integer wurst_stack_depth127 = 0 function initGlobals182() { } function main812() { initGlobals182(); init_test926(); } function config585() { } function init_test926() { local real tuple_temp134 local real tuple_temp210 tuple_temp_210 = (Cos117(1.5708) * 10.); tuple_temp_134 = (Sin200(1.5708) * 10.); tuple_temp_210 = (1. + tuple_temp_210); tuple_temp_134 = (2. + tuple_temp_134); if ((((tuple_temp_210 >= 0.99) and (tuple_temp_210 <= 1.01)) and (tuple_temp_134 >= 11.99)) and (tuple_temp_134 <= 12.01)) { testSuccess177(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE IS_EXTERN @extern function Cos117(real x660) returns real { } IS_NATIVE IS_EXTERN @extern function Sin200(real x446) returns real { } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess177() { }