array Iterator_nextFree202 integer Iterator_firstFree172 integer Iterator_maxIndex131 array Iterator_typeId130 array List_nextFree364 integer List_firstFree100 integer List_maxIndex202 array List_typeId199 array Iterator_t132 integer A_firstFree115 = 0 integer A_maxIndex110 = 0 integer B_firstFree168 = 0 integer B_maxIndex182 = 0 integer C_firstFree101 = 0 integer C_maxIndex194 = 0 integer Iterator_firstFree172 = 0 integer Iterator_maxIndex131 = 0 integer List_firstFree100 = 0 integer List_maxIndex202 = 0 function initGlobals213() { } function main156() { initGlobals213(); init_test625(); } function config106() { } function init_test625() { local integer iterator105 iterator_105 = dispatch_List_test_List_iterator687(new_List760()); loop { exitwhen (not dispatch_Iterator_test_Iterator_hasNext214(iterator_105)); dispatch_Iterator_test_Iterator_next152(iterator_105); testSuccess381(); }; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess381() { } function new_Iterator447(integer t331) returns integer { local integer this196 this_196 = alloc_Iterator481(); construct_Iterator113(this_196, t_331); return this_196; } function Iterator_hasNext180(integer this145) returns boolean { return true; } function Iterator_next339(integer this119) returns any { return Iterator_t_132[this_119]; } function Iterator_init148(integer this131) { } function construct_Iterator113(integer this159, integer t111) { Iterator_init148(this_159); } function List_iterator265(integer this570) returns integer { return new_Iterator447(this_570); } function List_init952(integer this187) { } function new_List760() returns integer { local integer this174 this_174 = alloc_List317(); construct_List381(this_174); return this_174; } function construct_List381(integer this112) { List_init952(this_112); } function error197(string msg130) { $debugPrint186((msg_130 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function alloc_Iterator481() returns integer { local integer this233 if (Iterator_firstFree_172 == 0) { if (Iterator_maxIndex_131 < 32768) { Iterator_maxIndex_131 = (Iterator_maxIndex_131 + 1); this_233 = Iterator_maxIndex_131; Iterator_typeId_130[this_233] = 4; } else { error197("Out of memory: Could not create Iterator."); this_233 = 0; }; } else { Iterator_firstFree_172 = (Iterator_firstFree_172 - 1); this_233 = Iterator_nextFree_202[Iterator_firstFree_172]; Iterator_typeId_130[this_233] = 4; }; return this_233; } function alloc_List317() returns integer { local integer this682 if (List_firstFree_100 == 0) { if (List_maxIndex_202 < 32768) { List_maxIndex_202 = (List_maxIndex_202 + 1); this_682 = List_maxIndex_202; List_typeId_199[this_682] = 5; } else { error197("Out of memory: Could not create List."); this_682 = 0; }; } else { List_firstFree_100 = (List_firstFree_100 - 1); this_682 = List_nextFree_364[List_firstFree_100]; List_typeId_199[this_682] = 5; }; return this_682; } function dispatch_Iterator_test_Iterator_hasNext214(integer this658) returns boolean { if (Iterator_typeId_130[this_658] == 0) { if (this_658 == 0) { error197("Nullpointer exception when calling Iterator.hasNext"); } else { error197("Called Iterator.hasNext on invalid object."); }; } else { }; return Iterator_hasNext180(this_658); } function dispatch_Iterator_test_Iterator_next152(integer this177) returns any { if (Iterator_typeId_130[this_177] == 0) { if (this_177 == 0) { error197("Nullpointer exception when calling"); } else { error197("Called on invalid object."); }; } else { }; return Iterator_next339(this_177); } function dispatch_List_test_List_iterator687(integer this211) returns integer { if (List_typeId_199[this_211] == 0) { if (this_211 == 0) { error197("Nullpointer exception when calling List.iterator"); } else { error197("Called List.iterator on invalid object."); }; } else { }; return List_iterator265(this_211); }