package FocusFire import ChannelAbilityPreset import Assets import RegisterEvents import ClosureForGroups import GameplayConstants import TowerConstants import TimedEffect import Movement import Regions import Tooltip @compiletime function generateFocusFire() new ChannelAbilityPreset(ID_FOCUS_FIRE, 1, true) ..setName("Focus fire") ..setHotkeyNormal("Q") ..setTooltipNormal(1, tooltipCustomBasic("Q", "Focus fire", "")) ..setTooltipNormalExtended(1, tooltipTextFlavor("Orders all your towers to attack a certain unit.", "\"Why do it yourself when someone else can.. Twice as well even.\" - Unknown Peon")) ..setIconNormal(Icons.bTNAdvancedCreatureAttack) ..presetTargetTypes(Targettype.UNIT) ..setTargetsAllowed(1, "enemy") ..setCastRange(1, 1000) ..setManaCost(1, 0) ..setHeroAbility(false) ..setButtonPositionNormalX(3) ..setButtonPositionNormalY(0) class AttackTarget implements ForGroupCallback unit target unit caster construct(unit caster, unit target) this.caster = caster = target function callback(unit u) if u.getOwner() != PLAYER_BROWN and u != this.caster u.issueTargetOrder("attack", function focusFire() let target = GetSpellTargetUnit() let caster = GetTriggerUnit() let p = target.getPlayerN() let r = rectFromIndex(playerArea.get(p)) AttackTarget at = new AttackTarget(caster, target) forUnitsInRect(r, at) attatchTimedEffect(target, 3., Abilities.talkToMe, "overhead") init registerSpellEffectEvent(ID_FOCUS_FIRE, function focusFire)