array A_nextFree161 integer A_firstFree174 integer A_maxIndex867 integer wurst_stack_depth173 array wurst_stack583 array A_foo_0173 array A_foo_1534 array A_foo_2721 array A_foo_3189 array A_foo_4143 array A_foo_5572 array A_foo_6639 array A_foo_7984 array A_foo_8171 array A_foo_9119 array A_foo_10965 array A_foo_11131 array A_foo_12139 array A_foo_13175 array A_foo_14169 array A_foo_15442 array A_foo_16190 array A_foo_17103 array A_foo_18873 array A_foo_19133 integer test_x112 = 4 integer test_y540 = 5 integer test_z867 = (4 * (10 + (- 5))) integer A_firstFree174 = 0 integer A_maxIndex867 = 0 integer wurst_stack_depth173 = 0 function initGlobals116() { } function main123() { initGlobals116(); init_test196("when calling init_test in testArraySize, line 1"); } function config942() { } function init_test196(string __wurst_stackPos108) { local integer this200 wurst_stack_583[wurst_stack_depth_173] = __wurst_stackPos_108; wurst_stack_depth_173 = (wurst_stack_depth_173 + 1); wurst_stack_583[wurst_stack_depth_173] = "when calling new_A in testArraySize, line 9"; wurst_stack_depth_173 = (wurst_stack_depth_173 + 1); wurst_stack_583[wurst_stack_depth_173] = "when calling alloc_A in testArraySize, line 6"; wurst_stack_depth_173 = (wurst_stack_depth_173 + 1); if (A_firstFree_174 == 0) { if (A_maxIndex_867 < 32768) { A_maxIndex_867 = (A_maxIndex_867 + 1); this_200 = A_maxIndex_867; } else { error155("Out of memory: Could not create A.", "when calling error in testArraySize, line 6"); this_200 = 0; }; } else { A_firstFree_174 = (A_firstFree_174 - 1); this_200 = A_nextFree_161[A_firstFree_174]; }; wurst_stack_depth_173 = ((wurst_stack_depth_173 - 1) - 1); A_foo_set938(this_200, 13, 42, "when writing array A_foo in testArraySize, line 10"); if (A_foo_get180(this_200, 13, "when reading array A_foo in in testArraySize, line 11") == 42) { testSuccess191(); } else { }; wurst_stack_depth_173 = (wurst_stack_depth_173 - 1); } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess191() { } function error155(string msg813, string __wurst_stackPos172) { local integer stacktraceIndex421 local integer stacktraceLimit130 wurst_stack_583[wurst_stack_depth_173] = __wurst_stackPos_172; wurst_stack_depth_173 = (wurst_stack_depth_173 + 1); __wurst_stackPos_172 = ""; stacktraceIndex_421 = wurst_stack_depth_173; stacktraceLimit_130 = 0; loop { stacktraceIndex_421 = (stacktraceIndex_421 - 1); stacktraceLimit_130 = (stacktraceLimit_130 + 1); exitwhen ((stacktraceLimit_130 > 20) or (stacktraceIndex_421 < 0)); __wurst_stackPos_172 = (__wurst_stackPos_172 + (" " + wurst_stack_583[stacktraceIndex_421])); }; $debugPrint146((msg_813 + (" " + __wurst_stackPos_172))); wurst_stack_depth_173 = (wurst_stack_depth_173 - 1); } function A_foo_set938(integer instanceId169, integer arrayIndex101, integer value537, string stackPos132) { if ((arrayIndex_101 < 0) or (arrayIndex_101 >= 20)) { error155("Index out of Bounds", stackPos_132); } else { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 9) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 4) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 2) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 1) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 0) { A_foo_0_173[instanceId_169] = value_537; } else { A_foo_1_534[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; } else { A_foo_2_721[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 3) { A_foo_3_189[instanceId_169] = value_537; } else { A_foo_4_143[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 7) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 6) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 5) { A_foo_5_572[instanceId_169] = value_537; } else { A_foo_6_639[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; } else { A_foo_7_984[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 8) { A_foo_8_171[instanceId_169] = value_537; } else { A_foo_9_119[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; }; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 14) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 12) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 11) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 10) { A_foo_10_965[instanceId_169] = value_537; } else { A_foo_11_131[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; } else { A_foo_12_139[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 13) { A_foo_13_175[instanceId_169] = value_537; } else { A_foo_14_169[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 17) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 16) { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 15) { A_foo_15_442[instanceId_169] = value_537; } else { A_foo_16_190[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; } else { A_foo_17_103[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; } else { if (arrayIndex_101 <= 18) { A_foo_18_873[instanceId_169] = value_537; } else { A_foo_19_133[instanceId_169] = value_537; }; }; }; }; }; } function A_foo_get180(integer index1159, integer index2118, string stackPos214) returns integer { local integer returnVal160 if ((index2_118 < 0) or (index2_118 >= 20)) { error155("Index out of Bounds", stackPos_214); } else { if (index2_118 <= 9) { if (index2_118 <= 4) { if (index2_118 <= 2) { if (index2_118 <= 1) { if (index2_118 <= 0) { returnVal_160 = A_foo_0_173[index1_159]; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_1_534[index1_159]; }; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_2_721[index1_159]; }; } else { if (index2_118 <= 3) { returnVal_160 = A_foo_3_189[index1_159]; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_4_143[index1_159]; }; }; } else { if (index2_118 <= 7) { if (index2_118 <= 6) { if (index2_118 <= 5) { returnVal_160 = A_foo_5_572[index1_159]; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_6_639[index1_159]; }; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_7_984[index1_159]; }; } else { if (index2_118 <= 8) { returnVal_160 = A_foo_8_171[index1_159]; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_9_119[index1_159]; }; }; }; } else { if (index2_118 <= 14) { if (index2_118 <= 12) { if (index2_118 <= 11) { if (index2_118 <= 10) { returnVal_160 = A_foo_10_965[index1_159]; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_11_131[index1_159]; }; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_12_139[index1_159]; }; } else { if (index2_118 <= 13) { returnVal_160 = A_foo_13_175[index1_159]; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_14_169[index1_159]; }; }; } else { if (index2_118 <= 17) { if (index2_118 <= 16) { if (index2_118 <= 15) { returnVal_160 = A_foo_15_442[index1_159]; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_16_190[index1_159]; }; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_17_103[index1_159]; }; } else { if (index2_118 <= 18) { returnVal_160 = A_foo_18_873[index1_159]; } else { returnVal_160 = A_foo_19_133[index1_159]; }; }; }; }; }; return returnVal_160; }