array Iterator_nextFree934 integer Iterator_firstFree136 integer Iterator_maxIndex132 array Iterator_typeId119 array List_nextFree319 integer List_firstFree209 integer List_maxIndex153 array List_typeId170 array Iterator_t945 integer A_firstFree189 = 0 integer A_maxIndex136 = 0 integer B_firstFree167 = 0 integer B_maxIndex518 = 0 integer C_firstFree206 = 0 integer C_maxIndex464 = 0 integer Iterator_firstFree136 = 0 integer Iterator_maxIndex132 = 0 integer List_firstFree209 = 0 integer List_maxIndex153 = 0 function initGlobals174() { Iterator_firstFree_136 = 0; Iterator_maxIndex_132 = 0; List_firstFree_209 = 0; List_maxIndex_153 = 0; } function main202() { initGlobals174(); init_test112(); } function config364() { } function init_test112() { local integer a199 local integer iterator132 a_199 = new_List124(); iterator_132 = dispatch_List_test_List_iterator694(a_199); loop { exitwhen (not dispatch_Iterator_test_Iterator_hasNext150(iterator_132)); dispatch_Iterator_test_Iterator_next210(iterator_132); testSuccess839(); }; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess839() { } function new_Iterator115(integer t377) returns integer { local integer this130 this_130 = alloc_Iterator208(); construct_Iterator101(this_130, t_377); return this_130; } function Iterator_hasNext576(integer this691) returns boolean { return true; } function Iterator_next188(integer this749) returns any { return Iterator_t_945[this_749]; } function Iterator_init194(integer this658) { } function construct_Iterator101(integer this124, integer t177) { Iterator_init194(this_124); } function List_iterator161(integer this122) returns integer { return new_Iterator115(this_122); } function List_init168(integer this907) { } function new_List124() returns integer { local integer this803 this_803 = alloc_List160(); construct_List110(this_803); return this_803; } function construct_List110(integer this911) { List_init168(this_911); } function error133(string msg510) { $debugPrint147((msg_510 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function alloc_Iterator208() returns integer { local integer this260 if (Iterator_firstFree_136 == 0) { if (Iterator_maxIndex_132 < 32768) { Iterator_maxIndex_132 = (Iterator_maxIndex_132 + 1); this_260 = Iterator_maxIndex_132; Iterator_typeId_119[this_260] = 4; } else { error133("Out of memory: Could not create Iterator."); this_260 = 0; }; } else { Iterator_firstFree_136 = (Iterator_firstFree_136 - 1); this_260 = Iterator_nextFree_934[Iterator_firstFree_136]; Iterator_typeId_119[this_260] = 4; }; return this_260; } function alloc_List160() returns integer { local integer this956 if (List_firstFree_209 == 0) { if (List_maxIndex_153 < 32768) { List_maxIndex_153 = (List_maxIndex_153 + 1); this_956 = List_maxIndex_153; List_typeId_170[this_956] = 5; } else { error133("Out of memory: Could not create List."); this_956 = 0; }; } else { List_firstFree_209 = (List_firstFree_209 - 1); this_956 = List_nextFree_319[List_firstFree_209]; List_typeId_170[this_956] = 5; }; return this_956; } function dispatch_Iterator_test_Iterator_hasNext150(integer this175) returns boolean { local boolean test_Iterator_hasNext_result205 if (Iterator_typeId_119[this_175] == 0) { if (this_175 == 0) { error133("Nullpointer exception when calling Iterator.hasNext"); } else { error133("Called Iterator.hasNext on invalid object."); }; } else { }; test_Iterator_hasNext_result_205 = Iterator_hasNext576(this_175); return test_Iterator_hasNext_result_205; } function dispatch_Iterator_test_Iterator_next210(integer this181) returns any { local any test_Iterator_next_result114 if (Iterator_typeId_119[this_181] == 0) { if (this_181 == 0) { error133("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error133("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; test_Iterator_next_result_114 = Iterator_next188(this_181); return test_Iterator_next_result_114; } function dispatch_List_test_List_iterator694(integer this250) returns integer { local integer test_List_iterator_result194 if (List_typeId_170[this_250] == 0) { if (this_250 == 0) { error133("Nullpointer exception when calling List.iterator"); } else { error133("Called List.iterator on invalid object."); }; } else { }; test_List_iterator_result_194 = List_iterator161(this_250); return test_List_iterator_result_194; }