The Horus project changelog 0.4.6.T — Extra build for usage with TESH. 0.4.6 — Fixed folding on loop. — Reverted folding on else to the beginning. Say no to code monkeys. 0.4.5 — Fixed stack corruption issues. — Added folding on library_once and textmacro_once. — Added folding on phrases with four meaning words. 0.4.4 — Finally fixed folding on else. — Added folding on private modules. 0.4.3 — Added folding on novjass and inject. — Fixed not recognizing .0, 0x0, $0 -like numbers. — Fixed bug with numbers being recognized as values. 0.4.2 — Fixed user-defined functions from 'includes' folder not being recognized. — Added folding of textmacro and preprocessor directives. — Fixed folding on else when the closing brace was on previous line. 0.4.1 — Fixed folding bugs with interface. 0.4 — Migrated to Scintilla 2.01 — Rewrote code folding logic from scratch. — Correct highlighting of nested comments. 0.3.1 — Fixed last word highlighting. 0.3 — Rewrote code highlighting logic from scratch. — Completely migrated to Unicode build. — Enabled Unicode input support. — Disabled LMB+Scroll zoom bug. 0.2 — Added delimeted comments highlighting. — Added folding on all cJass keywords. 0.1 — First version, based on SFilip's old lexer source. — Using Scintilla 1.77