Returns matrix' column by index as a vector or rises an error if doesn't exist.
Returns matrix' column by index as a vector or rises an error if doesn't exist.
Sets the matrix to a projection matrix with a near- and far plane, a field of view in degrees and an aspect ratio. Note that the field of view specified is the angle in degrees for the height, the field of view for the width will be calculated according to the aspect ratio.
Finds inverse matrix. Returns tuple inverseresult22(bool success, mat2 matrix) where 'success' is true if the inverse matrix exists and 'matrix' is the inverse matrix. If there's no inverse matrix 'success' is false and 'matrix' is zero matrix.
Finds inverse matrix. Returns tuple inverseresult33(bool success, mat3 matrix) where 'success' is true if the inverse matrix exists and 'matrix' is the inverse matrix. If there's no inverse matrix 'success' is false and 'matrix' is zero matrix.
Finds inverse matrix. Returns tuple inverseresult44(bool success, mat3 matrix) where 'success' is true if the inverse matrix exists and 'matrix' is the inverse matrix. If there's no inverse matrix 'success' is false and 'matrix' is zero matrix.
Matrix 2x2 00 01 10 11 Each column represents an axis in a rotation matrix.
Matrix 3x3 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22 Each column represents an axis in a rotation matrix.
Matrix 4x4 00 01 02 03 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33
Due to parameter restriction you need to set `tmp_mat` as one matrix before multiplying.
Matrix multiplication is not commutative that means matrix * vect is not the same as vec * matrix.
Matrix multiplication is not commutative that means matrix * vect is not the same as vec * matrix.
Matrix multiplication is not commutative that means matrix * vect is not the same as vec * matrix.
Multiplies this vector by the given matrix dividing by w, assuming the fourth (w) component of the vector is 1. This is mostly used to project/unproject vectors via a perspective projection matrix.
Returns matrix' row by index as a vector or rises an error if doesn't exist.
Returns matrix' row by index as a vector or rises an error if doesn't exist.
Sets this matrix to a look at matrix with the given position, target and up vector.
Sets the matrix to a look at matrix with a direction and an up vector. Multiply with a translation matrix to get a camera model view matrix.
Sets this matrix to a translation matrix, overwriting it first by an identity matrix and then setting the 4th column to the translation vector.
Extracts Euler-angles (Tait-Bryan) in radians from a rotation matrix. Order of the result is Z-Y-X (Yaw-Pitch-Roll).
Creates rotation matrix from angle.
Creates 3x3 rotation matrix from axis and angle.
Creates 3x3 rotation matrix from axis and angle.
Creates 3x3 rotation matrix around X-axis from angle.
Creates 3x3 rotation matrix around Y-axis from angle.
Creates 3x3 rotation matrix around Z-axis from angle.
Creates scaling 2x2 matrix from a vector.
Creates 3x3 scaling matrix from a vector.
Creates translation 3x3 matrix from a vector that represents an offset. Use it with vec3 that represents 2D point.
The sum of the main diagonal terms.
Flips the matrix over its main diagonale. Result of transposing for rotation matrix is its inverse matrix.
Flips the matrix over its main diagonale. Result of transposing for rotation matrix is its inverse matrix.