array A_nextFree169 integer A_firstFree147 integer A_maxIndex212 array A_x148 integer A_firstFree147 = 0 integer A_maxIndex212 = 0 function initGlobals734() { } function main107() { initGlobals734(); init_test165(); } function config665() { } function init_test165() { local integer a173 local integer b185 local integer i176 local integer j122 local integer x955 local integer this211 local integer this139 local integer this239 local integer x123 local integer this452 local integer x556 local integer this707 local integer this200 local integer this104 local integer x754 local integer this142 x_955 = 42; if (A_firstFree_147 == 0) { if (A_maxIndex_212 < 32768) { A_maxIndex_212 = (A_maxIndex_212 + 1); this_139 = A_maxIndex_212; } else { error346("Out of memory: Could not create A."); this_139 = 0; }; } else { A_firstFree_147 = (A_firstFree_147 - 1); this_139 = A_nextFree_169[A_firstFree_147]; }; this_211 = this_139; this_239 = this_211; x_123 = x_955; this_452 = this_239; A_x_148[this_452] = 1; A_x_148[this_239] = x_123; a_173 = this_211; x_556 = 43; if (A_firstFree_147 == 0) { if (A_maxIndex_212 < 32768) { A_maxIndex_212 = (A_maxIndex_212 + 1); this_200 = A_maxIndex_212; } else { error346("Out of memory: Could not create A."); this_200 = 0; }; } else { A_firstFree_147 = (A_firstFree_147 - 1); this_200 = A_nextFree_169[A_firstFree_147]; }; this_707 = this_200; this_104 = this_707; x_754 = x_556; this_142 = this_104; A_x_148[this_142] = 1; A_x_148[this_104] = x_754; b_185 = this_707; i_176 = (a_173 castTo integer); j_122 = (b_185 castTo integer); if (A_x_148[(((((2 * i_176) + j_122) - j_122) - i_176) castTo integer)] == 42) { testSuccess163(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess163() { } function error346(string msg211) { $debugPrint247((msg_211 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); }