real vec3_moveTowards_return_x783 real vec3_moveTowards_return_y138 real vec3_moveTowards_return_z172 real vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_x577 real vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_y887 real vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_z341 integer wurst_stack_depth201 = 0 function initGlobals986() { } function main197() { initGlobals986(); init_test344(); } function config539() { } function init_test344() { local boolean andLeft300 local real tuple_temp109 local real tuple_temp160 local real tuple_temp289 local real tuple_temp455 local real tuple_temp675 local real tuple_temp145 tuple_temp_109 = vec3_moveTowards166(0., 0., 0., 1., 2., 3., 10.); tuple_temp_160 = vec3_moveTowards_return_y_138; tuple_temp_289 = vec3_moveTowards_return_z_172; tuple_temp_455 = vec3_moveTowards166(0., 0., 0., 6., 5., 4., 10.); tuple_temp_675 = vec3_moveTowards_return_y_138; tuple_temp_145 = vec3_moveTowards_return_z_172; if (((((((tuple_temp_109 - 0.01) < 2.673) and (2.673 < (tuple_temp_109 + 0.01))) and ((tuple_temp_160 - 0.01) < 5.345)) and (5.345 < (tuple_temp_160 + 0.01))) and ((tuple_temp_289 - 0.01) < 8.018)) and (8.018 < (tuple_temp_289 + 0.01))) { andLeft_300 = (((((((tuple_temp_455 - 0.01) < 6.838) and (6.838 < (tuple_temp_455 + 0.01))) and ((tuple_temp_675 - 0.01) < 5.698)) and (5.698 < (tuple_temp_675 + 0.01))) and ((tuple_temp_145 - 0.01) < 4.558)) and (4.558 < (tuple_temp_145 + 0.01))); } else { andLeft_300 = false; }; if andLeft_300 { testSuccess184(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE IS_EXTERN @extern function SquareRoot164(real x718) returns real { } function vec3_normalizedPointerTo206(real this_x163, real this_y754, real this_z243, real target_x911, real target_y191, real target_z178) returns real { this_x_163 = (target_x_911 - this_x_163); this_y_754 = (target_y_191 - this_y_754); this_z_243 = (target_z_178 - this_z_243); target_x_911 = SquareRoot164((((this_x_163 * this_x_163) + (this_y_754 * this_y_754)) + (this_z_243 * this_z_243))); if (target_x_911 > 0.) { target_x_911 = (1. / target_x_911); this_x_163 = (this_x_163 * target_x_911); this_y_754 = (this_y_754 * target_x_911); this_z_243 = (this_z_243 * target_x_911); } else { this_x_163 = 1.; this_y_754 = 0.; this_z_243 = 0.; }; vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_x_577 = this_x_163; vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_y_887 = this_y_754; vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_z_341 = this_z_243; return vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_x_577; } function vec3_moveTowards166(real this_x116, real this_y205, real this_z105, real target_x153, real target_y103, real target_z297, real dist670) returns real { target_y_103 = vec3_normalizedPointerTo206(this_x_116, this_y_205, this_z_105, target_x_153, target_y_103, target_z_297); target_z_297 = vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_y_887; target_x_153 = vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_z_341; target_y_103 = (target_y_103 * dist_670); target_z_297 = (target_z_297 * dist_670); target_x_153 = (target_x_153 * dist_670); vec3_moveTowards_return_x_783 = (this_x_116 + target_y_103); vec3_moveTowards_return_y_138 = (this_y_205 + target_z_297); vec3_moveTowards_return_z_172 = (this_z_105 + target_x_153); return vec3_moveTowards_return_x_783; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess184() { }