Trigger Editor Syntax Highlighting Changelog (Unofficial update by Van Damm)
	- Added some 1.24 keywords and calltips, missed when performing previous update.
	- Added some new cJass keywords. (Unofficial update by Van Damm)
	- Modified for usage with the Horus project.
	- Added cJass keywords.
	- Slightly tuned previous update. (Unofficial update by Artificial)
	- Added globals from common.j and blizzard.j to autocompletion
	- Removed some natives that were highlighted but apparently weren't in common.j (e.g. GetSelectedUnit and InitHandleTable).
	- Made it highlight all of the natives/globals/BJs added in 1.23b.
	- Added all of the added natives/BJs to the function list.
	- Updated some BJs in the function list and autocompletion.
	- Added the new constants to the constants list. (Unofficial update by Van Damm)
	- Added 'module', 'endmodule', 'implement', 'optional' keywords.
	- Added 'thistype' type. (Unofficial update by Zoxc)
	- Added the 'keyword' keyword. (Unofficial update by Zoxc)
	- Moved 'type' and 'extends' to the long keyword list.
	- Added 'library_once', 'operator', 'defaults', 'stub' and 'delegate' keywords.

	- Much faster, large triggers now completely fold almost instantly.
	- Fold All button.
	- Always Fold All option for specific triggers.
	- Saves scroll position.
	- Bug fixes, namely Ctrl+V and Ctrl+Z are no longer passed to the trigger editor.
	- F3 is the Find Next button now.
	- Function list can now be merged with the trigger editor as well.
	- All constants defined in common.j and blizzard.j can be viewed through the function list.
	- You can import your own functions by putting a .j file with them in the includes directory.
	- AutoComplete can be made case-insensitive.
	- Syntax check is now possible again, no vJass support though.
	- More color customization.
	- Styles are now saved in a separate INI file that can easily be modified outside the program itself, you can also use this to share your own "themes".

	- Initial DLL version.