library Players initializer ini public struct Players static constant integer COUNT = 12 static constant integer FIRST_HUNTER = 0 static constant integer LAST_BEAST = 11 static constant integer MARKERS = 11 static constant integer PASSIVE = 15 static constant integer HOSTILE = 12 static constant integer FIRST_BEAST = 6 static player locl static boolean array playing static boolean array aiControlled static boolean array alive static player array fromId static integer aliveCount = 0 static integer aiCount = 0 static integer humanCount = 0 static integer playingCount = 0 static integer escapePressedCount = 0 end function ini takes nothing returns nothing integer index = 0 Players.locl = GetLocalPlayer() Players.fromId[Players.MARKERS] = Player(Players.MARKERS) Players.fromId[Players.PASSIVE] = Player(Players.PASSIVE) loop exitwhen index > (Players.COUNT - 1) Players.fromId[index] = Player(index) Players.playing[index] = (GetPlayerSlotState(Players.fromId[index]) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING) or (GetPlayerController(Players.fromId[index]) == MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER) Players.alive[index] = Players.playing[index] Players.aiControlled[index] = (GetPlayerController(Players.fromId[index]) == MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER) and (GetPlayerController(Players.fromId[index]) != MAP_CONTROL_USER) if Players.playing[index] then Players.playingCount++ end if Players.playing[index] and not Players.aiControlled[index] then Players.humanCount++ end if Players.aiControlled[index] then Players.aiCount++ end index++ end end endlibrary