array A_nextFree651 integer A_firstFree238 integer A_maxIndex180 array A_a_0176 array A_a_1999 integer A_firstFree238 = 0 integer A_maxIndex180 = 0 function initGlobals111() { } function main145() { local integer a257 initGlobals111(); a_257 = new_A613(); if ((A_a_get726(a_257, 0) == 1) and (A_a_get726(a_257, 1) == 2)) { testSuccess135(); } else { }; } function config484() { } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess135() { } function new_A613() returns integer { local integer this559 if (A_firstFree_238 == 0) { if (A_maxIndex_180 < 32768) { A_maxIndex_180 = (A_maxIndex_180 + 1); this_559 = A_maxIndex_180; } else { error150("Out of memory: Could not create A."); this_559 = 0; }; } else { A_firstFree_238 = (A_firstFree_238 - 1); this_559 = A_nextFree_651[A_firstFree_238]; }; A_a_set184(this_559, 0, 1); A_a_set184(this_559, 1, 2); return this_559; } function error150(string msg213) { $debugPrint919((msg_213 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); } function A_a_set184(integer instanceId381, integer arrayIndex207, integer value148) { if ((arrayIndex_207 < 0) or (arrayIndex_207 >= 2)) { error150("Index out of Bounds"); } else { if (arrayIndex_207 <= 0) { A_a_0_176[instanceId_381] = value_148; } else { A_a_1_999[instanceId_381] = value_148; }; }; } function A_a_get726(integer index1206, integer index2450) returns integer { local integer returnVal772 if ((index2_450 < 0) or (index2_450 >= 2)) { error150("Index out of Bounds"); } else { if (index2_450 <= 0) { returnVal_772 = A_a_0_176[index1_206]; } else { returnVal_772 = A_a_1_999[index1_206]; }; }; return returnVal_772; }