package Bitwise import BitwiseInit /** A tuple containing 4 bytes comprising a 4-byte integer. b1 is the least significant byte, b4 is the most significant byte. All functions operating on this are LSB first. The bytes are always unsigned, from 0 to 255. WARNING: This library contains no safety bound checks to guarantee that these bytes stay in the 0-255 range. If these values go out of bounds, the behaviour is undefined. **/ public tuple byte4(int b1, int b2, int b3, int b4) /** Selects the n-th byte from these bytes, starting from 0 for the least significant byte and ending with 3 for the most significant byte. **/ public function pos) returns int int result if pos > 1 if pos == 3 result = this.b4 else result = this.b3 else if pos == 1 result = this.b2 else result = this.b1 return result /** Replaces the byte in the n-th position with the provided one. **/ public function byte4.put(int pos, int value) returns byte4 byte4 result if pos > 1 if pos == 3 result = byte4(this.b1, this.b2, this.b3, value) else result = byte4(this.b1, this.b2, value, this.b4) else if pos == 1 result = byte4(this.b1, value, this.b3, this.b4) else result = byte4(value, this.b2, this.b3, this.b4) return result /** Re-assembles these bytes into an integer. **/ public function byte4.toInt() returns int return this.b1 + this.b2 * 0x100 + this.b3 * 0x10000 + this.b4 * 0x1000000 /** Turns this signed integer into an unsigned one if it is negative, removing the first (sign) bit **/ public function int.toUnsigned() returns int int result if this < 0 result = INT_MAX + this + 1 else result = this return result public function int.byte1() returns int return this mod 0x100 public function int.byte2() returns int return (this - (this div 0x10000) * 0x10000) div 0x100 public function int.byte3() returns int return (this - (this div 0x1000000) * 0x1000000) div 0x10000 public function int.byte4(int isNegative) returns int return isNegative * 128 + this div 0x1000000 /** De-composes an integer into 4 unsigned bytes. **/ public function int.bytes() returns byte4 var value = this var isNegative = 0 if value < 0 value = INT_MAX + value + 1 isNegative = 1 let b1 = value mod 0x100 let b2 = (value - (value div 0x10000) * 0x10000) div 0x100 let b3 = (value - (value div 0x1000000) * 0x1000000) div 0x10000 let b4 = isNegative * 128 + value div 0x1000000 return byte4(b1, b2, b3, b4) /** Produces a signed integer from the bitstring. Input string may contain whitespace for padding. **/ public function string.fromBitString() returns int var pow = 1 var result = 0 for i = (this.length() - 1) downto 0 let char = this.charAt(i) if char != " " if char == "1" result += pow pow *= 2 return result /** Produces a bistring from this integer. **/ public function int.toBitString() returns string var result = "" var value = this while value != 0 result = (value mod 2).toString() + result value = bwShiftr32(value, 1) return result /** 4-bit AND operator **/ function bwAnd4(int lhs, int rhs) returns int return andData[lhs * 0x10 + rhs] /** 4-bit OR operator **/ function bwOr4(int lhs, int rhs) returns int return orData[lhs * 0x10 + rhs] /** 4-bit XOR operator **/ function bwXor4(int lhs, int rhs) returns int return xorData[lhs * 0x10 + rhs] /** 8-bit NOT operator **/ function bNot8(int val) returns int return 0xFF - val /** 8-bit AND operator **/ function bwAnd8(int lhs, int rhs) returns int return bwAnd4(lbyte[lhs], lbyte[rhs]) * 0x10 + bwAnd4(rbyte[lhs], rbyte[rhs]) /** 8-bit OR operator **/ function bwOr8(int lhs, int rhs) returns int return bwOr4(lbyte[lhs], lbyte[rhs]) * 0x10 + bwOr4(rbyte[lhs], rbyte[rhs]) /** 8-bit XOR operator **/ function bwXor8(int lhs, int rhs) returns int return bwXor4(lbyte[lhs], lbyte[rhs]) * 0x10 + bwXor4(rbyte[lhs], rbyte[rhs]) /** 32-bit SHIFTL operator **/ function bwShiftl32(int num, int shift) returns int return num * powShift[shift] /** 32-bit SHIFTR operator **/ function bwShiftr32(int num, int shift) returns int var value = num var isNegative = 0 if value < 0 value = INT_MAX + value + 1 isNegative = 1 return isNegative * powShift[31-shift] + value div powShift[shift] /** 32-bit NOT operator **/ function bwNot32(int num) returns int return -num - 1 /** 32-bit AND operator **/ function bwAnd32(int lhs, int rhs) returns int let bytes1 = lhs.bytes() let bytes2 = rhs.bytes() return byte4(bwAnd8(bytes1.b1, bytes2.b1), bwAnd8(bytes1.b2, bytes2.b2), bwAnd8(bytes1.b3, bytes2.b3), bwAnd8(bytes1.b4, bytes2.b4)).toInt() /** 32-bit OR operator **/ function bwOr32(int lhs, int rhs) returns int let bytes1 = lhs.bytes() let bytes2 = rhs.bytes() return byte4(bwOr8(bytes1.b1, bytes2.b1), bwOr8(bytes1.b2, bytes2.b2), bwOr8(bytes1.b3, bytes2.b3), bwOr8(bytes1.b4, bytes2.b4)).toInt() /** 32-bit XOR operator **/ function bwXor32(int lhs, int rhs) returns int let bytes1 = lhs.bytes() let bytes2 = rhs.bytes() return byte4(bwXor8(bytes1.b1, bytes2.b1), bwXor8(bytes1.b2, bytes2.b2), bwXor8(bytes1.b3, bytes2.b3), bwXor8(bytes1.b4, bytes2.b4)).toInt() /** 8-bit NOT (~) NOTE: Assumes number is in the range [0, 255] number.not8() equivalent to (~number) **/ public function int.not8() returns int return bNot8(this) /** 32-bit NOT (~) number.not32() equivalent to (~number) **/ public function int.not32() returns int return bwNot32(this) /** 8-bit AND (&) NOTE: Assumes both operands are in the range [0, 255] number.and8(other) equivalent to (number & other) **/ public function int.and8(int other) returns int return bwAnd8(this, other) /** 32-bit AND (&) number.and32(other) equivalent to (number & other) **/ public function int.and32(int other) returns int return bwAnd32(this, other) /** 8-bit OR (|) NOTE: Assumes both operands are in the range [0, 255] number.or8(other) equivalent to (number | other) **/ public function int.or8(int other) returns int return bwOr8(this, other) /** 32-bit OR (|) number.or32(other) equivalent to (number | other) **/ public function int.or32(int other) returns int return bwOr32(this, other) /** 8-bit XOR (^) NOTE: Assumes both operands are in the range [0, 255] number.xor8(other) equivalent to (number ^ other) **/ public function int.xor8(int other) returns int return bwXor8(this, other) /** 32-bit XOR (^) number.xor32(other) equivalent to (number ^ other) **/ public function int.xor32(int other) returns int return bwXor32(this, other) /** 32-bit SHIFTL (<<) number.shiftl(amount) equivalent to (number << amount) **/ public function int.shiftl(int amount) returns int return bwShiftl32(this, amount) /** 32-bit SHIFTR (>>) number.shiftr(amount) equivalent to (number >> amount) **/ public function int.shiftr(int amount) returns int return bwShiftr32(this, amount)