array test_s151 integer test_s_max778 array FoldClosure_nextFree305 integer FoldClosure_firstFree106 integer FoldClosure_maxIndex135 array FoldClosure_typeId772 array LinkedList_nextFree205 integer LinkedList_firstFree670 integer LinkedList_maxIndex555 array LinkedList_typeId602 array LinkedList_x166 integer wurst_stack_depth565 array wurst_stack645 integer test_s_max778 = -1 integer FoldClosure_firstFree106 = 0 integer FoldClosure_maxIndex135 = 0 integer LinkedList_firstFree670 = 0 integer LinkedList_maxIndex555 = 0 integer wurst_stack_depth565 = 0 function initGlobals313() { } function main178() { initGlobals313(); init_test869("when calling init_test in normalFoldlInfer, line 1"); } function config163() { } function init_test869(string __wurst_stackPos115) { local integer x988 wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = __wurst_stackPos_115; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); test_s_max_778 = -1; x_988 = new_LinkedList199("when calling new_LinkedList in normalFoldlInfer, line 22"); LinkedList_x_166[x_988] = 5; wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = "when calling toString in normalFoldlInfer, line 24"; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); if (LinkedList_typeId_602[x_988] == 0) { if (x_988 == 0) { error170("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.toString", "when calling error in normalFoldlInfer, line 16"); } else { error170("Called LinkedList.toString on invalid object.", "when calling error in normalFoldlInfer, line 16"); }; } else { }; __wurst_stackPos_115 = LinkedList_toString162(x_988, "when calling toString in normalFoldlInfer, line 16"); wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 - 1); if (__wurst_stackPos_115 == "[5,]") { testSuccess122(); } else { }; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 - 1); } IS_NATIVE IS_EXTERN @extern function I2S620(integer i590) returns string { } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess122() { } function run_wrapper104(integer this302, any t140, any q160) returns any { local string b164 b_164 = ((test_s_151[q_160] + I2S620((t_140 castTo integer))) + ","); test_s_max_778 = (test_s_max_778 + 1); test_s_151[test_s_max_778] = b_164; return test_s_max_778; } function LinkedList_toString162(integer this201, string __wurst_stackPos877) returns string { local integer temp212 local integer this202 wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = __wurst_stackPos_877; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); test_s_max_778 = (test_s_max_778 + 1); test_s_151[test_s_max_778] = "["; temp_212 = test_s_max_778; wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = "when calling alloc_FoldClosure_foldl_LinkedList_test in normalFoldlInfer, line 17"; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); if (FoldClosure_firstFree_106 == 0) { if (FoldClosure_maxIndex_135 < 32768) { FoldClosure_maxIndex_135 = (FoldClosure_maxIndex_135 + 1); this_202 = FoldClosure_maxIndex_135; FoldClosure_typeId_772[this_202] = 2; } else { error170("Out of memory: Could not create FoldClosure_foldl_LinkedList_test.", "when calling error in normalFoldlInfer, line 17"); this_202 = 0; }; } else { FoldClosure_firstFree_106 = (FoldClosure_firstFree_106 - 1); this_202 = FoldClosure_nextFree_305[FoldClosure_firstFree_106]; FoldClosure_typeId_772[this_202] = 2; }; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 - 1); __wurst_stackPos_877 = test_s_151[dispatch_LinkedList_test_LinkedList_foldl626(this_201, temp_212, this_202, "when calling foldl in normalFoldlInfer, line 17")]; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 - 1); return (__wurst_stackPos_877 + "]"); } function new_LinkedList199(string __wurst_stackPos785) returns integer { local integer this160 wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = __wurst_stackPos_785; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = "when calling alloc_LinkedList in normalFoldlInfer, line 12"; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); if (LinkedList_firstFree_670 == 0) { if (LinkedList_maxIndex_555 < 32768) { LinkedList_maxIndex_555 = (LinkedList_maxIndex_555 + 1); this_160 = LinkedList_maxIndex_555; LinkedList_typeId_602[this_160] = 3; } else { error170("Out of memory: Could not create LinkedList.", "when calling error in normalFoldlInfer, line 12"); this_160 = 0; }; } else { LinkedList_firstFree_670 = (LinkedList_firstFree_670 - 1); this_160 = LinkedList_nextFree_205[LinkedList_firstFree_670]; LinkedList_typeId_602[this_160] = 3; }; wurst_stack_depth_565 = ((wurst_stack_depth_565 - 1) - 1); return this_160; } function error170(string msg529, string __wurst_stackPos686) { local integer stacktraceIndex122 local integer stacktraceLimit357 wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = __wurst_stackPos_686; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); __wurst_stackPos_686 = ""; stacktraceIndex_122 = wurst_stack_depth_565; stacktraceLimit_357 = 0; loop { stacktraceIndex_122 = (stacktraceIndex_122 - 1); stacktraceLimit_357 = (stacktraceLimit_357 + 1); exitwhen ((stacktraceLimit_357 > 20) or (stacktraceIndex_122 < 0)); __wurst_stackPos_686 = (__wurst_stackPos_686 + (" " + wurst_stack_645[stacktraceIndex_122])); }; $debugPrint854((msg_529 + (" " + __wurst_stackPos_686))); wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 - 1); } function dispatch_LinkedList_test_LinkedList_foldl626(integer this608, any startValue134, integer predicate190, string __wurst_stackPos116) returns any { local any t119 wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = __wurst_stackPos_116; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); if (LinkedList_typeId_602[this_608] == 0) { if (this_608 == 0) { error170("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.foldl", "when calling error in normalFoldlInfer, line 14"); } else { error170("Called LinkedList.foldl on invalid object.", "when calling error in normalFoldlInfer, line 14"); }; } else { }; wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = "when calling foldl in normalFoldlInfer, line 14"; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); t_119 = LinkedList_x_166[this_608]; wurst_stack_645[wurst_stack_depth_565] = "when calling run in normalFoldlInfer, line 15"; wurst_stack_depth_565 = (wurst_stack_depth_565 + 1); if (FoldClosure_typeId_772[predicate_190] == 0) { if (predicate_190 == 0) { error170("Nullpointer exception when calling", "when calling error in normalFoldlInfer, line 20"); } else { error170("Called on invalid object.", "when calling error in normalFoldlInfer, line 20"); }; } else { }; startValue_134 = run_wrapper104(predicate_190, t_119, startValue_134); wurst_stack_depth_565 = (((wurst_stack_depth_565 - 1) - 1) - 1); return startValue_134; }