package Quaternion import public Matrices import NoWurst import String import Maths import Wurstunit public tuple quat(real x, real y, real z, real w) public constant IDENTITYQ = quat(0, 0, 0, 1) public constant ZEROQ = quat(0, 0, 0, 0) constant EPSILON = 0.001 public function eulerToQuat(real yaw, real pitch, real roll) returns quat var result = ZEROQ let cy = (yaw * 0.5).cos() let sy = (yaw * 0.5).sin() let cp = (pitch * 0.5).cos() let sp = (pitch * 0.5).sin() let cr = (roll * 0.5).cos() let sr = (roll * 0.5).sin() result.w = cy * cp * cr + sy * sp * sr result.x = cy * cp * sr - sy * sp * cr result.y = sy * cp * sr + cy * sp * cr result.z = sy * cp * cr - cy * sp * sr return result public function quat.op_plus(quat q) returns quat return quat(this.x + q.x, this.y + q.y, this.z + q.z, this.w + q.w) public function quat.op_plus(real scalar) returns quat return quat(this.x + scalar, this.y + scalar, this.z + scalar, this.w + scalar) public function real.op_plus(quat q) returns quat return q + this public function quat.op_minus(quat q) returns quat return quat(this.x - q.x, this.y - q.y, this.z - q.z, this.w - q.w) public function quat.op_minus(real scalar) returns quat return quat(this.x - scalar, this.y - scalar, this.z - scalar, this.w - scalar) public function quat.op_mult(real scalar) returns quat return quat(this.x * scalar, this.y * scalar, this.z * scalar, this.w * scalar) public function real.op_mult(quat q) returns quat return q * this public function q) returns real return this.x * q.x + this.y * q.y + this.z * q.z + this.w * q.w /** Represents the composition of two rotations. */ public function quat.cross(quat q) returns quat return quat(this.x * q.w + this.y * q.z - this.z * q.y + this.w * q.x, -this.x * q.z + this.y * q.w + this.z * q.x + this.w * q.y, this.x * q.y - this.y * q.x + this.z * q.w + this.w * q.z, -this.x * q.x - this.y * q.y - this.z * q.z + this.w * q.w) /** Represents the same rotation in opposite direction. */ public function quat.conj() returns quat return quat(-this.x, -this.y, -this.z, this.w) public function quat.length() returns real return SquareRoot(this.x.squared() + this.y.squared() + this.z.squared() + this.w.squared()) /** Returns zero quaternion if lenght is zero. */ public function quat.norm() returns quat let length = this.length() return length > EPSILON ? quat(this.x / length, this.y / length, this.z / length, this.w / length) : ZEROQ /** Quaternion to power of alpha. */ public function quat.exp(real alpha) returns quat var result = ZEROQ let norm = this.length() if norm > EPSILON // zero is zero... var n = vec3(this.x, this.y, this.z) if n.length() > EPSILON let theta = (this.w / norm).acos() let x = theta * alpha let normPow = norm.pow(alpha) n = n.norm() * x.sin() result = normPow * quat(n.x, n.y, n.z, x.cos()) else /* There's no imaginary part in the quaternion hence the quaternion is a real number. */ result = quat(0, 0, 0, this.w.pow(alpha)) return result public function quat.toMatrix() returns mat3 let q = this.norm() let x = q.x let y = q.y let z = q.z let w = q.w return mat3(1 - 2 * y * y - 2 * z * z, 2 * x * y - 2 * z * w, 2 * x * z + 2 * y * w, 2 * x * y + 2 * z * w, 1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * z * z, 2 * y * z - 2 * x * w, 2 * x * z - 2 * y * w, 2 * y * z + 2 * x * w, 1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * y * y) /** Extracts X-axis from a quaternion that represents rotation. */ public function quat.getX() returns vec3 return vec3(1 - 2 * this.y * this.y - 2 * this.z * this.z, 2 * this.x * this.y + 2 * this.z *this. w, 2 * this.x * this.z - 2 * this.y * this.w) /** Extracts Y-axis as a vector from a quaternion that represents rotation. */ public function quat.getY() returns vec3 return vec3(2 * this.x * this.y - 2 * this.z * this.w, 1 - 2 * this.x * this.x - 2 * this.z * this.z, 2 * this.y * this.z + 2 * this.x * this.w) /** Extracts Z-axis as a vector from a quaternion that represents rotation. */ public function quat.getZ() returns vec3 return vec3(2 * this.x * this.z + 2 * this.y * this.w, 2 * this.y * this.z - 2 * this.x * this.w, 1 - 2 * this.x * this.x - 2 * this.y * this.y) /** Linear interpolation. q - targeted quaternion. p - progress from 0 to 1. */ public function quat.lerp(quat q, real p) returns quat quat result if < EPSILON result = q else result = this * (1 - p) + q * p return result /** Linear interpolation. Always chooses the SHORTEST way between rotations. q - targeted quaternion. p - progress from 0 to 1. */ public function quat.lerpShort(quat q, real p) returns quat return > 0 ? this.lerp(q, p) : this.lerp(quat(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, -q.w), p) /** Linear interpolation. Always chooses the LONGEST way between rotations. q - targeted quaternion. p - progress from 0 to 1. */ public function quat.lerpLong(quat q, real p) returns quat return < 0 ? this.lerp(q, p) : this.lerp(quat(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, -q.w), p) /** Normalized linear interpolation. q - targeted quaternion. p - progress from 0 to 1. */ public function quat.nlerp(quat q, real p) returns quat return this.lerp(q, p).norm() /** Normalized linear interpolation. Always chooses the SHORTEST way between rotations. q - targeted quaternion. p - progress from 0 to 1. */ public function quat.nlerpShort(quat q, real p) returns quat return > 0 ? this.nlerp(q, p) : this.nlerp(quat(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, -q.w), p) /** Normalized linear interpolation. Always chooses the LONGEST way between rotations. q - targeted quaternion. p - progress from 0 to 1. */ public function quat.nlerpLong(quat q, real p) returns quat return < 0 ? this.nlerp(q, p) : this.nlerp(quat(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, -q.w), p) /** Spherical linear interpolation. Interpolates between two rotations. q - targeted quaternion. p - progress from 0 to 1. Slerp is the least efficient approach in performance so try to avoid using it, unless you need constant angular velocity. Nlerp is better solution in most cases. */ public function quat.slerp(quat q, real p) returns quat quat result let dot = if dot.abs() < EPSILON result = q else let theta = dot.acos() result = ((1 - p) * theta).sin() / theta.sin() * this + (p * theta).sin() / theta.sin() * q return result /** Spherical linear interpolation. Interpolates between two rotations. Always chooses the SHORTEST way between rotations. q - targeted quaternion. p - progress from 0 to 1. Slerp is the least efficient approach in performance so try to avoid using it, unless you need constant angular velocity. Nlerp is better solution in most cases. */ public function quat.slerpShort(quat q, real p) returns quat return > 0 ? this.slerp(q, p) : this.slerp(quat(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, -q.w), p) /** Spherical linear interpolation. Interpolates between two rotations. Always chooses the LONGEST way between rotations. q - targeted quaternion. p - progress from 0 to 1. Slerp is the least efficient approach in performance so try to avoid using it, unless you need constant angular velocity. Nlerp is better solution in most cases. */ public function quat.slerpLong(quat q, real p) returns quat return < 0 ? this.slerp(q, p) : this.slerp(quat(-q.x, -q.y, -q.z, -q.w), p) public function quat.toString() returns string return "Quaternion [X {0}, Y {1}, Z {2}, W {3}]".format(this.x.toString(), this.y.toString(), this.z.toString(), this.w.toString()) /** Gimbal lock detection. Returns 1 for north, -1 for south, 0 if no gimbal lock. */ public function quat.getGimbalPole() returns int let pole = this.x * this.z - this.y * this.w return pole > 0.5 - EPSILON ? 1 : (pole < EPSILON - 0.5 ? -1 : 0) /** Extracts Euler-angles (Tait-Bryan) in radians from a quaternion. Order of the result is Z-Y-X (Yaw-Pitch-Roll). */ public function quat.toEuler() returns vec3 real yaw real pitch real roll real cos real sin switch this.getGimbalPole() case 1 cos = 2 * this.x * this.z + 2 * this.y * this.w sin = 2 * this.y * this.z - 2 * this.x * this.w yaw = Atan2(-sin, -cos) pitch = -PI / 2 roll = 0 case -1 cos = 2 * this.x * this.z + 2 * this.y * this.w sin = 2 * this.y * this.z - 2 * this.x * this.w yaw = Atan2(sin, cos) pitch = PI / 2 roll = 0 default cos = 1 - 2 * this.y * this.y - 2 * this.z * this.z sin = 2 * this.x * this.y + 2 * this.z * this.w yaw = Atan2(sin, cos) pitch = -Asin(2 * this.x * this.z - 2 * this.y * this.w) cos = 1 - 2 * this.x * this.x - 2 * this.y * this.y sin = 2 * this.y * this.z + 2 * this.x * this.w roll = Atan2(sin , cos) return vec3(roll, pitch, yaw) /** Creates a quaternion from rotation axis and angle. */ public function vec3.toQuat(angle angl) returns quat let v = this.norm() let sin = (angl / 2).sin() return quat(v.x * sin, v.y * sin, v.z * sin, (angl / 2).cos()) /** Creates a quaternion from rotation axis and angle. */ public function angle.toQuat(vec3 axis) returns quat return axis.toQuat(this) /** Rotates a vector by a quaternion. */ public function vec3.rotate(quat q) returns vec3 let tmp = quat(this.x, this.y, this.z, 0) let result = q.cross(tmp).cross(q.conj()) return vec3(result.x, result.y, result.z) /** Extracts quaternion from a rotation matrix. */ public function mat3.toQuat() returns quat let trace = this.trace() quat result real s if trace > 0 s = SquareRoot(trace + 1) * 2 result = quat((this.m21 - this.m12) / s, (this.m02 - this.m20) / s, (this.m10 - this.m01) / s, 0.25 * s) else if this.m00 > this.m11 and this.m00 > this.m22 s = SquareRoot(1 + this.m00 - this.m11 - this.m22) * 2 result = quat(0.25 * s, (this.m01 + this.m10) / s, (this.m02 + this.m20) / s, (this.m21 - this.m12) / s) else if this.m11 > this.m22 s = SquareRoot(1 + this.m11 - this.m00 - this.m22) * 2 result = quat((this.m01 + this.m10) / s, 0.25 * s, (this.m12 + this.m21) / s, (this.m02 - this.m20) / s) else s = SquareRoot(1 + this.m22 - this.m00 - this.m11) * 2 result = quat((this.m02 + this.m20) / s, (this.m12 + this.m21) / s, 0.25 * s, (this.m10 - this.m01) / s) return result public function quat.assertEquals(quat expected) let delta = 0.002 let compare = quat((this.x - expected.x).abs(), (this.y - expected.y).abs(), (this.z - expected.z).abs(), (this.w - expected.w).abs()) let msg = "Expected <{0}>, Actual <{1} with delta {2}>" if compare.x > delta or compare.y > delta or compare.z > delta or compare.w > delta testFail(msg.format(expected.toString(), this.toString(), delta.toString()))