package Char import NoWurst import String import LinkedList /** * Credits go here: */ string array c2s int array s2c int array width constant int MAX_INDEX = '~' + 1 constant int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 0 constant string DEFAULT_STRING = "" public tuple char(int c) /** Returns the width of the string */ public function string.getWidth() returns int int width = 0 for int i = 0 to this.length() - 1 width += char(this.charAt(i)).getWidth() return width public function char(string s) returns char if ("\\" == s) return char('\') int a = s2c[StringHash(s) div 0x1F0748 + 0x3EA] if (s != c2s[a]) return char(a + 32) return char(a) public function char.toString() returns string if (this.c > MAX_INDEX) return DEFAULT_STRING return c2s[this.c] public function char.toInt() returns int return this.c public function char.getWidth() returns int if (this.c > MAX_INDEX) return DEFAULT_WIDTH return width[this.c] public function string.toChar() returns char return char(this) public function string.toCharList() returns LinkedList LinkedList res = new LinkedList() for int i = 0 to this.length() - 1 res.add(char(this.charAt(i))) return res public function int.toChar() returns char return char(this) public function charToIndex(char c) returns int return c.toInt() public function charFromIndex(int index) returns char return char(index) init c2sInit() s2cInit() widthInit() function widthInit() width[0] = 0 width[1] = 0 width[2] = 0 width[3] = 0 width[4] = 0 width[5] = 0 width[6] = 0 width[7] = 0 //\a width[8] = 0 //\b width[9] = 0 //\t width[10] = 1000000000 //\n width[11] = 0 //\v width[12] = 0 //\f width[13] = 0 //\r width[14] = 0 width[15] = 0 width[16] = 0 width[17] = 0 width[18] = 0 width[19] = 0 width[20] = 0 width[21] = 0 width[22] = 0 width[23] = 0 width[24] = 0 width[25] = 0 width[26] = 0 width[27] = 0 //\e width[28] = 0 width[29] = 0 width[30] = 0 width[31] = 0 width[' '] = 70 width['!'] = 60 width['"'] = 80 width['#'] = 180 width['$'] = 140 width['%'] = 199 width['&'] = 219 width['''] = 40 width['('] = 80 width[')'] = 80 width['*'] = 121 width['+'] = 140 width[','] = 55 width['-'] = 104 width['.'] = 51 width['/'] = 121 width['0'] = 160 width['1'] = 60 width['2'] = 160 width['3'] = 160 width['4'] = 180 width['5'] = 160 width['6'] = 160 width['7'] = 140 width['8'] = 160 width['9'] = 160 width[':'] = 60 width[';'] = 60 width['<'] = 140 width['='] = 140 width['>'] = 140 width['?'] = 140 width['@'] = 199 width['A'] = 206 width['B'] = 162 width['C'] = 183 width['D'] = 193 width['E'] = 153 width['F'] = 122 width['G'] = 204 width['H'] = 200 width['I'] = 77 width['J'] = 80 width['K'] = 183 width['L'] = 148 width['M'] = 264 width['N'] = 200 width['O'] = 225 width['P'] = 156 width['Q'] = 237 width['R'] = 179 width['S'] = 156 width['T'] = 151 width['U'] = 187 width['V'] = 183 width['W'] = 282 width['X'] = 204 width['Y'] = 179 width['Z'] = 179 width['['] = 80 width['\'] = 100 width[']'] = 80 width['^'] = 140 width['_'] = 140 width['`'] = 100 width['a'] = 151 width['b'] = 159 width['c'] = 147 width['d'] = 162 width['e'] = 159 width['f'] = 98 width['g'] = 176 width['h'] = 159 width['i'] = 65 width['j'] = 77 width['k'] = 147 width['l'] = 68 width['m'] = 227 width['n'] = 156 width['o'] = 166 width['p'] = 162 width['q'] = 162 width['r'] = 98 width['s'] = 126 width['t'] = 100 width['u'] = 159 width['v'] = 159 width['w'] = 229 width['x'] = 159 width['y'] = 159 width['z'] = 147 width['{'] = 80 width['|'] = 60 width['}'] = 80 width['~'] = 140 width[127] = 0 function s2cInit() for int i = 0 to MAX_INDEX if c2s[i].toUpperCase() == c2s[i] s2c[StringHash(c2s[i]) div 0x1F0748 + 0x3EA] = i else skip function c2sInit() c2s[0] = "" c2s[1] = "" c2s[2] = "" c2s[3] = "" c2s[4] = "" c2s[5] = "" c2s[6] = "" c2s[7] = "" //\a c2s[8] = "" //\b c2s[9] = "\t" c2s[10] = "\n" c2s[11] = "" //\v c2s[12] = "" //\f c2s[13] = "\r" c2s[14] = "" c2s[15] = "" c2s[16] = "" c2s[17] = "" c2s[18] = "" c2s[19] = "" c2s[20] = "" c2s[21] = "" c2s[22] = "" c2s[23] = "" c2s[24] = "" c2s[25] = "" c2s[26] = "" c2s[27] = "" //\e c2s[28] = "" c2s[29] = "" c2s[30] = "" c2s[31] = "" c2s[' '] = " " c2s['!'] = "!" c2s['"'] = "\"" c2s['#'] = "#" c2s['$'] = "$" c2s['%'] = "%" c2s['&'] = "&" c2s['''] = "'" c2s['('] = "(" c2s[')'] = ")" c2s['*'] = "*" c2s['+'] = "+" c2s[','] = "," c2s['-'] = "-" c2s['.'] = "." c2s['/'] = "/" c2s['0'] = "0" c2s['1'] = "1" c2s['2'] = "2" c2s['3'] = "3" c2s['4'] = "4" c2s['5'] = "5" c2s['6'] = "6" c2s['7'] = "7" c2s['8'] = "8" c2s['9'] = "9" c2s[':'] = ":" c2s[';'] = ";" c2s['<'] = "<" c2s['='] = "=" c2s['>'] = ">" c2s['?'] = "?" c2s['@'] = "@" c2s['A'] = "A" c2s['B'] = "B" c2s['C'] = "C" c2s['D'] = "D" c2s['E'] = "E" c2s['F'] = "F" c2s['G'] = "G" c2s['H'] = "H" c2s['I'] = "I" c2s['J'] = "J" c2s['K'] = "K" c2s['L'] = "L" c2s['M'] = "M" c2s['N'] = "N" c2s['O'] = "O" c2s['P'] = "P" c2s['Q'] = "Q" c2s['R'] = "R" c2s['S'] = "S" c2s['T'] = "T" c2s['U'] = "U" c2s['V'] = "V" c2s['W'] = "W" c2s['X'] = "X" c2s['Y'] = "Y" c2s['Z'] = "Z" c2s['['] = "[" c2s['\'] = "\\" c2s[']'] = "]" c2s['^'] = "^" c2s['_'] = "_" c2s['`'] = "`" c2s['a'] = "a" c2s['b'] = "b" c2s['c'] = "c" c2s['d'] = "d" c2s['e'] = "e" c2s['f'] = "f" c2s['g'] = "g" c2s['h'] = "h" c2s['i'] = "i" c2s['j'] = "j" c2s['k'] = "k" c2s['l'] = "l" c2s['m'] = "m" c2s['n'] = "n" c2s['o'] = "o" c2s['p'] = "p" c2s['q'] = "q" c2s['r'] = "r" c2s['s'] = "s" c2s['t'] = "t" c2s['u'] = "u" c2s['v'] = "v" c2s['w'] = "w" c2s['x'] = "x" c2s['y'] = "y" c2s['z'] = "z" c2s['{'] = "{" c2s['|'] = "|" c2s['}'] = "}" c2s['~'] = "~" c2s[127] = ""