package Vectors import NoWurst import Wurstunit import public Real import public Angle import String import initlater Printing import Annotations /** A vector is a geometric object that has a length and direction. Vectors can be added to other vectors according to vector algebra. The most common use in warcraft III is as a point in space. For example a unit's position can be represented as a vector as well as a knockback force acting on it. */ public constant ZERO2 = vec2(0, 0) public constant ZERO3 = vec3(0, 0, 0) public constant RIGHT = vec2(1, 0) public constant UP = vec2(0, 1) public constant LEFT = vec2(-1, 0) public constant DOWN = vec2(0, -1) /** 2d Vector tuple */ public tuple vec2(real x, real y) // Arithmetic Operators /** + Operator vec2 */ public function vec2.op_plus(vec2 v) returns vec2 return vec2(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y) /** + Operator vec3 */ public function vec2.op_plus(vec3 v) returns vec2 return vec2(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y) /** - Operator */ public function vec2.op_minus(vec2 v) returns vec2 return vec2(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y) /** * Operator */ public function vec2.op_mult(real factor) returns vec2 return vec2(this.x * factor, this.y * factor) /** * Operator */ public function real.op_mult(vec2 vec) returns vec2 return vec2(vec.x * this, vec.y * this) /** dot product Operator */ public function vec2.op_mult(vec2 v) returns vec2 return vec2(this.x * v.x, this.y * v.y) /** * Operator */ public function vec2.op_divReal(real factor) returns vec2 return vec2(this.x / factor, this.y / factor) /** Add two reals to the coordiantes of this vector */ public function vec2.add(real x, real y) returns vec2 return vec2(this.x + x, this.y + y) /** Get the dot-product */ public function v) returns real return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y /** Normalize this vector */ public function vec2.norm() returns vec2 let len = this.length() var x = 0. var y = 0. if len > 0.0 x = (this.x / len) y = (this.y / len) return vec2(x, y) /** Rotate this vector */ public function vec2.rotate(angle angl) returns vec2 let c = angl.cos() let s = angl.sin() let px = this.x * c - this.y * s let py = this.x * s + this.y * c return vec2(px, py) /** Convert this vector to a 3d vector with z = 0. */ public function vec2.toVec3() returns vec3 return vec3(this.x, this.y, 0.) let tempLoc = Location(0.,0.) public function vec2.getTerrainZ() returns real MoveLocation(tempLoc, this.x, this.y) return GetLocationZ(tempLoc) public function vec3.getTerrainZ() returns real MoveLocation(tempLoc, this.x, this.y) return GetLocationZ(tempLoc) public function vec2.withTerrainZ() returns vec3 return vec3(this.x, this.y, this.getTerrainZ()) public function vec2.withTerrainZ(real zoffset) returns vec3 return vec3(this.x, this.y, this.getTerrainZ() + zoffset) /** Set the length of this vector */ public function vec2.setLength(real length) returns vec2 real l = SquareRoot(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y) if l == 0. return vec2(0, 0) l = length / l return vec2(this.x * l, this.y * l) /** Get the length of this vector */ public function vec2.length() returns real return SquareRoot(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y) /** Get the squared length of this vector */ public function vec2.lengthSq() returns real return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y /** Is this vector inside the given circle */ public function vec2.inRange(vec2 v2, real radius) returns boolean return (this.x - v2.x).squared() + (this.y - v2.y).squared() <= radius.squared() /** Get a String-representation of this Vector (for debugging) */ public function vec2.toString() returns string return "Vector2 [" + this.x.toString() + ", " + this.y.toString() + "]" /** Get this vetor's angle to another one */ public function vec2.angleTo(vec2 v) returns angle return Atan2(v.y - this.y, v.x - this.x).asAngleRadians() /** Get a polar offset from this vector */ public function vec2.polarOffset(angle ang, real dist) returns vec2 return this + ang.toVec(dist) /** returns a vector of length 1 which points into the direction of target, when this vector and target are equal, then the pointer will point to the right */ public function vec2.normalizedPointerTo(vec2 target) returns vec2 vec2 diff = target - this let len = diff.length() if len > 0 diff = diff * (1. / len) else diff = vec2(1,0) return diff /** move a vector towards a given other vector, if the current vector is equal to the target vector, then the vector will move to the right. (this emulated the behavior of using polarOffset for this task) */ public function vec2.moveTowards(vec2 target, real dist) returns vec2 return this + (this.normalizedPointerTo(target) * dist) /** Get a 3d Vector with the original xy and the given z coordinate */ public function vec2.withZ(real z) returns vec3 return vec3(this.x, this.y, z) /** Get distance to another vector */ public function vec2.distanceTo(vec2 v) returns real return SquareRoot((v.x - this.x).squared() + (v.y - this.y).squared()) /** Get squared distance to another vector */ public function vec2.distanceToSq(vec2 v) returns real return (v.x - this.x).squared() + (v.y - this.y).squared() /** Get squared distance to a line segment */ public function vec2.distanceToSegmentSq(vec2 v1, vec2 v2) returns real let l2 = v1.distanceToSq(v2) if l2 == 0 return this.distanceToSq(v1) let t = ((this.x - v1.x) * (v2.x - v1.x) + (this.y - v1.y) * (v2.y - v1.y)) / l2 if (t < 0) return this.distanceToSq(v1) if (t > 1) return this.distanceToSq(v2) return this.distanceToSq(vec2(v1.x + t * (v2.x - v1.x), v1.y + t * (v2.y - v1.y))) /** Create a rect centered at `this` with side length 2 * `nominalRadius`. */ public function vec2.withRadiusRect(real nominalRadius) returns rect return Rect(this.x - nominalRadius, this.y - nominalRadius, this.x + nominalRadius, this.y + nominalRadius) /** Checks whether the point is in a triangle defined by 3 points. */ public function vec2.isInTriangle(vec2 p1, vec2 p2, vec2 p3) returns bool let a = (p2.x - p1.x) * (this.y - p1.y) - (this.x - p1.x) * (p2.y - p1.y) let b = (p3.x - p2.x) * (this.y - p2.y) - (this.x - p2.x) * (p3.y - p2.y) let c = (p1.x - p3.x) * (this.y - p3.y) - (this.x - p3.x) * (p1.y - p3.y) return (a <= 0 and b <= 0 and c <= 0) or (a >= 0 and b >= 0 and c >= 0) /** Checks whether the point is in a polygon defined by a sequence of connected points. */ public function vec2.isInPolygon(vararg vec2 args) returns bool var result = false vec2 array points var count = 0 for arg in args points[count] = arg count++ points[count] = points[0] if count == 3 result = this.isInTriangle(points[0], points[1], points[2]) else if count > 3 /* Winding number test. Simplified by quadrant checking. */ var test = 0 for i = 0 to count - 1 let p1 = points[i] let p2 = points[i + 1] let side = (p2.x - p1.x) * (this.y - p1.y) - (this.x - p1.x) * (p2.y - p1.y) if this.y >= p1.y if this.y < p2.y and side >= 0 test++ else if this.y >= p2.y if side <= 0 test-- result = test != 0 return result ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////// 3D vector ////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** 3d Vector tuple */ public tuple vec3(real x, real y, real z) // Arithmetic operators /** + Operator */ public function vec3.op_plus(vec3 v) returns vec3 return vec3(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y, this.z + v.z) /** + Operator */ public function vec3.op_plus(vec2 v) returns vec3 return vec3(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y, this.z) /** - Operator */ public function vec3.op_minus(vec3 v) returns vec3 return vec3(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y, this.z - v.z) /** - Operator */ public function vec3.op_minus(vec2 v) returns vec3 return vec3(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y, this.z) /** * Operator */ public function vec3.op_mult(real factor) returns vec3 return vec3(this.x * factor, this.y * factor, this.z * factor) /** dot Operator */ public function real.op_mult(vec3 v) returns vec3 return vec3(v.x * this, v.y * this, v.z * this) /** add 3 realvalues to the coordinates of this Vector */ public function vec3.add(real x, real y, real z) returns vec3 return vec3(this.x + x, this.y + y, this.z + z) /** Get the dot-product */ public function v) returns real return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y + this.z * v.z /** Normalize this Vector */ public function vec3.norm() returns vec3 let len = this.length() var x = 0. var y = 0. var z = 0. if len != 0.0 x = (this.x / len) y = (this.y / len) z = (this.z / len) return vec3(x, y, z) /** Rotate this vector around an axis */ public function vec3.rotate(vec3 axis, real radians) returns vec3 var al = axis.x * axis.x + axis.y * axis.y + axis.z * axis.z //axis length^2 let c = Cos(radians) let s = Sin(radians) if al == 0.0 Log.warn("vector.rotate error: The length of the axis vector is 0.0!") return vec3(0, 0, 0) let f = (this.x * axis.x + this.y * axis.y + this.z * axis.z) / al let zx = axis.x * f let zy = axis.y * f let zz = axis.z * f //axis component of rotated vector let xx = this.x - zx let xy = this.y - zy let xz = this.z - zz //component of vector perpendicular to axis al = SquareRoot(al) let yx = (axis.y * xz - axis.z * xy)/al let yy = (axis.z * xx - axis.x * xz)/al //y same length as x by using cross product and dividing with axis length let yz = (axis.x * xy - axis.y * xx)/al //x,y - coordinate system in which we rotate return vec3(xx * c + yx * s + zx, xy * c + yy * s + zy, xz * c + yz * s + zz) /** Sets the length of the given Vector */ public function vec3.setLengthSq(real lengthSq) returns vec3 real l = this.lengthSquared() if l == 0.0 Log.warn("vector.setLength error: The length of the vector is 0.0!") return vec3(0, 0, 0) l = lengthSq / l return vec3(this.x * l, this.y * l, this.z * l) /** Sets the length of the given Vector */ public function vec3.setLength(real length) returns vec3 real l = this.length() if l == 0.0 Log.warn("vector.setLength error: The length of the vector is 0.0!") return vec3(0, 0, 0) l = length / l return vec3(this.x * l, this.y * l, this.z * l) /** Get the length of this Vector */ public function vec3.length() returns real return SquareRoot(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z) /** Get the squared length of this Vector */ public function vec3.lengthSquared() returns real return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z /** Get the cross-product */ public function vec3.cross(vec3 v) returns vec3 return vec3(this.y * v.z - this.z * v.y, this.z * v.x - this.x * v.z, this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x) /** Project this vector onto the given directional vector */ public function vec3.project(vec3 direction) returns vec3 real l = direction.lengthSquared() if l == 0.0 return vec3(0, 0, 0) l = / l return vec3(direction.x * l, direction.y * l, direction.z * l) /** Convert a vec3 to a vec2 (z-coordinate gets removed) */ public function vec3.toVec2() returns vec2 return vec2(this.x, this.y) /** Is this vector inside the given circle */ public function vec3.inRange(vec3 v2, real radius) returns boolean return (this.x - v2.x).squared() + (this.y - v2.y).squared() <= radius * radius /** Get the distance to another Vector */ public function vec3.distanceTo(vec3 v) returns real return SquareRoot((v.x - this.x).squared() + (v.y - this.y).squared() + (v.z - this.z).squared()) /** Get the distance to another Vector */ public function vec3.distanceTo2d(vec3 v) returns real return SquareRoot((v.x - this.x).squared() + (v.y - this.y).squared()) /** Get the distance to another Vector */ public function vec3.distanceTo2d(vec2 v) returns real return SquareRoot((v.x - this.x).squared() + (v.y - this.y).squared()) /** Get the squared distance to another Vector */ public function vec3.distanceTo2dSq(vec2 v) returns real return (v.x - this.x).squared() + (v.y - this.y).squared() /** Get the squared distance to another Vector */ public function vec3.distanceToSq(vec3 v) returns real return (v.x - this.x).squared() + (v.y - this.y).squared() + (v.z - this.z).squared() /** Get a String-represantation of the vector (for debugging) */ public function vec3.toString() returns string return "Vector3 [ " + this.x.toString() + ", " + this.y.toString() + ", " + this.z.toString() + " ]" /** Rotate this vector around an axis */ public function vec3.rotate(vec3 axis, angle ang) returns vec3 return this.rotate(axis, ang.radians) /** Offset this vector in 2d space */ public function vec3.offset2d(angle ang, real dist) returns vec3 return this + ang.toVec(dist) /** Get the angle to a 2d vector */ public function vec3.angleTo2d(vec2 v) returns angle return Atan2(v.y - this.y, v.x - this.x).asAngleRadians() public function vec3.angleTo2d(vec3 v) returns angle return Atan2(v.y - this.y, v.x - this.x).asAngleRadians() /** Get a polarprojection of this Vector */ public function vec3.polarProject(real distance, angle angleGround, angle angleAir) returns vec3 let x = this.x + distance * angleGround.cos() * angleAir.sin() let y = this.y + distance * angleGround.sin() * angleAir.sin() let z = this.z + distance * angleAir.cos() return vec3(x,y,z) /** returns a vector of length 1 which points into the direction of target, when this vector and target are equal, then the pointer will point to the right */ public function vec3.normalizedPointerTo(vec3 target) returns vec3 vec3 diff = target - this let len = diff.length() if len > 0 diff = diff * (1. / len) else diff = vec3(1, 0, 0) return diff /** move a vector towards a given other vector, if the current vector is equal to the target vector, then the vector will move to the right. (this emulated the behavior of using polarOffset for this task) */ public function vec3.moveTowards(vec3 target, real dist) returns vec3 return this + dist * this.normalizedPointerTo(target) /** returns a vector of the given length pointing into the direction of this angle */ public function angle.toVec(real len) returns vec2 return vec2(Cos(this.radians) * len, Sin(this.radians) * len) /** returns a vector of length 1 pointing into the direction of this angle */ public function angle.direction() returns vec2 return vec2(Cos(this.radians), Sin(this.radians)) /** returns a vector of length 'dist' pointing into the direction of this angle */ public function angle.direction(real dist) returns vec2 return vec2(dist * Cos(this.radians), dist * Sin(this.radians)) /** returns the angle of this vector */ public function vec2.getAngle() returns angle return angle(Atan2(this.y, this.x)) public function vec2.assertEquals(vec2 expected) let delta = 0.002 let compare = vec2((this.x - expected.x).abs(), (this.y - expected.y).abs()) if compare.x > delta or compare.y > delta testFail("Expected <{0}, Actual <{1} with delta {2}>".format(expected.toString(), this.toString(), delta.toString())) public function vec3.assertEquals(vec3 expected) let delta = 0.002 let compare = vec3((this.x - expected.x).abs(), (this.y - expected.y).abs(), (this.z - expected.z).abs()) if compare.x > delta or compare.y > delta or compare.z > delta testFail("Expected <{0}, Actual <{1} with delta {2}>".format(expected.toString(), this.toString(), delta.toString())) /** Checks whether the point is in a 2D triangle defined by 3 points. Works as for vec2.isInTriangle, Z-coords are discarded. */ @inline public function vec3.isInTriangle2d(vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3) returns bool return this.toVec2().isInTriangle(p1.toVec2(), p2.toVec2(), p3.toVec2()) /** Checks whether the point is in a 2d polygon defined by a sequence of connected points. Works as for vec2.isInPolygon, Z-coords are discarded. */ public function vec3.isInPolygon2d(vararg vec3 args) returns bool var result = false vec3 array points var count = 0 for arg in args points[count] = arg count++ points[count] = points[0] if count == 3 result = this.isInTriangle2d(points[0], points[1], points[2]) else if count > 3 /* Winding number test. Simplified by quadrant checking. */ var test = 0 for i = 0 to count - 1 let p1 = points[i] let p2 = points[i+1] let side = (p2.x - p1.x) * (this.y - p1.y) - (this.x - p1.x) * (p2.y - p1.y) if this.y >= p1.y if this.y < p2.y and side >= 0 test++ else if this.y >= p2.y if side <= 0 test-- result = test != 0 return result @Test function vectorTests() let v1 = vec2(1,2) let v2 = vec2(2,1) ((v1 + v2) == (vec2(3,3))).assertTrue() ((v1 - v2) == (vec2(-1,1))).assertTrue() ((v1.moveTowards(vec2(1,0), 10.) == (vec2(1,-8)))).assertTrue() @Test function testIsInTriangle() let point2d = vec2(10, 15) point2d.isInTriangle(vec2(9, 8), vec2(3, 5), vec2(4, 6)).assertFalse() point2d.isInTriangle(vec2(10, 15), vec2(3, 5), vec2(4, 6)).assertTrue() point2d.isInTriangle(vec2(48, 45), vec2(-35, 0), vec2(46, -6)).assertTrue() let point3d = vec3(10, 15, -25) point3d.isInTriangle2d(vec3(9, 8, 23), vec3(3, 5, 0), vec3(4, 6, 15)).assertFalse() point3d.isInTriangle2d(vec3(10, 15, -124), vec3(3, 5, 0), vec3(4, 6, -16)).assertTrue() point3d.isInTriangle2d(vec3(48, 45, 85), vec3(-35, 0, 11), vec3(46, -6, 22)).assertTrue() @Test function testIsInPolygon() let test1 = vec2(1, 3) let test2 = vec2(-4, -6) let test3 = vec2(-2, 2) let points = [vec2(-3, -6), vec2(4, 5), vec2(-4, 5), vec2(3, -2)] test1.isInPolygon(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]).assertTrue() test2.isInPolygon(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]).assertFalse() test3.isInPolygon(points[0], points[1], points[2]).assertTrue() test1.toVec3().isInPolygon2d(points[0].toVec3(), points[1].toVec3(), points[2].toVec3(), points[3].toVec3()).assertTrue() test2.toVec3().isInPolygon2d(points[0].toVec3(), points[1].toVec3(), points[2].toVec3(), points[3].toVec3()).assertFalse() test3.toVec3().isInPolygon2d(points[0].toVec3(), points[1].toVec3(), points[2].toVec3()).assertTrue()