function initGlobals177() { } function main132() { initGlobals177(); init_test185(); } function config154() { } function init_test185() { local real v_x175 local real v_y561 local real this_x130 local real this_y607 local real ang_radians679 local real dist124 local real this_x126 local real this_y937 local real v_x738 local real v_y171 local real this_radians608 local real len211 local real tuple_temp154 local real tuple_temp116 local real tuple_temp793 local real tuple_temp131 local real tuple_temp658 local real tuple_temp666 local real tuple_temp100 local real tuple_temp403 local real tuple_temp208 local real tuple_temp816 local real tuple_temp146 local real tuple_temp126 tuple_temp_154 = 1.; tuple_temp_116 = 2.; v_x_175 = tuple_temp_154; v_y_561 = tuple_temp_116; tuple_temp_793 = v_x_175; tuple_temp_131 = v_y_561; this_x_130 = tuple_temp_793; this_y_607 = tuple_temp_131; tuple_temp_658 = 1.5708; ang_radians_679 = tuple_temp_658; dist_124 = 10.; tuple_temp_666 = this_x_130; tuple_temp_100 = this_y_607; this_x_126 = tuple_temp_666; this_y_937 = tuple_temp_100; tuple_temp_403 = ang_radians_679; this_radians_608 = tuple_temp_403; len_211 = dist_124; tuple_temp_208 = (Cos262(this_radians_608) * len_211); tuple_temp_816 = (Sin933(this_radians_608) * len_211); v_x_738 = tuple_temp_208; v_y_171 = tuple_temp_816; tuple_temp_146 = (this_x_126 + v_x_738); tuple_temp_126 = (this_y_937 + v_y_171); v_x_175 = tuple_temp_146; v_y_561 = tuple_temp_126; if ((((v_x_175 >= 0.99) and (v_x_175 <= 1.01)) and (v_y_561 >= 11.99)) and (v_y_561 <= 12.01)) { testSuccess202(); } else { }; } IS_NATIVE IS_EXTERN @extern function Cos262(real x210) returns real { } IS_NATIVE IS_EXTERN @extern function Sin933(real x192) returns real { } IS_NATIVE function testSuccess202() { }