package Unit import NoWurst import public Vectors import Angle import Terrain native UnitAlive(unit id) returns boolean /** Returns the current order of the unit */ public function unit.getCurrentOrder() returns int return GetUnitCurrentOrder(this) public function unit.setInvulnerable(boolean flag) SetUnitInvulnerable(this, flag) public function vec2.withRealZ(unit u) returns vec3 return vec3(this.x, this.y, getTerrainZ(this.x, this.y)+u.getFlyHeight()) public function unit.isAlive() returns boolean return UnitAlive(this) public function unit.isAliveTrick() returns boolean return this.getHP() > .405 public function unit.isEnemy(player p) returns boolean return IsUnitEnemy(this, p) public function unit.addToStock(int sellUnitId, int stockCurrent, int stockMax) AddUnitToStock(this, sellUnitId, stockCurrent, stockMax) public function unit.addXp(int toAdd, boolean showEyeCandy) AddHeroXP(this, toAdd, showEyeCandy) public function unit.setTurnSpeed(real speed) SetUnitTurnSpeed(this, speed) public function unit.getX() returns real return GetUnitX(this) public function unit.getY() returns real return GetUnitY(this) public function unit.setX(real x) SetUnitX(this, x) public function unit.setY(real y) SetUnitY(this, y) public function unit.setXY(real x, real y) SetUnitX(this, x) SetUnitY(this, y) public function unit.setXY(vec2 pos) SetUnitX(this, pos.x) SetUnitY(this, pos.y) public function unit.setXY(vec3 pos) SetUnitX(this, pos.x) SetUnitY(this, pos.y) public function unit.setXYZ(vec3 pos) SetUnitX(this, pos.x) SetUnitY(this, pos.y) SetUnitFlyHeight(this, pos.z, 0) public function unit.setXYZReal(vec3 pos) SetUnitX(this, pos.x) SetUnitY(this, pos.y) SetUnitFlyHeight(this, pos.z-getTerrainZ(pos.x, pos.y), 0) public function unit.setPos(real x, real y) SetUnitPosition(this, x, y) public function unit.setPos(vec2 pos) SetUnitPosition(this, pos.x, pos.y) public function unit.getPos() returns vec2 return vec2(this.getX(), this.getY()) public function unit.getPos3() returns vec3 return vec2(this.getX(), this.getY()).withRealZ(this) public function unit.getPos3(real tZ) returns vec3 return vec3(this.getX(), this.getY(), this.getFlyHeight() + tZ) public function unit.getPos3fake() returns vec3 return vec3(this.getX(), this.getY(), 0.) public function unit.kill() KillUnit(this) public function unit.addAbility(int abil) returns boolean return UnitAddAbility(this, abil) public function unit.makeAbilityPermanent(int abil, boolean flag) returns boolean return UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(this, flag, abil) public function unit.removeAbility(int abil) UnitRemoveAbility(this, abil) public function unit.getOwner() returns player return GetOwningPlayer(this) public function unit.removeFromStock(int sellUnitId) RemoveUnitFromStock(this, sellUnitId) public function unit.setOwner(player p, boolean changeColor) SetUnitOwner(this, p, changeColor) public function unit.setColor( playercolor c ) SetUnitColor(this, c) public function unit.setScale(real scale) SetUnitScale(this, scale, scale, scale) public function unit.setVertexColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) SetUnitVertexColor(this, r, g, b, a) public function unit.addEffect(string fx, string attachment) returns effect return AddSpecialEffectTarget(fx, this, attachment) public function unit.setFacing(real deg) SetUnitFacing(this, deg) public function unit.setFacing(angle a) SetUnitFacing(this, a.degrees()) /** Returns the unit's facing in degrees. !Use .getFacingAngle() instead. */ public function unit.getFacing() returns real return GetUnitFacing(this) public function unit.getFacingAngle() returns angle return GetUnitFacing(this).asAngleDegrees() public function unit.getFlyHeight() returns real return GetUnitFlyHeight(this) public function unit.setFlyHeight(real height, real rate) SetUnitFlyHeight(this, height, rate) public function unit.hide() ShowUnit(this, false) public function ShowUnit(this, true) public function unit.setUserData(int data) SetUnitUserData(this, data) public function unit.getUserData() returns int return GetUnitUserData(this) public function unit.remove() RemoveUnit(this) public function unit.setState( unitstate state, real value ) SetUnitState( this, state, value ) public function unit.getState( unitstate state ) returns real return GetUnitState( this, state ) public function unit.addState( unitstate state, real value ) SetUnitState( this, state, this.getState(state) + value ) public function unit.subState( unitstate state, real value ) SetUnitState( this, state, this.getState(state) - value ) public function unit.setHP( real hp ) this.setState( UNIT_STATE_LIFE, hp ) public function unit.getHP() returns real return this.getState( UNIT_STATE_LIFE ) public function unit.subHP(real val) this.subState(UNIT_STATE_LIFE, val) public function unit.addHP(real val) this.addState(UNIT_STATE_LIFE, val) public function unit.getMaxHP() returns real return this.getState( UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE ) public function unit.addItem(int id) UnitAddItemById(this, id) public function unit.setTimedLife( real time ) UnitApplyTimedLife( this, 'BTLF', time ) public function unit.getName() returns string return GetUnitName(this) public function unit.getMoveSpeed() returns real return GetUnitMoveSpeed(this) public function unit.setMoveSpeed(real speed) SetUnitMoveSpeed(this, speed) public function unit.damageTarget(unit target, real amount) UnitDamageTarget(this, target, amount, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS) public function unit.setAnimation(string animation) SetUnitAnimation(this, animation) public function unit.setAnimation(int index) SetUnitAnimationByIndex(this, index) public function unit.queueAnimation(string animation) QueueUnitAnimation(this, animation) public function unit.setTimeScale(real scale) SetUnitTimeScale(this, scale) public function createUnit(player p, int unitId, vec2 pos, angle facing) returns unit return CreateUnit(p, unitId, pos.x, pos.y, facing.degrees()) public function createUnit(player p, int unitId, vec3 pos, angle facing) returns unit return CreateUnit(p, unitId, pos.x, pos.y, facing.degrees()) public function createUnitZ(player p, int unitId, vec3 pos, angle facing) returns unit return CreateUnit(p, unitId, pos.x, pos.y, facing.degrees()) ..setFlyHeight(pos.z - getTerrainZ(pos.x, pos.y), 0) public function unit.issuePointOrder(string order, vec2 target) IssuePointOrder(this, order, target.x, target.y) public function unit.hasAbility(int id) returns boolean return (GetUnitAbilityLevel(this, id) > 0) public function unit.getAbilityLevel(int id) returns int return GetUnitAbilityLevel(this, id) public function handle.getHandleId() returns int return GetHandleId(this) public function unit.pause() PauseUnit(this, true) public function unit.unpause() PauseUnit(this, false) public function unit.issueRallyPoint(vec2 pos) this.issuePointOrder("rally", pos) public function unit.setPropWindow(real value) SetUnitPropWindow(this, value) public function unit.getTypeId() returns int return GetUnitTypeId(this) public function unit.getMana() returns real return this.getState(UNIT_STATE_MANA) public function unit.setMana(real val) this.setState(UNIT_STATE_MANA, val) public function unit.subMana(real val) this.subState(UNIT_STATE_MANA, val) public function unit.addMana(real val) this.addState(UNIT_STATE_MANA, val) public function unit.setAbilityLevel(int abilId, int lvl) SetUnitAbilityLevel(this, abilId, lvl) public function unit.issueTargetOrderById(int id, widget target) returns boolean return IssueTargetOrderById(this, id, target) public function unit.issueTargetOrder(string order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean return IssueTargetOrder(this,order,targetWidget) public function unit.issuePointOrderById(int id, vec2 target) returns boolean return IssuePointOrderById(this, id, target.x, target.y) public function unit.issueImmediateOrderById(int id) returns boolean return IssueImmediateOrderById(this, id) public function unit.issueImmediateOrder(string order) returns boolean return IssueImmediateOrder(this, order) public function unit.removeItem(item itm) UnitRemoveItem(this, itm) public function unit.inventorySize() returns integer return UnitInventorySize(this) public function unit.itemInSlot(int inventoryIndex) returns item return UnitItemInSlot(this, inventoryIndex) public function unit.revive(vec2 pos, boolean doEyecandy) ReviveHero(this, pos.x, pos.y, doEyecandy) public function unit.setPathing(boolean value) SetUnitPathing(this,value) public function unit.getFoodUsed() returns int return GetFoodUsed(this.getTypeId()) public function unit.setUseFood(boolean flag) SetUnitUseFood(this, flag)