real vec3_moveTowards_return_x205 real vec3_moveTowards_return_y398 real vec3_moveTowards_return_z384 real vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_x146 real vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_y133 real vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_z147 function initGlobals594() { } function main777() { initGlobals594(); init_test749(); } function config198() { } function init_test749() { local boolean andLeft436 local real tuple_temp881 local real tuple_temp351 local real tuple_temp974 local real tuple_temp147 local real tuple_temp390 local real tuple_temp838 tuple_temp_881 = vec3_moveTowards441(0., 0., 0., 1., 2., 3., 10.); tuple_temp_351 = vec3_moveTowards_return_y_398; tuple_temp_974 = vec3_moveTowards_return_z_384; tuple_temp_147 = vec3_moveTowards441(0., 0., 0., 6., 5., 4., 10.); tuple_temp_390 = vec3_moveTowards_return_y_398; tuple_temp_838 = vec3_moveTowards_return_z_384; if (((((((tuple_temp_881 - 0.01) < 2.673) and (2.673 < (tuple_temp_881 + 0.01))) and ((tuple_temp_351 - 0.01) < 5.345)) and (5.345 < (tuple_temp_351 + 0.01))) and ((tuple_temp_974 - 0.01) < 8.018)) and (8.018 < (tuple_temp_974 + 0.01))) { andLeft_436 = (((((((tuple_temp_147 - 0.01) < 6.838) and (6.838 < (tuple_temp_147 + 0.01))) and ((tuple_temp_390 - 0.01) < 5.698)) and (5.698 < (tuple_temp_390 + 0.01))) and ((tuple_temp_838 - 0.01) < 4.558)) and (4.558 < (tuple_temp_838 + 0.01))); } else { andLeft_436 = false; }; if andLeft_436 { testSuccess104(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE IS_EXTERN @extern function SquareRoot132(real x825) returns real { } function vec3_normalizedPointerTo123(real this_x138, real this_y186, real this_z664, real target_x117, real target_y142, real target_z533) returns real { this_x_138 = (target_x_117 - this_x_138); this_y_186 = (target_y_142 - this_y_186); this_z_664 = (target_z_533 - this_z_664); target_x_117 = SquareRoot132((((this_x_138 * this_x_138) + (this_y_186 * this_y_186)) + (this_z_664 * this_z_664))); if (target_x_117 > 0.) { target_x_117 = (1. / target_x_117); this_x_138 = (this_x_138 * target_x_117); this_y_186 = (this_y_186 * target_x_117); this_z_664 = (this_z_664 * target_x_117); } else { this_x_138 = 1.; this_y_186 = 0.; this_z_664 = 0.; }; vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_x_146 = this_x_138; vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_y_133 = this_y_186; vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_z_147 = this_z_664; return vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_x_146; } function vec3_moveTowards441(real this_x656, real this_y183, real this_z125, real target_x131, real target_y183, real target_z150, real dist118) returns real { target_y_183 = vec3_normalizedPointerTo123(this_x_656, this_y_183, this_z_125, target_x_131, target_y_183, target_z_150); target_z_150 = vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_y_133; target_x_131 = vec3_normalizedPointerTo_return_z_147; target_y_183 = (target_y_183 * dist_118); target_z_150 = (target_z_150 * dist_118); target_x_131 = (target_x_131 * dist_118); vec3_moveTowards_return_x_205 = (this_x_656 + target_y_183); vec3_moveTowards_return_y_398 = (this_y_183 + target_z_150); vec3_moveTowards_return_z_384 = (this_z_125 + target_x_131); return vec3_moveTowards_return_x_205; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess104() { }