array A_nextFree146 integer A_firstFree812 integer A_maxIndex207 array Cell_nextFree104 integer Cell_firstFree326 integer Cell_maxIndex192 array Cell_typeId193 array A_x131 array Cell_x131 integer A_firstFree812 = 0 integer A_maxIndex207 = 0 integer Cell_firstFree326 = 0 integer Cell_maxIndex192 = 0 function initGlobals175() { } function main994() { initGlobals175(); init_test803(); } function config482() { } function init_test803() { local integer a143 local integer c242 local integer x205 local integer this568 local integer this684 local integer this699 local integer x296 local integer this172 local integer this133 local any x166 local integer this197 local any x122 local integer this192 local any test_Cell_get_result557 local integer this271 x_205 = 42; if (A_firstFree_812 == 0) { if (A_maxIndex_207 < 32768) { A_maxIndex_207 = (A_maxIndex_207 + 1); this_684 = A_maxIndex_207; } else { error132("Out of memory: Could not create A."); this_684 = 0; }; } else { A_firstFree_812 = (A_firstFree_812 - 1); this_684 = A_nextFree_146[A_firstFree_812]; }; this_568 = this_684; this_699 = this_568; x_296 = x_205; this_172 = this_699; A_x_131[this_172] = 1; A_x_131[this_699] = x_296; a_143 = this_568; c_242 = new_Cell184(); this_133 = c_242; x_166 = a_143; if (Cell_typeId_193[this_133] == 0) { if (this_133 == 0) { error132("Nullpointer exception when calling Cell.set"); } else { error132("Called Cell.set on invalid object."); }; } else { }; this_197 = this_133; x_122 = x_166; Cell_x_131[this_197] = (x_122 castTo integer); this_192 = c_242; if (Cell_typeId_193[this_192] == 0) { if (this_192 == 0) { error132("Nullpointer exception when calling Cell.get"); } else { error132("Called Cell.get on invalid object."); }; } else { }; this_271 = this_192; test_Cell_get_result_557 = (Cell_x_131[this_271] castTo any); if (A_x_131[test_Cell_get_result_557] == 42) { testSuccess155(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess155() { } function new_Cell184() returns integer { local integer this669 local integer this138 if (Cell_firstFree_326 == 0) { if (Cell_maxIndex_192 < 32768) { Cell_maxIndex_192 = (Cell_maxIndex_192 + 1); this_138 = Cell_maxIndex_192; Cell_typeId_193[this_138] = 2; } else { error132("Out of memory: Could not create Cell."); this_138 = 0; }; } else { Cell_firstFree_326 = (Cell_firstFree_326 - 1); this_138 = Cell_nextFree_104[Cell_firstFree_326]; Cell_typeId_193[this_138] = 2; }; this_669 = this_138; return this_669; } function error132(string msg792) { $debugPrint354((msg_792 + (" " + #getStackTrace()))); }