array C_nextFree175 integer C_firstFree231 integer C_maxIndex164 array D_nextFree136 integer D_firstFree117 integer D_maxIndex896 integer C_firstFree231 = 0 integer C_maxIndex164 = 0 integer D_firstFree117 = 0 integer D_maxIndex896 = 0 function initGlobals130() { } function main386() { initGlobals130(); init_test963(); } function config268() { } function init_test963() { new_C176(); new_D241(); } function C_init850(integer this158) { construct_C_M213(this_158); } function construct_C_M213(integer this203) { } function new_C176() returns integer { local integer this138 this_138 = alloc_C128(); construct_C209(this_138); return this_138; } function construct_C209(integer this151) { C_init850(this_151); } function D_init171(integer this166) { } function new_D241() returns integer { local integer this188 this_188 = alloc_D194(); construct_D497(this_188); return this_188; } function construct_D497(integer this525) { D_init171(this_525); } function alloc_C128() returns integer { local integer this165 if (C_firstFree_231 == 0) { if (C_maxIndex_164 < 32768) { C_maxIndex_164 = (C_maxIndex_164 + 1); this_165 = C_maxIndex_164; } else { error107("Out of memory: Could not create C."); this_165 = 0; }; } else { C_firstFree_231 = (C_firstFree_231 - 1); this_165 = C_nextFree_175[C_firstFree_231]; }; return this_165; } function error107(string msg703) { $debugPrint139((msg_703 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function alloc_D194() returns integer { local integer this118 if (D_firstFree_117 == 0) { if (D_maxIndex_896 < 32768) { D_maxIndex_896 = (D_maxIndex_896 + 1); this_118 = D_maxIndex_896; } else { error107("Out of memory: Could not create D."); this_118 = 0; }; } else { D_firstFree_117 = (D_firstFree_117 - 1); this_118 = D_nextFree_136[D_firstFree_117]; }; return this_118; }