInGroupEnum set ref_function_GetRandomSubGroupEnum = function GetRandomSubGroupEnum set ref_function_CountPlayersInForceEnum = function CountPlayersInForceEnum set ref_function_GroupAddGroupEnum = function GroupAddGroupEnum set ref_function_ForcePickRandomPlayerEnum = function ForcePickRandomPlayerEnum set ref_function_GroupPickRandomUnitEnum = function GroupPickRandomUnitEnum set ref_function_GroupRemoveGroupEnum = function GroupRemoveGroupEnum set ref_function_NearbyElevatorExistsEnum = function NearbyElevatorExistsEnum set ref_function_FindElevatorWallBlockerEnum = function FindElevatorWallBlockerEnum set ref_function_NudgeUnitsInRectEnum = function NudgeUnitsInRectEnum set ref_function_NudgeItemsInRectEnum = function NudgeItemsInRectEnum set ref_function_RandomDestructableInRectBJEnum = function RandomDestructableInRectBJEnum set ref_function_PauseAllUnitsBJEnum = function PauseAllUnitsBJEnum set ref_function_WakePlayerUnitsEnum = function WakePlayerUnitsEnum set ref_function_IsUnitGroupInRectBJEnum = function IsUnitGroupInRectBJEnum set ref_function_IsUnitGroupEmptyBJEnum = function IsUnitGroupEmptyBJEnum set ref_function_IsUnitGroupDeadBJEnum = function IsUnitGroupDeadBJEnum set ref_function_SelectGroupBJEnum = function SelectGroupBJEnum set ref_function_SelectGroupBJEnum_2 = function SelectGroupBJEnum set ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum = function DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum set ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum_2 = function DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum set ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayFleshEnum = function DelayedSuspendDecayFleshEnum set ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayBoneEnum = function DelayedSuspendDecayBoneEnum set ref_function_DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum_3 = function DelayedSuspendDecayStopAnimEnum set ref_function_GetLastCreatedGroupEnum = function GetLastCreatedGroupEnum set ref_function_RandomItemInRectBJEnum = function RandomItemInRectBJEnum set ref_function_VolumeGroupResetImmediateBJ = function VolumeGroupResetImmediateBJ set ref_function_SetSpeechVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ = function SetSpeechVolumeGroupsImmediateBJ set ref_function_RegisterDestDeathInRegionEnum = function RegisterDestDeathInRegionEnum set ref_function_Trig_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003_Actions = function Trig_Unbezeichneter_Ausl__ser_003_Actions set ref_function_GroupAddGroupEnum_2 = function GroupAddGroupEnum set ref_function_resetCam = function resetCam set ref_function_resetCam_2 = function resetCam set ref_function_resetCam_3 = function resetCam set ref_function_hideItem = function hideItem set ref_function_Dot_timerDestroyDot = function Dot_timerDestroyDot set ref_function_Buff_createEffect = function Buff_createEffect set ref_function_Buff_timerDestroyBuff = function Buff_timerDestroyBuff set ref_function_CallbackSingle_staticCallback = function CallbackSingle_staticCallback set ref_function_CallbackPeriodic_staticCallback = function CallbackPeriodic_staticCallback set ref_function_CallbackCounted_staticCallback = function CallbackCounted_staticCallback set ref_function_Image_callShowFadedCallback = function Image_callShowFadedCallback set ref_function_Image_callHideFadedCallback = function Image_callHideFadedCallback set ref_function_TextTag_destroyTextTag = function TextTag_destroyTextTag set ref_function_TextTag_destroyTextTag_2 = function TextTag_destroyTextTag set ref_function_TextTag_destroyTextTag_3 = function TextTag_destroyTextTag set ref_function_Shield_onExpire = function Shield_onExpire set ref_function_Bar_callUpdateEx = function Bar_callUpdateEx set ref_function_AreaMarker_destr = function AreaMarker_destr set ref_function_playAnimation = function playAnimation set ref_function_destroyTimedEffect = function destroyTimedEffect set ref_function_destroyTimedFx = function destroyTimedFx set ref_function_notDead = function notDead set ref_function_ControlPoint_callGroupCheck = function ControlPoint_callGroupCheck set ref_function_ControlPoint_callInRangeActions = function ControlPoint_callInRangeActions set ref_function_ControlPoint_hideDummy = function ControlPoint_hideDummy set ref_function_Spell_timedDisableCastDummy = function Spell_timedDisableCastDummy set ref_function_cdt = function cdt set ref_function_notUnit = function notUnit set ref_function_Unit_callMakeVunerable = function Unit_callMakeVunerable set ref_function_Stun_destroyStun = function Stun_destroyStun set ref_function_Hero_enableAbilityTimed = function Hero_enableAbilityTimed set ref_function_Stun_destroyStun_2 = function Stun_destroyStun set ref_function_resetDoubleHit = function resetDoubleHit set ref_function_Image_callSrinkCallback = function Image_callSrinkCallback set ref_function_Image_callGrowCallback = function Image_callGrowCallback set ref_function_SamplePointSpell_callCallback = function SamplePointSpell_callCallback set ref_function_TestSpell1_bla = function TestSpell1_bla set ref_function_TestSpell1_callCallback = function TestSpell1_callCallback set ref_function_RockThrow_rockMoveCall = function RockThrow_rockMoveCall set ref_function_Pull2_blackHCall = function Pull2_blackHCall set ref_function_Missle_callMove = function Missle_callMove set ref_function_Missle_callMove_2 = function Missle_callMove set ref_function_actions = function actions set ref_function_callback = function callback set ref_function_Aura_callCheck = function Aura_callCheck set ref_function_CustomBar_copyForce = function CustomBar_copyForce set ref_function_CustomBar_lockCallback = function CustomBar_lockCallback set ref_function_CustomBar_fadeOutCallback = function CustomBar_fadeOutCallback set ref_function_Preload_preload = function Preload_preload set ref_function_Preload_createBackground = function Preload_createBackground set ref_function_Preload_preload_2 = function Preload_preload set ref_function_Preload_preload_3 = function Preload_preload set ref_function_ForceIterator_callback = function ForceIterator_callback set ref_function_createMultiboard = function createMultiboard set ref_function_Bar_updatePos = function Bar_updatePos_2 set ref_function_Bar_updateVision = function Bar_updateVision_2 set ref_function_checkDelayed = function checkDelayed set ref_function_kill = function kill set ref_function_Hero_handleCasts = function Hero_handleCasts set ref_function_Hero_checkOrders = function Hero_checkOrders_2 set ref_function_GetOrders_callOnOrder = function GetOrders_callOnOrder set ref_function_Unit_tookDamage = function Unit_tookDamage set ref_function_doubleHit = function doubleHit set ref_function_trackableHitHandler = function trackableHitHandler set ref_function_trackableTrackHandler = function trackableTrackHandler set ref_function_trackableDoubleHitHandler = function trackableDoubleHitHandler set ref_function_spellCondition = function spellCondition set ref_function_spellStart = function spellStart set ref_function_updateTime = function updateTime set ref_function_setCallLimit = function setCallLimit set ref_function_Dot_loopList = function Dot_loopList set ref_function_callKnockback = function callKnockback set ref_function_camTest = function camTest set ref_function_forceKey = function forceKey set ref_function_charMessung = function charMessung set ref_function_onEsc = function onEsc set ref_function_textTag = function textTag set ref_function_handleCasts = function handleCasts endfunction function init_Array takes nothing returns nothing set Array_currentSize = 0 endfunction function init_Basics takes nothing returns nothing set Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID = 1697656880 set Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER = 1097691750 set Basics_TREE_RECOGNITION = 1097163124 set Basics_LOCUST_ID = 1097625443 set Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD = 0.03 set Basics_MAX_COLLISION_SIZE = 197.0 set Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER = Player(15) set Basics_DUMMY_HOSTILE_PLAYER = Player(12) endfunction function init_BigNum takes nothing returns nothing set BigNum_l_count = 0 endfunction function init_CaptureAnimation takes nothing returns nothing set CaptureAnimation_captureTimer = new_Table() endfunction function init_ChannelSpellPreset takes nothing returns nothing set ChannelSpellPreset_CHANNEL_ID = "ANcl" set ChannelSpellPreset_visibleval = 1 set ChannelSpellPreset_targetimageval = 2 set ChannelSpellPreset_physicalspellval = 4 set ChannelSpellPreset_universalspellval = 8 set ChannelSpellPreset_uniquecastval = 16 endfunction function c2sInit takes nothing returns nothing set Char_c2s[0] = "" set Char_c2s[1] = "" set Char_c2s[2] = "" set Char_c2s[3] = "" set Char_c2s[4] = "" set Char_c2s[5] = "" set Char_c2s[6] = "" set Char_c2s[7] = "" set Char_c2s[8] = "" set Char_c2s[9] = "\t" set Char_c2s[10] = "\n" set Char_c2s[11] = "" set Char_c2s[12] = "" set Char_c2s[13] = "\r" set Char_c2s[14] = "" set Char_c2s[15] = "" set Char_c2s[16] = "" set Char_c2s[17] = "" set Char_c2s[18] = "" set Char_c2s[19] = "" set Char_c2s[20] = "" set Char_c2s[21] = "" set Char_c2s[22] = "" set Char_c2s[23] = "" set Char_c2s[24] = "" set Char_c2s[25] = "" set Char_c2s[26] = "" set Char_c2s[27] = "" set Char_c2s[28] = "" set Char_c2s[29] = "" set Char_c2s[30] = "" set Char_c2s[31] = "" set Char_c2s[32] = " " set Char_c2s[33] = "!" set Char_c2s[34] = "\"" set Char_c2s[35] = "#" set Char_c2s[36] = "$" set Char_c2s[37] = "%" set Char_c2s[38] = "&" set Char_c2s[39] = "'" set Char_c2s[40] = "(" set Char_c2s[41] = ")" set Char_c2s[42] = "*" set Char_c2s[43] = "+" set Char_c2s[44] = "," set Char_c2s[45] = "-" set Char_c2s[46] = "." set Char_c2s[47] = "/" set Char_c2s[48] = "0" set Char_c2s[49] = "1" set Char_c2s[50] = "2" set Char_c2s[51] = "3" set Char_c2s[52] = "4" set Char_c2s[53] = "5" set Char_c2s[54] = "6" set Char_c2s[55] = "7" set Char_c2s[56] = "8" set Char_c2s[57] = "9" set Char_c2s[58] = ":" set Char_c2s[59] = ";" set Char_c2s[60] = "<" set Char_c2s[61] = "=" set Char_c2s[62] = ">" set Char_c2s[63] = "?" set Char_c2s[64] = "@" set Char_c2s[65] = "A" set Char_c2s[66] = "B" set Char_c2s[67] = "C" set Char_c2s[68] = "D" set Char_c2s[69] = "E" set Char_c2s[70] = "F" set Char_c2s[71] = "G" set Char_c2s[72] = "H" set Char_c2s[73] = "I" set Char_c2s[74] = "J" set Char_c2s[75] = "K" set Char_c2s[76] = "L" set Char_c2s[77] = "M" set Char_c2s[78] = "N" set Char_c2s[79] = "O" set Char_c2s[80] = "P" set Char_c2s[81] = "Q" set Char_c2s[82] = "R" set Char_c2s[83] = "S" set Char_c2s[84] = "T" set Char_c2s[85] = "U" set Char_c2s[86] = "V" set Char_c2s[87] = "W" set Char_c2s[88] = "X" set Char_c2s[89] = "Y" set Char_c2s[90] = "Z" set Char_c2s[91] = "[" set Char_c2s[92] = "\\" set Char_c2s[93] = "]" set Char_c2s[94] = "^" set Char_c2s[95] = "_" set Char_c2s[96] = "`" set Char_c2s[97] = "a" set Char_c2s[98] = "b" set Char_c2s[99] = "c" set Char_c2s[100] = "d" set Char_c2s[101] = "e" set Char_c2s[102] = "f" set Char_c2s[103] = "g" set Char_c2s[104] = "h" set Char_c2s[105] = "i" set Char_c2s[106] = "j" set Char_c2s[107] = "k" set Char_c2s[108] = "l" set Char_c2s[109] = "m" set Char_c2s[110] = "n" set Char_c2s[111] = "o" set Char_c2s[112] = "p" set Char_c2s[113] = "q" set Char_c2s[114] = "r" set Char_c2s[115] = "s" set Char_c2s[116] = "t" set Char_c2s[117] = "u" set Char_c2s[118] = "v" set Char_c2s[119] = "w" set Char_c2s[120] = "x" set Char_c2s[121] = "y" set Char_c2s[122] = "z" set Char_c2s[123] = "{" set Char_c2s[124] = "|" set Char_c2s[125] = "}" set Char_c2s[126] = "~" set Char_c2s[127] = "" endfunction function s2cInit takes nothing returns nothing local integer i_2 = 0 local integer temp = Char_MAX_INDEX loop exitwhen i_2 > temp if StringCase(Char_c2s[i_2], true) == Char_c2s[i_2] then set Char_s2c[StringHash(Char_c2s[i_2]) / 2033480 + 1002] = i_2 endif set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop endfunction function widthInit takes nothing returns nothing set Char_width[0] = 0. set Char_width[1] = 0. set Char_width[2] = 0. set Char_width[3] = 0. set Char_width[4] = 0. set Char_width[5] = 0. set Char_width[6] = 0. set Char_width[7] = 0. set Char_width[8] = 0. set Char_width[9] = 0. set Char_width[10] = 1000000000. set Char_width[11] = 0. set Char_width[12] = 0. set Char_width[13] = 0. set Char_width[14] = 0. set Char_width[15] = 0. set Char_width[16] = 0. set Char_width[17] = 0. set Char_width[18] = 0. set Char_width[19] = 0. set Char_width[20] = 0. set Char_width[21] = 0. set Char_width[22] = 0. set Char_width[23] = 0. set Char_width[24] = 0. set Char_width[25] = 0. set Char_width[26] = 0. set Char_width[27] = 0. set Char_width[28] = 0. set Char_width[29] = 0. set Char_width[30] = 0. set Char_width[31] = 0. set Char_width[32] = 1.5 set Char_width[33] = 1.2 set Char_width[34] = 1.95 set Char_width[35] = 4. set Char_width[36] = 3.1 set Char_width[37] = 4.2 set Char_width[38] = 5.1 set Char_width[39] = 0.85 set Char_width[40] = 1.8 set Char_width[41] = 1.6 set Char_width[42] = 2.5 set Char_width[43] = 3.1 set Char_width[44] = 1.25 set Char_width[45] = 2.2 set Char_width[46] = 1.05 set Char_width[47] = 2.7 set Char_width[48] = 2. set Char_width[49] = 2. set Char_width[50] = 3.65 set Char_width[51] = 3.25 set Char_width[52] = 3.8 set Char_width[53] = 3.3 set Char_width[54] = 3.5 set Char_width[55] = 3.3 set Char_width[56] = 3.65 set Char_width[57] = 3.65 set Char_width[58] = 1.05 set Char_width[59] = 1.25 set Char_width[60] = 2.9 set Char_width[61] = 3.1 set Char_width[62] = 2.9 set Char_width[63] = 2.7 set Char_width[64] = 4.5 set Char_width[65] = 4.8 set Char_width[66] = 3.5 set Char_width[67] = 4. set Char_width[68] = 4.2 set Char_width[69] = 3.3 set Char_width[70] = 2.75 set Char_width[71] = 4.35 set Char_width[72] = 4.35 set Char_width[73] = 1.6 set Char_width[74] = 2. set Char_width[75] = 4.0 set Char_width[76] = 3.25 set Char_width[77] = 6. set Char_width[78] = 4.4 set Char_width[79] = 4.95 set Char_width[80] = 3.3 set Char_width[81] = 5.3 set Char_width[82] = 4. set Char_width[83] = 3.3 set Char_width[84] = 3.4 set Char_width[85] = 4.2 set Char_width[86] = 4. set Char_width[87] = 6.25 set Char_width[88] = 4.35 set Char_width[89] = 3.45 set Char_width[90] = 3.3 set Char_width[91] = 1.8 set Char_width[92] = 2.3 set Char_width[93] = 1.55 set Char_width[94] = 3.3 set Char_width[95] = 3.3 set Char_width[96] = 1.8 set Char_width[97] = 3.3 set Char_width[98] = 3.3 set Char_width[99] = 3.1 set Char_width[100] = 3.5 set Char_width[101] = 3.3 set Char_width[102] = 2.1 set Char_width[103] = 3.8 set Char_width[104] = 3.3 set Char_width[105] = 1.25 set Char_width[106] = 1.6 set Char_width[107] = 3.3 set Char_width[108] = 1.3 set Char_width[109] = 5.3 set Char_width[110] = 3.3 set Char_width[111] = 3.5 set Char_width[112] = 3.5 set Char_width[113] = 3.5 set Char_width[114] = 2. set Char_width[115] = 2.9 set Char_width[116] = 2.15 set Char_width[117] = 3.3 set Char_width[118] = 3.65 set Char_width[119] = 5.15 set Char_width[120] = 3.4 set Char_width[121] = 3.45 set Char_width[122] = 3.3 set Char_width[123] = 1.8 set Char_width[124] = 1. set Char_width[125] = 1.8 set Char_width[126] = 3.3 set Char_width[127] = 0. endfunction function init_Char takes nothing returns nothing set Char_MAX_INDEX = 126 + 1 set Char_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 0. set Char_DEFAULT_STRING = "" call c2sInit() call s2cInit() call widthInit() endfunction function alloc_HashMap takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if HashMap_firstFree == 0 then set HashMap_maxIndex = HashMap_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = HashMap_maxIndex else set this_43 = HashMap_firstFree set HashMap_firstFree = HashMap_nextFree[HashMap_firstFree] set HashMap_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set HashMap_typeId[this_43] = 608 return this_43 endfunction function construct_HashMap takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function new_HashMap takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_HashMap() call construct_HashMap(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function trigger_addAction takes trigger this_43, code actionFunc returns trigger call TriggerAddAction(this_43, actionFunc) return this_43 endfunction function trigger_registerAnyUnitEvent takes trigger this_43, playerunitevent whichEvent returns trigger call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(this_43, whichEvent) return this_43 endfunction function init_ClosureEvents takes nothing returns nothing call trigger_addAction(trigger_registerAnyUnitEvent(CreateTrigger(), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST), ref_function_handleCasts) set OnCast_casts = new_HashMap() set OnPointCast_casts = new_HashMap() set OnUnitCast_casts = new_HashMap() endfunction function init_Colors takes nothing returns nothing local integer i_2 = 0 local integer i2 local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local integer tempIndex_4 local integer tempIndex_5 local integer tempIndex_6 local integer tempIndex_7 local integer tempIndex_8 local integer tempIndex_9 local integer tempIndex_10 local integer tempIndex_11 local integer tempIndex_12 local integer tempIndex_13 loop exitwhen i_2 > 9 set Colors_hexs[i_2] = int_toString(i_2) set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop set Colors_hexs[10] = "A" set Colors_hexs[11] = "B" set Colors_hexs[12] = "C" set Colors_hexs[13] = "D" set Colors_hexs[14] = "E" set Colors_hexs[15] = "F" set Colors_decs = new_Table() set i2 = 0 loop exitwhen i2 > 9 call dispatch_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash(int_toString(i2)), i2) set i2 = i2 + 1 endloop call dispatch_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("A"), 10) call dispatch_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("B"), 11) call dispatch_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("C"), 12) call dispatch_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("D"), 13) call dispatch_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("E"), 14) call dispatch_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("F"), 15) set tempIndex = 0 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex] = 255 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex] = 255 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex] = 255 set tempIndex_2 = 1 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_2] = 255 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_2] = 2 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_2] = 2 set tempIndex_3 = 2 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_3] = 0 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_3] = 65 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_3] = 255 set tempIndex_4 = 3 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_4] = 27 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_4] = 230 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_4] = 184 set tempIndex_5 = 4 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_5] = 83 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_5] = 0 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_5] = 128 set tempIndex_6 = 5 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_6] = 255 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_6] = 204 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_6] = 0 set tempIndex_7 = 6 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_7] = 255 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_7] = 255 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_7] = 1 set tempIndex_8 = 7 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_8] = 31 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_8] = 191 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_8] = 0 set tempIndex_9 = 8 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_9] = 229 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_9] = 90 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_9] = 175 set tempIndex_10 = 9 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_10] = 148 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_10] = 149 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_10] = 150 set tempIndex_11 = 10 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_11] = 125 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_11] = 190 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_11] = 241 set tempIndex_12 = 11 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_12] = 15 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_12] = 97 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_12] = 69 set tempIndex_13 = 12 set Colors_playercolors[tempIndex_13] = 77 set Colors_playercolors_2[tempIndex_13] = 41 set Colors_playercolors_3[tempIndex_13] = 3 endfunction function init_ControlPoint takes nothing returns nothing set ControlPoint_range = 900. set ControlPoint_captureRange = 800. set ControlPoint_model = 1668314212 set ControlPoint_morphAbi = 1668575341 set ControlPoint_height = 335. set ControlPoint_baseDmg = 2. set ControlPoint_dmgPerLvl = 1. set ControlPoint_percentualDmg = 0.2 set ControlPoint_heroDmgFactor = 0.1 set ControlPoint_unitDmgFactor = 0.01 set ControlPoint_creepDmg = 0.75 set ControlPoint_captureSpeedPoint = 0.0125 set ControlPoint_captureSpeedHero = 0.009 set ControlPoint_baseSHeal = 2.0 set ControlPoint_heroSHealFactor = 0.1 set ControlPoint_unitSHealFactor = 0.025 endfunction function init_Cooldown takes nothing returns nothing set Cooldown_count = 100 set Cooldown_lastAbi = 0 set Cooldown_cdIcon[1] = 1127231537 set Cooldown_cdIcon[2] = 1127231538 set Cooldown_cdIcon[3] = 1127231539 set Cooldown_cdIcon[4] = 1127231540 set Cooldown_cdIcon[5] = 1127231541 set Cooldown_cdIcon[6] = 1127231542 set Cooldown_cdIcon[7] = 1127231543 set Cooldown_cdIcon[8] = 1127231544 set Cooldown_cdIcon[9] = 1127231545 set Cooldown_cdIcon[10] = 1127231792 set Cooldown_cdIcon[20] = 1127232048 set Cooldown_cdIcon[30] = 1127232304 set Cooldown_cdIcon[40] = 1127232560 set Cooldown_cdIcon[50] = 1127232816 set Cooldown_cdIcon[60] = 1127233072 set Cooldown_cdIcon[70] = 1127233328 set Cooldown_cdIcon[80] = 1127233584 set Cooldown_cdIcon[90] = 1127233840 set Cooldown_cdIcon[100] = 1127297072 endfunction function init_CustomBar takes nothing returns nothing set CustomBar_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = -16777216 set CustomBar_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND = -1 set CustomBar_MAX_GRADIENTS = 10 set CustomBar_count = 0 set CustomBar_animationTimer = CreateTimer() endfunction function init_DebugFile takes nothing returns nothing call PreloadGenClear() set DebugFile_path = "C:\\Users\\Crigges\\Dropbox\\wurst" set DebugFile_filetype = ".debug" set DebugFile_lastSavedFile = 0 endfunction function init_Dot takes nothing returns nothing set LinkedListModule_first = 0 set LinkedListModule_last = 0 set LinkedListModule_size = 0 endfunction function init_DummyRecycler takes nothing returns nothing local integer endPos local integer n local real angl local real x local real y local integer i_2 set DummyRecycler_ANG_N = 8 set DummyRecycler_ANG_STORAGE_MAX = 12 set DummyRecycler_DEATH_TIME = 2. set DummyRecycler_ANG_VAL = 360 / DummyRecycler_ANG_N set DummyRecycler_ANG_MID = DummyRecycler_ANG_VAL / 2 set DummyRecycler_recycle = 0 set DummyRecycler_protect = CreateGroup() set LinkedListModule_first_3 = 0 set LinkedListModule_last_3 = 0 set LinkedListModule_size_3 = 0 set n = DummyRecycler_ANG_N set x = MapBounds_mapMaxX set y = MapBounds_mapMaxY set i_2 = DummyRecycler_ANG_N loop exitwhen i_2 < 0 set DummyRecycler_stackN[i_2] = DummyRecycler_ANG_STORAGE_MAX set DummyRecycler_queueNext[i_2] = n set angl = int_toReal(i_2 * DummyRecycler_ANG_VAL + DummyRecycler_ANG_MID) set endPos = n + DummyRecycler_ANG_STORAGE_MAX set DummyRecycler_queueLast[i_2] = endPos - 1 loop exitwhen not (n < endPos) set DummyRecycler_queueNext[n] = n + 1 set DummyRecycler_stack[n] = CreateUnit(Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER, Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID, x, y, angl) call unit_pause(unit_addAbility(unit_removeAbility(unit_addAbility(DummyRecycler_stack[n], Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER), Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER), Basics_LOCUST_ID)) set n = n + 1 endloop set DummyRecycler_queueNext[n - 1] = 0 set i_2 = i_2 - 1 endloop call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.1, true, ref_function_checkDelayed) endfunction function TextTag_classname takes nothing returns string return "TextTag" endfunction function registerNewInstanceEntry takes string name returns integer set InstanceBoard_classes = InstanceBoard_classes + 1 set InstanceBoard_nameOfClass[InstanceBoard_classes] = name return InstanceBoard_classes endfunction function init_FloatingText takes nothing returns nothing set ShowInstances_classId = registerNewInstanceEntry(TextTag_classname()) endfunction function Preload_startPreload takes nothing returns nothing call timer_start(getTimer(), 0.0, ref_function_Preload_preload) call timer_start(getTimer(), 1.0, ref_function_Preload_createBackground) endfunction function alloc_Closure_10 takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Action_firstFree == 0 then set Action_maxIndex = Action_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Action_maxIndex else set this_43 = Action_firstFree set Action_firstFree = Action_nextFree[Action_firstFree] set Action_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Action_typeId[this_43] = 729 return this_43 endfunction function texttag_setColor takes texttag this_43, integer col_red, integer col_green, integer col_blue, integer col_alpha returns texttag call SetTextTagColor(this_43, col_red, col_green, col_blue, col_alpha) return this_43 endfunction function texttag_setLifespan takes texttag this_43, real span returns texttag call SetTextTagLifespan(this_43, span) return this_43 endfunction function texttag_setPermanent takes texttag this_43, boolean flag returns texttag call SetTextTagPermanent(this_43, flag) return this_43 endfunction function texttag_setText takes texttag this_43, string text, real size returns texttag call SetTextTagText(this_43, text, size * 0.0023) return this_43 endfunction function vec2_withZ takes real this_x, real this_y, real z returns real set vec2_withZ_return_x = this_x set vec2_withZ_return_y = this_y set vec2_withZ_return_z = z return vec2_withZ_return_x endfunction function createTTEx takes real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z, string message, real size, integer col_red, integer col_green, integer col_blue, integer col_alpha returns texttag local texttag tt = CreateTextTag() call texttag_setPermanent(texttag_setLifespan(texttag_setColor(texttag_setPos(texttag_setText(tt, message, size), vec2_withZ(vec3_toVec2(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z), vec3_toVec2_return_y, 20.), vec2_withZ_return_y, vec2_withZ_return_z), col_red, col_green, col_blue, col_alpha), 2000.), false) set createTTExtempReturn = tt set tt = null return createTTExtempReturn endfunction function alloc_LLEntry takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if LLEntry_firstFree == 0 then set LLEntry_maxIndex = LLEntry_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = LLEntry_maxIndex else set this_43 = LLEntry_firstFree set LLEntry_firstFree = LLEntry_nextFree[LLEntry_firstFree] set LLEntry_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set LLEntry_typeId[this_43] = 2 return this_43 endfunction function construct_LLEntry takes integer this_43, integer elem, integer prev, integer next returns nothing set LLEntry_elem[this_43] = elem set LLEntry_prev[this_43] = prev set LLEntry_next[this_43] = next endfunction function new_LLEntry takes integer elem, integer prev, integer next returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_LLEntry() call construct_LLEntry(this_43, elem, prev, next) return this_43 endfunction function LinkedList_add takes integer this_43, integer elem returns nothing local integer entry = new_LLEntry(elem, LLEntry_prev[LinkedList_dummy[this_43]], LinkedList_dummy[this_43]) set LLEntry_next[LLEntry_prev[LinkedList_dummy[this_43]]] = entry set LLEntry_prev[LinkedList_dummy[this_43]] = entry set LinkedList_size[this_43] = LinkedList_size[this_43] + 1 endfunction function dispatch_LinkedList_add takes integer this_43, integer elem returns nothing if LinkedList_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.add") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called LinkedList.add on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call LinkedList_add(this_43, elem) endfunction function alloc_ControlPoint takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if ControlPoint_firstFree == 0 then set ControlPoint_maxIndex = ControlPoint_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = ControlPoint_maxIndex else set this_43 = ControlPoint_firstFree set ControlPoint_firstFree = ControlPoint_nextFree[ControlPoint_firstFree] set ControlPoint_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set ControlPoint_typeId[this_43] = 627 return this_43 endfunction function createUnit_2 takes player p, integer unitId, real pos_x, real pos_y, real facing_radians returns unit return CreateUnit(p, unitId, pos_x, pos_y, angle_degrees(facing_radians)) endfunction function unit_setUserData takes unit this_43, integer data returns unit call SetUnitUserData(this_43, data) return this_43 endfunction function construct_ControlPoint takes integer this_43, real pos_x, real pos_y, player owner returns nothing local timer t3 local integer tempIndex set ControlPoint_inRange[this_43] = CreateGroup() set ControlPoint_enemyHerosInGroup[this_43] = 0 set ControlPoint_allyHerosInGroup[this_43] = 0 set ControlPoint_enemysInGroup[this_43] = 0 set ControlPoint_allysInGroup[this_43] = 0 set ControlPoint_t1[this_43] = getTimer() set ControlPoint_t2[this_43] = getTimer() set ControlPoint_hp[this_43] = 1. set ControlPoint_clickDummy[this_43] = createUnit_2(owner, ControlPoint_model, pos_x, pos_y, 0.) call unit_addAbility(ControlPoint_clickDummy[this_43], ControlPoint_morphAbi) call unit_setUserData(ControlPoint_clickDummy[this_43], this_43) set ControlPoint_visualDummy[this_43] = createUnit_2(owner, 1747988531, pos_x, pos_y, 0.) set tempIndex = this_43 set ControlPoint_pos[tempIndex] = pos_x - 10. set ControlPoint_pos_2[tempIndex] = pos_y - 25. set ControlPoint_pos_3[tempIndex] = ControlPoint_height set ControlPoint_owner[this_43] = owner call timer_setData(ControlPoint_t1[this_43], this_43) call timer_startPeriodic(ControlPoint_t1[this_43], 0.10, ref_function_ControlPoint_callGroupCheck) call timer_setData(ControlPoint_t2[this_43], this_43) call timer_startPeriodic(ControlPoint_t2[this_43], 0.03, ref_function_ControlPoint_callInRangeActions) set t3 = getTimer() call timer_setData(t3, this_43) call timer_start(t3, 1., ref_function_ControlPoint_hideDummy) set t3 = null endfunction function new_ControlPoint takes real pos_x, real pos_y, player owner returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_ControlPoint() call construct_ControlPoint(this_43, pos_x, pos_y, owner) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_Hero takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Unit_firstFree == 0 then set Unit_maxIndex = Unit_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Unit_maxIndex else set this_43 = Unit_firstFree set Unit_firstFree = Unit_nextFree[Unit_firstFree] set Unit_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Unit_typeId[this_43] = 685 return this_43 endfunction function trigger_registerUnitEvent takes trigger this_43, unit whichUnit, unitevent whichEvent returns trigger call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(this_43, whichUnit, whichEvent) return this_43 endfunction function GetOrders_addOrderDetection takes unit u returns nothing call trigger_registerUnitEvent(GetOrders_orderDetect, u, EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER) call trigger_registerUnitEvent(GetOrders_orderDetect, u, EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER) call trigger_registerUnitEvent(GetOrders_orderDetect, u, EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER) endfunction function alloc_ShieldList takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if ShieldList_firstFree == 0 then set ShieldList_maxIndex = ShieldList_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = ShieldList_maxIndex else set this_43 = ShieldList_firstFree set ShieldList_firstFree = ShieldList_nextFree[ShieldList_firstFree] set ShieldList_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set ShieldList_typeId[this_43] = 616 return this_43 endfunction function construct_ShieldList takes integer this_43 returns nothing set ShieldList_first[this_43] = 0 set ShieldList_last[this_43] = 0 set ShieldList_shieldSum[this_43] = 0. endfunction function new_ShieldList takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_ShieldList() call construct_ShieldList(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_TList takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if TList_firstFree == 0 then set TList_maxIndex = TList_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = TList_maxIndex else set this_43 = TList_firstFree set TList_firstFree = TList_nextFree[TList_firstFree] set TList_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set TList_typeId[this_43] = 12 return this_43 endfunction function construct_TList takes integer this_43 returns nothing set TList_size[this_43] = 0 endfunction function new_TList takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_TList() call construct_TList(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function unit_getMoveSpeed takes unit this_43 returns real return GetUnitMoveSpeed(this_43) endfunction function unit_getOwner takes unit this_43 returns player return GetOwningPlayer(this_43) endfunction function construct_Unit takes integer this_43, unit u, real attack, real mass, real radius, real height, integer bounty returns nothing local multiboarditem mbi local integer i_2 set Unit_attack[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusAttack[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusAttackPer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_armor[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusArmor[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusArmorPer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_life[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusLife[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusLifePer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_mana[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusMana[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusManaPer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_lifeReg[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusLifeReg[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusLifeRegPer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_manaReg[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusManaReg[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusManaRegPer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusAttackspeed[this_43] = 0. set Unit_spellpower[this_43] = 0. set Unit_spellpowerPer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_movespeed[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusMovespeed[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusMovespeedPer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_magicReduction[this_43] = 0. set Unit_normalReduction[this_43] = 0. set Unit_resistance[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusResistance[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusResistancePer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_hitchance[this_43] = 97. set Unit_evade[this_43] = 3. set Unit_critchance[this_43] = 5. set Unit_critdamage[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusDamage[this_43] = 0. set Unit_magicDeflection[this_43] = 0. set Unit_normalDeflection[this_43] = 0. set Unit_lifesteal[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusHeal[this_43] = 0. set Unit_vunerableCount[this_43] = 0 set Unit_vunerable[this_43] = true set Unit_lastDamager[this_43] = 0 set Unit_lastHeroDamager[this_43] = 0 set Unit_mass[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusMass[this_43] = 0. set Unit_bonusMassPer[this_43] = 0. set Unit_knockX[this_43] = 0. set Unit_knockY[this_43] = 0. set Unit_radius[this_43] = 0. set Unit_height[this_43] = 0. set Unit_lastKnocker[this_43] = 0 set Unit_lastCollision[this_43] = 0 set Unit_wallLocX[this_43] = 0. set Unit_wallLocY[this_43] = 0. set Unit_hasKnockback[this_43] = false set Unit_isHero[this_43] = false set Unit_isDead[this_43] = false set Unit_level[this_43] = 1 set Unit_bounty[this_43] = 0 set Unit_ownerId[this_43] = 0 set Unit_owner[this_43] = null set Unit_stun[this_43] = 0 set Unit_damageTT[this_43] = 0 set Unit_healTT[this_43] = 0 set Unit_dotTT[this_43] = 0 set Unit_percentDamage[this_43] = new_Table() set Unit_allDots[this_43] = new_TList() set Unit_allBuffs[this_43] = new_TList() set Unit_causeNormalDamagePre[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeNormalDamageOn[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeNormalDamagePre[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeNormalDamageOn[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeMagicDamagePre[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeMagicDamageOn[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeMagicDamagePre[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeMagicDamageOn[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeHitPre[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeHitOn[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeHitPre[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeHitOn[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeCritHitOn[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeCritHitOn[this_43] = 0 set Unit_onDodge[this_43] = 0 set Unit_onMiss[this_43] = 0 set Unit_onDeath[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeDeath[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeSpell[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeSpell[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeHeal[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeHeal[this_43] = 0 set Unit_takeManaHeal[this_43] = 0 set Unit_causeManaHeal[this_43] = 0 set Unit_ct[this_43] = 0 set Unit_onCapture[this_43] = 0 set InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId_3] = InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId_3] + 1 set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, ShowInstances_classId_3, 1) call multiboarditem_release(multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, int_toString(InstanceBoard_count[ShowInstances_classId_3]))) set Unit_u[this_43] = u set Unit_mass[this_43] = mass set Unit_attack[this_43] = attack set Unit_radius[this_43] = radius set Unit_height[this_43] = height set Unit_bounty[this_43] = bounty set Unit_ownerId[this_43] = GetPlayerId(unit_getOwner(u)) set Unit_life[this_43] = unit_getState(u, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) set Unit_mana[this_43] = unit_getState(u, UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA) set Unit_movespeed[this_43] = unit_getMoveSpeed(u) call trigger_registerUnitEvent(Unit_damageDetect, u, EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED) call SetUnitUserData(u, this_43) set UnitClass_last = this_43 set Unit_shieldList[this_43] = new_ShieldList() set Unit_owner[this_43] = unit_getOwner(u) set i_2 = 0 loop exitwhen i_2 > 11 call dispatch_Table_saveReal(Unit_percentDamage[this_43], i_2, 0.) set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop set mbi = null endfunction function alloc_Bar takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Bar_firstFree == 0 then set Bar_maxIndex = Bar_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Bar_maxIndex else set this_43 = Bar_firstFree set Bar_firstFree = Bar_nextFree[Bar_firstFree] set Bar_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Bar_typeId[this_43] = 618 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Bar takes integer this_43, integer h_2 returns nothing set Bar_isVisible[this_43] = true set Bar_check[this_43] = true set LinkedListModule_size_2 = LinkedListModule_size_2 + 1 if LinkedListModule_size_2 == 1 then set LinkedListModule_first_2 = this_43 set LinkedListModule_prev_2[this_43] = 0 else set LinkedListModule_prev_2[this_43] = LinkedListModule_last_2 set LinkedListModule_next_2[LinkedListModule_last_2] = this_43 set LinkedListModule_prev_2[LinkedListModule_first_2] = this_43 endif set LinkedListModule_next_2[this_43] = 0 set LinkedListModule_last_2 = this_43 set Bar_owner[this_43] = h_2 set Bar_tt[this_43] = CreateTextTag() call texttag_setPos(Bar_tt[this_43], dispatch_Hero_getBarPos(h_2), dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_y, dispatch_Hero_getBarPos_return_z) call texttag_setColor(Bar_tt[this_43], 0, 200, 0, 255) call dispatch_Bar_updateEx(this_43) endfunction function new_Bar takes integer h_2 returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Bar() call construct_Bar(this_43, h_2) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_HandleMap takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if HandleMap_firstFree == 0 then set HandleMap_maxIndex = HandleMap_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = HandleMap_maxIndex else set this_43 = HandleMap_firstFree set HandleMap_firstFree = HandleMap_nextFree[HandleMap_firstFree] set HandleMap_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set HandleMap_typeId[this_43] = 624 return this_43 endfunction function construct_HandleMap takes integer this_43 returns nothing endfunction function new_HandleMap takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_HandleMap() call construct_HandleMap(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_Queue takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Queue_firstFree == 0 then set Queue_maxIndex = Queue_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Queue_maxIndex else set this_43 = Queue_firstFree set Queue_firstFree = Queue_nextFree[Queue_firstFree] set Queue_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Queue_typeId[this_43] = 620 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Queue takes integer this_43 returns nothing set Queue_size[this_43] = 0 set Queue_dummy[this_43] = new_SEntry(0, 0) set Queue_front[this_43] = Queue_dummy[this_43] endfunction function new_Queue takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Queue() call construct_Queue(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function real_asAngleDegrees takes real this_43 returns real return this_43 * Maths_DEGTORAD endfunction function construct_Hero takes integer this_43, unit hero, real attack, real mass, real radius, real height, integer morphAbi, integer bounty returns nothing call construct_Unit(this_43, hero, attack, mass, radius, height, bounty) set Hero_armorBuffer[this_43] = 0 set Hero_attackBuffer[this_43] = 0 set Hero_onAdd[this_43] = false set Hero_wantCapture[this_43] = false set Hero_channelCancel[this_43] = 0 set Hero_animationIndex[this_43] = 0 set Hero_hasPeriodicAnimation[this_43] = false set Hero_animationIntervall[this_43] = 0. set Hero_animationSpeed[this_43] = 100. set Hero_captureOffsetZ[this_43] = 0. set Hero_captureOffsetDistance[this_43] = 0. set Hero_captureEffect[this_43] = null set Hero_captureEffectAttachmentPoint[this_43] = "" set Hero_currentEffect[this_43] = null set Hero_captureOffsetAngle[this_43] = real_asAngleDegrees(0.) set Hero_enableAbility[this_43] = new_HandleMap() set Hero_acceptOrders[this_43] = true set Hero_stillNoOrder[this_43] = false set Hero_mainOrder[this_43] = 0 set Hero_lastOrdered[this_43] = 0 set Hero_castQueue[this_43] = new_Queue() set Hero_spellQ[this_43] = 0 set Hero_spellW[this_43] = 0 set Hero_spellE[this_43] = 0 set Hero_spellR[this_43] = 0 set Hero_spellD[this_43] = 0 set Hero_spellF[this_43] = 0 set LinkedListModule_size_4 = LinkedListModule_size_4 + 1 if LinkedListModule_size_4 == 1 then set LinkedListModule_first_4 = this_43 set LinkedListModule_prev_4[this_43] = 0 else set LinkedListModule_prev_4[this_43] = LinkedListModule_last_4 set LinkedListModule_next_4[LinkedListModule_last_4] = this_43 set LinkedListModule_prev_4[LinkedListModule_first_4] = this_43 endif set LinkedListModule_next_4[this_43] = 0 set LinkedListModule_last_4 = this_43 set Hero_agi[this_43] = int_toReal(GetHeroAgi(hero, false)) set Hero_str[this_43] = int_toReal(GetHeroStr(hero, false)) set Hero_inte[this_43] = int_toReal(GetHeroInt(hero, false)) set Hero_morphAbi[this_43] = morphAbi set Hero_hb[this_43] = new_Bar(this_43) set Unit_isHero[this_43] = true call unit_addAbility(hero, 1095917932) call unit_addAbility(hero, morphAbi) call unit_addAbility(hero, Spell_cleanSpellbook) call unit_addAbility(hero, 1514234228) call unit_addAbility(hero, 1514238836) call unit_addAbility(hero, 1514238819) call unit_addAbility(hero, 1702390132) call trigger_registerUnitEvent(Hero_castDetect, hero, EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CAST) call GetOrders_addOrderDetection(hero) endfunction function new_Hero takes unit hero, real attack, real mass, real radius, real height, integer morphAbi, integer bounty returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Hero() call construct_Hero(this_43, hero, attack, mass, radius, height, morphAbi, bounty) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_LinkedList takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if LinkedList_firstFree == 0 then set LinkedList_maxIndex = LinkedList_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = LinkedList_maxIndex else set this_43 = LinkedList_firstFree set LinkedList_firstFree = LinkedList_nextFree[LinkedList_firstFree] set LinkedList_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set LinkedList_typeId[this_43] = 1 return this_43 endfunction function construct_LinkedList takes integer this_43 returns nothing set LinkedList_size[this_43] = 0 set LinkedList_dummy[this_43] = new_LLEntry(0, 0, 0) set LLEntry_next[LinkedList_dummy[this_43]] = LinkedList_dummy[this_43] set LLEntry_prev[LinkedList_dummy[this_43]] = LinkedList_dummy[this_43] endfunction function new_LinkedList takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_LinkedList() call construct_LinkedList(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_Player takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Player_firstFree == 0 then set Player_maxIndex = Player_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Player_maxIndex else set this_43 = Player_firstFree set Player_firstFree = Player_nextFree[Player_firstFree] set Player_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Player_typeId[this_43] = 701 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Player takes integer this_43, player p returns nothing set Player_h[this_43] = 0 set Player_team[this_43] = Setup_team1 set Player_kills[this_43] = 0 set Player_assists[this_43] = 0 set Player_death[this_43] = 0 set Player_selectionOn[this_43] = false set Player_camSet[this_43] = getTimer() set Player_sightfield[this_43] = 60. set Player_perspektiv[this_43] = 295. set PlayerClass_lastp = this_43 set Player_p[this_43] = p call dispatch_HandleMap_put(PlayerClass_playerData, p, this_43) endfunction function new_Player takes player p returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Player() call construct_Player(this_43, p) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_SimpleEvent takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Event_firstFree == 0 then set Event_maxIndex = Event_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Event_maxIndex else set this_43 = Event_firstFree set Event_firstFree = Event_nextFree[Event_firstFree] set Event_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Event_typeId[this_43] = 699 return this_43 endfunction function construct_SimpleEvent takes integer this_43 returns nothing call construct_Event(this_43) endfunction function new_SimpleEvent takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_SimpleEvent() call construct_SimpleEvent(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_TestSpell1Setup takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Spell_firstFree == 0 then set Spell_maxIndex = Spell_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Spell_maxIndex else set this_43 = Spell_firstFree set Spell_firstFree = Spell_nextFree[Spell_firstFree] set Spell_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Spell_typeId[this_43] = 715 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Spell takes integer this_43, integer owner, integer st returns nothing local integer temp set Spell_lvl[this_43] = 1 set Spell_owner[this_43] = owner set Spell_st[this_43] = st set temp = st if temp == 0 then set Hero_spellQ[owner] = this_43 elseif temp == 1 then set Hero_spellW[owner] = this_43 elseif temp == 2 then set Hero_spellE[owner] = this_43 elseif temp == 3 then set Hero_spellR[owner] = this_43 elseif temp == 4 then set Hero_spellD[owner] = this_43 elseif temp == 5 then set Hero_spellF[owner] = this_43 endif endfunction function SpellSetup_setSpellType takes integer this_43, integer sp returns nothing set SpellSetup_sp[this_43] = sp call dispatch_ObjId_setId1(SpellSetup_castDummy[this_43], SpellType_toId(sp)) endfunction function dispatch_SpellSetup_setSpellType takes integer this_43, integer sp returns nothing if SpellSetup_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling SpellSetup.setSpellType") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called SpellSetup.setSpellType on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call SpellSetup_setSpellType(this_43, sp) endfunction function TargetType_toId takes integer this_43 returns integer local integer temp = this_43 if temp == 0 then return 48 elseif temp == 1 then return 49 elseif temp == 2 then return 50 elseif temp == 3 then return 51 else return -1 endif endfunction function ObjId_setId4_2 takes integer this_43, integer char4 returns nothing set ObjId_id4[this_43] = char4 endfunction function dispatch_ObjId_setId4_2 takes integer this_43, integer char4 returns nothing if ObjId_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling ObjId.setId4") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called ObjId.setId4 on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call ObjId_setId4_2(this_43, char4) endfunction function SpellSetup_setTargetType takes integer this_43, integer tt returns nothing call dispatch_ObjId_setId4_2(SpellSetup_castDummy[this_43], TargetType_toId(tt)) endfunction function dispatch_SpellSetup_setTargetType takes integer this_43, integer tt returns nothing if SpellSetup_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling SpellSetup.setTargetType") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called SpellSetup.setTargetType on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call SpellSetup_setTargetType(this_43, tt) endfunction function HashMap_put takes integer this_43, integer key, integer value returns nothing call hashtable_saveInt(HashMap_ht, this_43, key, value) endfunction function dispatch_HashMap_put takes integer this_43, integer key, integer value returns nothing if HashMap_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling HashMap.put") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called HashMap.put on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call HashMap_put(this_43, key, value) endfunction function Spell_readSetup takes integer this_43, integer ss returns nothing set Spell_spell[this_43] = SpellSetup_spell[ss] set Spell_spellbook[this_43] = SpellSetup_spellbook[ss] set Spell_castDummy[this_43] = dispatch_ObjId_getId(SpellSetup_castDummy[ss]) set Spell_maxLvl[this_43] = SpellSetup_maxLvl[ss] call dispatch_HashMap_put(Hero_abiIdToSpell, Spell_spell[this_43], this_43) call unit_addAbility(Unit_u[Spell_owner[this_43]], Spell_spellbook[this_43]) call unit_addAbility(Unit_u[Spell_owner[this_43]], Spell_spell[this_43]) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Unit_owner[Spell_owner[this_43]], Spell_spellbook[this_43], false) endfunction function dispatch_Spell_readSetup takes integer this_43, integer ss returns nothing if Spell_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling Spell.readSetup") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called Spell.readSetup on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 713 then if Spell_typeId[this_43] <= 642 then call Spell_readSetup(this_43, ss) else call Spell_readSetup(this_43, ss) endif else call Spell_readSetup(this_43, ss) endif endfunction function construct_PointSpell takes integer this_43, integer owner, integer ss, integer st returns nothing call construct_Spell(this_43, owner, st) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setTargetType(ss, 2) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setSpellType(ss, st) call dispatch_Spell_readSetup(this_43, ss) endfunction function construct_TestSpell1Setup takes integer this_43, integer owner, integer st returns nothing call construct_PointSpell(this_43, owner, TestSpell1Setup_setup, st) endfunction function new_TestSpell1Setup takes integer owner, integer st returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_TestSpell1Setup() call construct_TestSpell1Setup(this_43, owner, st) return this_43 endfunction function playerFromIndex_2 takes integer i_2 returns player call hashtable_saveFogStateHandle(PrimitiveIndexes_ht, 0, 0, ConvertFogState(i_2)) return hashtable_loadPlayerHandle(PrimitiveIndexes_ht, 0, 0) endfunction function trigger_registerPlayerChatEvent takes trigger this_43, player whichPlayer, string chatMessageToDetect, boolean exactMatchOnly returns trigger call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(this_43, whichPlayer, chatMessageToDetect, exactMatchOnly) return this_43 endfunction function init_GameStart takes nothing returns nothing local integer i_2 local trigger blub local integer wurst__iterator0 local player p local trigger charTestTrig local integer i_3 local integer h_2 local integer clVar local integer temp set GameStart_testt = trigger_addAction(CreateTrigger(), ref_function_setCallLimit) set GameStart_lastBon = 0 set GameStart_hp = 0. set GameStart_testc = 0 set GameStart_testi = 0 set GameStart_ttSize = 0.0300 set GameStart_testr = 0. set GameStart_tests = null set GameStart_testSpell = 0 set GameStart_testChar = "" set GameStart_testTag = createTTEx(0., 0., 0., "||||||||||||||||||||", 10., 255, 255, 255, 255) set GameStart_testg = CreateGroup() set GameStart_progress = 0 set GameStart_recursionCounter = 0 set GameStart_testd = CreateDestructable(1231253358, Setup_menuStart_x + 20., Setup_menuStart_y + 10., 0., 1., 1) set GameStart_callLimit = 1 set GameStart_tList = new_TList() set GameStart_lList = new_LinkedList() set i_2 = 0 loop exitwhen i_2 > 11 if GetPlayerSlotState(Player(i_2)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING and GetPlayerController(Player(i_2)) == MAP_CONTROL_USER then call dispatch_LinkedList_add(Setup_allPlayers, playerToIndex(Player(i_2))) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i_2), 1514238056, false) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i_2), 1514234228, false) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i_2), 1514238836, false) call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(Player(i_2), 1514238819, false) endif set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop call timer_startPeriodic(getTimer(), 0.5, ref_function_Dot_loopList) call timer_startPeriodic(getTimer(), 0.03, ref_function_callKnockback) set blub = CreateTrigger() call trigger_addAction(blub, ref_function_camTest) call trigger_registerPlayerChatEvent(blub, Player(0), "", false) call new_ControlPoint(2000., 0., Player(1)) call new_ControlPoint(-2000., 0., Player(0)) call EnablePreSelect(false, false) call timer_startPeriodic(getTimer(), 0.1, ref_function_forceKey) set wurst__iterator0 = dispatch_LinkedList_iterator(Setup_allPlayers) loop exitwhen not dispatch_LLIterator_hasNext(wurst__iterator0) set p = playerFromIndex_2(dispatch_LLIterator_next(wurst__iterator0)) call new_Player(p) endloop call dispatch_LLIterator_close(wurst__iterator0) set charTestTrig = trigger_addAction(CreateTrigger(), ref_function_charMessung) call trigger_registerAnyUnitEvent(charTestTrig, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER) set i_3 = 1 loop exitwhen i_3 > 1 set h_2 = new_Hero(CreateUnit(Player(0), 1211117617, 0., 0., 0.), 20., 100., 50., 150., 1095911493, 100) set Hero_animationIndex[h_2] = 7 set Hero_captureOffsetDistance[h_2] = 35. set Hero_captureOffsetZ[h_2] = 20. set Hero_captureEffectAttachmentPoint[h_2] = "weapton" set Hero_captureEffect[h_2] = "Abilities\\Weapons\\FarseerMissile\\FarseerMissile.mdl" set GameStart_testSpell = new_TestSpell1Setup(h_2, 0) set i_3 = i_3 + 1 endloop call trigger_registerPlayerChatEvent(GameStart_testt, Player(0), "", false) call TriggerRegisterPlayerEventEndCinematic(trigger_addAction(CreateTrigger(), ref_function_onEsc), Player(0)) call Preload_startPreload() call timer_startPeriodic(getTimer(), 0.1, ref_function_textTag) set Preload_maxProgress = 20.33 set Preload_progress = 0. set Preload_preloadStatus = 0 set Preload_preloadEnd = new_SimpleEvent() set Preload_showProgress = false set Preload_trackCounter = 0 set Preload_trackTrig = CreateTrigger() set Preload_trackPos_i1 = 1 set Preload_trackPos_i2 = 1 set Preload_preloadDummy = CreateUnit(Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER, 1211117617, 0., 0., 0.) set Preload_abiCounter = 0 set Preload_itemCounter = 0 set temp = Preload_preloadEnd set clVar = alloc_Closure_10() call dispatch_Event_addAction(temp, clVar) set blub = null set p = null set charTestTrig = null endfunction function init_GameTimer takes nothing returns nothing set GameTimer_gameTimer = CreateTimer() call timer_start(GameTimer_gameTimer, 100000., null) endfunction function init_HandleCounter takes nothing returns nothing set HandleCounter_TITLE = "HandleCounter" set HandleCounter_board = null set HandleCounter_boardTimer = getTimer() set HandleCounter_HANDLE = Player(0) set HandleCounter_HANDLE_TEXT = "current handlecount" set HandleCounter_MAX_HANDLE = Player(1) set HandleCounter_MAX_HANDLE_TEXT = "max handlecount" set HandleCounter_TIME_TEXT = "current time" set HandleCounter_TIME = Player(2) set HandleCounter_updatePeriod = 0.25 set HandleCounter_stackEndTreshold = 15 set HandleCounter_clock = getTimer() set HandleCounter_seconds = 0 set HandleCounter_maxHandleCount = 0 call TimerStart(HandleCounter_clock, 1., true, ref_function_updateTime) endfunction function init_HandleMap takes nothing returns nothing set HandleMap_ht = InitHashtable() endfunction function init_HashMap takes nothing returns nothing set HashMap_ht = InitHashtable() endfunction function init_Helper takes nothing returns nothing local integer i_2 = 0 loop exitwhen i_2 > 31 set Helper_pow2[i_2] = R2I(Pow(2., I2R(i_2))) set i_2 = i_2 + 1 endloop endfunction function init_HeroBar takes nothing returns nothing set HeroBar_hpColor = "|c00009900" set HeroBar_hpColorDead = "|c00003300" set HeroBar_shieldColor = "|c00999999" set HeroBar_mpColor = "|c000000AA" set HeroBar_mpColorDead = "|c00000022" set HeroBar_endColor = "|r" set HeroBar_marker = "|c00000000|||r" set HeroBar_bar = "|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" set HeroBar_realBarCount = 125 set HeroBar_fakeBarCount = 250 set HeroBar_seperateAt = 250 set Bar_updatePos = timer_startPeriodic(getTimer(), 0.01, ref_function_Bar_updatePos) set Bar_updateVision = timer_startPeriodic(getTimer(), 0.25, ref_function_Bar_updateVision) set LinkedListModule_first_2 = 0 set LinkedListModule_last_2 = 0 set LinkedListModule_size_2 = 0 endfunction function init_HeroClass takes nothing returns nothing set HeroClass_heroCount = 0 set Hero_castDetect = trigger_addAction(CreateTrigger(), ref_function_Hero_handleCasts) set Hero_abiIdToSpell = new_HashMap() set Hero_checkOrders = timer_startPeriodic(getTimer(), 0.01, ref_function_Hero_checkOrders) set GetOrders_orderDetect = trigger_addAction(CreateTrigger(), ref_function_GetOrders_callOnOrder) set LinkedListModule_first_4 = 0 set LinkedListModule_last_4 = 0 set LinkedListModule_size_4 = 0 endfunction function init_Icon takes nothing returns nothing set Icon_animationSpeedHover = 3.5 endfunction function init_ImageEx takes nothing returns nothing set Image_resizeRateConstant = 0.015 set Image_fadeTicks = 8 set Image_resizeTicks = 8 set Image_timerOwner = new_HandleMap() set Image_tick = new_HandleMap() endfunction function init_InstanceBoard takes nothing returns nothing set InstanceBoard_classes = 0 set InstanceBoard_ht = InitHashtable() set InstanceBoard_mb = null call timer_start(getTimer(), 0.0, ref_function_createMultiboard) endfunction function init_Lightning takes nothing returns nothing set Lightning_CHAIN_LIGHTNING_PRIMARY = "CLPB" set Lightning_CHAIN_LIGHTNING_SECONDARY = "CLSB" set Lightning_DRAIN = "DRAB" set Lightning_DRAIN_LIFE = "DRAL" set Lightning_DRAIN_MANA = "DRAM" set Lightning_FINGER_OF_DEATH = "AFOD" set Lightning_FORKED_LIGHTNING = "FORK" set Lightning_HEALING_WAVE_PRIMARY = "HWPB" set Lightning_HEALING_WAVE_SECONDARY = "HWSB" set Lightning_LIGHTNING_ATTACK = "CHIM" set Lightning_MAGIC_LEASH = "LEAS" set Lightning_MANA_BURN = "MBUR" set Lightning_MANA_FLARE = "MFPB" set Lightning_SPIRIT_LINK = "SPLK" endfunction function init_MapBounds takes nothing returns nothing set MapBounds_mapRect = GetPlayableMapRect() set MapBounds_mapMinX = GetRectMinX(MapBounds_mapRect) set MapBounds_mapMinY = GetRectMinY(MapBounds_mapRect) set MapBounds_mapMaxX = GetRectMaxX(MapBounds_mapRect) set MapBounds_mapMaxY = GetRectMaxY(MapBounds_mapRect) set MapBounds_mapCenter_x = (MapBounds_mapMaxX + MapBounds_mapMinX) / 2. set MapBounds_mapCenter_y = (MapBounds_mapMinY + MapBounds_mapMaxY) / 2. endfunction function init_Maths takes nothing returns nothing set Maths_PI = 3.141592654 set Maths_PI2 = 6.28318 set Maths_PIHALF = 1.570796326 set Maths_DEGTORAD = 0.017453293 set Maths_RADTODEG = 57.295779513 endfunction function init_Menu takes nothing returns nothing set Menu_clickingPlayer = 0 set Menu_clickedButton = 0 set Menu_buttons = new_TList() set Menu_index = new_MenuIndexer() endfunction function Order_classname takes nothing returns string return "Order" endfunction function init_OrderHandling takes nothing returns nothing set OrderHandling_smartId = 851971 set OrderHandling_stopId = 852529 set OrderHandling_attackId = 852662 set OrderHandling_scoreboardId = 852185 set OrderHandling_exitDetectId = 852131 set OrderHandling_skillMenuId = 852131 set OrderHandling_stopSpell = 1937010544 set OrderHandling_attackSpell = 1635021931 set OrderHandling_scoreboardSpell = 1935896434 set OrderHandling_exitDetectSpell = 1702390132 set OrderHandling_qSpellNoTarget = 1364414512 set OrderHandling_qSpellUnitTarget = 1364414513 set OrderHandling_qSpellPointTarget = 1364414514 set OrderHandling_qSpellUnitPointTarget = 1364414515 set OrderHandling_wSpellNoTarget = 1465077812 set OrderHandling_wSpellUnitTarget = 1465077809 set OrderHandling_wSpellPointTarget = 1465077810 set OrderHandling_wSpellUnitPointTarget = 1465077811 set OrderHandling_eSpellNoTarget = 1163087920 set OrderHandling_eSpellUnitTarget = 1163087921 set OrderHandling_eSpellPointTarget = 1163087922 set OrderHandling_eSpellUnitPointTarget = 1163087923 set OrderHandling_rSpellNoTarget = 1381191728 set OrderHandling_rSpellUnitTarget = 1381191729 set OrderHandling_rSpellPointTarget = 1381191730 set OrderHandling_rSpellUnitPointTarget = 1381191731 set OrderHandling_dSpellNoTarget = 1146310704 set OrderHandling_dSpellUnitTarget = 1146310705 set OrderHandling_dSpellPointTarget = 1146310706 set OrderHandling_dSpellUnitPointTarget = 1146310707 set OrderHandling_fSpellNoTarget = 1179865136 set OrderHandling_fpellUnitTarget = 1179865137 set OrderHandling_fSpellPointTarget = 1179865138 set OrderHandling_fSpellUnitPointTarget = 1179865139 set ShowInstances_classId_2 = registerNewInstanceEntry(Order_classname()) set MoveOrder_moveOrderId = 851986 set AttackOrder_atkOrderId = 852541 endfunction function init_PlayerClass takes nothing returns nothing set PlayerClass_lastp = 0 set PlayerClass_camDistance = 3000. set PlayerClass_camAngle = 90. set PlayerClass_camWidth = 1000. set PlayerClass_camHeightLow = 2000. set PlayerClass_camHeightHigh = -200. set PlayerClass_playerData = new_HandleMap() endfunction function init_PreloadHandler takes nothing returns nothing set PreloadHandler_dum = CreateUnit(Player(15), Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID, 0., 0., 0.) if PreloadHandler_dum == null then call printError("xePreload : DUMMY_UNITID (" + debugIdInteger2IdString(Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID) + ") not added correctly to the map.") endif call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.0, false, ref_function_kill) endfunction function init_PrimitiveIndexes takes nothing returns nothing set PrimitiveIndexes_ht = InitHashtable() endfunction function init_PrintingHelper takes nothing returns nothing set PrintingHelper_DEBUG_LEVEL = 3 set PrintingHelper_DEBUG_MSG_DURATION = 45. set PrintingHelper_msgcount = 0 endfunction function trigger_addCondition takes trigger this_43, boolexpr condition returns trigger call TriggerAddCondition(this_43, condition) return this_43 endfunction function init_Pull2 takes nothing returns nothing local trigger t = CreateTrigger() call trigger_addCondition(t, Condition(ref_function_spellCondition)) call trigger_addAction(t, ref_function_spellStart) call trigger_registerAnyUnitEvent(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST) set t = null endfunction function init_RTable takes nothing returns nothing set RTable_tableSize = 8192 endfunction function init_Rect takes nothing returns nothing set Rect_sourceTable = new_Table() set Rect_regionData = new_Table() endfunction function init_RockThrow takes nothing returns nothing endfunction function init_RunningMazeChecker takes nothing returns nothing set RunningMazeChecker_tileWidth = 64. endfunction function SpellSetup_setDummySpellBook takes integer this_43, integer abiCode returns nothing set SpellSetup_spellbook[this_43] = abiCode endfunction function dispatch_SpellSetup_setDummySpellBook takes integer this_43, integer abiCode returns nothing if SpellSetup_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling SpellSetup.setDummySpellBook") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called SpellSetup.setDummySpellBook on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call SpellSetup_setDummySpellBook(this_43, abiCode) endfunction function SpellSetup_setMaxLvl takes integer this_43, integer lvl returns nothing set SpellSetup_maxLvl[this_43] = lvl endfunction function dispatch_SpellSetup_setMaxLvl takes integer this_43, integer lvl returns nothing if SpellSetup_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling SpellSetup.setMaxLvl") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called SpellSetup.setMaxLvl on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call SpellSetup_setMaxLvl(this_43, lvl) endfunction function SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints takes integer this_43, integer lvl, integer points returns nothing call dispatch_Table_saveInt(SpellSetup_pointCost[this_43], lvl, points) endfunction function dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints takes integer this_43, integer lvl, integer points returns nothing if SpellSetup_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling SpellSetup.setNeededSkillpoints") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called SpellSetup.setNeededSkillpoints on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(this_43, lvl, points) endfunction function SpellSetup_setSpell takes integer this_43, integer abiCode returns nothing set SpellSetup_spell[this_43] = abiCode endfunction function dispatch_SpellSetup_setSpell takes integer this_43, integer abiCode returns nothing if SpellSetup_typeId[this_43] == 0 then if this_43 == 0 then call BJDebugMsg("Nullpointer exception when calling SpellSetup.setSpell") call I2S(1 / 0) else call BJDebugMsg("Called SpellSetup.setSpell on invalid object.") call I2S(1 / 0) endif endif call SpellSetup_setSpell(this_43, abiCode) endfunction function TestSpell1Setup_setSpellData takes integer ss returns integer call dispatch_SpellSetup_setSpell(ss, 1952805681) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setDummySpellBook(ss, 1514239025) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setMaxLvl(ss, 5) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 1, 1) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 2, 1) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 3, 2) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 4, 2) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 5, 3) return ss endfunction function alloc_SpellSetup takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if SpellSetup_firstFree == 0 then set SpellSetup_maxIndex = SpellSetup_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = SpellSetup_maxIndex else set this_43 = SpellSetup_firstFree set SpellSetup_firstFree = SpellSetup_nextFree[SpellSetup_firstFree] set SpellSetup_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set SpellSetup_typeId[this_43] = 636 return this_43 endfunction function construct_SpellSetup takes integer this_43 returns nothing set SpellSetup_castDummy[this_43] = new_ObjId() set SpellSetup_pointCost[this_43] = new_Table() call dispatch_ObjId_setId2(SpellSetup_castDummy[this_43], 83) call dispatch_ObjId_setId3(SpellSetup_castDummy[this_43], 80) endfunction function new_SpellSetup takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_SpellSetup() call construct_SpellSetup(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function init_SampleSpells takes nothing returns nothing set TestSpell1Setup_setup = TestSpell1Setup_setSpellData(new_SpellSetup()) set TestSpell1_animationType = 7 endfunction function cBonData takes integer raw, integer size returns integer set cBonData_return_raw = raw set cBonData_return_size = size return cBonData_return_raw endfunction function alloc_DebugFile takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if DebugFile_firstFree == 0 then set DebugFile_maxIndex = DebugFile_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = DebugFile_maxIndex else set this_43 = DebugFile_firstFree set DebugFile_firstFree = DebugFile_nextFree[DebugFile_firstFree] set DebugFile_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set DebugFile_typeId[this_43] = 607 return this_43 endfunction function construct_DebugFile takes integer this_43, string filename returns nothing set DebugFile_buffer[this_43] = "" set DebugFile_content[this_43] = new_Table() set DebugFile_currentLine[this_43] = 0 set DebugFile_filename[this_43] = filename endfunction function new_DebugFile takes string filename returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_DebugFile() call construct_DebugFile(this_43, filename) return this_43 endfunction function alloc_Table3D takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if Table3D_firstFree == 0 then set Table3D_maxIndex = Table3D_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = Table3D_maxIndex else set this_43 = Table3D_firstFree set Table3D_firstFree = Table3D_nextFree[Table3D_firstFree] set Table3D_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set Table3D_typeId[this_43] = 605 return this_43 endfunction function construct_Table3D takes integer this_43, integer key3IndexSize returns nothing set Table3D_ht[this_43] = InitHashtable() set Table3D_key3IndexSize[this_43] = 0 set Table3D_key3IndexSize[this_43] = key3IndexSize endfunction function new_Table3D takes integer key3IndexSize returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_Table3D() call construct_Table3D(this_43, key3IndexSize) return this_43 endfunction function init_Setup takes nothing returns nothing local integer i1 local integer temp local integer i2 local integer temp_2 set Setup_timeTest = null set Setup_maxBonSize = 13 set Setup_attackRaw_raw = cBonData(676800816, 0) set Setup_attackRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_attackSpeedRaw_raw = cBonData(675883312, 0) set Setup_attackSpeedRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_armorRaw_raw = cBonData(675883312, 0) set Setup_armorRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_lifeRaw_raw = cBonData(675883312, 0) set Setup_lifeRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_manaRaw_raw = cBonData(675883312, 0) set Setup_manaRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_agiRaw_raw = cBonData(675883312, 0) set Setup_agiRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_strRaw_raw = cBonData(675883312, 0) set Setup_strRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_intRaw_raw = cBonData(675883312, 0) set Setup_intRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_lifeRegRaw_raw = cBonData(675883312, 0) set Setup_lifeRegRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_manaRegRaw_raw = cBonData(675883312, 0) set Setup_manaRegRaw_size = cBonData_return_size set Setup_preloadAbi = new_TList() set Setup_permAttackTomeId = new_TList() set Setup_infoFile = new_DebugFile("Info") set Setup_errorFile = new_DebugFile("Error") set Setup_debugFile = new_DebugFile("Debug") set Setup_charMap = ".................................!.#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>.@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[.]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~................................................................................................................................." set Setup_allPlayers = new_LinkedList() set Setup_team1 = "Wargrin" set Setup_team2 = "Everliving" set Setup_recycleGraveyard_x = 0. set Setup_recycleGraveyard_y = 0. set Setup_menuStart_x = 1000. set Setup_menuStart_y = 0. set Setup_trackBlacklist = InitHashtable() set Setup_trackableTrackTrigger = CreateTrigger() set Setup_trackableHitTrigger = CreateTrigger() set Setup_trackableDoubleHitTrigger = CreateTrigger() set Setup_trackableMap = new_Table3D(20) set Setup_menuHeight = 22 set Setup_menuWidth = 44 set Setup_abilityLoadTime = 0.1 set Setup_abilityLoadTimeLevelBonus = 0.03 call hashtable_saveBoolean(Setup_trackBlacklist, 1, 1, true) set i1 = 675359073 set temp = 256 * 256 loop exitwhen i1 > 675752289 set i2 = i1 set temp_2 = i1 + 10 loop exitwhen i2 > temp_2 set i2 = i2 + 1 endloop set i1 = i1 + temp endloop set Setup_attackPerm[0] = 676997473 set Setup_attackPerm[1] = 676997474 set Setup_attackPerm[2] = 676997475 set Setup_attackPerm[3] = 676997476 set Setup_attackPerm[4] = 676997477 set Setup_attackPerm[5] = 676997478 set Setup_attackPerm[6] = 676997479 set Setup_attackPerm[7] = 676997480 set Setup_attackPerm[8] = 676997481 call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_permAttackTomeId, 676997482) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_permAttackTomeId, 676997483) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_permAttackTomeId, 676997484) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_permAttackTomeId, 676997485) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_permAttackTomeId, 676997486) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_permAttackTomeId, 676997487) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_permAttackTomeId, 676997488) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_permAttackTomeId, 676997489) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_permAttackTomeId, 676997490) set Setup_permAttackNegTomeId = 676997491 call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359073) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359074) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359075) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359076) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359077) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359078) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359079) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359080) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359081) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359082) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675359021) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424609) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424610) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424611) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424612) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424613) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424614) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424615) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424616) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424617) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424618) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675424557) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997473) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997474) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997475) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997476) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997477) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997478) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997479) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997480) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997481) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676997492) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883361) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883362) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883363) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883364) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883365) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883366) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883367) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883368) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883369) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675883309) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931937) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931938) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931939) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931940) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931941) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931942) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931943) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931944) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931945) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931946) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931947) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931948) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676931885) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866401) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866402) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866403) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866404) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866405) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866406) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866407) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866408) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866409) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866410) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866411) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866412) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676866349) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686753) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686754) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686755) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686756) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686757) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686758) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686759) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686760) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686761) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675686701) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752289) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752290) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752291) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752292) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752293) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752294) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752295) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752296) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752297) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675752237) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817825) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817826) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817827) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817828) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817829) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817830) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817831) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817832) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817833) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 675817773) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800865) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800866) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800867) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800868) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800869) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800870) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800871) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800872) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800873) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800874) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800875) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676800876) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735329) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735330) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735331) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735332) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735333) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735334) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735335) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735336) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735337) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735338) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735339) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 676735340) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 1213226795) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 1213226797) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 1297112875) call dispatch_TList_add(Setup_preloadAbi, 1297112877) endfunction function init_Spell takes nothing returns nothing set Spell_qSpellId = 852490 set Spell_wSpellId = 852491 set Spell_eSpellId = 852217 set Spell_rSpellId = 852186 set Spell_dSpellId = 852576 set Spell_fSpellId = 852215 set Spell_cleanSpellbook = 1514237281 endfunction function init_SpellDesignConfig takes nothing returns nothing set SpellDesignConfig_TITLECOLOR = "|cff3B97D3" set SpellDesignConfig_TITLE_COOLDOWN = "Cooldown:" set SpellDesignConfig_TITLE_TTYPE = "Target Type:" set SpellDesignConfig_TITLE_EFFECT = "Effect:" endfunction function SamplePointSpellSetup_setSpellData takes integer ss returns integer call dispatch_SpellSetup_setSpell(ss, 1094861636) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setDummySpellBook(ss, 1162233672) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setMaxLvl(ss, 5) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 1, 1) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 2, 1) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 3, 2) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 4, 2) call dispatch_SpellSetup_setNeededSkillpoints(ss, 5, 3) return ss endfunction function init_SpellTemplate takes nothing returns nothing set SamplePointSpellSetup_setup = SamplePointSpellSetup_setSpellData(new_SpellSetup()) endfunction function string_length takes string this_43 returns integer return StringLength(this_43) endfunction function init_String takes nothing returns nothing set String_charset = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" set String_numberset = "0123456789" set String_numbersetlength = string_length(String_numberset) set String_charsetlength = string_length(String_charset) endfunction function init_TList takes nothing returns nothing set TList_ht = InitHashtable() endfunction function init_Table takes nothing returns nothing set Table_ht = InitHashtable() endfunction function init_Terrain takes nothing returns nothing set Terrain_MAX_RANGE = 10. set Terrain_DUMMY_ITEM_ID = 2003790951 set Terrain_tempLoc = Location(0., 0.) set Terrain_worldRect = GetWorldBounds() set Terrain_dItem = null set Terrain_find = null set Terrain_hidMax = 0 set Terrain_X = 0. set Terrain_Y = 0. set Terrain_find = Rect(0., 0., 128., 128.) set Terrain_dItem = CreateItem(Terrain_DUMMY_ITEM_ID, 0., 0.) call SetItemVisible(Terrain_dItem, false) set Terrain_minWorldX = GetRectMinX(Terrain_worldRect) set Terrain_minWorldY = GetRectMinY(Terrain_worldRect) set Terrain_maxWorldX = GetRectMaxX(Terrain_worldRect) set Terrain_maxWorldY = GetRectMaxY(Terrain_worldRect) endfunction function Word_classname takes nothing returns string return "Word" endfunction function init_TextHelper takes nothing returns nothing set TextHelper_charLengthFactor = 0.95 set Word_allWords = new_LinkedList() set ShowInstances_classId_4 = registerNewInstanceEntry(Word_classname()) endfunction function init_TextTagEx takes nothing returns nothing set TextTagEx_standardColor_red = 255 set TextTagEx_standardColor_green = 255 set TextTagEx_standardColor_blue = 255 set TextTagEx_standardColor_alpha = 255 set TextTagEx_resizeRateConstant = 0.015 set TextTagEx_fadeTicks = 8 set TextTagEx_resizeTicks = 8 set TextTagEx_timerOwner = new_HandleMap() set TextTagEx_tick = new_HandleMap() endfunction function init_TimedEffect takes nothing returns nothing set TimedEffect_effectData = new_Table() endfunction function init_TimerUtils takes nothing returns nothing set TimerUtils_freeTimersCount = 0 set TimerUtils_timerData = new_Table() set TimerUtils_HELD = 679645218 endfunction function init_Trackable takes nothing returns nothing set Trackable_trackData = new_HandleMap() set Trackable_doubleHitSpeed = 0.5 set Trackable_doubleHitDetect = trigger_addAction(CreateTrigger(), ref_function_doubleHit) set Trackable_triggeringTrackable = null endfunction function alloc_HTable takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 if HTable_firstFree == 0 then set HTable_maxIndex = HTable_maxIndex + 1 set this_43 = HTable_maxIndex else set this_43 = HTable_firstFree set HTable_firstFree = HTable_nextFree[HTable_firstFree] set HTable_nextFree[this_43] = 0 endif set HTable_typeId[this_43] = 700 return this_43 endfunction function construct_HTable takes integer this_43 returns nothing set HTable_ht[this_43] = InitHashtable() endfunction function new_HTable takes nothing returns integer local integer this_43 = alloc_HTable() call construct_HTable(this_43) return this_43 endfunction function init_TrackableEventHandler takes nothing returns nothing set TrackableEventHandler_trackableTrackAction = new_HTable() set TrackableEventHandler_trackableHitAction = new_HTable() set TrackableEventHandler_trackableDoubleHitAction = new_HTable() call trigger_addAction(Setup_trackableHitTrigger, ref_function_trackableHitHandler) call trigger_addAction(Setup_trackableTrackTrigger, ref_function_trackableTrackHandler) call trigger_addAction(Setup_trackableDoubleHitTrigger, ref_function_trackableDoubleHitHandler) endfunction function init_Trigger takes nothing returns nothing set Trigger_triggerData = new_Table() endfunction function init_TypeCasting takes nothing returns nothing set TypeCasting_typecastdata = new_Table() endfunction function Unit_classname takes nothing returns string return "Unit" endfunction function init_UnitClass takes nothing returns nothing set Unit_bounceFactor = 1. set Unit_knockbackFactor = 6000. set Unit_basicAttackspeed = 0.5 set Unit_damageDetect = trigger_addAction(CreateTrigger(), ref_function_Unit_tookDamage) set ShowInstances_classId_3 = registerNewInstanceEntry(Unit_classname()) set UnitClass_knocklist = new_TList() endfunction function main takes nothing returns nothing call initGlobals() call SetCameraBounds(( - 3328.0) + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), ( - 3584.0) + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM), 3328.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), 3072.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), ( - 3328.0) + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_LEFT), 3072.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_TOP), 3328.0 - GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_RIGHT), ( - 3584.0) + GetCameraMargin(CAMERA_MARGIN_BOTTOM)) call SetDayNightModels("Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronTerrain\\DNCLordaeronTerrain.mdl", "Environment\\DNC\\DNCLordaeron\\DNCLordaeronUnit\\DNCLordaeronUnit.mdl") call NewSoundEnvironment("Default") call SetAmbientDaySound("LordaeronSummerDay") call SetAmbientNightSound("LordaeronSummerNight") call SetMapMusic("Music", true, 0) call CreateCameras() call CreateAllUnits() call InitBlizzard() call InitGlobals() call InitCustomTriggers() call RunInitializationTriggers() call init_Char() call init_Table() call init_Trigger() call init_TimerUtils() call init_PrintingHelper() call init_String() call init_Maths() call init_Basics() call init_Rect() call init_TypeCasting() call init_BigNum() call init_Array() call init_TList() call init_Terrain() call init_Helper() call init_Dot() call init_ChannelSpellPreset() call init_SpellDesignConfig() call init_DebugFile() call init_HashMap() call init_Setup() call init_InstanceBoard() call init_FloatingText() call init_Colors() call init_Lightning() call init_HandleMap() call init_MapBounds() call init_GameTimer() call init_DummyRecycler() call init_TimedEffect() call init_ControlPoint() call init_UnitClass() call init_HeroBar() call init_OrderHandling() call init_PrimitiveIndexes() call init_PreloadHandler() call init_Spell() call init_Cooldown() call init_HeroClass() call init_CaptureAnimation() call init_ClosureEvents() call init_CustomBar() call init_Trackable() call init_HandleCounter() call init_PlayerClass() call init_Icon() call init_Menu() call init_TrackableEventHandler() call init_ImageEx() call init_SampleSpells() call init_GameStart() call init_Pull2() call init_RTable() call init_RockThrow() call init_RunningMazeChecker() call init_SpellTemplate() call init_TextHelper() call init_TextTagEx() endfunction function InitAllyPriorities takes nothing returns nothing call SetStartLocPrioCount(0, 1) call SetStartLocPrio(0, 0, 1, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) call SetStartLocPrioCount(1, 1) call SetStartLocPrio(1, 0, 0, MAP_LOC_PRIO_HIGH) endfunction function InitCustomPlayerSlots takes nothing returns nothing call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(0), 0) call SetPlayerColor(Player(0), ConvertPlayerColor(0)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(0), RACE_PREF_HUMAN) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(0), true) call SetPlayerController(Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerStartLocation(Player(1), 1) call SetPlayerColor(Player(1), ConvertPlayerColor(1)) call SetPlayerRacePreference(Player(1), RACE_PREF_ORC) call SetPlayerRaceSelectable(Player(1), true) call SetPlayerController(Player(1), MAP_CONTROL_USER) endfunction function config takes nothing returns nothing call SetMapName("Noch eine WARCRAFT-III-Karte") call SetMapDescription("Unbeschrieben") call SetPlayers(2) call SetTeams(2) call SetGamePlacement(MAP_PLACEMENT_TEAMS_TOGETHER) call DefineStartLocation(0, 768.0, - 512.0) call DefineStartLocation(1, - 1856.0, 192.0) call InitCustomPlayerSlots() call SetPlayerSlotAvailable(Player(0), MAP_CONTROL_USER) call SetPlayerSlotAvailable(Player(1), MAP_CONTROL_USER) call InitGenericPlayerSlots() call InitAllyPriorities() endfunction