// this script was compiled with wurst globals // alliancetype ALLIANCE_HELP_REQUEST=null // attacktype ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC=null // damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL=null // mapcontrol MAP_CONTROL_USER=null // playerslotstate PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING=null // unitstate UNIT_STATE_LIFE=null // unitstate UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE=null // unitstate UNIT_STATE_MANA=null // playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH=null // playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED=null // playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER=null // playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER=null // playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER=null // unitevent EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED=null // playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST=null // playerunitevent EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT=null // unittype UNIT_TYPE_HERO=null // unittype UNIT_TYPE_DEAD=null // integer bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS=0 // rect bj_mapInitialPlayableArea=null // integer bj_groupCountUnits=0 // group bj_groupAddGroupDest=null integer Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID=0 integer Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER=0 integer Basics_LOCUST_ID=0 real Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD=0. real Basics_MAX_COLLISION_SIZE=0. player Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER=null string array Char_c2s integer Char_MAX_INDEX=0 integer Cast_casts=0 integer array ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacks integer ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacksCount=0 conditionfunc ClosureForGroups_filter=null integer array Collider_fx real array Collider_expirationTime real array Collider_speed real array Collider_acceleration real array Collider_maxSpeed real array Collider_minSpeed real array Collider_angleSpeed real array Collider_collisionSize boolean array Collider_silent integer array Collider_seenIds boolean array Collider_dead integer array Collider_angleMode unit array Collider_homingTargetUnit real array Collider_homingTarget real array Collider_homingTarget_2 integer array Collider_TimedLoop_instances integer Collider_TimedLoop_instanceCount=0 triggercondition Collider_TimedLoop_triggerCond=null integer array Collider_TimedLoop_mode integer Colors_decs=0 real CustomExp_RADIUS=0. real CustomExp_CLOSE=0. real CustomExp_MEDIUM=0. real CustomExp_FAR=0. real CustomExp_CLOSE_FACTOR=0. real CustomExp_MEDIUM_FACTOR=0. real CustomExp_FAR_FACTOR=0. integer CustomExp_UNIT_EXP=0 integer CustomExp_HERO_EXP=0 integer CustomExp_BONUS_EXP=0 real CustomExp_DURATION=0. real CustomExp_SIZE=0. integer CustomExp_RED=0 integer CustomExp_GREEN=0 integer CustomExp_BLUE=0 boolean CustomExp_SHOW_TEXT=false boolean CustomExp_SPLIT=false boolean CustomExp_DISTANCE_EFFECT=false real DamageDetection_SWAP_TIMEOUT=0. boolexpr array DamageDetection_func integer DamageDetection_funcNext=0 trigger DamageDetection_current=null trigger DamageDetection_toDestroy=null boolean DamageType_useBonusCalculator=false attacktype DamageType_ATTACK_TYPE_UNIVERSAL=null integer DamageType_DAMAGE_TYPE_CHECK_ID=0 integer DamageType_lastDamageType=0 unit array DelayDat_target unit array DelayDat_source real array DelayDat_damage real Damager_FACTOR_TEST_DAMAGE=0. real Damager_MAX_DAMAGE_FACTOR=0. real Damager_EPSILON=0. unit Damager_dmger=null boolean array Damager_damageSelf boolean array Damager_damageAllies boolean array Damager_damageEnemies boolean array Damager_damageNeutral boolean array Damager_ranged boolean array Damager_visibleOnly boolean array Damager_deadOnly boolean array Damager_alsoDead damagetype array Damager_dtype attacktype array Damager_atype weapontype array Damager_wtype boolean array Damager_forceDamage real array Damager_allyfactor boolean array Damager_use_ex unittype array Damager_ex_ut boolean array Damager_use_req unittype array Damager_req_ut integer array Damager_fcn integer array Damager_abifct integer array Damager_abifc integer array Damager_abifcn boolean array Damager_usefx string array Damager_fxpath string array Damager_fxattach integer Damager_instc=0 integer array Damager_countAOE unit array Damager_sourceAOE real array Damager_aoeX real array Damager_aoeY real array Damager_aoeRadius real array Damager_aoeDamage boolean DummyCaster_FORCE_INVISIBLE_CAST=false boolean DummyCaster_AUTO_RESET_MANA_COOLDOWN=false integer DummyCaster_delayTable=0 integer array DummyCaster_abilityId integer array DummyCaster_level player array DummyCaster_owner integer array DummyCaster_orderId real array DummyCaster_recycleDelay boolean array DummyCaster_customSource real array DummyCaster_customPos real array DummyCaster_customPos_2 real array DummyCaster_customPos_3 boolean array DummyCaster_autodestroy real DummyCaster_aoex=0. real DummyCaster_aoey=0. real DummyCaster_aoeradius=0. integer DummyCaster_cinstance=0 integer DummyRecycler_DIFFERENT_ANGLES=0 real DummyRecycler_ANGLE_DEGREE=0. integer DummyRecycler_SAVED_UNITS_PER_ANGLE=0 integer array ArrayQueue_fp integer array ArrayQueue_rp integer array ArrayQueue_size timer DelayNode_t=null unit array DelayNode_u real array DelayNode_delayTime integer array DelayNode_next integer DelayNode_first=0 integer DelayNode_last=0 integer array DummyRecycler_angleQueues integer ErrorHandling_MUTE_ERROR_DURATION=0 integer ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY=0 trigger EventHandling_castTrig=null trigger EventHandling_evalTrig=null conditionfunc array EventHandling_conds unit array EventHandling_casters integer EventHandling_count=0 string LocalFileTest_FLAG_FOLDER=null string LocalFileTest_FLAG_FILE=null boolean LocalFileTest_success=false unit array Fx_dummy effect array Fx_fx timer GameTimer_gameTimer=null real GameTimer_currentTime=0. hashtable HashMap_ht=null integer InstanceBoard_classes=0 multiboard InstanceBoard_mb=null integer array InstanceBoard_count string array InstanceBoard_nameOfClass integer InstantDummyCaster_DUMMY_CASTER_UNIT_ID=0 unit InstantDummyCaster_caster=null real Knockback3_DESTRUCTABLE_ENUM_SIZE=0. integer LastOrder_ORDERS_TO_HOLD=0 integer array LastOrder_orderQueues integer array OrderQueue_fp integer array OrderQueue_rp integer array OrderQueue_size integer array LLEntry_elem integer array LLEntry_prev integer array LLEntry_next integer array LinkedList_dummy rect MapBounds_playableMapRect=null rect MapBounds_boundRect=null region MapBounds_boundRegion=null real MapBounds_playableMin_x=0. real MapBounds_playableMin_y=0. real MapBounds_playableMax_x=0. real MapBounds_playableMax_y=0. real MapBounds_boundMin_x=0. real MapBounds_boundMin_y=0. real MapBounds_boundMax_x=0. real MapBounds_boundMax_y=0. real Maths_PI2=0. real Maths_DEGTORAD=0. real Maths_RADTODEG=0. string ObjectIds_charMap=null trigger OnUnitEnterLeave_eventTrigger=null unit OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit=null group array g integer OnUnitEnterLeave_ABILITY_ID=0 player array Player_players boolean PreloadHandler_autoFinish=false group PreloadHandler_dumg=null unit PreloadHandler_dum=null boolean array PrintingHelper_wantDebug integer PrintingHelper_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 real PrintingHelper_DEBUG_MSG_DURATION=0. integer array Queue_front integer array Queue_size integer array SEntry_elem integer array SEntry_next trigger array RegisterEvents_t integer RegisterEvents_onCastMap=0 real Simulate3dSound_PERIOD=0. sound array Sim3DSound_snd unit array Sim3DSound_sourceUnit real array Sim3DSound_source real array Sim3DSound_source_2 boolean array Sim3DSound_adjust real array Sim3DSound_initial real array Sim3DSound_factor real array Sim3DSound_dur real array Sim3DSound_maxD real array Sim3DSound_distCut integer SoundHelper_DEFAULT_SOUND_VOLUME=0 real SoundHelper_DEFAULT_SOUND_PITCH=0. integer SoundHelper_SOUND_CHANNEL=0 real SoundHelper_SOUND_MIN_DIST=0. real SoundHelper_SOUND_MAX_DIST=0. real SoundHelper_SOUND_DIST_CUT=0. real array DynamicSound_targetPitch real array DynamicSound_currentPitch real array DynamicSound_smoothness real array DynamicSound_minimumLength integer array DynamicSound_soundData integer array DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instances integer DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instanceCount=0 triggercondition DynamicSound_TimedLoop_triggerCond=null integer array DynamicSound_TimedLoop_mode sound array SData_snd integer array SData_soundData unit array SData_onUnit player array SData_p integer array SData_s3s integer array Sound_soundStack string array Sound_file integer array Sound_duration boolean array Sound_looping boolean array Sound_is3D boolean array Sound_stopOnLeaveRange integer array Sound_fadeIn integer array Sound_fadeOut string array Sound_eaxSetting real array Sound_emuPos real array Sound_emuPos_2 unit array Sound_emuUnit code SoundQueue_c=null integer array SoundQueue_queue timer array SoundQueue_tm integer array SEntry_elem_2 integer array SEntry_prev integer array Stack_top integer array Stack_size string String_charset=null string String_numberset=null hashtable Table_ht=null group TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP=null integer Terrain_DUMMY_ITEM_ID=0 item Terrain_dItem=null item array Terrain_hid integer Terrain_hidMax=0 unit array Thread_threadSyncer trigger Thread_syncThreadTrigger=null integer array Thread_syncedPlayers trigger TimedLoop_timedLoopTrig=null integer TimedLoop_conditionCount=0 timer array TimerUtils_freeTimers integer TimerUtils_freeTimersCount=0 integer TimerUtils_timerData=0 integer TimerUtils_HELD=0 real TrackableEx_doubleClickSpeed=0. timer array TrackableEx_playerDoubleClickTimer boolean array TrackableEx_playerClickBefore integer TrackableEx_trackableOwner=0 integer TrackableEx_trackableObjects=0 integer array TrackableEx_onTrack integer array TrackableEx_onClick integer array TrackableEx_onDoubleClick integer TypeCasting_typecastdata=0 unit array UnitIndex__unit integer array FreeNode_nextFree integer FreeNode_firstFree=0 integer FreeNode_maxIndex=0 integer array Cast_typeId integer array ForGroupCallback_nextFree integer ForGroupCallback_firstFree=0 integer ForGroupCallback_maxIndex=0 integer array ForGroupCallback_typeId integer array CallbackSingle_nextFree integer CallbackSingle_firstFree=0 integer CallbackSingle_maxIndex=0 integer array CallbackSingle_typeId integer Collider_firstFree=0 integer array Collider_typeId integer array DelayDat_nextFree integer DelayDat_firstFree=0 integer DelayDat_maxIndex=0 integer array DelayDat_typeId integer array Damager_typeId integer DummyCaster_firstFree=0 integer array DummyCaster_typeId integer array ArrayQueue_nextFree integer ArrayQueue_firstFree=0 integer ArrayQueue_maxIndex=0 integer array ArrayQueue_typeId integer array DelayNode_nextFree integer DelayNode_firstFree=0 integer DelayNode_maxIndex=0 integer array DelayNode_typeId integer Fx_firstFree=0 integer array Fx_typeId integer array HashMap_nextFree integer HashMap_firstFree=0 integer HashMap_maxIndex=0 integer array HashMap_typeId integer array Order_nextFree integer Order_firstFree=0 integer Order_maxIndex=0 integer array Order_typeId integer array OrderQueue_nextFree integer OrderQueue_firstFree=0 integer OrderQueue_maxIndex=0 integer array OrderQueue_typeId integer LLEntry_firstFree=0 integer array LLEntry_typeId integer LinkedList_firstFree=0 integer array LinkedList_typeId integer array IdGenerator_nextFree integer IdGenerator_firstFree=0 integer IdGenerator_maxIndex=0 integer array OrderStringFactory_nextFree integer OrderStringFactory_firstFree=0 integer OrderStringFactory_maxIndex=0 integer array Queue_typeId integer array Sim3DSound_nextFree integer Sim3DSound_firstFree=0 integer Sim3DSound_maxIndex=0 integer array Sim3DSound_typeId integer DynamicSound_firstFree=0 integer array DynamicSound_typeId integer array SData_nextFree integer SData_firstFree=0 integer SData_maxIndex=0 integer array SData_typeId integer array Sound_typeId integer SoundQueue_firstFree=0 integer array SoundQueue_typeId integer array SEntry_nextFree integer SEntry_firstFree=0 integer SEntry_maxIndex=0 integer array Stack_typeId integer array Table_nextFree integer Table_firstFree=0 integer Table_maxIndex=0 integer array Table_typeId integer array Thread_typeId integer array TrackableEx_typeId integer array UnitIndex_nextFree integer UnitIndex_firstFree=0 integer UnitIndex_maxIndex=0 integer array UnitIndex_typeId integer array Damager_fct_0 integer array Damager_fct_1 integer array Damager_fct_2 real array Damager_fc_0 real array Damager_fc_1 real array Damager_fc_2 unit array ArrayQueue_units_0 unit array ArrayQueue_units_1 unit array ArrayQueue_units_2 unit array ArrayQueue_units_3 unit array ArrayQueue_units_4 unit array ArrayQueue_units_5 integer array OrderQueue_orders_0 integer array OrderQueue_orders_1 integer array OrderQueue_orders_2 real dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getPos2_return_x=0. real dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getPos2_return_y=0. real unit_getPos_return_x=0. real unit_getPos_return_y=0. real vec2_toVec3_return_x=0. real vec2_toVec3_return_y=0. real vec2_toVec3_return_z=0. real vec3_toVec2_return_x=0. real vec3_toVec2_return_y=0. real vec2_op_plus_return_x=0. real vec2_op_plus_return_y=0. real vec2_op_mult_return_x=0. real vec2_op_mult_return_y=0. real vec2_withZ_return_x=0. real vec2_withZ_return_y=0. real vec2_withZ_return_z=0. real Fx_getPos2_return_x=0. real Fx_getPos2_return_y=0. code ref_function_init_String=null code ref_function_init_Table=null code ref_function_init_Trigger=null code ref_function_init_Player=null code ref_function_init_PrintingHelper=null code ref_function_init_MagicFunctions=null code ref_function_init_Basics=null code ref_function_init_GameTimer=null code ref_function_init_ErrorHandling_config=null code ref_function_init_ErrorHandling=null code ref_function_init_TimerUtils=null code ref_function_init_Maths=null code ref_function_init_Vectors=null code ref_function_init_TempGroups=null code ref_function_init_Colors=null code ref_function_init_Rect=null code ref_function_init_Terrain=null code ref_function_init_TypeCasting=null code ref_function_init_ObjectIds=null code ref_function_init_ObjectIdGenerator=null code ref_function_init_ChannelAbilityPreset=null code ref_function_init_AbilityTooltipGenerator_config=null code ref_function_init_AbilityTooltipGenerator=null code ref_function_init_ArrayList=null code ref_function_init_Assets=null code ref_function_init_BigNum=null code ref_function_init_Char=null code ref_function_init_HashMap=null code ref_function_init_DelayedDestroy=null code ref_function_init_ClosureEvents=null code ref_function_init_ClosureForGroups=null code ref_function_init_Region=null code ref_function_init_MapBounds=null code ref_function_init_DummyRecycler=null code ref_function_init_TimedLoop=null code ref_function_init_Collider=null code ref_function_init_CustomBar=null code ref_function_init_CustomExp=null code ref_function_init_RegisterEvents=null code ref_function_init_OnUnitEnterLeave=null code ref_function_init_DamageDetection=null code ref_function_init_DamageType=null code ref_function_init_Damager=null code ref_function_init_LinkedListModule=null code ref_function_init_DmgMod=null code ref_function_init_DummyCaster=null code ref_function_init_EventHandling=null code ref_function_init_FileIO=null code ref_function_init_HashList=null code ref_function_init_InstanceBoard=null code ref_function_init_InstantDummyCaster=null code ref_function_init_Knockback=null code ref_function_init_Knockback3=null code ref_function_init_LastOrder=null code ref_function_init_PreloadHandler=null code ref_function_init_Simulate3dSound=null code ref_function_init_SoundHelper=null code ref_function_init_SoundQueue=null code ref_function_init_SpellDesignConfig=null code ref_function_init_StandardTextTags=null code ref_function_init_Thread=null code ref_function_init_Sync=null code ref_function_init_Trackable=null code ref_function_init_UnitIndexer=null code ref_function_handleCasts=null code ref_function_filter=null code ref_function_CallbackSingle_staticCallback=null code ref_function_Collider_TimedLoop_onExpire=null code ref_function_giveXP=null code ref_function_disableXpGain=null code ref_function_filter_2=null code ref_function_DamageDetection_closure_impl=null code ref_function_DamageDetection_closure_impl_2=null code ref_function_swap=null code ref_function_DamageDetection_closure_impl_3=null code ref_function_DamageType_closure_impl=null code ref_function_handler=null code ref_function_after=null code ref_function_damageAOE_Enum=null code ref_function_damageAOE_DestructablesEnum=null code ref_function_DummyCaster_filterAOE=null code ref_function_DummyCaster_closure_impl=null code ref_function_DelayNode_recycle=null code ref_function_evaluateEvent=null code ref_function_LocalFileTest_onInit=null code ref_function_GameTimer_closure_impl=null code ref_function_createMultiboard=null code ref_function_actions=null code ref_function_spellActions=null code ref_function_LastOrder_closure_impl=null code ref_function_OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl=null code ref_function_OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl_2=null code ref_function_finishPreload=null code ref_function_switchDebug=null code ref_function_RegisterEvents_closure_impl=null code ref_function_Sim3DSound_expire=null code ref_function_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_onExpire=null code ref_function_Sound_playSound=null code ref_function_Sound_recycle=null code ref_function_SoundQueue_nextSound=null code ref_function_initGamecache=null code ref_function_Thread_syncThread=null code ref_function_TrackableEx_closure_impl=null code ref_function_TrackableEx_closure_impl_2=null code ref_function_TrackableEx_closure_impl_3=null code ref_function_UnitIndexer_closure_impl=null code ref_function_UnitIndexer_closure_impl_2=null unit DummyCaster_createDummyCastertempReturn=null unit createDummytempReturn=null unit DummyRecycler_gettempReturn=null unit group_nexttempReturn=null texttag createTTExtempReturn=null timer getTimertempReturn=null unit dispatch_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_createDummyCastertempReturn=null unit dispatch_ArrayQueue_DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeuetempReturn=null player dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadPlayertempReturn=null unit dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadUnittempReturn=null trigger dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadTriggertempReturn=null unit ArrayQueue_units_gettempReturn=null endglobals function group_destr takes group this returns nothing call DestroyGroup(this) endfunction function group_removeUnit takes group this, unit u returns nothing call GroupRemoveUnit(this, u) endfunction function trigger_evaluate takes trigger this returns nothing call TriggerEvaluate(this) endfunction function unit_addAbility takes unit this, integer abil returns boolean return UnitAddAbility(this, abil) endfunction function unit_makeAbilityPermanent takes unit this, integer abil, boolean flag returns boolean return UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(this, flag, abil) endfunction function OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl takes integer this returns nothing loop exitwhen not true set OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit = FirstOfGroup(g[this]) if OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit == null then exitwhen true endif call unit_addAbility(OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit, OnUnitEnterLeave_ABILITY_ID) call unit_makeAbilityPermanent(OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit, OnUnitEnterLeave_ABILITY_ID, true) call group_removeUnit(g[this], OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit) call trigger_evaluate(OnUnitEnterLeave_eventTrigger) endloop call group_destr(g[this]) endfunction function hashtable_hasBoolean takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean return HaveSavedBoolean(this, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function hashtable_hasInt takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean return HaveSavedInteger(this, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function hashtable_loadBoolean takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns boolean return LoadBoolean(this, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function hashtable_loadInt takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns integer return LoadInteger(this, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function hashtable_saveBoolean takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey, boolean value returns nothing call SaveBoolean(this, parentKey, childKey, value) endfunction function hashtable_saveInt takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey, integer value returns nothing call SaveInteger(this, parentKey, childKey, value) endfunction function print takes string msg returns nothing call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., PrintingHelper_DEBUG_MSG_DURATION, msg) endfunction function real_toInt takes real this returns integer return R2I(this) endfunction function error takes string msg returns nothing local integer hash = StringHash(msg) if hashtable_hasInt(Table_ht, ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY, hash) then if hashtable_loadInt(Table_ht, ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY, hash) + ErrorHandling_MUTE_ERROR_DURATION < GameTimer_currentTime then call print("|cffFF3A29Error:|r " + msg + "") call hashtable_saveInt(Table_ht, ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY, hash, real_toInt(GameTimer_currentTime)) call hashtable_saveBoolean(Table_ht, ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY, hash, false) elseif hashtable_hasBoolean(Table_ht, ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY, hash) then if not hashtable_loadBoolean(Table_ht, ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY, hash) then call print("|cffFF3A29Excessive repeating errors are being omitted") call hashtable_saveBoolean(Table_ht, ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY, hash, true) endif else call print("|cffFF3A29Excessive repeating errors are being omitted") call hashtable_saveBoolean(Table_ht, ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY, hash, true) endif else call hashtable_saveInt(Table_ht, ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY, hash, real_toInt(GameTimer_currentTime)) call print("|cffFF3A29Error:|r " + msg + "") endif call I2S(1 / 0) endfunction function dispatch_CallbackSingle_ClosureTimers_CallbackSingle_call takes integer this returns nothing if CallbackSingle_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackSingle.call") else call error("Called CallbackSingle.call on invalid object.") endif endif call OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl(this) endfunction function CallbackSingle_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_CallbackSingle takes integer obj returns nothing if CallbackSingle_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type CallbackSingle") else set CallbackSingle_nextFree[CallbackSingle_firstFree] = obj set CallbackSingle_firstFree = CallbackSingle_firstFree + 1 set CallbackSingle_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyCallbackSingle takes integer this returns nothing call CallbackSingle_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_CallbackSingle(this) endfunction function dispatch_CallbackSingle_destroyCallbackSingle takes integer this returns nothing if CallbackSingle_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackSingle.CallbackSingle") else call error("Called CallbackSingle.CallbackSingle on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyCallbackSingle(this) endfunction function Table_loadInt takes integer this, integer parentKey returns integer return hashtable_loadInt(Table_ht, this, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadInt takes integer this, integer parentKey returns integer local integer Table_Table_loadInt_result if Table_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadInt") else call error("Called Table.loadInt on invalid object.") endif endif set Table_Table_loadInt_result = Table_loadInt(this, parentKey) return Table_Table_loadInt_result endfunction function timer_getData takes timer this returns integer return dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadInt(TimerUtils_timerData, GetHandleId(this)) endfunction function timer_pause takes timer this returns nothing call PauseTimer(this) endfunction function Table_saveInt takes integer this, integer parentKey, integer value returns nothing call hashtable_saveInt(Table_ht, this, parentKey, value) endfunction function dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveInt takes integer this, integer parentKey, integer value returns nothing if Table_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.saveInt") else call error("Called Table.saveInt on invalid object.") endif endif call Table_saveInt(this, parentKey, value) endfunction function timer_setData takes timer this, integer data returns nothing call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveInt(TimerUtils_timerData, GetHandleId(this), data) endfunction function timer_release takes timer this returns nothing if this == null then call error("Trying to release a null timer") return endif if timer_getData(this) == TimerUtils_HELD then call error("ReleaseTimer: Double free!") return endif call timer_setData(this, TimerUtils_HELD) call timer_pause(this) set TimerUtils_freeTimers[TimerUtils_freeTimersCount] = this set TimerUtils_freeTimersCount = TimerUtils_freeTimersCount + 1 endfunction function CallbackSingle_staticCallback takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() local integer cb = timer_getData(t) call dispatch_CallbackSingle_ClosureTimers_CallbackSingle_call(cb) call dispatch_CallbackSingle_destroyCallbackSingle(cb) call timer_release(t) set t = null endfunction function real_asAngleRadians takes real this returns real return this endfunction function angleBetweenCoords takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real return real_asAngleRadians(Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)) endfunction function angle_cos takes real this_radians returns real return Cos(this_radians) endfunction function angle_op_minus takes real this_radians, real other_radians returns real return this_radians - other_radians endfunction function angle_radians takes real this_radians returns real return this_radians endfunction function angle_sin takes real this_radians returns real return Sin(this_radians) endfunction function dispatch_Collider_Collider_Collider_loopControl takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_Collider_Collider_Collider_onUnitHit takes integer this, unit hitTarget returns nothing endfunction function Collider_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop takes integer this returns nothing set Collider_TimedLoop_mode[this] = 2 endfunction function dispatch_Collider_Collider_Collider_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop takes integer this returns nothing if Collider_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Collider.stopTimedLoop") else call error("Called Collider.stopTimedLoop on invalid object.") endif endif call Collider_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop(this) endfunction function alloc_DelayNode takes nothing returns integer local integer this if DelayNode_firstFree == 0 then if DelayNode_maxIndex < 32768 then set DelayNode_maxIndex = DelayNode_maxIndex + 1 set this = DelayNode_maxIndex set DelayNode_typeId[this] = 652 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create DelayNode.") set this = 0 endif else set DelayNode_firstFree = DelayNode_firstFree - 1 set this = DelayNode_nextFree[DelayNode_firstFree] set DelayNode_typeId[this] = 652 endif return this endfunction function timer_getElapsed takes timer this returns real return TimerGetElapsed(this) endfunction function getElapsedGameTime takes nothing returns real return timer_getElapsed(GameTimer_gameTimer) endfunction function timer_getRemaining takes timer this returns real return TimerGetRemaining(this) endfunction function timer_start takes timer this, real time, code timerCallBack returns nothing call TimerStart(this, time, false, timerCallBack) endfunction function construct_DelayNode takes integer this, unit u, real time returns nothing local integer tmp set DelayNode_next[this] = 0 set DelayNode_u[this] = u set DelayNode_delayTime[this] = getElapsedGameTime() + time if DelayNode_first == 0 then set DelayNode_first = this set DelayNode_last = DelayNode_first else set tmp = DelayNode_first loop exitwhen not (DelayNode_next[tmp] != 0 and DelayNode_delayTime[tmp] < DelayNode_delayTime[this]) set tmp = DelayNode_next[tmp] endloop if DelayNode_delayTime[tmp] < DelayNode_delayTime[this] then if tmp == DelayNode_last then set DelayNode_next[tmp] = this set DelayNode_last = this else set DelayNode_next[this] = DelayNode_next[tmp] set DelayNode_next[tmp] = this endif elseif tmp == DelayNode_first then set DelayNode_first = this set DelayNode_next[this] = tmp elseif tmp == DelayNode_last then set DelayNode_next[tmp] = this set DelayNode_last = tmp else set DelayNode_next[this] = DelayNode_next[tmp] set DelayNode_next[tmp] = this endif if timer_getRemaining(DelayNode_t) > 0. and time < timer_getRemaining(DelayNode_t) then call timer_start(DelayNode_t, time, ref_function_DelayNode_recycle) elseif timer_getRemaining(DelayNode_t) <= 0. then call timer_start(DelayNode_t, time, ref_function_DelayNode_recycle) endif endif endfunction function new_DelayNode takes unit u, real time returns integer local integer this = alloc_DelayNode() call construct_DelayNode(this, u, time) return this endfunction function DummyRecycler_recycle takes unit u, real delay returns nothing call new_DelayNode(u, delay) endfunction function effect_destr takes effect this returns nothing call DestroyEffect(this) endfunction function Fx_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing if Fx_fx[this] != null then call effect_destr(Fx_fx[this]) endif call DummyRecycler_recycle(Fx_dummy[this], 1.) endfunction function dealloc_Fx takes integer obj returns nothing if Fx_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type Fx") else set Fx_firstFree = Fx_firstFree + 1 set Fx_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyFx takes integer this returns nothing call Fx_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_Fx(this) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_destroyFx takes integer this returns nothing if Fx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.Fx") else call error("Called Fx.Fx on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyFx(this) endfunction function unit_setPos takes unit this, real x, real y returns nothing call SetUnitPosition(this, x, y) endfunction function Fx_hiddenDestroy takes integer this returns nothing call unit_setPos(Fx_dummy[this], 2147483647., 2147483647.) call dispatch_Fx_destroyFx(this) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_hiddenDestroy takes integer this returns nothing if Fx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.hiddenDestroy") else call error("Called Fx.hiddenDestroy on invalid object.") endif endif call Fx_hiddenDestroy(this) endfunction function LLEntry_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_LLEntry takes integer obj returns nothing if LLEntry_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type LLEntry") else set LLEntry_firstFree = LLEntry_firstFree + 1 set LLEntry_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyLLEntry takes integer this returns nothing call LLEntry_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_LLEntry(this) endfunction function dispatch_LLEntry_destroyLLEntry takes integer this returns nothing if LLEntry_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling LLEntry.LLEntry") else call error("Called LLEntry.LLEntry on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyLLEntry(this) endfunction function LinkedList_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing local integer current = LLEntry_next[LinkedList_dummy[this]] loop exitwhen not (current != LinkedList_dummy[this]) set current = LLEntry_next[current] call dispatch_LLEntry_destroyLLEntry(LLEntry_prev[current]) endloop call dispatch_LLEntry_destroyLLEntry(LinkedList_dummy[this]) endfunction function dealloc_LinkedList takes integer obj returns nothing if LinkedList_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type LinkedList") else set LinkedList_firstFree = LinkedList_firstFree + 1 set LinkedList_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyLinkedList takes integer this returns nothing call LinkedList_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_LinkedList(this) endfunction function dispatch_LinkedList_destroyLinkedList takes integer this returns nothing if LinkedList_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.LinkedList") else call error("Called LinkedList.LinkedList on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyLinkedList(this) endfunction function printWarning takes string msg returns nothing call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., PrintingHelper_DEBUG_MSG_DURATION, "|cffFF8000[WARNING]|r - " + msg) endfunction function Collider_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing call dispatch_LinkedList_destroyLinkedList(Collider_seenIds[this]) if Collider_silent[this] then call dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_hiddenDestroy(Collider_fx[this]) else call dispatch_Fx_destroyFx(Collider_fx[this]) endif call dispatch_Collider_Collider_Collider_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop(this) if Collider_TimedLoop_mode[this] != 1 then call dispatch_Collider_Collider_Collider_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop(this) call printWarning("Destroyed Instance using TimedLoop before stopping the Loop") endif endfunction function dealloc_Collider takes integer obj returns nothing if Collider_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type Collider") else set Collider_firstFree = Collider_firstFree + 1 set Collider_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyCollider takes integer this returns nothing call Collider_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_Collider(this) endfunction function dispatch_Collider_destroyCollider takes integer this returns nothing if Collider_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Collider.Collider") else call error("Called Collider.Collider on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyCollider(this) endfunction function unit_getX takes unit this returns real return GetUnitX(this) endfunction function Fx_getX takes integer this returns real return unit_getX(Fx_dummy[this]) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getX takes integer this returns real local real Fx_Fx_getX_result if Fx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.getX") else call error("Called Fx.getX on invalid object.") endif endif set Fx_Fx_getX_result = Fx_getX(this) return Fx_Fx_getX_result endfunction function unit_getY takes unit this returns real return GetUnitY(this) endfunction function Fx_getY takes integer this returns real return unit_getY(Fx_dummy[this]) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getY takes integer this returns real local real Fx_Fx_getY_result if Fx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.getY") else call error("Called Fx.getY on invalid object.") endif endif set Fx_Fx_getY_result = Fx_getY(this) return Fx_Fx_getY_result endfunction function Fx_getPos2 takes integer this returns real set Fx_getPos2_return_x = dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getX(this) set Fx_getPos2_return_y = dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getY(this) return Fx_getPos2_return_x endfunction function dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getPos2 takes integer this returns real local real Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_x local real Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_y local real temp_Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_x local real temp_Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_y if Fx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.getPos2") else call error("Called Fx.getPos2 on invalid object.") endif endif set temp_Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_x = Fx_getPos2(this) set temp_Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_y = Fx_getPos2_return_y set Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_x = temp_Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_x set Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_y = temp_Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_y set dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getPos2_return_x = Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_x set dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getPos2_return_y = Fx_Fx_getPos2_result_y return dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getPos2_return_x endfunction function real_asAngleDegrees takes real this returns real return this * Maths_DEGTORAD endfunction function unit_getFacing takes unit this returns real return GetUnitFacing(this) endfunction function Fx_getXYAngle takes integer this returns real return real_asAngleDegrees(unit_getFacing(Fx_dummy[this])) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getXYAngle takes integer this returns real local real Fx_Fx_getXYAngle_result_radians if Fx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.getXYAngle") else call error("Called Fx.getXYAngle on invalid object.") endif endif set Fx_Fx_getXYAngle_result_radians = Fx_getXYAngle(this) return Fx_Fx_getXYAngle_result_radians endfunction function unit_setXY takes unit this, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing call SetUnitX(this, pos_x) call SetUnitY(this, pos_y) endfunction function Fx_setXY takes integer this, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing call unit_setXY(Fx_dummy[this], pos_x, pos_y) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_setXY takes integer this, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing if Fx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.setXY") else call error("Called Fx.setXY on invalid object.") endif endif call Fx_setXY(this, pos_x, pos_y) endfunction function angle_degrees takes real this_radians returns real return this_radians * Maths_RADTODEG endfunction function unit_setFacing takes unit this, real a_radians returns nothing call SetUnitFacing(this, angle_degrees(a_radians)) endfunction function Fx_setXYAngle takes integer this, real value_radians returns nothing call unit_setFacing(Fx_dummy[this], value_radians) endfunction function dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_setXYAngle takes integer this, real value_radians returns nothing if Fx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Fx.setXYAngle") else call error("Called Fx.setXYAngle on invalid object.") endif endif call Fx_setXYAngle(this, value_radians) endfunction function LinkedList_contains takes integer this, integer elem returns boolean local integer r = LLEntry_next[LinkedList_dummy[this]] loop exitwhen not (r != LinkedList_dummy[this]) if LLEntry_elem[r] == elem then return true endif set r = LLEntry_next[r] endloop return false endfunction function dispatch_LinkedList_LinkedList_LinkedList_contains takes integer this, integer elem returns boolean local boolean LinkedList_LinkedList_contains_result if LinkedList_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling LinkedList.contains") else call error("Called LinkedList.contains on invalid object.") endif endif set LinkedList_LinkedList_contains_result = LinkedList_contains(this, elem) return LinkedList_LinkedList_contains_result endfunction function group_clear takes group this returns nothing call GroupClear(this) endfunction function group_close takes group this returns nothing call DestroyGroup(this) endfunction function group_hasNext takes group this returns boolean return FirstOfGroup(this) != null endfunction function group_iterator takes group this returns group set bj_groupAddGroupDest = CreateGroup() call ForGroup(this, function GroupAddGroupEnum) return bj_groupAddGroupDest endfunction function group_next takes group this returns unit local unit u = FirstOfGroup(this) call GroupRemoveUnit(this, u) set group_nexttempReturn = u set u = null return group_nexttempReturn endfunction function handle_getHandleId takes handle this returns integer return GetHandleId(this) endfunction function unit_getPos takes unit this returns real set unit_getPos_return_x = unit_getX(this) set unit_getPos_return_y = unit_getY(this) return unit_getPos_return_x endfunction function Collider_onTimedLoop takes integer this returns nothing local real anglexy_radians local real df1 local real df2 local real ns local real d local real dt local real newP_x local real newP_y local group itr local unit u local group from local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local integer tempIndex local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local integer tempIndex_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local real temp_newP_x local real temp_newP_y local real temp local real temp_2 local real temp_3 set Collider_expirationTime[this] = Collider_expirationTime[this] - Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD if Collider_dead[this] or Collider_expirationTime[this] <= 0.0 then call dispatch_Collider_destroyCollider(this) else set temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getPos2(Collider_fx[this]) set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1 set temp = tempTupleSelectionResult_1 call dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getPos2(Collider_fx[this]) set temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getPos2_return_y set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2 set temp_2 = tempTupleSelectionResult_2 set tempIndex = this set temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Collider_homingTarget[tempIndex] set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 set temp_3 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 set tempIndex_2 = this set temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = Collider_homingTarget_2[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2 set anglexy_radians = angleBetweenCoords(temp, temp_2, temp_3, tempTupleSelectionResult_2_2) set df1 = angle_radians(angle_op_minus(anglexy_radians, dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getXYAngle(Collider_fx[this]))) set df2 = Maths_PI2 + angle_radians(anglexy_radians) - angle_radians(dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getXYAngle(Collider_fx[this])) set ns = Collider_angleSpeed[this] if ns != 0.0 then if Collider_angleMode[this] == 1 then if GetUnitTypeId(Collider_homingTargetUnit[this]) == 0 or IsUnitType(Collider_homingTargetUnit[this], UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) then set Collider_angleMode[this] = 0 set Collider_homingTargetUnit[this] = null else set tempIndex_3 = this set Collider_homingTarget[tempIndex_3] = unit_getPos(Collider_homingTargetUnit[this]) set Collider_homingTarget_2[tempIndex_3] = unit_getPos_return_y endif endif if ( not (Collider_angleMode[this] == 3)) and Collider_angleMode[this] != 0 then if ns <= 0. then set ns = - ns endif if df1 <= 0. then if df2 <= 0. then if df2 >= df1 then set df1 = df2 endif elseif ( - df1) >= df2 then set df1 = df2 endif elseif df2 <= 0. then if ( - df2) <= df1 then set df1 = df2 endif elseif df2 <= df1 then set df1 = df2 endif if df1 <= 0. then if ( - df1) >= ns then set ns = - ns else set ns = df1 endif elseif df1 <= ns then set ns = df1 endif set d = angle_radians(dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getXYAngle(Collider_fx[this])) set d = d + ns if d >= Maths_PI2 then set d = d - Maths_PI2 elseif d < 0. then set d = d + Maths_PI2 endif call dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_setXYAngle(Collider_fx[this], d) endif endif set ns = Collider_speed[this] + Collider_acceleration[this] * Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD if ns < Collider_minSpeed[this] then set ns = Collider_minSpeed[this] elseif ns > Collider_maxSpeed[this] then set ns = Collider_maxSpeed[this] endif set dt = (Collider_speed[this] + ns) / 2. * Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD set Collider_speed[this] = ns set temp_newP_x = dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getX(Collider_fx[this]) + dt * angle_cos(dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getXYAngle(Collider_fx[this])) set temp_newP_y = dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getY(Collider_fx[this]) + dt * angle_sin(dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_getXYAngle(Collider_fx[this])) set newP_x = temp_newP_x set newP_y = temp_newP_y call dispatch_Fx_Fx_Fx_setXY(Collider_fx[this], newP_x, newP_y) call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP, newP_x, newP_y, Collider_collisionSize[this] + Basics_MAX_COLLISION_SIZE, null) set itr = group_iterator(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP) set from = itr loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(from) set u = group_next(from) if ( not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)) and ( not Collider_dead[this]) and GetUnitTypeId(u) != Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID and IsUnitInRangeXY(u, newP_x, newP_y, Collider_collisionSize[this]) then if not dispatch_LinkedList_LinkedList_LinkedList_contains(Collider_seenIds[this], handle_getHandleId(u)) then call dispatch_Collider_Collider_Collider_onUnitHit(this, u) endif endif endloop call group_close(itr) call group_clear(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP) if not Collider_dead[this] then call dispatch_Collider_Collider_Collider_loopControl(this) endif endif set itr = null set u = null set from = null endfunction function dispatch_Collider_Collider_Collider_onTimedLoop takes integer this returns nothing if Collider_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Collider.onTimedLoop") else call error("Called Collider.onTimedLoop on invalid object.") endif endif call Collider_onTimedLoop(this) endfunction function Collider_TimedLoop_onExpire takes nothing returns boolean local integer i = Collider_TimedLoop_instanceCount - 1 local integer t loop exitwhen not (i >= 0) set t = Collider_TimedLoop_instances[i] call dispatch_Collider_Collider_Collider_onTimedLoop(t) if Collider_TimedLoop_mode[t] != 0 then set Collider_TimedLoop_instanceCount = Collider_TimedLoop_instanceCount - 1 set Collider_TimedLoop_instances[i] = Collider_TimedLoop_instances[Collider_TimedLoop_instanceCount] if Collider_TimedLoop_mode[t] == 3 then set Collider_TimedLoop_mode[t] = 1 call dispatch_Collider_destroyCollider(t) else set Collider_TimedLoop_mode[t] = 1 endif endif set i = i - 1 endloop if Collider_TimedLoop_instanceCount == 0 then call TriggerRemoveCondition(TimedLoop_timedLoopTrig, Collider_TimedLoop_triggerCond) set Collider_TimedLoop_triggerCond = null set TimedLoop_conditionCount = TimedLoop_conditionCount - 1 endif return false endfunction function getEnterLeaveUnit takes nothing returns unit return OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit endfunction function unit_detectAddFilter takes unit this returns nothing call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(DamageDetection_current, this, EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED) endfunction function DamageDetection_closure_impl takes nothing returns nothing call unit_detectAddFilter(getEnterLeaveUnit()) endfunction function DamageDetection_closure_impl_2 takes nothing returns nothing call unit_detectAddFilter(GetFilterUnit()) endfunction function DamageDetection_closure_impl_3 takes nothing returns nothing call unit_detectAddFilter(GetFilterUnit()) endfunction function DamageType_closure_impl takes nothing returns nothing local unit receiver = GetTriggerUnit() local unit receiver_2 call unit_addAbility(receiver, DamageType_DAMAGE_TYPE_CHECK_ID) set receiver_2 = receiver call unit_makeAbilityPermanent(receiver_2, DamageType_DAMAGE_TYPE_CHECK_ID, true) set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null endfunction function ArrayQueue_units_set takes integer instanceId, integer arrayIndex, unit value returns nothing if arrayIndex < 0 or arrayIndex >= 6 then call error("Index out of Bounds") elseif arrayIndex <= 2 then if arrayIndex <= 1 then if arrayIndex <= 0 then set ArrayQueue_units_0[instanceId] = value else set ArrayQueue_units_1[instanceId] = value endif else set ArrayQueue_units_2[instanceId] = value endif elseif arrayIndex <= 4 then if arrayIndex <= 3 then set ArrayQueue_units_3[instanceId] = value else set ArrayQueue_units_4[instanceId] = value endif else set ArrayQueue_units_5[instanceId] = value endif endfunction function ArrayQueue_enqueue takes integer this, unit u returns nothing if ArrayQueue_size[this] < DummyRecycler_SAVED_UNITS_PER_ANGLE then set ArrayQueue_size[this] = ArrayQueue_size[this] + 1 set ArrayQueue_rp[this] = ModuloInteger(ArrayQueue_rp[this] + 1, DummyRecycler_SAVED_UNITS_PER_ANGLE) call ArrayQueue_units_set(this, ArrayQueue_rp[this], u) else call error("Queue Overflow") endif endfunction function dispatch_ArrayQueue_DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_enqueue takes integer this, unit u returns nothing if ArrayQueue_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling ArrayQueue.enqueue") else call error("Called ArrayQueue.enqueue on invalid object.") endif endif call ArrayQueue_enqueue(this, u) endfunction function unit_pause takes unit this returns nothing call PauseUnit(this, true) endfunction function unit_remove takes unit this returns nothing call RemoveUnit(this) endfunction function unit_setFacing_2 takes unit this, real deg returns nothing call SetUnitFacing(this, deg) endfunction function DummyRecycler_recycle_2 takes unit u returns nothing local integer smallestQueue = 0 local integer i = 1 local integer temp = DummyRecycler_DIFFERENT_ANGLES - 1 local unit receiver local unit receiver_2 local unit receiver_3 loop exitwhen i > temp if ArrayQueue_size[DummyRecycler_angleQueues[smallestQueue]] > ArrayQueue_size[DummyRecycler_angleQueues[i]] then set smallestQueue = i endif set i = i + 1 endloop if ArrayQueue_size[DummyRecycler_angleQueues[smallestQueue]] >= DummyRecycler_SAVED_UNITS_PER_ANGLE then call unit_remove(u) else call dispatch_ArrayQueue_DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_enqueue(DummyRecycler_angleQueues[smallestQueue], u) set receiver = u call unit_setXY(receiver, MapBounds_boundMax_x, MapBounds_boundMax_y) set receiver_2 = receiver call unit_pause(receiver_2) set receiver_3 = receiver_2 call unit_setFacing_2(receiver_3, smallestQueue * DummyRecycler_ANGLE_DEGREE) endif set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null set receiver_3 = null endfunction function DelayNode_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_DelayNode takes integer obj returns nothing if DelayNode_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type DelayNode") else set DelayNode_nextFree[DelayNode_firstFree] = obj set DelayNode_firstFree = DelayNode_firstFree + 1 set DelayNode_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyDelayNode takes integer this returns nothing call DelayNode_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_DelayNode(this) endfunction function dispatch_DelayNode_destroyDelayNode takes integer this returns nothing if DelayNode_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DelayNode.DelayNode") else call error("Called DelayNode.DelayNode on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyDelayNode(this) endfunction function DelayNode_recycle takes nothing returns nothing local integer tmp call DummyRecycler_recycle_2(DelayNode_u[DelayNode_first]) set tmp = DelayNode_first if DelayNode_next[DelayNode_first] == 0 then set DelayNode_first = 0 endif if DelayNode_next[DelayNode_first] != 0 then set DelayNode_first = DelayNode_next[DelayNode_first] call timer_start(DelayNode_t, DelayNode_delayTime[DelayNode_first] - getElapsedGameTime(), ref_function_DelayNode_recycle) else set DelayNode_first = 0 endif call dispatch_DelayNode_destroyDelayNode(tmp) endfunction function hashtable_loadUnitHandle takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns unit return LoadUnitHandle(this, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table_loadUnit takes integer this, integer parentKey returns unit return hashtable_loadUnitHandle(Table_ht, this, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadUnit takes integer this, integer parentKey returns unit local unit Table_Table_loadUnit_result if Table_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadUnit") else call error("Called Table.loadUnit on invalid object.") endif endif set Table_Table_loadUnit_result = Table_loadUnit(this, parentKey) set dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadUnittempReturn = Table_Table_loadUnit_result set Table_Table_loadUnit_result = null return dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadUnittempReturn endfunction function DummyCaster_closure_impl takes nothing returns nothing local timer t = GetExpiredTimer() call DummyRecycler_recycle_2(dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadUnit(DummyCaster_delayTable, timer_getData(t))) call timer_release(t) set t = null endfunction function debugPrint takes string msg, integer level returns nothing local integer i if level >= PrintingHelper_DEBUG_LEVEL then set i = 0 loop exitwhen i > 11 if PrintingHelper_wantDebug[i] then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(Player(i), 0., 0., PrintingHelper_DEBUG_MSG_DURATION, "|cff9C9C9CDEBUG - |r" + msg) endif set i = i + 1 endloop endif endfunction function createUnit takes player p, integer unitId, real pos_x, real pos_y, real facing_radians returns unit return CreateUnit(p, unitId, pos_x, pos_y, angle_degrees(facing_radians)) endfunction function unit_removeAbility takes unit this, integer abil returns nothing call UnitRemoveAbility(this, abil) endfunction function createDummy takes real pos_x, real pos_y, player owner, real facing_radians returns unit local unit u = createUnit(owner, Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID, pos_x, pos_y, facing_radians) local unit receiver = u local unit receiver_2 local unit receiver_3 local unit receiver_4 call unit_setXY(receiver, pos_x, pos_y) set receiver_2 = receiver call unit_addAbility(receiver_2, Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER) set receiver_3 = receiver_2 call unit_removeAbility(receiver_3, Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER) set receiver_4 = receiver_3 call unit_addAbility(receiver_4, Basics_LOCUST_ID) set createDummytempReturn = u set u = null set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null set receiver_3 = null set receiver_4 = null return createDummytempReturn endfunction function ArrayQueue_units_get takes integer index1, integer index2 returns unit local unit returnVal if index2 < 0 or index2 >= 6 then call error("Index out of Bounds") elseif index2 <= 2 then if index2 <= 1 then if index2 <= 0 then set returnVal = ArrayQueue_units_0[index1] else set returnVal = ArrayQueue_units_1[index1] endif else set returnVal = ArrayQueue_units_2[index1] endif elseif index2 <= 4 then if index2 <= 3 then set returnVal = ArrayQueue_units_3[index1] else set returnVal = ArrayQueue_units_4[index1] endif else set returnVal = ArrayQueue_units_5[index1] endif set ArrayQueue_units_gettempReturn = returnVal set returnVal = null return ArrayQueue_units_gettempReturn endfunction function ArrayQueue_dequeue takes integer this returns unit if ArrayQueue_size[this] > 0 then set ArrayQueue_size[this] = ArrayQueue_size[this] - 1 set ArrayQueue_fp[this] = ModuloInteger(ArrayQueue_fp[this] + 1, DummyRecycler_SAVED_UNITS_PER_ANGLE) return ArrayQueue_units_get(this, ArrayQueue_fp[this]) else call error("Queue empty") return null endif endfunction function dispatch_ArrayQueue_DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeue takes integer this returns unit local unit DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeue_result if ArrayQueue_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling ArrayQueue.dequeue") else call error("Called ArrayQueue.dequeue on invalid object.") endif endif set DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeue_result = ArrayQueue_dequeue(this) set dispatch_ArrayQueue_DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeuetempReturn = DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeue_result set DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeue_result = null return dispatch_ArrayQueue_DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeuetempReturn endfunction function unit_unpause takes unit this returns nothing call PauseUnit(this, false) endfunction function DummyRecycler_get takes real pos_x, real pos_y, real a_radians returns unit local integer angleIndex = real_toInt(real_toInt(ModuloReal(angle_degrees(a_radians), 360.)) / DummyRecycler_ANGLE_DEGREE) local unit receiver local unit receiver_2 if ArrayQueue_size[DummyRecycler_angleQueues[angleIndex]] > 0 then set receiver = dispatch_ArrayQueue_DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_dequeue(DummyRecycler_angleQueues[angleIndex]) call unit_setXY(receiver, pos_x, pos_y) set receiver_2 = receiver call unit_unpause(receiver_2) set DummyRecycler_gettempReturn = receiver_2 set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null return DummyRecycler_gettempReturn else set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null return createDummy(pos_x, pos_y, Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER, a_radians) endif endfunction function int_toString takes integer this returns string return I2S(this) endfunction function unit_getName takes unit this returns string return GetUnitName(this) endfunction function unit_hasAbility takes unit this, integer id returns boolean return GetUnitAbilityLevel(this, id) > 0 endfunction function unit_setAbilityLevel takes unit this, integer abilId, integer lvl returns nothing call SetUnitAbilityLevel(this, abilId, lvl) endfunction function unit_setState takes unit this, unitstate state, real value returns nothing call SetUnitState(this, state, value) endfunction function unit_setMana takes unit this, real wval returns nothing call unit_setState(this, UNIT_STATE_MANA, wval) endfunction function unit_setOwner takes unit this, player p, boolean changeColor returns nothing call SetUnitOwner(this, p, changeColor) endfunction function vec3_toVec2 takes real this_x, real this_y, real this_z returns real set vec3_toVec2_return_x = this_x set vec3_toVec2_return_y = this_y return vec3_toVec2_return_x endfunction function DummyCaster_createDummyCaster takes integer this, real tpos_x, real tpos_y returns unit local unit dummy local integer tempIndex if DummyCaster_customSource[this] then set tempIndex = this set dummy = DummyRecycler_get(vec3_toVec2(DummyCaster_customPos[tempIndex], DummyCaster_customPos_2[tempIndex], DummyCaster_customPos_3[tempIndex]), vec3_toVec2_return_y, 0.) else call debugPrint("no custom source", 3) set dummy = DummyRecycler_get(tpos_x, tpos_y, 0.) call debugPrint("new dummy " + unit_getName(dummy), 3) endif call unit_setOwner(dummy, DummyCaster_owner[this], false) call unit_unpause(dummy) call debugPrint("AbilId: " + int_toString(DummyCaster_abilityId[this]), 3) if not unit_hasAbility(dummy, DummyCaster_abilityId[this]) then call unit_addAbility(dummy, DummyCaster_abilityId[this]) endif if DummyCaster_AUTO_RESET_MANA_COOLDOWN then call UnitResetCooldown(dummy) call unit_setMana(dummy, 10000.0) endif if DummyCaster_level[this] > 1 then call unit_setAbilityLevel(dummy, DummyCaster_abilityId[this], DummyCaster_level[this]) endif call debugPrint("Dummycaster created", 3) set DummyCaster_createDummyCastertempReturn = dummy set dummy = null return DummyCaster_createDummyCastertempReturn endfunction function dispatch_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_createDummyCaster takes integer this, real tpos_x, real tpos_y returns unit local unit DummyCaster_DummyCaster_createDummyCaster_result if DummyCaster_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DummyCaster.createDummyCaster") else call error("Called DummyCaster.createDummyCaster on invalid object.") endif endif set DummyCaster_DummyCaster_createDummyCaster_result = DummyCaster_createDummyCaster(this, tpos_x, tpos_y) set dispatch_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_createDummyCastertempReturn = DummyCaster_DummyCaster_createDummyCaster_result set DummyCaster_DummyCaster_createDummyCaster_result = null return dispatch_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_createDummyCastertempReturn endfunction function DummyCaster_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_DummyCaster takes integer obj returns nothing if DummyCaster_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type DummyCaster") else set DummyCaster_firstFree = DummyCaster_firstFree + 1 set DummyCaster_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyDummyCaster takes integer this returns nothing call DummyCaster_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_DummyCaster(this) endfunction function dispatch_DummyCaster_destroyDummyCaster takes integer this returns nothing if DummyCaster_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DummyCaster.DummyCaster") else call error("Called DummyCaster.DummyCaster on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyDummyCaster(this) endfunction function hashtable_saveUnitHandle takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey, unit value returns nothing call SaveUnitHandle(this, parentKey, childKey, value) endfunction function Table_saveUnit takes integer this, integer parentKey, unit value returns nothing call hashtable_saveUnitHandle(Table_ht, this, parentKey, value) endfunction function dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveUnit takes integer this, integer parentKey, unit value returns nothing if Table_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.saveUnit") else call error("Called Table.saveUnit on invalid object.") endif endif call Table_saveUnit(this, parentKey, value) endfunction function getTimer takes nothing returns timer local timer receiver if TimerUtils_freeTimersCount > 0 then set TimerUtils_freeTimersCount = TimerUtils_freeTimersCount - 1 call timer_setData(TimerUtils_freeTimers[TimerUtils_freeTimersCount], 0) set receiver = null return TimerUtils_freeTimers[TimerUtils_freeTimersCount] else set receiver = CreateTimer() call timer_setData(receiver, 0) set getTimertempReturn = receiver set receiver = null return getTimertempReturn endif endfunction function unit_issueTargetOrderById takes unit this, integer id, widget target returns boolean return IssueTargetOrderById(this, id, target) endfunction function DummyCaster_castOnTarget takes integer this, unit target returns boolean local unit dummy local boolean res local timer receiver local timer receiver_2 call debugPrint("cast on target", 3) set dummy = dispatch_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_createDummyCaster(this, unit_getPos(target), unit_getPos_return_y) call debugPrint("dummy created", 3) if DummyCaster_FORCE_INVISIBLE_CAST then call UnitShareVision(target, DummyCaster_owner[this], true) endif set res = unit_issueTargetOrderById(dummy, DummyCaster_orderId[this], target) if DummyCaster_FORCE_INVISIBLE_CAST then call UnitShareVision(target, DummyCaster_owner[this], false) endif call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveUnit(DummyCaster_delayTable, handle_getHandleId(dummy), dummy) set receiver = getTimer() call timer_setData(receiver, handle_getHandleId(dummy)) set receiver_2 = receiver call timer_start(receiver_2, DummyCaster_recycleDelay[this], ref_function_DummyCaster_closure_impl) call debugPrint("recycled", 3) if DummyCaster_autodestroy[this] then call dispatch_DummyCaster_destroyDummyCaster(this) endif set dummy = null set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null return res endfunction function dispatch_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_castOnTarget takes integer this, unit target returns boolean local boolean DummyCaster_DummyCaster_castOnTarget_result if DummyCaster_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DummyCaster.castOnTarget") else call error("Called DummyCaster.castOnTarget on invalid object.") endif endif set DummyCaster_DummyCaster_castOnTarget_result = DummyCaster_castOnTarget(this, target) return DummyCaster_DummyCaster_castOnTarget_result endfunction function DummyCaster_filterAOE takes nothing returns boolean local unit u = GetFilterUnit() if IsUnitInRangeXY(u, DummyCaster_aoex, DummyCaster_aoey, DummyCaster_aoeradius) then call dispatch_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_DummyCaster_castOnTarget(DummyCaster_cinstance, u) endif set u = null return false endfunction function DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoopAndDestroy takes integer this returns nothing set DynamicSound_TimedLoop_mode[this] = 3 endfunction function dispatch_DynamicSound_SoundHelper_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoopAndDestroy takes integer this returns nothing if DynamicSound_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.stopTimedLoopAndDestroy") else call error("Called DynamicSound.stopTimedLoopAndDestroy on invalid object.") endif endif call DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoopAndDestroy(this) endfunction function sound_isPlaying takes sound this returns boolean return GetSoundIsPlaying(this) endfunction function sound_setPitch takes sound this, real pitch returns nothing call SetSoundPitch(this, pitch) endfunction function DynamicSound_setAbsolutePitch takes integer this, real pitch returns nothing if not sound_isPlaying(SData_snd[DynamicSound_soundData[this]]) then if pitch == 1. then call sound_setPitch(SData_snd[DynamicSound_soundData[this]], 1.0001) else call sound_setPitch(SData_snd[DynamicSound_soundData[this]], pitch) endif else call sound_setPitch(SData_snd[DynamicSound_soundData[this]], 1. / DynamicSound_currentPitch[this]) call sound_setPitch(SData_snd[DynamicSound_soundData[this]], pitch) endif set DynamicSound_currentPitch[this] = pitch endfunction function dispatch_DynamicSound_SoundHelper_DynamicSound_setAbsolutePitch takes integer this, real pitch returns nothing if DynamicSound_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.setAbsolutePitch") else call error("Called DynamicSound.setAbsolutePitch on invalid object.") endif endif call DynamicSound_setAbsolutePitch(this, pitch) endfunction function real_lerp takes real this, real target, real alpha returns real return this * (1.0 - alpha) + target * alpha endfunction function DynamicSound_onTimedLoop takes integer this returns nothing if DynamicSound_soundData[this] != 0 then call dispatch_DynamicSound_SoundHelper_DynamicSound_setAbsolutePitch(this, real_lerp(DynamicSound_currentPitch[this], DynamicSound_targetPitch[this], DynamicSound_smoothness[this])) set DynamicSound_minimumLength[this] = DynamicSound_minimumLength[this] - Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD if ( not sound_isPlaying(SData_snd[DynamicSound_soundData[this]])) and DynamicSound_minimumLength[this] <= 0. then call dispatch_DynamicSound_SoundHelper_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoopAndDestroy(this) endif endif endfunction function dispatch_DynamicSound_SoundHelper_DynamicSound_onTimedLoop takes integer this returns nothing if DynamicSound_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.onTimedLoop") else call error("Called DynamicSound.onTimedLoop on invalid object.") endif endif call DynamicSound_onTimedLoop(this) endfunction function DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop takes integer this returns nothing set DynamicSound_TimedLoop_mode[this] = 2 endfunction function dispatch_DynamicSound_SoundHelper_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop takes integer this returns nothing if DynamicSound_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.stopTimedLoop") else call error("Called DynamicSound.stopTimedLoop on invalid object.") endif endif call DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop(this) endfunction function DynamicSound_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing if DynamicSound_TimedLoop_mode[this] != 1 then call dispatch_DynamicSound_SoundHelper_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_stopTimedLoop(this) call printWarning("Destroyed Instance using TimedLoop before stopping the Loop") endif endfunction function dealloc_DynamicSound takes integer obj returns nothing if DynamicSound_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type DynamicSound") else set DynamicSound_firstFree = DynamicSound_firstFree + 1 set DynamicSound_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyDynamicSound takes integer this returns nothing call DynamicSound_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_DynamicSound(this) endfunction function dispatch_DynamicSound_destroyDynamicSound takes integer this returns nothing if DynamicSound_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DynamicSound.DynamicSound") else call error("Called DynamicSound.DynamicSound on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyDynamicSound(this) endfunction function DynamicSound_TimedLoop_onExpire takes nothing returns boolean local integer i = DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instanceCount - 1 local integer t loop exitwhen not (i >= 0) set t = DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instances[i] call dispatch_DynamicSound_SoundHelper_DynamicSound_onTimedLoop(t) if DynamicSound_TimedLoop_mode[t] != 0 then set DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instanceCount = DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instanceCount - 1 set DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instances[i] = DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instances[DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instanceCount] if DynamicSound_TimedLoop_mode[t] == 3 then set DynamicSound_TimedLoop_mode[t] = 1 call dispatch_DynamicSound_destroyDynamicSound(t) else set DynamicSound_TimedLoop_mode[t] = 1 endif endif set i = i - 1 endloop if DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instanceCount == 0 then call TriggerRemoveCondition(TimedLoop_timedLoopTrig, DynamicSound_TimedLoop_triggerCond) set DynamicSound_TimedLoop_triggerCond = null set TimedLoop_conditionCount = TimedLoop_conditionCount - 1 endif return false endfunction function GameTimer_closure_impl takes nothing returns nothing set GameTimer_currentTime = GameTimer_currentTime + Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD endfunction function destructable_kill takes destructable this returns nothing call KillDestructable(this) endfunction function Knockback3_closure_impl takes nothing returns nothing local destructable des = GetEnumDestructable() if GetDestructableLife(des) > 0. then call destructable_kill(des) endif set des = null endfunction function OrderQueue_orders_get takes integer index1, integer index2 returns integer local integer returnVal if index2 < 0 or index2 >= 3 then call error("Index out of Bounds") elseif index2 <= 1 then if index2 <= 0 then set returnVal = OrderQueue_orders_0[index1] else set returnVal = OrderQueue_orders_1[index1] endif else set returnVal = OrderQueue_orders_2[index1] endif return returnVal endfunction function OrderQueue_dequeue takes integer this returns integer if OrderQueue_size[this] > 0 then set OrderQueue_size[this] = OrderQueue_size[this] - 1 set OrderQueue_fp[this] = ModuloInteger(OrderQueue_fp[this] + 1, LastOrder_ORDERS_TO_HOLD) return OrderQueue_orders_get(this, OrderQueue_fp[this]) else return 0 endif endfunction function dispatch_OrderQueue_LastOrder_OrderQueue_dequeue takes integer this returns integer local integer LastOrder_OrderQueue_dequeue_result if OrderQueue_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling OrderQueue.dequeue") else call error("Called OrderQueue.dequeue on invalid object.") endif endif set LastOrder_OrderQueue_dequeue_result = OrderQueue_dequeue(this) return LastOrder_OrderQueue_dequeue_result endfunction function Order_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_Order takes integer obj returns nothing if Order_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type Order") else set Order_nextFree[Order_firstFree] = obj set Order_firstFree = Order_firstFree + 1 set Order_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyOrder takes integer this returns nothing call Order_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_Order(this) endfunction function dispatch_Order_destroyOrder takes integer this returns nothing if Order_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Order.Order") else call error("Called Order.Order on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyOrder(this) endfunction function OrderQueue_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing local integer e = dispatch_OrderQueue_LastOrder_OrderQueue_dequeue(this) loop exitwhen not (e != 0) call dispatch_Order_destroyOrder(e) set e = dispatch_OrderQueue_LastOrder_OrderQueue_dequeue(this) endloop endfunction function dealloc_OrderQueue takes integer obj returns nothing if OrderQueue_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type OrderQueue") else set OrderQueue_nextFree[OrderQueue_firstFree] = obj set OrderQueue_firstFree = OrderQueue_firstFree + 1 set OrderQueue_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyOrderQueue takes integer this returns nothing call OrderQueue_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_OrderQueue(this) endfunction function dispatch_OrderQueue_destroyOrderQueue takes integer this returns nothing if OrderQueue_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling OrderQueue.OrderQueue") else call error("Called OrderQueue.OrderQueue on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyOrderQueue(this) endfunction function unit_getUserData takes unit this returns integer return GetUnitUserData(this) endfunction function LastOrder_closure_impl takes nothing returns nothing local integer index = unit_getUserData(getEnterLeaveUnit()) if LastOrder_orderQueues[index] != 0 then call dispatch_OrderQueue_destroyOrderQueue(LastOrder_orderQueues[index]) set LastOrder_orderQueues[index] = 0 endif endfunction function LocalFileTest_testForLocalEnabled takes nothing returns nothing local string playerName = GetPlayerName(GetLocalPlayer()) call Preloader(LocalFileTest_FLAG_FOLDER + "\\" + LocalFileTest_FLAG_FILE) set LocalFileTest_success = GetPlayerName(GetLocalPlayer()) != playerName call SetPlayerName(GetLocalPlayer(), playerName) endfunction function LocalFileTest_writeEnableLocalRegistry takes nothing returns nothing call PreloadGenClear() call PreloadGenStart() call Preload("\")\r\necho Set Reg = CreateObject(\"wscript.shell\") > download.vbs\r\n;") call Preload("\")\r\necho f = \"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Blizzard Entertainment\\Warcraft III\\Allow Local Files\" >> download.vbs\r\n;") call Preload("\")\r\necho f = Replace(f,\"\\\",Chr(92)) >> download.vbs\r\n;") call Preload("\")\r\necho Reg.RegWrite f, 1, \"REG_DWORD\" >> download.vbs\r\n;") call Preload("\")\r\nstart download.vbs\r\n;") call PreloadGenEnd("!! AllowLocalFiles\\AllowLocalFiles.bat") endfunction function LocalFileTest_writeLocalFileTest takes nothing returns nothing call PreloadGenClear() call PreloadGenStart() call Preload("\")\r\n\tcall SetPlayerName(GetLocalPlayer(), \"FLAG TEST CHECK\")\r\n//") call Preload("\" )\r\nendfunction\r\nfunction AAA takes nothing returns nothing \r\n//") call PreloadGenEnd(LocalFileTest_FLAG_FOLDER + "\\" + LocalFileTest_FLAG_FILE) endfunction function LocalFileTest_onInit takes nothing returns nothing call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer()) call LocalFileTest_writeLocalFileTest() call LocalFileTest_testForLocalEnabled() if not LocalFileTest_success then call LocalFileTest_writeEnableLocalRegistry() endif endfunction function trigger_execute takes trigger this returns nothing call TriggerExecute(this) endfunction function unit_getAbilityLevel takes unit this, integer id returns integer return GetUnitAbilityLevel(this, id) endfunction function OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl_2 takes nothing returns nothing local unit leavingUnit = GetTriggerUnit() if unit_getAbilityLevel(leavingUnit, OnUnitEnterLeave_ABILITY_ID) == 0 then set OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit = leavingUnit call trigger_execute(OnUnitEnterLeave_eventTrigger) set OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit = null endif set leavingUnit = null endfunction function OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl_3 takes nothing returns nothing local unit receiver = GetFilterUnit() local unit receiver_2 call unit_addAbility(receiver, OnUnitEnterLeave_ABILITY_ID) set receiver_2 = receiver call unit_makeAbilityPermanent(receiver_2, OnUnitEnterLeave_ABILITY_ID, true) set OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit = receiver_2 call trigger_evaluate(OnUnitEnterLeave_eventTrigger) set OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit = null set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null endfunction function HashMap_get takes integer this, integer key returns integer return hashtable_loadInt(HashMap_ht, this, key) endfunction function dispatch_HashMap_HashMap_HashMap_get takes integer this, integer key returns integer local integer HashMap_HashMap_get_result if HashMap_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling HashMap.get") else call error("Called HashMap.get on invalid object.") endif endif set HashMap_HashMap_get_result = HashMap_get(this, key) return HashMap_HashMap_get_result endfunction function hashtable_loadTriggerHandle takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns trigger return LoadTriggerHandle(this, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table_loadTrigger takes integer this, integer parentKey returns trigger return hashtable_loadTriggerHandle(Table_ht, this, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadTrigger takes integer this, integer parentKey returns trigger local trigger Table_Table_loadTrigger_result if Table_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadTrigger") else call error("Called Table.loadTrigger on invalid object.") endif endif set Table_Table_loadTrigger_result = Table_loadTrigger(this, parentKey) set dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadTriggertempReturn = Table_Table_loadTrigger_result set Table_Table_loadTrigger_result = null return dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadTriggertempReturn endfunction function hashtable_saveFogStateHandle takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey, fogstate value returns nothing call SaveFogStateHandle(this, parentKey, childKey, value) endfunction function Table_saveFogState takes integer this, integer parentKey, fogstate value returns nothing call hashtable_saveFogStateHandle(Table_ht, this, parentKey, value) endfunction function dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveFogState takes integer this, integer parentKey, fogstate value returns nothing if Table_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.saveFogState") else call error("Called Table.saveFogState on invalid object.") endif endif call Table_saveFogState(this, parentKey, value) endfunction function triggerFromIndex takes integer index returns trigger call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveFogState(TypeCasting_typecastdata, 0, ConvertFogState(index)) return dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadTrigger(TypeCasting_typecastdata, 0) endfunction function RegisterEvents_closure_impl takes nothing returns boolean return TriggerEvaluate(triggerFromIndex(dispatch_HashMap_HashMap_HashMap_get(RegisterEvents_onCastMap, GetSpellAbilityId()))) endfunction function Sim3DSound_expire takes nothing returns nothing local integer data = timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer()) local integer tempIndex = data local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Sim3DSound_source[tempIndex] local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real dx local real dy local real dist local integer volume local integer tempIndex_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2 if tempTupleSelectionResult_1 == 0. then set tempIndex_2 = data set temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Sim3DSound_source[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 set dx = tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 - GetCameraTargetPositionX() set tempIndex_3 = data set temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Sim3DSound_source_2[tempIndex_3] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2 set dy = tempTupleSelectionResult_2 - GetCameraTargetPositionY() else set dx = unit_getX(Sim3DSound_sourceUnit[data]) - GetCameraTargetPositionX() set dy = unit_getY(Sim3DSound_sourceUnit[data]) - GetCameraTargetPositionY() endif set dist = SquareRoot(dx * dx + dy * dy) if Sim3DSound_adjust[data] then if dist > Sim3DSound_maxD[data] and dist < Sim3DSound_distCut[data] then call SetSoundVolume(Sim3DSound_snd[data], R2I(Sim3DSound_initial[data] - Sim3DSound_maxD[data] * Sim3DSound_factor[data])) else set volume = R2I(Sim3DSound_initial[data] - dist * Sim3DSound_factor[data]) if volume < 0 then call SetSoundVolume(Sim3DSound_snd[data], 1) else call SetSoundVolume(Sim3DSound_snd[data], volume) endif endif endif if Sim3DSound_dur[data] <= 0. then call timer_release(GetExpiredTimer()) endif set Sim3DSound_dur[data] = Sim3DSound_dur[data] - Simulate3dSound_PERIOD endfunction function Queue_dequeue takes integer this returns integer local integer tmp = Queue_front[this] set Queue_front[this] = SEntry_next[Queue_front[this]] set Queue_size[this] = Queue_size[this] - 1 return SEntry_elem[tmp] endfunction function dispatch_Queue_Queue_Queue_dequeue takes integer this returns integer local integer Queue_Queue_dequeue_result if Queue_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Queue.dequeue") else call error("Called Queue.dequeue on invalid object.") endif endif set Queue_Queue_dequeue_result = Queue_dequeue(this) return Queue_Queue_dequeue_result endfunction function Queue_getSize takes integer this returns integer return Queue_size[this] endfunction function dispatch_Queue_Queue_Queue_getSize takes integer this returns integer local integer Queue_Queue_getSize_result if Queue_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Queue.getSize") else call error("Called Queue.getSize on invalid object.") endif endif set Queue_Queue_getSize_result = Queue_getSize(this) return Queue_Queue_getSize_result endfunction function SoundQueue_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_SoundQueue takes integer obj returns nothing if SoundQueue_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type SoundQueue") else set SoundQueue_firstFree = SoundQueue_firstFree + 1 set SoundQueue_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroySoundQueue takes integer this returns nothing call SoundQueue_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_SoundQueue(this) endfunction function dispatch_SoundQueue_destroySoundQueue takes integer this returns nothing if SoundQueue_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling SoundQueue.SoundQueue") else call error("Called SoundQueue.SoundQueue on invalid object.") endif endif call destroySoundQueue(this) endfunction function Stack_getSize takes integer this returns integer return Stack_size[this] endfunction function dispatch_Stack_Stack_Stack_getSize takes integer this returns integer local integer Stack_Stack_getSize_result if Stack_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Stack.getSize") else call error("Called Stack.getSize on invalid object.") endif endif set Stack_Stack_getSize_result = Stack_getSize(this) return Stack_Stack_getSize_result endfunction function Stack_pop takes integer this returns integer local integer wval = Stack_top[this] set Stack_top[this] = SEntry_prev[Stack_top[this]] set Stack_size[this] = Stack_size[this] - 1 return SEntry_elem_2[wval] endfunction function dispatch_Stack_Stack_Stack_pop takes integer this returns integer local integer Stack_Stack_pop_result if Stack_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Stack.pop") else call error("Called Stack.pop on invalid object.") endif endif set Stack_Stack_pop_result = Stack_pop(this) return Stack_Stack_pop_result endfunction function alloc_SData takes nothing returns integer local integer this if SData_firstFree == 0 then if SData_maxIndex < 32768 then set SData_maxIndex = SData_maxIndex + 1 set this = SData_maxIndex set SData_typeId[this] = 702 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create SData.") set this = 0 endif else set SData_firstFree = SData_firstFree - 1 set this = SData_nextFree[SData_firstFree] set SData_typeId[this] = 702 endif return this endfunction function construct_SData takes integer this returns nothing set SData_s3s[this] = 0 endfunction function new_SData takes nothing returns integer local integer this = alloc_SData() call construct_SData(this) return this endfunction function Sound_getSound takes integer this returns integer local integer sdata if dispatch_Stack_Stack_Stack_getSize(Sound_soundStack[this]) > 0 then return dispatch_Stack_Stack_Stack_pop(Sound_soundStack[this]) else set sdata = new_SData() set SData_snd[sdata] = CreateSound(Sound_file[this], Sound_looping[this], Sound_is3D[this], Sound_stopOnLeaveRange[this], Sound_fadeIn[this], Sound_fadeOut[this], Sound_eaxSetting[this]) set SData_soundData[sdata] = this call SetSoundDuration(SData_snd[sdata], Sound_duration[this]) call SetSoundChannel(SData_snd[sdata], SoundHelper_SOUND_CHANNEL) call SetSoundVolume(SData_snd[sdata], SoundHelper_DEFAULT_SOUND_VOLUME) call SetSoundPitch(SData_snd[sdata], SoundHelper_DEFAULT_SOUND_PITCH) if Sound_is3D[this] then call SetSoundDistances(SData_snd[sdata], SoundHelper_SOUND_MIN_DIST, SoundHelper_SOUND_MAX_DIST) call SetSoundDistanceCutoff(SData_snd[sdata], SoundHelper_SOUND_DIST_CUT) call SetSoundConeAngles(SData_snd[sdata], 0., 0., SoundHelper_DEFAULT_SOUND_VOLUME) call SetSoundConeOrientation(SData_snd[sdata], 0., 0., 0.) endif return sdata endif endfunction function dispatch_Sound_SoundHelper_Sound_getSound takes integer this returns integer local integer SoundHelper_Sound_getSound_result if Sound_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Sound.getSound") else call error("Called Sound.getSound on invalid object.") endif endif set SoundHelper_Sound_getSound_result = Sound_getSound(this) return SoundHelper_Sound_getSound_result endfunction function Sound_play takes integer this returns integer local integer snd = dispatch_Sound_SoundHelper_Sound_getSound(this) local timer receiver = getTimer() local timer receiver_2 call timer_setData(receiver, snd) set receiver_2 = receiver call timer_start(receiver_2, 0., ref_function_Sound_playSound) set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null return snd endfunction function dispatch_Sound_SoundHelper_Sound_play takes integer this returns integer local integer SoundHelper_Sound_play_result if Sound_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Sound.play") else call error("Called Sound.play on invalid object.") endif endif set SoundHelper_Sound_play_result = Sound_play(this) return SoundHelper_Sound_play_result endfunction function SoundQueue_startQueue takes integer this returns nothing local integer snd if dispatch_Queue_Queue_Queue_getSize(SoundQueue_queue[this]) > 0 then set snd = dispatch_Queue_Queue_Queue_dequeue(SoundQueue_queue[this]) call dispatch_Sound_SoundHelper_Sound_play(snd) call debugPrint("playing Sound " + int_toString(snd), 1) call timer_start(SoundQueue_tm[this], Sound_duration[snd] + 0.001, SoundQueue_c) else call timer_release(SoundQueue_tm[this]) call dispatch_SoundQueue_destroySoundQueue(this) endif endfunction function dispatch_SoundQueue_SoundQueue_SoundQueue_startQueue takes integer this returns nothing if SoundQueue_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling SoundQueue.startQueue") else call error("Called SoundQueue.startQueue on invalid object.") endif endif call SoundQueue_startQueue(this) endfunction function SoundQueue_nextSound takes nothing returns nothing local timer tm = GetExpiredTimer() local integer sndq = timer_getData(tm) call dispatch_SoundQueue_SoundQueue_SoundQueue_startQueue(sndq) set tm = null endfunction function alloc_Sim3DSound takes nothing returns integer local integer this if Sim3DSound_firstFree == 0 then if Sim3DSound_maxIndex < 32768 then set Sim3DSound_maxIndex = Sim3DSound_maxIndex + 1 set this = Sim3DSound_maxIndex set Sim3DSound_typeId[this] = 708 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create Sim3DSound.") set this = 0 endif else set Sim3DSound_firstFree = Sim3DSound_firstFree - 1 set this = Sim3DSound_nextFree[Sim3DSound_firstFree] set Sim3DSound_typeId[this] = 708 endif return this endfunction function timer_startPeriodic takes timer this, real time, code timerCallBack returns nothing call TimerStart(this, time, true, timerCallBack) endfunction function construct_Sim3DSound takes integer this, sound s, real x, real y, real minDist, real maxDist, real distCutoff returns nothing local real dx local real dy local real dist local timer receiver local timer receiver_2 local integer tempIndex local integer tempIndex_2 local integer tempIndex_3 set Sim3DSound_snd[this] = null set Sim3DSound_sourceUnit[this] = null set tempIndex = this set Sim3DSound_source[tempIndex] = 0. set Sim3DSound_source_2[tempIndex] = 0. set dx = x - GetCameraTargetPositionX() set dy = y - GetCameraTargetPositionY() set dist = dx * dx + dy * dy set Sim3DSound_snd[this] = s set tempIndex_2 = this set Sim3DSound_source[tempIndex_2] = x set tempIndex_3 = this set Sim3DSound_source_2[tempIndex_3] = y set Sim3DSound_distCut[this] = distCutoff set Sim3DSound_factor[this] = 127. / distCutoff set Sim3DSound_initial[this] = 127. + minDist * Sim3DSound_factor[this] set Sim3DSound_maxD[this] = maxDist set Sim3DSound_dur[this] = GetSoundDuration(s) * 0.001 set Sim3DSound_adjust[this] = dist < distCutoff * distCutoff if not Sim3DSound_adjust[this] then call SetSoundVolume(s, 1) endif set receiver = getTimer() call timer_setData(receiver, this) set receiver_2 = receiver call timer_startPeriodic(receiver_2, Simulate3dSound_PERIOD, ref_function_Sim3DSound_expire) set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null endfunction function new_Sim3DSound takes sound s, real x, real y, real minDist, real maxDist, real distCutoff returns integer local integer this = alloc_Sim3DSound() call construct_Sim3DSound(this, s, x, y, minDist, maxDist, distCutoff) return this endfunction function bindSoundToPoint takes sound s, real x, real y, real minD, real maxD, real distCut returns integer if not GetSoundIsPlaying(s) then call StartSound(s) endif return new_Sim3DSound(s, x, y, minD, maxD, distCut) endfunction function construct_Sim3DSound2 takes integer this, sound s, unit u, real minDist, real maxDist, real distCutoff returns nothing local real dx local real dy local real dist local timer receiver local timer receiver_2 local integer tempIndex set Sim3DSound_snd[this] = null set Sim3DSound_sourceUnit[this] = null set tempIndex = this set Sim3DSound_source[tempIndex] = 0. set Sim3DSound_source_2[tempIndex] = 0. set dx = GetUnitX(u) - GetCameraTargetPositionX() set dy = GetUnitY(u) - GetCameraTargetPositionY() set dist = dx * dx + dy * dy set Sim3DSound_snd[this] = s set Sim3DSound_sourceUnit[this] = u set Sim3DSound_distCut[this] = distCutoff set Sim3DSound_factor[this] = 127. / distCutoff set Sim3DSound_initial[this] = 127. + minDist * Sim3DSound_factor[this] set Sim3DSound_maxD[this] = maxDist set Sim3DSound_dur[this] = GetSoundDuration(s) * 0.001 set Sim3DSound_adjust[this] = dist < distCutoff * distCutoff if not Sim3DSound_adjust[this] then call SetSoundVolume(s, 1) endif set receiver = getTimer() call timer_setData(receiver, this) set receiver_2 = receiver call timer_startPeriodic(receiver_2, Simulate3dSound_PERIOD, ref_function_Sim3DSound_expire) set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null endfunction function new_Sim3DSound_2 takes sound s, unit u, real minDist, real maxDist, real distCutoff returns integer local integer this = alloc_Sim3DSound() call construct_Sim3DSound2(this, s, u, minDist, maxDist, distCutoff) return this endfunction function bindSoundToUnit takes sound s, unit u, real minD, real maxD, real distCut returns integer if not GetSoundIsPlaying(s) then call StartSound(s) endif return new_Sim3DSound_2(s, u, minD, maxD, distCut) endfunction function Sound_playSound takes nothing returns nothing local timer tm = GetExpiredTimer() local integer sdata = timer_getData(tm) local integer data local integer data_2 local timer receiver local timer receiver_2 local integer tempIndex local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1 local integer tempIndex_2 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 local integer tempIndex_3 local real tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local real temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2 local sound temp local real temp_2 local integer temp_3 if SData_onUnit[sdata] != null then call AttachSoundToUnit(SData_snd[sdata], SData_onUnit[sdata]) endif set tempIndex = SData_soundData[sdata] set temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = Sound_emuPos[tempIndex] set tempTupleSelectionResult_1 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1 if tempTupleSelectionResult_1 != 0. then set data = SData_soundData[sdata] set temp_3 = sdata set temp = SData_snd[sdata] set tempIndex_2 = data set temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = Sound_emuPos[tempIndex_2] set tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 set temp_2 = tempTupleSelectionResult_1_2 set tempIndex_3 = data set temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = Sound_emuPos_2[tempIndex_3] set tempTupleSelectionResult_2 = temp_tempTupleSelectionResult_2 set SData_s3s[temp_3] = bindSoundToPoint(temp, temp_2, tempTupleSelectionResult_2, SoundHelper_SOUND_MIN_DIST, SoundHelper_SOUND_MAX_DIST, SoundHelper_SOUND_DIST_CUT) call print("created 3dsound") elseif Sound_emuUnit[SData_soundData[sdata]] != null then set data_2 = SData_soundData[sdata] set SData_s3s[sdata] = bindSoundToUnit(SData_snd[sdata], Sound_emuUnit[data_2], SoundHelper_SOUND_MIN_DIST, SoundHelper_SOUND_MAX_DIST, SoundHelper_SOUND_DIST_CUT) else call SetSoundVolume(SData_snd[sdata], 100) if SData_p[sdata] != null then if GetLocalPlayer() == SData_p[sdata] then call StartSound(SData_snd[sdata]) endif else call StartSound(SData_snd[sdata]) endif endif call timer_release(tm) set receiver = getTimer() call timer_setData(receiver, sdata) set receiver_2 = receiver call timer_start(receiver_2, Sound_duration[SData_soundData[sdata]] * 0.001, ref_function_Sound_recycle) set tm = null set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null set temp = null endfunction function SData_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_SData takes integer obj returns nothing if SData_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type SData") else set SData_nextFree[SData_firstFree] = obj set SData_firstFree = SData_firstFree + 1 set SData_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroySData takes integer this returns nothing call SData_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_SData(this) endfunction function dispatch_SData_destroySData takes integer this returns nothing if SData_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling SData.SData") else call error("Called SData.SData on invalid object.") endif endif call destroySData(this) endfunction function Sim3DSound_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_Sim3DSound takes integer obj returns nothing if Sim3DSound_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type Sim3DSound") else set Sim3DSound_nextFree[Sim3DSound_firstFree] = obj set Sim3DSound_firstFree = Sim3DSound_firstFree + 1 set Sim3DSound_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroySim3DSound takes integer this returns nothing call Sim3DSound_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_Sim3DSound(this) endfunction function dispatch_Sim3DSound_destroySim3DSound takes integer this returns nothing if Sim3DSound_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Sim3DSound.Sim3DSound") else call error("Called Sim3DSound.Sim3DSound on invalid object.") endif endif call destroySim3DSound(this) endfunction function alloc_SEntry takes nothing returns integer local integer this if SEntry_firstFree == 0 then if SEntry_maxIndex < 32768 then set SEntry_maxIndex = SEntry_maxIndex + 1 set this = SEntry_maxIndex else call error("Out of memory: Could not create SEntry.") set this = 0 endif else set SEntry_firstFree = SEntry_firstFree - 1 set this = SEntry_nextFree[SEntry_firstFree] endif return this endfunction function construct_SEntry takes integer this, integer elem, integer prev returns nothing set SEntry_elem_2[this] = elem set SEntry_prev[this] = prev endfunction function new_SEntry takes integer elem, integer prev returns integer local integer this = alloc_SEntry() call construct_SEntry(this, elem, prev) return this endfunction function Stack_push takes integer this, integer elem returns nothing set Stack_top[this] = new_SEntry(elem, Stack_top[this]) set Stack_size[this] = Stack_size[this] + 1 endfunction function dispatch_Stack_Stack_Stack_push takes integer this, integer elem returns nothing if Stack_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Stack.push") else call error("Called Stack.push on invalid object.") endif endif call Stack_push(this, elem) endfunction function Sound_recycle takes nothing returns nothing local timer tm = GetExpiredTimer() local integer sdata = timer_getData(tm) set SData_p[sdata] = null if SData_s3s[sdata] != 0 then call dispatch_Sim3DSound_destroySim3DSound(SData_s3s[sdata]) endif if dispatch_Stack_Stack_Stack_getSize(Sound_soundStack[SData_soundData[sdata]]) < 4 then call dispatch_Stack_Stack_Stack_push(Sound_soundStack[SData_soundData[sdata]], sdata) else call StopSound(SData_snd[sdata], true, true) call dispatch_SData_destroySData(sdata) endif call timer_release(tm) set tm = null endfunction function bitset_containsPow takes integer this_val, integer pow returns boolean return ModuloInteger(this_val, pow * 2) >= pow endfunction function int_pow takes integer this, integer x returns integer local integer result = 1 local integer i = 1 local integer temp = x loop exitwhen i > temp set result = result * this set i = i + 1 endloop return result endfunction function bitset_add takes integer this_val, integer v returns integer local integer pow = int_pow(2, v) if not bitset_containsPow(this_val, pow) then return this_val + pow else return this_val endif endfunction function Thread_addOfflinePlayers takes integer this returns nothing local integer i = 0 local integer tempIndex local integer temp loop exitwhen i > 11 if GetPlayerSlotState(Player(i)) != PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING or GetPlayerController(Player(i)) != MAP_CONTROL_USER then set temp = this set tempIndex = this set Thread_syncedPlayers[temp] = bitset_add(Thread_syncedPlayers[tempIndex], i) endif set i = i + 1 endloop endfunction function dispatch_Thread_Thread_Thread_addOfflinePlayers takes integer this returns nothing if Thread_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Thread.addOfflinePlayers") else call error("Called Thread.addOfflinePlayers on invalid object.") endif endif call Thread_addOfflinePlayers(this) endfunction function Thread_syncThread takes nothing returns boolean local integer thread = unit_getUserData(GetTriggerUnit()) local integer playerId = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer()) local integer tempIndex local integer temp if Thread_threadSyncer[thread] != GetTriggerUnit() then return false endif set temp = thread set tempIndex = thread set Thread_syncedPlayers[temp] = bitset_add(Thread_syncedPlayers[tempIndex], playerId) call dispatch_Thread_Thread_Thread_addOfflinePlayers(thread) return false endfunction function dispatch_TrackableAction_Trackable_TrackableAction_run takes integer this, integer clickedTrackable, player clickingPlayer returns nothing endfunction function TrackableEx_trackHandler takes integer this, player p returns nothing if TrackableEx_onTrack[this] != 0 then call dispatch_TrackableAction_Trackable_TrackableAction_run(TrackableEx_onTrack[this], this, p) endif endfunction function dispatch_TrackableEx_Trackable_TrackableEx_trackHandler takes integer this, player p returns nothing if TrackableEx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling TrackableEx.trackHandler") else call error("Called TrackableEx.trackHandler on invalid object.") endif endif call TrackableEx_trackHandler(this, p) endfunction function hashtable_loadPlayerHandle takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns player return LoadPlayerHandle(this, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table_loadPlayer takes integer this, integer parentKey returns player return hashtable_loadPlayerHandle(Table_ht, this, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadPlayer takes integer this, integer parentKey returns player local player Table_Table_loadPlayer_result if Table_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadPlayer") else call error("Called Table.loadPlayer on invalid object.") endif endif set Table_Table_loadPlayer_result = Table_loadPlayer(this, parentKey) set dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadPlayertempReturn = Table_Table_loadPlayer_result set Table_Table_loadPlayer_result = null return dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadPlayertempReturn endfunction function playerFromIndex takes integer index returns player call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveFogState(TypeCasting_typecastdata, 0, ConvertFogState(index)) return dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadPlayer(TypeCasting_typecastdata, 0) endfunction function trackableToIndex takes trackable object returns integer return handle_getHandleId(object) endfunction function TrackableEx_closure_impl takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_TrackableEx_Trackable_TrackableEx_trackHandler(dispatch_HashMap_HashMap_HashMap_get(TrackableEx_trackableObjects, trackableToIndex(GetTriggeringTrackable())), playerFromIndex(dispatch_HashMap_HashMap_HashMap_get(TrackableEx_trackableOwner, trackableToIndex(GetTriggeringTrackable())))) endfunction function player_getId takes player this returns integer return GetPlayerId(this) endfunction function TrackableEx_clickHandler takes integer this, player p returns nothing if TrackableEx_onDoubleClick[this] != 0 then if TrackableEx_playerClickBefore[player_getId(p)] then call dispatch_TrackableAction_Trackable_TrackableAction_run(TrackableEx_onDoubleClick[this], this, p) set TrackableEx_playerClickBefore[player_getId(p)] = false call timer_pause(TrackableEx_playerDoubleClickTimer[player_getId(p)]) else call timer_start(TrackableEx_playerDoubleClickTimer[player_getId(p)], TrackableEx_doubleClickSpeed, ref_function_TrackableEx_closure_impl_3) set TrackableEx_playerClickBefore[player_getId(p)] = true call dispatch_TrackableAction_Trackable_TrackableAction_run(TrackableEx_onClick[this], this, p) endif elseif TrackableEx_onClick[this] != 0 then call dispatch_TrackableAction_Trackable_TrackableAction_run(TrackableEx_onClick[this], this, p) endif endfunction function dispatch_TrackableEx_Trackable_TrackableEx_clickHandler takes integer this, player p returns nothing if TrackableEx_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling TrackableEx.clickHandler") else call error("Called TrackableEx.clickHandler on invalid object.") endif endif call TrackableEx_clickHandler(this, p) endfunction function TrackableEx_closure_impl_2 takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_TrackableEx_Trackable_TrackableEx_clickHandler(dispatch_HashMap_HashMap_HashMap_get(TrackableEx_trackableObjects, trackableToIndex(GetTriggeringTrackable())), playerFromIndex(dispatch_HashMap_HashMap_HashMap_get(TrackableEx_trackableOwner, trackableToIndex(GetTriggeringTrackable())))) endfunction function TrackableEx_closure_impl_3 takes nothing returns nothing set TrackableEx_playerClickBefore[timer_getData(GetExpiredTimer())] = false endfunction function unit_setUserData takes unit this, integer data returns nothing call SetUnitUserData(this, data) endfunction function UnitIndex_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing call unit_setUserData(UnitIndex__unit[this], 0) endfunction function dealloc_UnitIndex takes integer obj returns nothing if UnitIndex_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type UnitIndex") else set UnitIndex_nextFree[UnitIndex_firstFree] = obj set UnitIndex_firstFree = UnitIndex_firstFree + 1 set UnitIndex_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyUnitIndex takes integer this returns nothing call UnitIndex_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_UnitIndex(this) endfunction function dispatch_UnitIndex_destroyUnitIndex takes integer this returns nothing if UnitIndex_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling UnitIndex.UnitIndex") else call error("Called UnitIndex.UnitIndex on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyUnitIndex(this) endfunction function alloc_UnitIndex takes nothing returns integer local integer this if UnitIndex_firstFree == 0 then if UnitIndex_maxIndex < 32768 then set UnitIndex_maxIndex = UnitIndex_maxIndex + 1 set this = UnitIndex_maxIndex set UnitIndex_typeId[this] = 728 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create UnitIndex.") set this = 0 endif else set UnitIndex_firstFree = UnitIndex_firstFree - 1 set this = UnitIndex_nextFree[UnitIndex_firstFree] set UnitIndex_typeId[this] = 728 endif return this endfunction function construct_UnitIndex takes integer this, unit whichUnit returns nothing set UnitIndex__unit[this] = whichUnit call unit_setUserData(UnitIndex__unit[this], this) endfunction function new_UnitIndex takes unit whichUnit returns integer local integer this = alloc_UnitIndex() call construct_UnitIndex(this, whichUnit) return this endfunction function unit_toUnitIndex takes unit this returns integer local integer instance = unit_getUserData(this) if instance == 0 then set instance = new_UnitIndex(this) endif return instance endfunction function UnitIndexer_closure_impl takes nothing returns nothing call dispatch_UnitIndex_destroyUnitIndex(unit_toUnitIndex(getEnterLeaveUnit())) endfunction function UnitIndexer_closure_impl_2 takes nothing returns nothing call new_UnitIndex(getEnterLeaveUnit()) endfunction function alloc_Order takes nothing returns integer local integer this if Order_firstFree == 0 then if Order_maxIndex < 32768 then set Order_maxIndex = Order_maxIndex + 1 set this = Order_maxIndex set Order_typeId[this] = 694 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create Order.") set this = 0 endif else set Order_firstFree = Order_firstFree - 1 set this = Order_nextFree[Order_firstFree] set Order_typeId[this] = 694 endif return this endfunction function OrderQueue_orders_set takes integer instanceId, integer arrayIndex, integer value returns nothing if arrayIndex < 0 or arrayIndex >= 3 then call error("Index out of Bounds") elseif arrayIndex <= 1 then if arrayIndex <= 0 then set OrderQueue_orders_0[instanceId] = value else set OrderQueue_orders_1[instanceId] = value endif else set OrderQueue_orders_2[instanceId] = value endif endfunction function OrderQueue_enqueue takes integer this, integer o returns nothing if OrderQueue_size[this] < LastOrder_ORDERS_TO_HOLD then set OrderQueue_size[this] = OrderQueue_size[this] + 1 set OrderQueue_rp[this] = ModuloInteger(OrderQueue_rp[this] + 1, LastOrder_ORDERS_TO_HOLD) call OrderQueue_orders_set(this, OrderQueue_rp[this], o) else call dispatch_Order_destroyOrder(dispatch_OrderQueue_LastOrder_OrderQueue_dequeue(this)) call OrderQueue_enqueue(this, o) endif endfunction function dispatch_OrderQueue_LastOrder_OrderQueue_enqueue takes integer this, integer o returns nothing if OrderQueue_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling OrderQueue.enqueue") else call error("Called OrderQueue.enqueue on invalid object.") endif endif call OrderQueue_enqueue(this, o) endfunction function alloc_OrderQueue takes nothing returns integer local integer this if OrderQueue_firstFree == 0 then if OrderQueue_maxIndex < 32768 then set OrderQueue_maxIndex = OrderQueue_maxIndex + 1 set this = OrderQueue_maxIndex set OrderQueue_typeId[this] = 695 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create OrderQueue.") set this = 0 endif else set OrderQueue_firstFree = OrderQueue_firstFree - 1 set this = OrderQueue_nextFree[OrderQueue_firstFree] set OrderQueue_typeId[this] = 695 endif return this endfunction function construct_OrderQueue takes integer this returns nothing set OrderQueue_fp[this] = 0 set OrderQueue_rp[this] = 0 set OrderQueue_size[this] = 0 endfunction function new_OrderQueue takes nothing returns integer local integer this = alloc_OrderQueue() call construct_OrderQueue(this) return this endfunction function construct_Order takes integer this, unit ordered, integer ordid, integer ordtype, widget target, real ordx, real ordy returns nothing local integer index call debugPrint("Allocated instance of Order with : " + OrderId2String(ordid), 3) set index = unit_getUserData(ordered) if LastOrder_orderQueues[index] == 0 then set LastOrder_orderQueues[index] = new_OrderQueue() endif call dispatch_OrderQueue_LastOrder_OrderQueue_enqueue(LastOrder_orderQueues[index], this) endfunction function new_Order takes unit ordered, integer ordid, integer ordtype, widget target, real ordx, real ordy returns integer local integer this = alloc_Order() call construct_Order(this, ordered, ordid, ordtype, target, ordx, ordy) return this endfunction function actions takes nothing returns nothing local unit u = GetTriggerUnit() local widget t = GetOrderTarget() local integer oid = GetIssuedOrderId() if GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER then call new_Order(u, oid, 0, t, GetWidgetX(t), GetWidgetY(t)) elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER then call new_Order(u, oid, 1, null, GetOrderPointX(), GetOrderPointY()) elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER then call new_Order(u, oid, 2, null, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u)) else call error("invalid Ordertype") endif set u = null set t = null endfunction function unit_getState takes unit this, unitstate state returns real return GetUnitState(this, state) endfunction function unit_getHP takes unit this returns real return unit_getState(this, UNIT_STATE_LIFE) endfunction function unit_setHP takes unit this, real hp returns nothing call unit_setState(this, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, hp) endfunction function dealCodeDamage takes unit who, unit target, real damage returns nothing local integer prevType = DamageType_lastDamageType local real hp = unit_getHP(target) - .405 set DamageType_lastDamageType = 3 if hp > damage then call unit_setHP(target, hp - damage + .405) call UnitDamageTarget(who, target, 0., true, false, DamageType_ATTACK_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, null) else call UnitDamageTarget(who, target, 1000000. + damage, true, false, DamageType_ATTACK_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, null) call UnitDamageTarget(who, target, 1000000. + damage, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, null) endif set DamageType_lastDamageType = prevType endfunction function DelayDat_onDestroy takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function dealloc_DelayDat takes integer obj returns nothing if DelayDat_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type DelayDat") else set DelayDat_nextFree[DelayDat_firstFree] = obj set DelayDat_firstFree = DelayDat_firstFree + 1 set DelayDat_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyDelayDat takes integer this returns nothing call DelayDat_onDestroy(this) call dealloc_DelayDat(this) endfunction function dispatch_DelayDat_destroyDelayDat takes integer this returns nothing if DelayDat_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling DelayDat.DelayDat") else call error("Called DelayDat.DelayDat on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyDelayDat(this) endfunction function after takes nothing returns nothing local timer time = GetExpiredTimer() local integer tempDat = timer_getData(time) call dealCodeDamage(DelayDat_source[tempDat], DelayDat_target[tempDat], DelayDat_damage[tempDat]) call dispatch_DelayDat_destroyDelayDat(tempDat) call timer_release(time) set time = null endfunction function multiboard_display takes multiboard this, boolean show returns nothing call MultiboardDisplay(this, show) endfunction function multiboard_getItem takes multiboard this, integer row, integer column returns multiboarditem return MultiboardGetItem(this, row, column) endfunction function multiboard_setColumnCount takes multiboard this, integer count returns nothing call MultiboardSetColumnCount(this, count) endfunction function multiboard_setItemsStyle takes multiboard this, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons returns nothing call MultiboardSetItemsStyle(this, showValues, showIcons) endfunction function multiboard_setItemsWidth takes multiboard this, real width returns nothing call MultiboardSetItemsWidth(this, width) endfunction function multiboard_setRowCount takes multiboard this, integer count returns nothing call MultiboardSetRowCount(this, count) endfunction function multiboard_setTitle takes multiboard this, string label returns nothing call MultiboardSetTitleText(this, label) endfunction function multiboarditem_setValue takes multiboarditem this, string value returns nothing call MultiboardSetItemValue(this, value) endfunction function createMultiboard takes nothing returns nothing local multiboarditem mbi local integer i local integer temp local string s set InstanceBoard_mb = CreateMultiboard() call multiboard_setColumnCount(InstanceBoard_mb, 2) call multiboard_setRowCount(InstanceBoard_mb, InstanceBoard_classes + 1) call multiboard_setItemsStyle(InstanceBoard_mb, true, false) call multiboard_setItemsWidth(InstanceBoard_mb, 0.10) call multiboard_setTitle(InstanceBoard_mb, "Instance Board") set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, 0, 0) call multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, "ClassName") set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, 0, 1) call multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, "Instance count") set i = 1 set temp = InstanceBoard_classes loop exitwhen i > temp set s = InstanceBoard_nameOfClass[i] if s != null then set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, i, 0) call multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, s) set mbi = multiboard_getItem(InstanceBoard_mb, i, 1) call multiboarditem_setValue(mbi, int_toString(InstanceBoard_count[i])) endif set i = i + 1 endloop call multiboard_display(InstanceBoard_mb, true) set mbi = null endfunction function damageAOE_DestructablesEnum takes nothing returns boolean local destructable target = GetFilterDestructable() local integer dmg = Damager_instc local real dx = Damager_aoeX[dmg] - GetDestructableX(target) local real dy = Damager_aoeY[dmg] - GetDestructableY(target) if dx * dx + dy * dy >= Damager_aoeRadius[dmg] + Damager_EPSILON then set target = null return false endif set Damager_countAOE[dmg] = Damager_countAOE[dmg] + 1 if Damager_usefx[dmg] then call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(Damager_fxpath[dmg], target, Damager_fxattach[dmg])) endif call UnitDamageTarget(Damager_sourceAOE[dmg], target, Damager_aoeDamage[dmg], true, Damager_ranged[dmg], Damager_atype[dmg], Damager_dtype[dmg], Damager_wtype[dmg]) set Damager_instc = dmg set target = null return false endfunction function Damager_fc_get takes integer index1, integer index2 returns real local real returnVal if index2 < 0 or index2 >= 3 then call error("Index out of Bounds") elseif index2 <= 1 then if index2 <= 0 then set returnVal = Damager_fc_0[index1] else set returnVal = Damager_fc_1[index1] endif else set returnVal = Damager_fc_2[index1] endif return returnVal endfunction function Damager_fct_get takes integer index1, integer index2 returns integer local integer returnVal if index2 < 0 or index2 >= 3 then call error("Index out of Bounds") elseif index2 <= 1 then if index2 <= 0 then set returnVal = Damager_fct_0[index1] else set returnVal = Damager_fct_1[index1] endif else set returnVal = Damager_fct_2[index1] endif return returnVal endfunction function Damager_getDamageTypeFactor takes unit u, attacktype a, damagetype d returns real local real hp = GetWidgetLife(u) local real mana = GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) local real fc = Damager_FACTOR_TEST_DAMAGE local real r call SetUnitX(Damager_dmger, GetUnitX(u)) call SetUnitY(Damager_dmger, GetUnitY(u)) call SetUnitOwner(Damager_dmger, GetOwningPlayer(u), false) set r = hp if hp < Damager_FACTOR_TEST_DAMAGE * Damager_MAX_DAMAGE_FACTOR then call SetWidgetLife(u, hp + Damager_FACTOR_TEST_DAMAGE * Damager_MAX_DAMAGE_FACTOR) set r = hp + Damager_FACTOR_TEST_DAMAGE * Damager_MAX_DAMAGE_FACTOR set fc = GetWidgetLife(u) - hp + Damager_EPSILON endif call UnitDamageTarget(Damager_dmger, u, fc, false, false, a, d, null) if IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) and hp > 0.405 then call error("xedamage: For some reason, the unit being tested by getDamageTypeFactor has died. Verify MAX_DAMAGE_FACTOR is to a correct value. ") endif call SetUnitOwner(Damager_dmger, Player(15), false) if mana > GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA) then call SetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MANA, mana) set r = 1. else set r = (r - GetWidgetLife(u)) / fc endif call SetWidgetLife(u, hp) return r endfunction function hashtable_loadReal takes hashtable this, integer parentKey, integer childKey returns real return LoadReal(this, parentKey, childKey) endfunction function Table_loadReal takes integer this, integer parentKey returns real return hashtable_loadReal(Table_ht, this, parentKey) endfunction function dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadReal takes integer this, integer parentKey returns real local real Table_Table_loadReal_result if Table_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Table.loadReal") else call error("Called Table.loadReal on invalid object.") endif endif set Table_Table_loadReal_result = Table_loadReal(this, parentKey) return Table_Table_loadReal_result endfunction function Damager_getTargetFactorCore takes integer this, unit source, unit target, boolean usetypes returns real local player p = GetOwningPlayer(source) local boolean allied = IsUnitAlly(target, p) local boolean enemy = IsUnitEnemy(target, p) local boolean neutral = allied local real negf = 1.0 local real f local integer i if Damager_damageAllies[this] != Damager_damageNeutral[this] then set neutral = allied and ( not GetPlayerAlliance(GetOwningPlayer(target), p, ALLIANCE_HELP_REQUEST)) set allied = allied and ( not neutral) endif if ( not Damager_damageAllies[this]) and allied then set p = null return 0.0 elseif ( not Damager_damageEnemies[this]) and enemy then set p = null return 0.0 elseif ( not Damager_damageSelf[this]) and source == target then set p = null return 0.0 elseif ( not Damager_damageNeutral[this]) and neutral then set p = null return 0.0 elseif Damager_use_ex[this] and IsUnitType(target, Damager_ex_ut[this]) then set p = null return 0.0 elseif Damager_visibleOnly[this] and ( not IsUnitVisible(target, p)) then set p = null return 0.0 elseif Damager_deadOnly[this] and ( not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)) then set p = null return 0.0 elseif ( not Damager_alsoDead[this]) and IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) then set p = null return 0.0 endif set f = 1.0 if IsUnitAlly(target, p) then set f = f * Damager_allyfactor[this] if f <= ( - Damager_EPSILON) then set f = - f set negf = - 1.0 endif endif if Damager_use_req[this] and ( not IsUnitType(target, Damager_req_ut[this])) then set p = null return 0.0 endif set i = Damager_fcn[this] - 1 loop exitwhen not (i >= 0) if IsUnitType(target, ConvertUnitType(Damager_fct_get(this, i))) then set f = f * Damager_fc_get(this, i) if f <= ( - Damager_EPSILON) then set f = - f set negf = - 1.0 endif endif set i = i - 1 endloop set i = Damager_abifcn[this] - 1 loop exitwhen not (i >= 0) if GetUnitAbilityLevel(target, dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadInt(Damager_abifct[this], i)) > 0 then set f = f * dispatch_Table_Table_Table_loadReal(Damager_abifc[this], i) if f <= ( - Damager_EPSILON) then set f = - f set negf = - 1.0 endif endif set i = i - 1 endloop set f = f * negf if f < Damager_EPSILON and f > ( - Damager_EPSILON) then set p = null return 0.0 endif if Damager_forceDamage[this] or ( not usetypes) then set p = null return f endif set f = f * Damager_getDamageTypeFactor(target, Damager_atype[this], Damager_dtype[this]) if f < Damager_EPSILON and f > ( - Damager_EPSILON) then set p = null return 0.0 endif set p = null return f endfunction function dispatch_Damager_Damager_Damager_getTargetFactorCore takes integer this, unit source, unit target, boolean usetypes returns real local real Damager_Damager_getTargetFactorCore_result if Damager_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling Damager.getTargetFactorCore") else call error("Called Damager.getTargetFactorCore on invalid object.") endif endif set Damager_Damager_getTargetFactorCore_result = Damager_getTargetFactorCore(this, source, target, usetypes) return Damager_Damager_getTargetFactorCore_result endfunction function damageAOE_Enum takes nothing returns boolean local unit target = GetFilterUnit() local integer dmg = Damager_instc local real hp = 0. local real f if not IsUnitInRangeXY(target, Damager_aoeX[dmg], Damager_aoeY[dmg], Damager_aoeRadius[dmg]) then set target = null return false endif set f = dispatch_Damager_Damager_Damager_getTargetFactorCore(dmg, Damager_sourceAOE[dmg], target, false) if f != 0.0 then set Damager_countAOE[dmg] = Damager_countAOE[dmg] + 1 if Damager_usefx[dmg] then set hp = GetWidgetLife(target) endif call UnitDamageTarget(Damager_sourceAOE[dmg], target, f * Damager_aoeDamage[dmg], true, Damager_ranged[dmg], Damager_atype[dmg], Damager_dtype[dmg], Damager_wtype[dmg]) if Damager_usefx[dmg] and hp > GetWidgetLife(target) then call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(Damager_fxpath[dmg], target, Damager_fxattach[dmg])) endif endif set Damager_instc = dmg set target = null return false endfunction function disableXpGain takes nothing returns nothing local integer i = 0 loop exitwhen i > 12 call SetPlayerHandicapXP(Player(i), 0.00) set i = i + 1 endloop call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer()) endfunction function trigger_addCondition takes trigger this, boolexpr condition returns nothing call TriggerAddCondition(this, condition) endfunction function trigger_clearConditions takes trigger this returns nothing call TriggerClearConditions(this) endfunction function evaluateEvent takes nothing returns boolean local unit caster = GetSpellAbilityUnit() local integer i local integer temp call debugPrint(unit_getName(caster), 2) set i = 0 set temp = EventHandling_count - 1 loop exitwhen i > temp call debugPrint(int_toString(i), 2) if EventHandling_casters[i] == caster then call trigger_addCondition(EventHandling_evalTrig, EventHandling_conds[i]) call trigger_evaluate(EventHandling_evalTrig) call trigger_clearConditions(EventHandling_evalTrig) endif set i = i + 1 endloop set caster = null return false endfunction function currentCallback takes nothing returns integer return ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacks[ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacksCount - 1] endfunction function DamageType_closure_impl_2 takes integer this, unit iter returns nothing local unit receiver = iter local unit receiver_2 call unit_addAbility(receiver, DamageType_DAMAGE_TYPE_CHECK_ID) set receiver_2 = receiver call unit_makeAbilityPermanent(receiver_2, DamageType_DAMAGE_TYPE_CHECK_ID, true) set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null endfunction function dispatch_ForGroupCallback_ClosureForGroups_ForGroupCallback_callback takes integer this, unit u returns nothing if ForGroupCallback_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling ForGroupCallback.callback") else call error("Called ForGroupCallback.callback on invalid object.") endif endif call DamageType_closure_impl_2(this, u) endfunction function filter takes nothing returns boolean call dispatch_ForGroupCallback_ClosureForGroups_ForGroupCallback_callback(currentCallback(), GetFilterUnit()) return false endfunction function filter_2 takes nothing returns boolean local unit u = GetFilterUnit() local boolean b1 = IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) == false local boolean b2 = IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == true local boolean b3 = IsUnitAlly(u, GetOwningPlayer(GetKillingUnit())) == true set u = null return b1 and b2 and b3 endfunction function finishPreload takes nothing returns nothing local group iterator local unit u call RemoveUnit(PreloadHandler_dum) set iterator = group_iterator(PreloadHandler_dumg) loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(iterator) set u = group_next(iterator) call unit_remove(u) endloop call group_close(iterator) call group_destr(PreloadHandler_dumg) if GetExpiredTimer() != null then call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer()) endif set iterator = null set u = null endfunction function texttag_setColor takes texttag this, integer col_red, integer col_green, integer col_blue, integer col_alpha returns nothing call SetTextTagColor(this, col_red, col_green, col_blue, col_alpha) endfunction function texttag_setFadepoint takes texttag this, real fadepoint returns nothing call SetTextTagFadepoint(this, fadepoint) endfunction function texttag_setLifespan takes texttag this, real span returns nothing call SetTextTagLifespan(this, span) endfunction function texttag_setPermanent takes texttag this, boolean flag returns nothing call SetTextTagPermanent(this, flag) endfunction function texttag_setPos takes texttag this, real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z returns nothing call SetTextTagPos(this, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z) endfunction function texttag_setText takes texttag this, string text, real size returns nothing call SetTextTagText(this, text, size * 0.0023) endfunction function texttag_setVelocity takes texttag this, real xvel, real yvel returns nothing call SetTextTagVelocity(this, xvel, yvel) endfunction function vec2_withZ takes real this_x, real this_y, real z returns real set vec2_withZ_return_x = this_x set vec2_withZ_return_y = this_y set vec2_withZ_return_z = z return vec2_withZ_return_x endfunction function createTTEx takes real pos_x, real pos_y, real pos_z, real vel_x, real vel_y, string message, real size, real duration, integer col_red, integer col_green, integer col_blue, integer col_alpha returns texttag local texttag receiver = CreateTextTag() local texttag receiver_2 local texttag receiver_3 local texttag receiver_4 local texttag receiver_5 local texttag receiver_6 local texttag receiver_7 call texttag_setPos(receiver, vec2_withZ(vec3_toVec2(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z), vec3_toVec2_return_y, 20.), vec2_withZ_return_y, vec2_withZ_return_z) set receiver_2 = receiver call texttag_setText(receiver_2, message, size) set receiver_3 = receiver_2 call texttag_setColor(receiver_3, col_red, col_green, col_blue, col_alpha) set receiver_4 = receiver_3 call texttag_setVelocity(receiver_4, vel_x, vel_y) set receiver_5 = receiver_4 call texttag_setLifespan(receiver_5, duration) set receiver_6 = receiver_5 call texttag_setFadepoint(receiver_6, .1) set receiver_7 = receiver_6 call texttag_setPermanent(receiver_7, false) set createTTExtempReturn = receiver_7 set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null set receiver_3 = null set receiver_4 = null set receiver_5 = null set receiver_6 = null set receiver_7 = null return createTTExtempReturn endfunction function distanceBetweenCoords takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real return SquareRoot((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) endfunction function expFilter takes integer exp, unit w_u returns integer return exp endfunction function formula takes integer xPfactor, integer unitlevel, integer heroesinradius, integer bonus returns integer return xPfactor * unitlevel + heroesinradius * bonus endfunction function unit_getOwner takes unit this returns player return GetOwningPlayer(this) endfunction function vec2_toVec3 takes real this_x, real this_y returns real set vec2_toVec3_return_x = this_x set vec2_toVec3_return_y = this_y set vec2_toVec3_return_z = 0. return vec2_toVec3_return_x endfunction function giveXP takes nothing returns nothing local unit deadUnit = GetTriggerUnit() local real dx = unit_getX(deadUnit) local real dy = unit_getY(deadUnit) local unit killer = GetKillingUnit() local player killerPlayer = unit_getOwner(killer) local integer add = 0 local real kx = unit_getX(killer) local real ky = unit_getY(killer) local integer killedUnitLevel local integer unitNum local group iterator local unit f local real distance local group iterator_2 local unit f_2 call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP, kx, ky, CustomExp_RADIUS, Condition(ref_function_filter_2)) call ForGroup(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP, function CountUnitsInGroupEnum) set unitNum = bj_groupCountUnits if IsUnitAlly(deadUnit, killerPlayer) == false then if IsUnitType(deadUnit, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == true then set killedUnitLevel = GetHeroLevel(deadUnit) set add = formula(CustomExp_HERO_EXP, killedUnitLevel, unitNum, CustomExp_BONUS_EXP) else set killedUnitLevel = GetUnitLevel(deadUnit) set add = formula(CustomExp_UNIT_EXP, killedUnitLevel, unitNum, CustomExp_BONUS_EXP) endif endif if CustomExp_SPLIT then set add = R2I(add * 1. / unitNum) endif if CustomExp_DISTANCE_EFFECT then set add = expFilter(add, deadUnit) set iterator = group_iterator(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP) loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(iterator) set f = group_next(iterator) set distance = distanceBetweenCoords(dx, dy, kx, ky) if distance > CustomExp_MEDIUM * CustomExp_MEDIUM and distance <= CustomExp_FAR * CustomExp_FAR then call SetPlayerHandicapXP(GetOwningPlayer(f), 1.00) set add = R2I(add * CustomExp_FAR_FACTOR) call AddHeroXP(f, add, true) call SetPlayerHandicapXP(GetOwningPlayer(f), 0.00) elseif distance > CustomExp_CLOSE * CustomExp_CLOSE and distance <= CustomExp_MEDIUM * CustomExp_MEDIUM then call SetPlayerHandicapXP(GetOwningPlayer(f), 1.00) set add = R2I(add * CustomExp_MEDIUM_FACTOR) call AddHeroXP(f, add, true) call SetPlayerHandicapXP(GetOwningPlayer(f), 0.00) elseif distance <= CustomExp_CLOSE * CustomExp_CLOSE then call SetPlayerHandicapXP(GetOwningPlayer(f), 1.00) set add = R2I(add * CustomExp_CLOSE_FACTOR) call AddHeroXP(f, add, true) call SetPlayerHandicapXP(GetOwningPlayer(f), 0.00) endif if CustomExp_SHOW_TEXT and add > 0 then call createTTEx(vec2_toVec3(unit_getPos(f), unit_getPos_return_y), vec2_toVec3_return_y, vec2_toVec3_return_z, 0., 0., "+ " + I2S(add), CustomExp_SIZE, CustomExp_DURATION, CustomExp_RED, CustomExp_GREEN, CustomExp_BLUE, 255) endif endloop call group_close(iterator) else set add = expFilter(add, deadUnit) set iterator_2 = group_iterator(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP) loop exitwhen not group_hasNext(iterator_2) set f_2 = group_next(iterator_2) if CustomExp_SHOW_TEXT and add > 0 then call createTTEx(vec2_toVec3(unit_getPos(f_2), unit_getPos_return_y), vec2_toVec3_return_y, vec2_toVec3_return_z, 0., 0., "+ " + I2S(add), CustomExp_SIZE, CustomExp_DURATION, CustomExp_RED, CustomExp_GREEN, CustomExp_BLUE, 255) endif call SetPlayerHandicapXP(GetOwningPlayer(f_2), 1.00) call AddHeroXP(f_2, add, true) call SetPlayerHandicapXP(GetOwningPlayer(f_2), 0.00) endloop call group_close(iterator_2) endif call group_clear(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP) set deadUnit = null set killer = null set killerPlayer = null set iterator = null set f = null set iterator_2 = null set f_2 = null endfunction function dispatch_OnCast_ClosureEvents_OnCast_run takes integer this, unit caster, integer lvl returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_OnPointCast_ClosureEvents_OnPointCast_run takes integer this, unit caster, integer lvl, real pos_x, real pos_y returns nothing endfunction function dispatch_OnUnitCast_ClosureEvents_OnUnitCast_run takes integer this, unit caster, integer lvl, unit target returns nothing endfunction function handleCasts takes nothing returns nothing local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit() local integer lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster, GetSpellAbilityId()) local integer c = dispatch_HashMap_HashMap_HashMap_get(Cast_casts, GetSpellAbilityId()) if c != 0 then if Cast_typeId[c] == 644 then call dispatch_OnCast_ClosureEvents_OnCast_run(c, caster, lvl) endif if Cast_typeId[c] == 645 then call dispatch_OnPointCast_ClosureEvents_OnPointCast_run(c, caster, lvl, GetSpellTargetX(), GetSpellTargetY()) endif if Cast_typeId[c] == 646 then call dispatch_OnUnitCast_ClosureEvents_OnUnitCast_run(c, caster, lvl, GetSpellTargetUnit()) endif endif set caster = null endfunction function getDamageType takes nothing returns integer local real sourceDamage = GetEventDamage() if DamageType_lastDamageType == 3 then return 3 elseif sourceDamage > 0. then return 1 elseif sourceDamage < 0. then return 2 endif return 0 endfunction function unit_getMaxHP takes unit this returns real return unit_getState(this, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) endfunction function getUnitBonusSpellResistance takes unit u returns real local integer prevType = DamageType_lastDamageType local real life = unit_getHP(u) local real scale = unit_getMaxHP(u) call unit_setHP(u, scale) set DamageType_lastDamageType = 3 call UnitDamageTarget(u, u, - (scale / 2.), false, false, null, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, null) set scale = 2. * (scale - unit_getHP(u)) / scale call unit_setHP(u, life) set DamageType_lastDamageType = prevType return scale endfunction function alloc_DelayDat takes nothing returns integer local integer this if DelayDat_firstFree == 0 then if DelayDat_maxIndex < 32768 then set DelayDat_maxIndex = DelayDat_maxIndex + 1 set this = DelayDat_maxIndex set DelayDat_typeId[this] = 651 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create DelayDat.") set this = 0 endif else set DelayDat_firstFree = DelayDat_firstFree - 1 set this = DelayDat_nextFree[DelayDat_firstFree] set DelayDat_typeId[this] = 651 endif return this endfunction function construct_DelayDat takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function new_DelayDat takes nothing returns integer local integer this = alloc_DelayDat() call construct_DelayDat(this) return this endfunction function handler takes nothing returns boolean local real attemptedDamage local unit tU local real scale local real sampledLife local integer tempDat local timer receiver local timer receiver_2 if getDamageType() == 2 then set attemptedDamage = - (1. * GetEventDamage()) set tU = GetTriggerUnit() if DamageType_useBonusCalculator then set scale = getUnitBonusSpellResistance(tU) if scale > 1. then set attemptedDamage = attemptedDamage * (scale + 1.) / 2. endif endif set sampledLife = unit_getHP(tU) - .405 if sampledLife >= attemptedDamage and sampledLife <= 2. * attemptedDamage then call unit_setHP(tU, sampledLife - attemptedDamage) set tempDat = new_DelayDat() set DelayDat_target[tempDat] = tU set DelayDat_source[tempDat] = GetEventDamageSource() set DelayDat_damage[tempDat] = attemptedDamage set receiver = getTimer() call timer_setData(receiver, tempDat) set receiver_2 = receiver call timer_start(receiver_2, 0., ref_function_after) else call dealCodeDamage(GetEventDamageSource(), tU, 2. * attemptedDamage) endif endif set tU = null set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null return false endfunction function hideItem takes nothing returns nothing if IsItemVisible(GetEnumItem()) then set Terrain_hid[Terrain_hidMax] = GetEnumItem() call SetItemVisible(Terrain_hid[Terrain_hidMax], false) set Terrain_hidMax = Terrain_hidMax + 1 endif endfunction function initGamecache takes nothing returns nothing call InitGameCache("sync") call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer()) endfunction function init_AbilityTooltipGenerator takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function init_AbilityTooltipGenerator_config takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function alloc_FreeNode takes nothing returns integer local integer this if FreeNode_firstFree == 0 then if FreeNode_maxIndex < 32768 then set FreeNode_maxIndex = FreeNode_maxIndex + 1 set this = FreeNode_maxIndex else call error("Out of memory: Could not create FreeNode.") set this = 0 endif else set FreeNode_firstFree = FreeNode_firstFree - 1 set this = FreeNode_nextFree[FreeNode_firstFree] endif return this endfunction function construct_FreeNode2 takes integer this, integer dataPos, integer size returns nothing endfunction function new_FreeNode takes integer dataPos, integer size returns integer local integer this = alloc_FreeNode() call construct_FreeNode2(this, dataPos, size) return this endfunction function init_ArrayList takes nothing returns boolean call new_FreeNode(0, 8191) return true endfunction function init_Assets takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function init_Basics takes nothing returns boolean set Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID = 2019849581 set Basics_HEIGHT_ENABLER = 1097691750 set Basics_LOCUST_ID = 1097625443 set Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD = 0.03 set Basics_MAX_COLLISION_SIZE = 197.0 set Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER = Player(15) call Player(12) return true endfunction function init_BigNum takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function alloc_OrderStringFactory takes nothing returns integer local integer this if OrderStringFactory_firstFree == 0 then if OrderStringFactory_maxIndex < 32768 then set OrderStringFactory_maxIndex = OrderStringFactory_maxIndex + 1 set this = OrderStringFactory_maxIndex else call error("Out of memory: Could not create OrderStringFactory.") set this = 0 endif else set OrderStringFactory_firstFree = OrderStringFactory_firstFree - 1 set this = OrderStringFactory_nextFree[OrderStringFactory_firstFree] endif return this endfunction function construct_OrderStringFactory takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function new_OrderStringFactory takes nothing returns integer local integer this = alloc_OrderStringFactory() call construct_OrderStringFactory(this) return this endfunction function init_ChannelAbilityPreset takes nothing returns boolean call new_OrderStringFactory() return true endfunction function c2sInit takes nothing returns nothing set Char_c2s[0] = "" set Char_c2s[1] = "" set Char_c2s[2] = "" set Char_c2s[3] = "" set Char_c2s[4] = "" set Char_c2s[5] = "" set Char_c2s[6] = "" set Char_c2s[7] = "" set Char_c2s[8] = "" set Char_c2s[9] = "\t" set Char_c2s[10] = "\n" set Char_c2s[11] = "" set Char_c2s[12] = "" set Char_c2s[13] = "\r" set Char_c2s[14] = "" set Char_c2s[15] = "" set Char_c2s[16] = "" set Char_c2s[17] = "" set Char_c2s[18] = "" set Char_c2s[19] = "" set Char_c2s[20] = "" set Char_c2s[21] = "" set Char_c2s[22] = "" set Char_c2s[23] = "" set Char_c2s[24] = "" set Char_c2s[25] = "" set Char_c2s[26] = "" set Char_c2s[27] = "" set Char_c2s[28] = "" set Char_c2s[29] = "" set Char_c2s[30] = "" set Char_c2s[31] = "" set Char_c2s[32] = " " set Char_c2s[33] = "!" set Char_c2s[34] = "\"" set Char_c2s[35] = "#" set Char_c2s[36] = "$" set Char_c2s[37] = "%" set Char_c2s[38] = "&" set Char_c2s[39] = "'" set Char_c2s[40] = "(" set Char_c2s[41] = ")" set Char_c2s[42] = "*" set Char_c2s[43] = "+" set Char_c2s[44] = "," set Char_c2s[45] = "-" set Char_c2s[46] = "." set Char_c2s[47] = "/" set Char_c2s[48] = "0" set Char_c2s[49] = "1" set Char_c2s[50] = "2" set Char_c2s[51] = "3" set Char_c2s[52] = "4" set Char_c2s[53] = "5" set Char_c2s[54] = "6" set Char_c2s[55] = "7" set Char_c2s[56] = "8" set Char_c2s[57] = "9" set Char_c2s[58] = ":" set Char_c2s[59] = ";" set Char_c2s[60] = "<" set Char_c2s[61] = "=" set Char_c2s[62] = ">" set Char_c2s[63] = "?" set Char_c2s[64] = "@" set Char_c2s[65] = "A" set Char_c2s[66] = "B" set Char_c2s[67] = "C" set Char_c2s[68] = "D" set Char_c2s[69] = "E" set Char_c2s[70] = "F" set Char_c2s[71] = "G" set Char_c2s[72] = "H" set Char_c2s[73] = "I" set Char_c2s[74] = "J" set Char_c2s[75] = "K" set Char_c2s[76] = "L" set Char_c2s[77] = "M" set Char_c2s[78] = "N" set Char_c2s[79] = "O" set Char_c2s[80] = "P" set Char_c2s[81] = "Q" set Char_c2s[82] = "R" set Char_c2s[83] = "S" set Char_c2s[84] = "T" set Char_c2s[85] = "U" set Char_c2s[86] = "V" set Char_c2s[87] = "W" set Char_c2s[88] = "X" set Char_c2s[89] = "Y" set Char_c2s[90] = "Z" set Char_c2s[91] = "[" set Char_c2s[92] = "\\" set Char_c2s[93] = "]" set Char_c2s[94] = "^" set Char_c2s[95] = "_" set Char_c2s[96] = "`" set Char_c2s[97] = "a" set Char_c2s[98] = "b" set Char_c2s[99] = "c" set Char_c2s[100] = "d" set Char_c2s[101] = "e" set Char_c2s[102] = "f" set Char_c2s[103] = "g" set Char_c2s[104] = "h" set Char_c2s[105] = "i" set Char_c2s[106] = "j" set Char_c2s[107] = "k" set Char_c2s[108] = "l" set Char_c2s[109] = "m" set Char_c2s[110] = "n" set Char_c2s[111] = "o" set Char_c2s[112] = "p" set Char_c2s[113] = "q" set Char_c2s[114] = "r" set Char_c2s[115] = "s" set Char_c2s[116] = "t" set Char_c2s[117] = "u" set Char_c2s[118] = "v" set Char_c2s[119] = "w" set Char_c2s[120] = "x" set Char_c2s[121] = "y" set Char_c2s[122] = "z" set Char_c2s[123] = "{" set Char_c2s[124] = "|" set Char_c2s[125] = "}" set Char_c2s[126] = "~" set Char_c2s[127] = "" endfunction function string_toUpperCase takes string this returns string return StringCase(this, true) endfunction function s2cInit takes nothing returns nothing local integer i = 0 local integer temp = Char_MAX_INDEX loop exitwhen i > temp if string_toUpperCase(Char_c2s[i]) == Char_c2s[i] then endif set i = i + 1 endloop endfunction function widthInit takes nothing returns nothing endfunction function init_Char takes nothing returns boolean set Char_MAX_INDEX = 126 + 1 call c2sInit() call s2cInit() call widthInit() return true endfunction function alloc_HashMap takes nothing returns integer local integer this if HashMap_firstFree == 0 then if HashMap_maxIndex < 32768 then set HashMap_maxIndex = HashMap_maxIndex + 1 set this = HashMap_maxIndex set HashMap_typeId[this] = 665 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create HashMap.") set this = 0 endif else set HashMap_firstFree = HashMap_firstFree - 1 set this = HashMap_nextFree[HashMap_firstFree] set HashMap_typeId[this] = 665 endif return this endfunction function construct_HashMap takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function new_HashMap takes nothing returns integer local integer this = alloc_HashMap() call construct_HashMap(this) return this endfunction function trigger_addAction takes trigger this, code actionFunc returns nothing call TriggerAddAction(this, actionFunc) endfunction function trigger_registerAnyUnitEvent takes trigger this, playerunitevent whichEvent returns nothing call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(this, whichEvent) endfunction function init_ClosureEvents takes nothing returns boolean local trigger receiver = CreateTrigger() local trigger receiver_2 call trigger_registerAnyUnitEvent(receiver, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST) set receiver_2 = receiver call trigger_addAction(receiver_2, ref_function_handleCasts) set Cast_casts = new_HashMap() call new_HashMap() set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null return true endfunction function init_ClosureForGroups takes nothing returns boolean set ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacksCount = 0 set ClosureForGroups_filter = Condition(ref_function_filter) return true endfunction function init_Collider takes nothing returns boolean set Collider_TimedLoop_instanceCount = 0 set Collider_TimedLoop_triggerCond = null call Condition(ref_function_Collider_TimedLoop_onExpire) return true endfunction function alloc_Table takes nothing returns integer local integer this if Table_firstFree == 0 then if Table_maxIndex < 32768 then set Table_maxIndex = Table_maxIndex + 1 set this = Table_maxIndex set Table_typeId[this] = 720 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create Table.") set this = 0 endif else set Table_firstFree = Table_firstFree - 1 set this = Table_nextFree[Table_firstFree] set Table_typeId[this] = 720 endif return this endfunction function construct_Table takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function new_Table takes nothing returns integer local integer this = alloc_Table() call construct_Table(this) return this endfunction function init_Colors takes nothing returns boolean local integer i = 0 local integer i2 loop exitwhen i > 9 call int_toString(i) set i = i + 1 endloop set Colors_decs = new_Table() set i2 = 0 loop exitwhen i2 > 9 call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash(int_toString(i2)), i2) set i2 = i2 + 1 endloop call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("A"), 10) call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("B"), 11) call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("C"), 12) call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("D"), 13) call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("E"), 14) call dispatch_Table_Table_Table_saveInt(Colors_decs, StringHash("F"), 15) return true endfunction function init_CustomBar takes nothing returns boolean call CreateTimer() return true endfunction function init_CustomExp takes nothing returns boolean local trigger t set CustomExp_RADIUS = 650. set CustomExp_CLOSE = 200. set CustomExp_MEDIUM = 400. set CustomExp_FAR = 650. set CustomExp_CLOSE_FACTOR = 1. set CustomExp_MEDIUM_FACTOR = .5 set CustomExp_FAR_FACTOR = .25 set CustomExp_UNIT_EXP = 30 set CustomExp_HERO_EXP = 45 set CustomExp_BONUS_EXP = 9 set CustomExp_DURATION = 5. set CustomExp_SIZE = 12. set CustomExp_RED = 0 set CustomExp_GREEN = 74 set CustomExp_BLUE = 255 set CustomExp_SHOW_TEXT = true set CustomExp_SPLIT = true set CustomExp_DISTANCE_EFFECT = false set t = CreateTrigger() call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH) call TriggerAddAction(t, ref_function_giveXP) call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), .04, false, ref_function_disableXpGain) set t = null return true endfunction function onEnter takes code c returns nothing call trigger_addCondition(OnUnitEnterLeave_eventTrigger, Condition(c)) endfunction function init_DamageDetection takes nothing returns boolean local integer i local integer temp set DamageDetection_SWAP_TIMEOUT = 600. set DamageDetection_funcNext = 0 set DamageDetection_current = null set DamageDetection_toDestroy = null set DamageDetection_current = CreateTrigger() set i = 0 set temp = DamageDetection_funcNext - 1 loop exitwhen i > temp call trigger_addCondition(DamageDetection_current, DamageDetection_func[i]) set i = i + 1 endloop call onEnter(ref_function_DamageDetection_closure_impl) call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP, MapBounds_boundRect, Filter(ref_function_DamageDetection_closure_impl_2)) call timer_startPeriodic(CreateTimer(), DamageDetection_SWAP_TIMEOUT, ref_function_swap) return true endfunction function addOnDamageFunc takes boolexpr cf returns nothing call trigger_addCondition(DamageDetection_current, cf) set DamageDetection_func[DamageDetection_funcNext] = cf set DamageDetection_funcNext = DamageDetection_funcNext + 1 endfunction function alloc_Closure takes nothing returns integer local integer this if ForGroupCallback_firstFree == 0 then if ForGroupCallback_maxIndex < 32768 then set ForGroupCallback_maxIndex = ForGroupCallback_maxIndex + 1 set this = ForGroupCallback_maxIndex set ForGroupCallback_typeId[this] = 659 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.") set this = 0 endif else set ForGroupCallback_firstFree = ForGroupCallback_firstFree - 1 set this = ForGroupCallback_nextFree[ForGroupCallback_firstFree] set ForGroupCallback_typeId[this] = 659 endif return this endfunction function dealloc_ForGroupCallback takes integer obj returns nothing if ForGroupCallback_typeId[obj] == 0 then call error("Double free: object of type ForGroupCallback") else set ForGroupCallback_nextFree[ForGroupCallback_firstFree] = obj set ForGroupCallback_firstFree = ForGroupCallback_firstFree + 1 set ForGroupCallback_typeId[obj] = 0 endif endfunction function destroyForGroupCallback takes integer this returns nothing call dealloc_ForGroupCallback(this) endfunction function dispatch_ForGroupCallback_destroyForGroupCallback takes integer this returns nothing if ForGroupCallback_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling ForGroupCallback.ForGroupCallback") else call error("Called ForGroupCallback.ForGroupCallback on invalid object.") endif endif call destroyForGroupCallback(this) endfunction function popCallback takes nothing returns nothing set ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacksCount = ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacksCount - 1 call dispatch_ForGroupCallback_destroyForGroupCallback(ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacks[ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacksCount]) endfunction function pushCallback takes integer c returns nothing set ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacks[ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacksCount] = c set ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacksCount = ClosureForGroups_tempCallbacksCount + 1 endfunction function forUnitsInRect takes rect r, integer c returns nothing call pushCallback(c) call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP, r, ClosureForGroups_filter) call popCallback() endfunction function init_DamageType takes nothing returns boolean local integer clVar local rect temp set DamageType_useBonusCalculator = false set DamageType_ATTACK_TYPE_UNIVERSAL = ConvertAttackType(7) set DamageType_DAMAGE_TYPE_CHECK_ID = 560231466 set DamageType_lastDamageType = 0 call onEnter(ref_function_DamageType_closure_impl) set temp = bj_mapInitialPlayableArea set clVar = alloc_Closure() call forUnitsInRect(temp, clVar) call addOnDamageFunc(Condition(ref_function_handler)) set temp = null return true endfunction function Damager_initD takes nothing returns nothing call Rect(0., 0., 0., 0.) call Condition(ref_function_damageAOE_Enum) call Condition(ref_function_damageAOE_DestructablesEnum) call CreateGroup() endfunction function init_Damager takes nothing returns boolean set Damager_FACTOR_TEST_DAMAGE = 0.01 set Damager_MAX_DAMAGE_FACTOR = 3.00 set Damager_EPSILON = 0.000000001 set Damager_dmger = CreateUnit(Player(15), Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID, 0., 0., 0.) call UnitAddAbility(Damager_dmger, 1097625443) call Damager_initD() return true endfunction function init_DelayedDestroy takes nothing returns boolean call CreateTimer() return true endfunction function init_DmgMod takes nothing returns boolean call CreateTimer() return true endfunction function init_DummyCaster takes nothing returns boolean set DummyCaster_FORCE_INVISIBLE_CAST = false set DummyCaster_AUTO_RESET_MANA_COOLDOWN = true set DummyCaster_delayTable = new_Table() call Condition(ref_function_DummyCaster_filterAOE) return true endfunction function alloc_ArrayQueue takes nothing returns integer local integer this if ArrayQueue_firstFree == 0 then if ArrayQueue_maxIndex < 32768 then set ArrayQueue_maxIndex = ArrayQueue_maxIndex + 1 set this = ArrayQueue_maxIndex set ArrayQueue_typeId[this] = 633 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create ArrayQueue.") set this = 0 endif else set ArrayQueue_firstFree = ArrayQueue_firstFree - 1 set this = ArrayQueue_nextFree[ArrayQueue_firstFree] set ArrayQueue_typeId[this] = 633 endif return this endfunction function construct_ArrayQueue takes integer this returns nothing set ArrayQueue_fp[this] = 0 set ArrayQueue_rp[this] = 0 set ArrayQueue_size[this] = 0 endfunction function new_ArrayQueue takes nothing returns integer local integer this = alloc_ArrayQueue() call construct_ArrayQueue(this) return this endfunction function init_DummyRecycler takes nothing returns boolean local integer i local integer temp local integer j local integer temp_2 set DummyRecycler_DIFFERENT_ANGLES = 8 set DummyRecycler_ANGLE_DEGREE = 360 * 1. / DummyRecycler_DIFFERENT_ANGLES set DummyRecycler_SAVED_UNITS_PER_ANGLE = 6 set DelayNode_t = CreateTimer() set DelayNode_first = 0 set DelayNode_last = 0 set i = 0 set temp = DummyRecycler_DIFFERENT_ANGLES - 1 loop exitwhen i > temp set DummyRecycler_angleQueues[i] = new_ArrayQueue() set j = 0 set temp_2 = DummyRecycler_SAVED_UNITS_PER_ANGLE - 1 loop exitwhen j > temp_2 call dispatch_ArrayQueue_DummyRecycler_ArrayQueue_enqueue(DummyRecycler_angleQueues[i], createDummy(MapBounds_boundMax_x, MapBounds_boundMax_y, Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER, real_asAngleDegrees(i * DummyRecycler_ANGLE_DEGREE))) set j = j + 1 endloop set i = i + 1 endloop return true endfunction function init_ErrorHandling takes nothing returns boolean set ErrorHandling_MUTE_ERROR_DURATION = 60 set ErrorHandling_PRIMARY_ERROR_KEY = -1 return true endfunction function init_ErrorHandling_config takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function init_EventHandling takes nothing returns boolean set EventHandling_count = 0 set EventHandling_castTrig = CreateTrigger() call trigger_addCondition(EventHandling_castTrig, Condition(ref_function_evaluateEvent)) set EventHandling_evalTrig = CreateTrigger() return true endfunction function File_doInit takes nothing returns nothing call InitHashtable() endfunction function init_FileIO takes nothing returns boolean call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0., false, ref_function_LocalFileTest_onInit) set LocalFileTest_FLAG_FOLDER = "Flag" set LocalFileTest_FLAG_FILE = "flag" set LocalFileTest_success = false call File_doInit() return true endfunction function init_GameTimer takes nothing returns boolean set GameTimer_gameTimer = CreateTimer() call timer_start(GameTimer_gameTimer, 100000., null) call timer_startPeriodic(CreateTimer(), Basics_ANIMATION_PERIOD, ref_function_GameTimer_closure_impl) return true endfunction function init_HashList takes nothing returns boolean call InitHashtable() return true endfunction function init_HashMap takes nothing returns boolean set HashMap_ht = InitHashtable() return true endfunction function init_InstanceBoard takes nothing returns boolean set InstanceBoard_classes = 0 call InitHashtable() set InstanceBoard_mb = null call timer_start(getTimer(), 0.0, ref_function_createMultiboard) return true endfunction function init_InstantDummyCaster takes nothing returns boolean set InstantDummyCaster_DUMMY_CASTER_UNIT_ID = 2019778931 set InstantDummyCaster_caster = createUnit(Basics_DUMMY_PLAYER, InstantDummyCaster_DUMMY_CASTER_UNIT_ID, 0., 0., 0.) call unit_setPos(InstantDummyCaster_caster, 32256., 32256.) return true endfunction function init_Knockback takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function init_Knockback3 takes nothing returns boolean set Knockback3_DESTRUCTABLE_ENUM_SIZE = 130. call Rect( - (1. * Knockback3_DESTRUCTABLE_ENUM_SIZE), - (1. * Knockback3_DESTRUCTABLE_ENUM_SIZE), Knockback3_DESTRUCTABLE_ENUM_SIZE, Knockback3_DESTRUCTABLE_ENUM_SIZE) call new_HashMap() call CreateTimer() return true endfunction function onLeave takes code c returns nothing call trigger_addAction(OnUnitEnterLeave_eventTrigger, c) endfunction function registerPlayerUnitEvent takes playerunitevent p, code c returns nothing local integer hid = GetHandleId(p) local integer k if RegisterEvents_t[hid] == null then set RegisterEvents_t[hid] = CreateTrigger() set k = 15 loop exitwhen k < 0 call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(RegisterEvents_t[hid], Player(k), p, null) set k = k - 1 endloop endif call TriggerAddCondition(RegisterEvents_t[hid], Filter(c)) endfunction function init_LastOrder takes nothing returns boolean set LastOrder_ORDERS_TO_HOLD = 3 call registerPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER, ref_function_actions) call registerPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER, ref_function_actions) call registerPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER, ref_function_actions) call registerPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, ref_function_spellActions) call onLeave(ref_function_LastOrder_closure_impl) return true endfunction function init_LinkedListModule takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function init_MagicFunctions takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function rect_getMaxX takes rect this returns real return GetRectMaxX(this) endfunction function rect_getMaxY takes rect this returns real return GetRectMaxY(this) endfunction function rect_getMinX takes rect this returns real return GetRectMinX(this) endfunction function rect_getMinY takes rect this returns real return GetRectMinY(this) endfunction function region_addRect takes region this, rect r returns nothing call RegionAddRect(this, r) endfunction function vec2_op_mult takes real this_x, real this_y, real factor returns real set vec2_op_mult_return_x = this_x * factor set vec2_op_mult_return_y = this_y * factor return vec2_op_mult_return_x endfunction function vec2_op_plus takes real this_x, real this_y, real v_x, real v_y returns real set vec2_op_plus_return_x = this_x + v_x set vec2_op_plus_return_y = this_y + v_y return vec2_op_plus_return_x endfunction function init_MapBounds takes nothing returns boolean local region receiver local region receiver_2 local real temp_MapBounds_playableMin_x local real temp_MapBounds_playableMin_y local real temp_MapBounds_playableMax_x local real temp_MapBounds_playableMax_y local real temp_MapBounds_boundMin_x local real temp_MapBounds_boundMin_y local real temp_MapBounds_boundMax_x local real temp_MapBounds_boundMax_y set MapBounds_playableMapRect = GetPlayableMapRect() set receiver = CreateRegion() call region_addRect(receiver, MapBounds_playableMapRect) set MapBounds_boundRect = GetWorldBounds() set receiver_2 = CreateRegion() call region_addRect(receiver_2, MapBounds_boundRect) set MapBounds_boundRegion = receiver_2 set temp_MapBounds_playableMin_x = rect_getMinX(MapBounds_playableMapRect) set temp_MapBounds_playableMin_y = rect_getMinY(MapBounds_playableMapRect) set MapBounds_playableMin_x = temp_MapBounds_playableMin_x set MapBounds_playableMin_y = temp_MapBounds_playableMin_y set temp_MapBounds_playableMax_x = rect_getMaxX(MapBounds_playableMapRect) set temp_MapBounds_playableMax_y = rect_getMaxY(MapBounds_playableMapRect) set MapBounds_playableMax_x = temp_MapBounds_playableMax_x set MapBounds_playableMax_y = temp_MapBounds_playableMax_y set temp_MapBounds_boundMin_x = rect_getMinX(MapBounds_boundRect) set temp_MapBounds_boundMin_y = rect_getMinY(MapBounds_boundRect) set MapBounds_boundMin_x = temp_MapBounds_boundMin_x set MapBounds_boundMin_y = temp_MapBounds_boundMin_y set temp_MapBounds_boundMax_x = rect_getMaxX(MapBounds_boundRect) set temp_MapBounds_boundMax_y = rect_getMaxY(MapBounds_boundRect) set MapBounds_boundMax_x = temp_MapBounds_boundMax_x set MapBounds_boundMax_y = temp_MapBounds_boundMax_y call vec2_op_mult(vec2_op_plus(MapBounds_playableMin_x, MapBounds_playableMin_y, MapBounds_playableMax_x, MapBounds_playableMax_y), vec2_op_plus_return_y, .5) call vec2_op_mult(vec2_op_plus(MapBounds_boundMin_x, MapBounds_boundMin_y, MapBounds_boundMax_x, MapBounds_boundMax_y), vec2_op_plus_return_y, .5) set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null return true endfunction function init_Maths takes nothing returns boolean set Maths_PI2 = 6.28318 set Maths_DEGTORAD = 0.017453293 set Maths_RADTODEG = 57.295779513 return true endfunction function alloc_IdGenerator takes nothing returns integer local integer this if IdGenerator_firstFree == 0 then if IdGenerator_maxIndex < 32768 then set IdGenerator_maxIndex = IdGenerator_maxIndex + 1 set this = IdGenerator_maxIndex else call error("Out of memory: Could not create IdGenerator.") set this = 0 endif else set IdGenerator_firstFree = IdGenerator_firstFree - 1 set this = IdGenerator_nextFree[IdGenerator_firstFree] endif return this endfunction function construct_IdGenerator takes integer this, integer start returns nothing endfunction function new_IdGenerator takes integer start returns integer local integer this = alloc_IdGenerator() call construct_IdGenerator(this, start) return this endfunction function init_ObjectIdGenerator takes nothing returns boolean call new_IdGenerator(1932537904) call new_IdGenerator(1261449264) call new_IdGenerator(1098395696) call new_IdGenerator(1177563184) call new_IdGenerator(1328558128) return true endfunction function init_ObjectIds takes nothing returns boolean set ObjectIds_charMap = ".................................!.#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[.]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~................................................................................................................................." return true endfunction function alloc_Closure_2 takes nothing returns integer local integer this if CallbackSingle_firstFree == 0 then if CallbackSingle_maxIndex < 32768 then set CallbackSingle_maxIndex = CallbackSingle_maxIndex + 1 set this = CallbackSingle_maxIndex set CallbackSingle_typeId[this] = 642 else call error("Out of memory: Could not create Closure.") set this = 0 endif else set CallbackSingle_firstFree = CallbackSingle_firstFree - 1 set this = CallbackSingle_nextFree[CallbackSingle_firstFree] set CallbackSingle_typeId[this] = 642 endif return this endfunction function construct_CallbackSingle takes integer this returns nothing endfunction function CallbackSingle_start takes integer this, real time returns nothing local timer receiver = getTimer() local timer receiver_2 call timer_setData(receiver, this) set receiver_2 = receiver call timer_start(receiver_2, time, ref_function_CallbackSingle_staticCallback) set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null endfunction function dispatch_CallbackSingle_ClosureTimers_CallbackSingle_start takes integer this, real time returns nothing if CallbackSingle_typeId[this] == 0 then if this == 0 then call error("Nullpointer exception when calling CallbackSingle.start") else call error("Called CallbackSingle.start on invalid object.") endif endif call CallbackSingle_start(this, time) endfunction function doAfter takes real timeToWait, integer cb returns nothing call dispatch_CallbackSingle_ClosureTimers_CallbackSingle_start(cb, timeToWait) endfunction function nullTimer takes integer cb returns nothing call doAfter(0., cb) endfunction function player_setAbilityAvailable takes player this, integer abilityId, boolean avail returns nothing call SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(this, abilityId, avail) endfunction function trigger_registerEnterRegion takes trigger this, region whichRegion, boolexpr filter_3 returns nothing call TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(this, whichRegion, filter_3) endfunction function init_OnUnitEnterLeave takes nothing returns boolean local trigger receiver local integer i local integer temp local group g_2 local integer clVar set OnUnitEnterLeave_eventTrigger = CreateTrigger() set OnUnitEnterLeave_tempUnit = null set receiver = CreateTrigger() call trigger_registerEnterRegion(receiver, MapBounds_boundRegion, Filter(ref_function_OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl)) call registerPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER, ref_function_OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl_2) set OnUnitEnterLeave_ABILITY_ID = 560283684 set i = 0 set temp = bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS - 1 loop exitwhen i > temp call player_setAbilityAvailable(Player_players[i], OnUnitEnterLeave_ABILITY_ID, false) set i = i + 1 endloop set g_2 = CreateGroup() call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g_2, MapBounds_boundRect, null) set clVar = alloc_Closure_2() call construct_CallbackSingle(clVar) set g[clVar] = g_2 call nullTimer(clVar) set OnUnitEnterLeave_ABILITY_ID = 560283684 set receiver = null set g_2 = null return true endfunction function init_Player takes nothing returns boolean local integer i = 0 local integer temp = bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS - 1 loop exitwhen i > temp set Player_players[i] = Player(i) set i = i + 1 endloop return true endfunction function idInteger2IdString takes integer value returns string local string result = "" local integer remainingValue = value local integer byteno = 0 local integer charValue loop exitwhen byteno > 3 set charValue = ModuloInteger(remainingValue, 256) set remainingValue = remainingValue / 256 set result = SubString(ObjectIds_charMap, charValue, charValue + 1) + result set byteno = byteno + 1 endloop return result endfunction function init_PreloadHandler takes nothing returns boolean set PreloadHandler_autoFinish = false set PreloadHandler_dum = CreateUnit(Player(15), Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID, 0., 0., 0.) if PreloadHandler_dum == null then call error("PreloadHandler : DUMMY_UNITID (" + idInteger2IdString(Basics_DUMMY_UNIT_ID) + ") not added correctly to the map.") endif if PreloadHandler_autoFinish then call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.0, false, ref_function_finishPreload) endif return true endfunction function trigger_registerPlayerChatEvent takes trigger this, player whichPlayer, string chatMessageToDetect, boolean exactMatchOnly returns nothing call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(this, whichPlayer, chatMessageToDetect, exactMatchOnly) endfunction function init_PrintingHelper takes nothing returns boolean local trigger t local integer i set PrintingHelper_DEBUG_LEVEL = 0 set PrintingHelper_DEBUG_MSG_DURATION = 45. set t = CreateTrigger() call trigger_addAction(t, ref_function_switchDebug) set i = 0 loop exitwhen i > 11 set PrintingHelper_wantDebug[i] = false call trigger_registerPlayerChatEvent(t, Player(i), "-d", true) set i = i + 1 endloop set t = null return true endfunction function init_Rect takes nothing returns boolean call new_Table() return true endfunction function init_Region takes nothing returns boolean call new_Table() return true endfunction function init_RegisterEvents takes nothing returns boolean set RegisterEvents_onCastMap = new_HashMap() call registerPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, ref_function_RegisterEvents_closure_impl) return true endfunction function init_Simulate3dSound takes nothing returns boolean set Simulate3dSound_PERIOD = 0.2 return true endfunction function init_SoundHelper takes nothing returns boolean set SoundHelper_DEFAULT_SOUND_VOLUME = 127 set SoundHelper_DEFAULT_SOUND_PITCH = 1. set SoundHelper_SOUND_CHANNEL = 5 set SoundHelper_SOUND_MIN_DIST = 600. set SoundHelper_SOUND_MAX_DIST = 8000. set SoundHelper_SOUND_DIST_CUT = 1500. set DynamicSound_TimedLoop_instanceCount = 0 set DynamicSound_TimedLoop_triggerCond = null call Condition(ref_function_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_onExpire) return true endfunction function init_SoundQueue takes nothing returns boolean set SoundQueue_c = ref_function_SoundQueue_nextSound return true endfunction function init_SpellDesignConfig takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function init_StandardTextTags takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function string_length takes string this returns integer return StringLength(this) endfunction function init_String takes nothing returns boolean set String_charset = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" set String_numberset = "0123456789" call string_length(String_numberset) call string_length(String_charset) return true endfunction function init_Sync takes nothing returns boolean call timer_start(CreateTimer(), .1, ref_function_initGamecache) return true endfunction function init_Table takes nothing returns boolean set Table_ht = InitHashtable() return true endfunction function init_TempGroups takes nothing returns boolean set TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP = CreateGroup() return true endfunction function init_Terrain takes nothing returns boolean local real temp_Terrain_tempPos_x local real temp_Terrain_tempPos_y set Terrain_DUMMY_ITEM_ID = 2003790951 call Location(0., 0.) set Terrain_dItem = null set Terrain_hidMax = 0 set temp_Terrain_tempPos_x = 0. set temp_Terrain_tempPos_y = 0. call Rect(0., 0., 128., 128.) set Terrain_dItem = CreateItem(Terrain_DUMMY_ITEM_ID, 0., 0.) call SetItemVisible(Terrain_dItem, false) return true endfunction function Thread_doInit takes nothing returns nothing local integer i set Thread_syncThreadTrigger = CreateTrigger() call TriggerAddCondition(Thread_syncThreadTrigger, Condition(ref_function_Thread_syncThread)) set i = 11 loop exitwhen i < 0 if GetPlayerSlotState(Player(i)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING and GetPlayerController(Player(i)) == MAP_CONTROL_USER then call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(Thread_syncThreadTrigger, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED, null) endif set i = i - 1 endloop endfunction function init_Thread takes nothing returns boolean call Thread_doInit() return true endfunction function init_TimedLoop takes nothing returns boolean call CreateTimer() set TimedLoop_timedLoopTrig = CreateTrigger() set TimedLoop_conditionCount = 0 return true endfunction function init_TimerUtils takes nothing returns boolean set TimerUtils_freeTimersCount = 0 set TimerUtils_timerData = new_Table() set TimerUtils_HELD = 679645218 return true endfunction function init_Trackable takes nothing returns boolean local trigger receiver local trigger receiver_2 set TrackableEx_doubleClickSpeed = 0.5 set TrackableEx_trackableOwner = new_HashMap() set TrackableEx_trackableObjects = new_HashMap() set receiver = CreateTrigger() call trigger_addAction(receiver, ref_function_TrackableEx_closure_impl) set receiver_2 = CreateTrigger() call trigger_addAction(receiver_2, ref_function_TrackableEx_closure_impl_2) set receiver = null set receiver_2 = null return true endfunction function init_Trigger takes nothing returns boolean call new_Table() return true endfunction function init_TypeCasting takes nothing returns boolean set TypeCasting_typecastdata = new_Table() return true endfunction function init_UnitIndexer takes nothing returns boolean call onEnter(ref_function_UnitIndexer_closure_impl) call onLeave(ref_function_UnitIndexer_closure_impl_2) return true endfunction function init_Vectors takes nothing returns boolean return true endfunction function spellActions takes nothing returns nothing local integer index = unit_getUserData(GetTriggerUnit()) if LastOrder_orderQueues[index] != 0 then endif endfunction function trigger_disable takes trigger this returns nothing call DisableTrigger(this) endfunction function swap takes nothing returns nothing local boolean b = IsTriggerEnabled(DamageDetection_current) local integer i local integer temp call trigger_disable(DamageDetection_current) if DamageDetection_toDestroy != null then call DestroyTrigger(DamageDetection_toDestroy) endif set DamageDetection_toDestroy = DamageDetection_current set DamageDetection_current = CreateTrigger() if not b then call DisableTrigger(DamageDetection_current) endif call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(TempGroups_ENUM_GROUP, MapBounds_boundRect, Filter(ref_function_DamageDetection_closure_impl_3)) set i = 0 set temp = DamageDetection_funcNext - 1 loop exitwhen i > temp call trigger_addCondition(DamageDetection_current, DamageDetection_func[i]) set i = i + 1 endloop endfunction function switchDebug takes nothing returns nothing local player p = GetTriggerPlayer() local integer id = player_getId(p) if PrintingHelper_wantDebug[id] then set PrintingHelper_wantDebug[id] = false call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(p, 0., 0., 20., "|cff9C9C9CDEBUG-View|r |cffB55208deactivated") else set PrintingHelper_wantDebug[id] = true call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(p, 0., 0., 20., "|cff9C9C9CDEBUG-View|r |cff3AAD42activated") endif set p = null endfunction function initGlobals takes nothing returns nothing set FreeNode_firstFree = 0 set FreeNode_maxIndex = 0 set ForGroupCallback_firstFree = 0 set ForGroupCallback_maxIndex = 0 set CallbackSingle_firstFree = 0 set CallbackSingle_maxIndex = 0 set Collider_firstFree = 0 set DelayDat_firstFree = 0 set DelayDat_maxIndex = 0 set DummyCaster_firstFree = 0 set ArrayQueue_firstFree = 0 set ArrayQueue_maxIndex = 0 set DelayNode_firstFree = 0 set DelayNode_maxIndex = 0 set Fx_firstFree = 0 set HashMap_firstFree = 0 set HashMap_maxIndex = 0 set Order_firstFree = 0 set Order_maxIndex = 0 set OrderQueue_firstFree = 0 set OrderQueue_maxIndex = 0 set LLEntry_firstFree = 0 set LinkedList_firstFree = 0 set IdGenerator_firstFree = 0 set IdGenerator_maxIndex = 0 set OrderStringFactory_firstFree = 0 set OrderStringFactory_maxIndex = 0 set Sim3DSound_firstFree = 0 set Sim3DSound_maxIndex = 0 set DynamicSound_firstFree = 0 set SData_firstFree = 0 set SData_maxIndex = 0 set SoundQueue_firstFree = 0 set SEntry_firstFree = 0 set SEntry_maxIndex = 0 set Table_firstFree = 0 set Table_maxIndex = 0 set UnitIndex_firstFree = 0 set UnitIndex_maxIndex = 0 set ref_function_init_String = function init_String set ref_function_init_Table = function init_Table set ref_function_init_Trigger = function init_Trigger set ref_function_init_Player = function init_Player set ref_function_init_PrintingHelper = function init_PrintingHelper set ref_function_init_MagicFunctions = function init_MagicFunctions set ref_function_init_Basics = function init_Basics set ref_function_init_GameTimer = function init_GameTimer set ref_function_init_ErrorHandling_config = function init_ErrorHandling_config set ref_function_init_ErrorHandling = function init_ErrorHandling set ref_function_init_TimerUtils = function init_TimerUtils set ref_function_init_Maths = function init_Maths set ref_function_init_Vectors = function init_Vectors set ref_function_init_TempGroups = function init_TempGroups set ref_function_init_Colors = function init_Colors set ref_function_init_Rect = function init_Rect set ref_function_init_Terrain = function init_Terrain set ref_function_init_TypeCasting = function init_TypeCasting set ref_function_init_ObjectIds = function init_ObjectIds set ref_function_init_ObjectIdGenerator = function init_ObjectIdGenerator set ref_function_init_ChannelAbilityPreset = function init_ChannelAbilityPreset set ref_function_init_AbilityTooltipGenerator_config = function init_AbilityTooltipGenerator_config set ref_function_init_AbilityTooltipGenerator = function init_AbilityTooltipGenerator set ref_function_init_ArrayList = function init_ArrayList set ref_function_init_Assets = function init_Assets set ref_function_init_BigNum = function init_BigNum set ref_function_init_Char = function init_Char set ref_function_init_HashMap = function init_HashMap set ref_function_init_DelayedDestroy = function init_DelayedDestroy set ref_function_init_ClosureEvents = function init_ClosureEvents set ref_function_init_ClosureForGroups = function init_ClosureForGroups set ref_function_init_Region = function init_Region set ref_function_init_MapBounds = function init_MapBounds set ref_function_init_DummyRecycler = function init_DummyRecycler set ref_function_init_TimedLoop = function init_TimedLoop set ref_function_init_Collider = function init_Collider set ref_function_init_CustomBar = function init_CustomBar set ref_function_init_CustomExp = function init_CustomExp set ref_function_init_RegisterEvents = function init_RegisterEvents set ref_function_init_OnUnitEnterLeave = function init_OnUnitEnterLeave set ref_function_init_DamageDetection = function init_DamageDetection set ref_function_init_DamageType = function init_DamageType set ref_function_init_Damager = function init_Damager set ref_function_init_LinkedListModule = function init_LinkedListModule set ref_function_init_DmgMod = function init_DmgMod set ref_function_init_DummyCaster = function init_DummyCaster set ref_function_init_EventHandling = function init_EventHandling set ref_function_init_FileIO = function init_FileIO set ref_function_init_HashList = function init_HashList set ref_function_init_InstanceBoard = function init_InstanceBoard set ref_function_init_InstantDummyCaster = function init_InstantDummyCaster set ref_function_init_Knockback = function init_Knockback set ref_function_init_Knockback3 = function init_Knockback3 set ref_function_init_LastOrder = function init_LastOrder set ref_function_init_PreloadHandler = function init_PreloadHandler set ref_function_init_Simulate3dSound = function init_Simulate3dSound set ref_function_init_SoundHelper = function init_SoundHelper set ref_function_init_SoundQueue = function init_SoundQueue set ref_function_init_SpellDesignConfig = function init_SpellDesignConfig set ref_function_init_StandardTextTags = function init_StandardTextTags set ref_function_init_Thread = function init_Thread set ref_function_init_Sync = function init_Sync set ref_function_init_Trackable = function init_Trackable set ref_function_init_UnitIndexer = function init_UnitIndexer set ref_function_handleCasts = function handleCasts set ref_function_filter = function filter set ref_function_CallbackSingle_staticCallback = function CallbackSingle_staticCallback set ref_function_Collider_TimedLoop_onExpire = function Collider_TimedLoop_onExpire set ref_function_giveXP = function giveXP set ref_function_disableXpGain = function disableXpGain set ref_function_filter_2 = function filter_2 set ref_function_DamageDetection_closure_impl = function DamageDetection_closure_impl set ref_function_DamageDetection_closure_impl_2 = function DamageDetection_closure_impl_2 set ref_function_swap = function swap set ref_function_DamageDetection_closure_impl_3 = function DamageDetection_closure_impl_3 set ref_function_DamageType_closure_impl = function DamageType_closure_impl set ref_function_handler = function handler set ref_function_after = function after set ref_function_damageAOE_Enum = function damageAOE_Enum set ref_function_damageAOE_DestructablesEnum = function damageAOE_DestructablesEnum set ref_function_DummyCaster_filterAOE = function DummyCaster_filterAOE set ref_function_DummyCaster_closure_impl = function DummyCaster_closure_impl set ref_function_DelayNode_recycle = function DelayNode_recycle set ref_function_evaluateEvent = function evaluateEvent set ref_function_LocalFileTest_onInit = function LocalFileTest_onInit set ref_function_GameTimer_closure_impl = function GameTimer_closure_impl set ref_function_createMultiboard = function createMultiboard set ref_function_actions = function actions set ref_function_spellActions = function spellActions set ref_function_LastOrder_closure_impl = function LastOrder_closure_impl set ref_function_OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl = function OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl_3 set ref_function_OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl_2 = function OnUnitEnterLeave_closure_impl_2 set ref_function_finishPreload = function finishPreload set ref_function_switchDebug = function switchDebug set ref_function_RegisterEvents_closure_impl = function RegisterEvents_closure_impl set ref_function_Sim3DSound_expire = function Sim3DSound_expire set ref_function_DynamicSound_TimedLoop_onExpire = function DynamicSound_TimedLoop_onExpire set ref_function_Sound_playSound = function Sound_playSound set ref_function_Sound_recycle = function Sound_recycle set ref_function_SoundQueue_nextSound = function SoundQueue_nextSound set ref_function_initGamecache = function initGamecache set ref_function_Thread_syncThread = function Thread_syncThread set ref_function_TrackableEx_closure_impl = function TrackableEx_closure_impl set ref_function_TrackableEx_closure_impl_2 = function TrackableEx_closure_impl_2 set ref_function_TrackableEx_closure_impl_3 = function TrackableEx_closure_impl_3 set ref_function_UnitIndexer_closure_impl = function UnitIndexer_closure_impl_2 set ref_function_UnitIndexer_closure_impl_2 = function UnitIndexer_closure_impl endfunction function main takes nothing returns nothing local trigger initTrig call initGlobals() set initTrig = CreateTrigger() call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_String)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package String.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Table)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Table.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Trigger)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Trigger.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Player)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Player.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_PrintingHelper)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package PrintingHelper.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_MagicFunctions)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package MagicFunctions.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Basics)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Basics.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_GameTimer)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package GameTimer.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_ErrorHandling_config)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package ErrorHandling_config.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_ErrorHandling)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package ErrorHandling.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_TimerUtils)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package TimerUtils.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Maths)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Maths.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Vectors)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Vectors.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_TempGroups)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package TempGroups.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Colors)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Colors.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Rect)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Rect.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Terrain)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Terrain.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_TypeCasting)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package TypeCasting.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_ObjectIds)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package ObjectIds.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_ObjectIdGenerator)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package ObjectIdGenerator.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_ChannelAbilityPreset)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package ChannelAbilityPreset.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_AbilityTooltipGenerator_config)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package AbilityTooltipGenerator_config.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_AbilityTooltipGenerator)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package AbilityTooltipGenerator.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_ArrayList)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package ArrayList.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Assets)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Assets.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_BigNum)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package BigNum.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Char)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Char.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_HashMap)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package HashMap.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_DelayedDestroy)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package DelayedDestroy.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_ClosureEvents)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package ClosureEvents.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_ClosureForGroups)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package ClosureForGroups.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Region)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Region.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_MapBounds)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package MapBounds.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_DummyRecycler)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package DummyRecycler.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_TimedLoop)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package TimedLoop.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Collider)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Collider.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_CustomBar)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package CustomBar.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_CustomExp)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package CustomExp.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_RegisterEvents)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package RegisterEvents.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_OnUnitEnterLeave)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package OnUnitEnterLeave.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_DamageDetection)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package DamageDetection.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_DamageType)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package DamageType.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Damager)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Damager.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_LinkedListModule)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package LinkedListModule.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_DmgMod)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package DmgMod.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_DummyCaster)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package DummyCaster.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_EventHandling)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package EventHandling.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_FileIO)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package FileIO.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_HashList)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package HashList.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_InstanceBoard)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package InstanceBoard.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_InstantDummyCaster)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package InstantDummyCaster.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Knockback)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Knockback.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Knockback3)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Knockback3.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_LastOrder)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package LastOrder.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_PreloadHandler)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package PreloadHandler.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Simulate3dSound)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Simulate3dSound.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_SoundHelper)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package SoundHelper.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_SoundQueue)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package SoundQueue.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_SpellDesignConfig)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package SpellDesignConfig.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_StandardTextTags)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package StandardTextTags.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Thread)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Thread.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Sync)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Sync.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_Trackable)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package Trackable.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call TriggerAddCondition(initTrig, Condition(ref_function_init_UnitIndexer)) if not TriggerEvaluate(initTrig) then call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 45., "Could not initialize package UnitIndexer.") endif call TriggerClearConditions(initTrig) call DestroyTrigger(initTrig) set initTrig = null endfunction function config takes nothing returns nothing endfunction