array test_s206 integer test_s_max131 array FoldClosure_nextFree140 integer FoldClosure_firstFree105 integer FoldClosure_maxIndex799 array FoldClosure_typeId989 array LinkedList_nextFree161 integer LinkedList_firstFree342 integer LinkedList_maxIndex102 array LinkedList_typeId873 array LinkedList_x219 integer test_s_max131 = -1 integer FoldClosure_firstFree105 = 0 integer FoldClosure_maxIndex799 = 0 integer LinkedList_firstFree342 = 0 integer LinkedList_maxIndex102 = 0 function initGlobals169() { } function main523() { initGlobals169(); init_test130(); } function config218() { } function init_test130() { local integer x695 local integer this891 local string test_LinkedList_toString_result171 test_s_max_131 = -1; x_695 = new_LinkedList124(); LinkedList_x_219[x_695] = 5; this_891 = x_695; if (LinkedList_typeId_873[this_891] == 0) { if (this_891 == 0) { error153("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.toString"); } else { error153("Called LinkedList.toString on invalid object."); }; } else { }; test_LinkedList_toString_result_171 = LinkedList_toString441(this_891); if (test_LinkedList_toString_result_171 == "[5,]") { testSuccess171(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE IS_EXTERN @extern function I2S713(integer i116) returns string { } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess171() { } function run_wrapper166(integer this166, any t119, any q113) returns any { local string b134 local any i188 local string q828 local integer i618 i_188 = t_119; i_618 = q_113; q_828 = test_s_206[i_618]; b_134 = ((q_828 + I2S713((i_188 castTo integer))) + ","); test_s_max_131 = (test_s_max_131 + 1); test_s_206[test_s_max_131] = b_134; return test_s_max_131; } function LinkedList_toString441(integer this729) returns string { local string fold199 local integer clVar158 local integer temp132 local integer temp137 local string b426 local integer this212 local integer i516 temp_132 = this_729; b_426 = "["; test_s_max_131 = (test_s_max_131 + 1); test_s_206[test_s_max_131] = b_426; temp_137 = test_s_max_131; if (FoldClosure_firstFree_105 == 0) { if (FoldClosure_maxIndex_799 < 32768) { FoldClosure_maxIndex_799 = (FoldClosure_maxIndex_799 + 1); this_212 = FoldClosure_maxIndex_799; FoldClosure_typeId_989[this_212] = 2; } else { error153("Out of memory: Could not create FoldClosure_foldl_LinkedList_test."); this_212 = 0; }; } else { FoldClosure_firstFree_105 = (FoldClosure_firstFree_105 - 1); this_212 = FoldClosure_nextFree_140[FoldClosure_firstFree_105]; FoldClosure_typeId_989[this_212] = 2; }; clVar_158 = this_212; i_516 = dispatch_LinkedList_test_LinkedList_foldl141(temp_132, temp_137, clVar_158); fold_199 = test_s_206[i_516]; return (fold_199 + "]"); } function new_LinkedList124() returns integer { local integer this747 local integer this126 if (LinkedList_firstFree_342 == 0) { if (LinkedList_maxIndex_102 < 32768) { LinkedList_maxIndex_102 = (LinkedList_maxIndex_102 + 1); this_126 = LinkedList_maxIndex_102; LinkedList_typeId_873[this_126] = 3; } else { error153("Out of memory: Could not create LinkedList."); this_126 = 0; }; } else { LinkedList_firstFree_342 = (LinkedList_firstFree_342 - 1); this_126 = LinkedList_nextFree_161[LinkedList_firstFree_342]; LinkedList_typeId_873[this_126] = 3; }; this_747 = this_126; return this_747; } function error153(string msg374) { $debugPrint213((msg_374 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function dispatch_LinkedList_test_LinkedList_foldl141(integer this111, any startValue127, integer predicate690) returns any { local any test_LinkedList_foldl_result542 local integer this179 local any startValue766 local integer predicate146 local integer this990 local any t135 local any q143 local any test_FoldClosure_run_result177 if (LinkedList_typeId_873[this_111] == 0) { if (this_111 == 0) { error153("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.foldl"); } else { error153("Called LinkedList.foldl on invalid object."); }; } else { }; this_179 = this_111; startValue_766 = startValue_127; predicate_146 = predicate_690; this_990 = predicate_146; t_135 = LinkedList_x_219[this_179]; q_143 = startValue_766; if (FoldClosure_typeId_989[this_990] == 0) { if (this_990 == 0) { error153("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error153("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; test_FoldClosure_run_result_177 = run_wrapper166(this_990, t_135, q_143); test_LinkedList_foldl_result_542 = test_FoldClosure_run_result_177; return test_LinkedList_foldl_result_542; }