

Dauer: 0,34 Sekunden.

Standard Ausgabe (STDOUT)

Wrong version 'e162dbe38d508fd28d1aae8913c85294265bd77c', executing git pull to get 'e0013645cc2c3d119704bb87715d7273723268bd'

Standard Fehler (STDERR)

... when calling main() in <source of NoExpr not found>:1
... when calling init_Test() in testStacktrace:5
... when calling bar(2) in testStacktrace:17

... when calling main() in <source of NoExpr not found>:1
... when calling init_Test() in testStacktrace:5
... when calling foo(1, 2) in testStacktrace:17

... when calling main() in <source of NoExpr not found>:1
... when calling init_Test() in testStacktrace:5
... when calling bar(2) in testStacktrace:17

... when calling main() in <source of 
...[truncated 1983 chars]...
f NoExpr not found>:1
... when calling init_Test() in testStacktrace:5
... when calling foo(1, 2) in testStacktrace:17

   when calling bar in testStacktrace, line 17
   when calling Test in testStacktrace, line 5

   when calling foo in testStacktrace, line 17
   when calling Test in testStacktrace, line 5

   when calling bar in testStacktrace, line 17
   when calling Test in testStacktrace, line 5

   when calling foo in testStacktrace, line 17
   when calling Test in testStacktrace, line 5