scope EscapeKey initializer init import Game import Cinematic import Players function c takes nothing returns boolean integer id = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer()) if Game.singlePlayer and Cinematic.over then FogEnable(false) DisplayTextToPlayer(Players.locl, 0., 0., "|cffffcc00[Singleplayer]|r Fog Disabled!") end if Cinematic.enabled and not Game.escapesPressed[id] then Game.escapesPressed[id] = true Players.escapePressedCount++ if Players.escapePressedCount >= Players.humanCount then Cinematic.interrupt() DisplayTextToPlayer(Players.locl, 0., 0., "|cffffcc00[Notice]|r The cinematic was skipped due to popular vote.") else DisplayTextToPlayer(GetTriggerPlayer(), 0., 0., "|cffffcc00[Notice]|r Your cinematic skip request has been registered.") end end return false end function init takes nothing returns nothing trigger t = CreateTrigger() integer index = 0 loop exitwhen index >= Players.COUNT TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, Players.fromId[index], EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC) index++ end TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function c)) end endscope