package Shield import UnitClass import CustomClosureEvents public class ShieldList Shield first = null Shield last = null real shieldSum = 0 /** returns the reamaining damage */ function damage(real amount, Unit source) returns real if first == null return amount if amount > shieldSum shieldSum = 0 else shieldSum -= amount real remainingDmg = amount Shield pos = first while remainingDmg > 0 and pos != null if pos.amount >= remainingDmg pos.amount -= remainingDmg return 0 else remainingDmg -= pos.amount pos.amount = 0 if pos.shieldDestroyed != null, Shield buffer = pos pos = destroy buffer return remainingDmg function add(Shield s) shieldSum += s.amount if first == null first = s last = s else real time = s.getRemainingTime() Shield pos = first while pos != null if first.getRemainingTime() > time Shield buffer = pos.prev pos.prev = s = s s.prev = buffer = pos break else pos = ondestroy Shield pos = first while pos != null Shield buffer = pos pos = destroy buffer public class Shield Shield prev Shield next ShieldList referingList timer t = getTimer() real amount Unit target Unit2Event shieldDestroyed = null construct(Unit u, real amount, real time, ShieldList referingList) target = u this.amount = amount this.referingList = referingList t.setData(this castTo int) t.start(time, function onExpire) function registerOnDestroyEvent(Action action) if shieldDestroyed == null shieldDestroyed = new Unit2Event() shieldDestroyed.addAction(action) function getRemainingTime() returns real return TimerGetRemaining(t) static function onExpire() destroy GetExpiredTimer().getData() castTo thistype ondestroy referingList.shieldSum -= amount t.release() if shieldDestroyed != null destroy shieldDestroyed if prev != null = next if next != null next.prev = prev if referingList.first == this referingList.first = next if referingList.last == this referingList.last = prev endpackage