package Simulate3dSound
*   Simulates a 3D Sound using a regular sound. This extends the
*   functionality for regular sounds, allowing you to apply 3D
*   sound effects and positioning. In addition, you can use the
*   sound functions that require the sound to be normal (non-3D).
*   This will allow you to use sounds that normally wouldn't work
*   as 3D (for example, 2-channel wav).
*   Description of Arguments
*	   sound s
*		   - The base sound to be played. The function will play
*			 the sound for you. This sound must already exist as
*			 an object (you have to create it).
*	   unit u
*		   - The sound will follow this unit around. The closer
*			 the camera is to this unit, the louder the sound.
*	   real x, y
*		   - The sound will project from this point. The volume
*			 is loudest within the point's area.
*	   real minD (minimum distance)
*		   - Determines how far the camera can go without attenuating
*			 the volume. From the origin to this distance, the sound's
*			 volume will be 100%.
*	   real maxD (maximum distance)
*		   - Once the camera is past the minimum distance, it will
*			 gradually reduce until it hits the maximum distance.
*			 Once it is at the maximum distance or beyond, it will
*			 no longer lose volume unless it hits the distance cutoff.
*	   real distCutoff (distance cutoff)
*		   - The sound will fade to 0% volume once it hits this distance.
*			 If the camera is farther than "distCutoff" when the sound
*			 is played, the sound will not be heard by that player.
*   Functions
*	   function BindSoundToUnit takes sound s, unit u, real minD, real maxD, real distCut returns Sim3DSound
*		   - Attaches a regular sound to a unit.
*	   function BindSoundToPoint takes sound s, real x, real y, real minD, real maxD, real distCut returns Sim3DSound
*		   - Attaches a regular sound to a point.
*	   function SetSoundUnit takes Sim3DSound s, unit u returns nothing
*		   - Allows you to switch the unit the sound is projecting from.
*	   function SetSoundCoordinates takes Sim3DSound s, real x, real y returns nothing
*		   - Allows you to move the sound to another point.
*	   function BindSoundToUnitForPlayer takes player p, sound s, unit u, real minD, real maxD, real distCut returns Sim3DSound
*	   function BindSoundToPointForPlayer takes player p, sound s, real x, real y, real minD, real maxD, real distCut returns Sim3DSound
*   Bugs
*	   This doesn't behave 100% like Warcraft 3 3D sounds. It does
*	   not increase volume in relation to zoom (I may add that feature
*	   in the future), and the "minimum distance" does not behave
*	   exactly like Warcraft 3's. I'm still trying to figure it out.
*	   However, it is realistic and works well.

		// Determines how often the volume is updated
constant PERIOD = 0.2

public class Sim3DSound
	private sound snd = null
	private unit sourceUnit = null
	private vec2 source = vec2(0,0)
	private boolean adjust

	private real initial
	private real factor
	private real dur
	private real maxD
	private real distCut

	private static function expire()
		let data = GetExpiredTimer().getData() castTo Sim3DSound
		real dx
		real dy

		if data.source.x == 0
			dx = data.source.x - GetCameraTargetPositionX()
			dy = data.source.y - GetCameraTargetPositionY()
			dx = data.sourceUnit.getX() - GetCameraTargetPositionX()
			dy = data.sourceUnit.getY() - GetCameraTargetPositionY()

		let dist = SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy)

		if data.adjust
			if dist > data.maxD and dist < data.distCut
				SetSoundVolume(data.snd, R2I(data.initial -data. maxD * data.factor))
				let volume = R2I(data.initial - dist * data.factor) // linear reduction
				if volume < 0
					SetSoundVolume(data.snd, 1)
					SetSoundVolume(data.snd, volume)
		if data.dur <= 0
		data.dur -= PERIOD

	function setSoundPosition(vec2 pos)
		this.source= pos

	function setSoundPosition(unit u)
		sourceUnit = u

	construct(sound s, real x, real y, real minDist, real maxDist, real distCutoff)
		real dx = x - GetCameraTargetPositionX()
		real dy = y - GetCameraTargetPositionY()
		real dist = dx*dx + dy*dy

		this.snd = s
		this.source.x = x
		this.source.y = y
		this.distCut = distCutoff
		this.factor = 127 / distCutoff
		this.initial = 127 + minDist * this.factor
		this.maxD = maxDist
		this.dur = GetSoundDuration(s) * 0.001
		this.adjust = dist < distCutoff * distCutoff
		if not this.adjust
			SetSoundVolume(s, 1)

		getTimer()..setData(this castTo int)..startPeriodic(PERIOD, function Sim3DSound.expire)

	construct( sound s, unit u, real minDist, real maxDist, real distCutoff )
		real dx = GetUnitX(u) - GetCameraTargetPositionX()
		real dy = GetUnitY(u) - GetCameraTargetPositionY()
		real dist = dx*dx + dy*dy

		this.snd = s
		this.sourceUnit = u
		this.distCut = distCutoff
		this.factor = 127 / distCutoff
		this.initial = 127 + minDist * this.factor
		this.maxD = maxDist
		this.dur = GetSoundDuration(s) * 0.001
		this.adjust = dist < distCutoff * distCutoff
		if not this.adjust
			SetSoundVolume(s, 1)

		getTimer()..setData(this castTo int)..startPeriodic(PERIOD, function Sim3DSound.expire)

public function bindSoundToUnit(sound s, unit u, real minD, real maxD, real distCut) returns Sim3DSound
	if not GetSoundIsPlaying(s)
	return new Sim3DSound(s, u, minD, maxD, distCut)

public function bindSoundToPoint(sound s, real x, real y, real minD, real maxD, real distCut) returns Sim3DSound
	if not GetSoundIsPlaying(s)
	return new Sim3DSound(s, x, y, minD, maxD, distCut)

public function bindSoundToUnitForPlayer(player p, sound s, unit u, real minD, real maxD, real distCut) returns Sim3DSound
	if GetLocalPlayer() == p
		if not GetSoundIsPlaying(s)

	return new Sim3DSound(s, u, minD, maxD, distCut)

public function bindSoundToPointForPlayer(player p, sound s, real x, real y, real minD, real maxD, real distCut) returns Sim3DSound
	if GetLocalPlayer() == p
		if not GetSoundIsPlaying(s)

	return new Sim3DSound(s, x, y, minD, maxD, distCut)