Standard Fehler (STDERR)
Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully! Running <Angle:78 - testAngle>.. OK! Running <BitSet:99 - testGet>.. OK! Running <BitSet:108 - testSet>.. OK! Running <BitSet:111 - testReset>.. OK! Running <BitSet:114 - testFlip>.. OK! Running ...[truncated 56651 chars]... Number_IsValidLength>.. OK! Running <StringUtilsTests:64 - testReplaceChars>.. OK! Running <TerrainUtils:154 - testMapCorners>.. OK! Running <TerrainUtils:160 - testUpperBound>.. OK! Running <TerrainUtils:169 - testLowerBound>.. OK! Running <Vectors:470 - vectorTests>.. OK! Running <Vectors:480 - testIsInTriangle>.. OK! Running <Vectors:490 - testIsInPolygon>.. OK! Tests succeeded: 226/226 >> All tests have passed successfully! Tests succeeded: 0/0 >> All tests have passed successfully!