package Raycast import NoWurst import Vectors import Wurstunit /* The package defines such geometry as 'ray' for 2D and 3D separately. Both can find the intersection point with another geometry object. For example: let p1 = vec2(1000, 1000) let p2 = vec2(-1000, -1000) let ray = ray2d(GetTriggerUnit().getPos(), vec2(1, 1)) let cast = ray.castToSegment(p1 ,p2) if cast.intersects addEffect("something.mdl", cast.point).destr() Most 2D functions return result2d(intersects, point, distance) tuple which contains information about intersection where 'intersects' is 'true' if the ray intersects the given object 'point' is the intersection point or zero-vector 'distance' is the distance between the ray's origin and the intersection point A ray can intersect a convex object (e.g. a circle) zero, one or two times at once. In this case the function returns doubleresult2d tuple that contains a couple of result2d tuples. Functions that find 3D intersection work similarly and return result3d tuple. result3d(intersects, point, distance, backface) also contains 'backface' boolean value that's true in case the object's surface at the intersection point is faced away from the ray's origin. Functions which find the intersection point with a convex object (e.g. a sphere) return doubleresult3d tuple. Also you can project a vector onto a ray to obtain the point on the ray that's nearest to the vector. Interacting beams, projectile collision, protective fields and many more can be created via raycast. */ constant FAIL_2D = result2d(false, ZERO2, 0) constant FAIL_3D = result3d(false, ZERO3, 0, false) constant EPSILON = 0.0001 /** An infinite 2D ray origin - the point which the ray comes from direction - directional vector */ public tuple ray2d(vec2 origin, vec2 direction) /** An infinite 3D ray origin - the point which the ray comes from direction - directional vector */ public tuple ray3d(vec3 origin, vec3 direction) /** 2D intersection result intersects - 'true' if the intersection point exists point - the intersection point or ZERO2 distance - distance between the ray's origin and the intersection point */ public tuple result2d(bool intersects, vec2 point, real distance) /** Double 2D intersection result. 'first' is nearest to the ray's origin. */ public tuple doubleresult2d(result2d first, result2d second) /** 3D intersection result intersects - 'true' if the intersection point exists point - the intersection point or ZERO2 distance - distance between the ray's origin and the intersection point backface - `true` if the surface at the intersection point is faced away from the ray's origin */ public tuple result3d(bool intersects, vec3 point, real distance, bool backface) /** Double 3D intersection result. 'first' is nearest to the ray's origin. */ public tuple doubleresult3d(result3d first, result3d second) /* =============== 2D =============== */ function vec2.cross(vec2 v) returns real return this.x * v.y - this.y * v.x /** Projects the point onto a ray. Returns tuple result2d(intersects, point, distance). */ public function vec2.project(ray2d ray) returns result2d var result = FAIL_2D let lengthSq = ray.direction.lengthSq() if lengthSq > EPSILON let length = SquareRoot(lengthSq) let dir = vec2(ray.direction.x / length, ray.direction.y / length) let dot = (this - ray.origin).dot(dir) result.intersects = true if dot < EPSILON result.point = ray.origin result.distance = 0 else result.point = ray.origin + dir * dot result.distance = dot return result /** Finds the intersection point of the ray and a line defined by 2 points. Returns tuple result2d(intersects, point, distance). */ public function ray2d.castToLine(vec2 p1, vec2 p2) returns result2d var result = FAIL_2D let lengthSq = this.direction.lengthSq() if lengthSq > EPSILON let v = p2 - p1 if v.lengthSq() > EPSILON let length = SquareRoot(lengthSq) let dir = vec2(this.direction.x / length, this.direction.y / length) let cross = dir.cross(v) if cross.abs() > EPSILON let t = (p1 - this.origin).cross(v) / cross if t >= 0 result.intersects = true result.point = this.origin + dir * t result.distance = t return result /** Finds the intersection point of the ray and another ray. Returns tuple result2d(intersects, point, distance). */ public function ray2d.castToRay(vec2 origin, vec2 direction) returns result2d var result = FAIL_2D let lengthSq1 = this.direction.lengthSq() if lengthSq1 > EPSILON and direction.lengthSq() > EPSILON let length1 = SquareRoot(lengthSq1) let dir1 = vec2(this.direction.x / length1, this.direction.y / length1) let cross = dir1.cross(direction) if cross.abs() > EPSILON let t1 = (origin - this.origin).cross(direction) / cross let t2 = (this.origin - origin).cross(dir1) / -cross if t1 >= 0 and t2 >= 0 result.intersects = true result.point = this.origin + dir1 * t1 result.distance = t1 return result /** Finds the intersection point of the ray and a line segment defined by 2 points. Returns tuple result2d(intersects, point, distance). */ public function ray2d.castToSegment(vec2 p1, vec2 p2) returns result2d var result = FAIL_2D let lengthSq = this.direction.lengthSq() if lengthSq > EPSILON let sv = p2 - p1 if sv.lengthSq() > EPSILON let length = SquareRoot(lengthSq) let dir = vec2(this.direction.x / length, this.direction.y / length) let cross = dir.cross(sv) if cross.abs() > EPSILON let t1 = (p1 - this.origin).cross(sv) / cross let t2 = (this.origin - p1).cross(dir) / -cross if t1 >= 0 and t2.isBetween(0, 1) result.intersects = true result.point = this.origin + dir * t1 result.distance = t1 return result /** Finds the intersection point(s) of the ray and a circle. Returns tuple doubleresult2d(first, second). */ public function ray2d.castToCircle(vec2 center, real radius) returns doubleresult2d var result = doubleresult2d(FAIL_2D, FAIL_2D) let lengthSq = this.direction.lengthSq() if lengthSq > EPSILON and radius > EPSILON let length = SquareRoot(lengthSq) let dir = vec2(this.direction.x / length, this.direction.y / length) let v = center - this.origin let dot = let tangent = this.origin + dir * dot let dd = center.distanceToSq(tangent) let rr = radius.squared() if dd.isBetween(rr - EPSILON, rr + EPSILON) result.first.intersects = true result.first.point = tangent result.first.distance = dot else if dd < rr let t = SquareRoot(rr - dd) let first = dot - t let second = dot + t if first >= 0 result.first.intersects = true result.first.point = this.origin + dir * first result.first.distance = first result.second.intersects = true result.second.point = this.origin + dir * second result.second.distance = second else if second >= 0 result.first.intersects = true result.first.point = this.origin + dir * second result.first.distance = second return result /* =============== 3D =============== */ /** Projects the point onto a ray. Returns tuple result3d(intersects, point, distance, backface) where 'backface' is always false. */ public function vec3.project(ray3d ray) returns result3d var result = FAIL_3D let lengthSq = ray.direction.lengthSquared() if lengthSq > EPSILON let length = SquareRoot(lengthSq) let dir = vec3(ray.direction.x / length, ray.direction.y / length, ray.direction.z / length) let dot = (this - ray.origin).dot(dir) result.intersects = true if dot < EPSILON result.point = ray.origin result.distance = 0 else result.point = ray.origin + dir * dot result.distance = dot return result /** Finds the intersection point of the ray and a plane where point - a point on the plane normal - a vector perpendicular to the plane Returns tuple result3d(intersects, point, distance, backface). */ public function ray3d.castToPlane(vec3 point, vec3 normal) returns result3d var result = FAIL_3D let lengthSq = this.direction.lengthSquared() if lengthSq > EPSILON and normal.lengthSquared() > EPSILON let length = SquareRoot(lengthSq) let dir = vec3(this.direction.x / length, this.direction.y / length, this.direction.z /length) let dot = if dot.abs() > EPSILON let t = - this.origin) / dot if t >= 0 result.intersects = true result.point = this.origin + dir * t result.distance = t result.backface = dot < 0 return result /** Finds the intersection point of the ray and a plane disk where center - the center of the disk normal - a vector perpendicular to the disk's plane radius - the disk's radius Returns tuple result3d(intersects, point, distance, backface). */ public function ray3d.castToDisk(vec3 center, vec3 normal, real radius) returns result3d let result = this.castToPlane(center, normal) return center.distanceTo(result.point) <= radius ? result : FAIL_3D /** Finds the intersection point(s) of the ray and a sphere. Returns tuple doubleresult3d(first, second). */ public function ray3d.castToSphere(vec3 center, real radius) returns doubleresult3d var result = doubleresult3d(FAIL_3D, FAIL_3D) let lengthSq = this.direction.lengthSquared() if lengthSq > EPSILON and radius > EPSILON let length = SquareRoot(lengthSq) let dir = vec3(this.direction.x / length, this.direction.y / length, this.direction.z /length) let v = center - this.origin let dot = let tangent = this.origin + dir * dot let dd = center.distanceToSq(tangent) let rr = radius.squared() if dd.isBetween(rr - EPSILON, rr + EPSILON) result.first.intersects = true result.first.point = tangent result.first.distance = dot else if dd < rr let t = SquareRoot(rr - dd) let first = dot - t let second = dot + t if first >= 0 result.first.intersects = true result.first.point = this.origin + dir * first result.first.distance = first result.second.intersects = true result.second.point = this.origin + dir * second result.second.distance = second result.second.backface = true else if second >= 0 result.first.intersects = true result.first.point = this.origin + dir * second result.first.distance = second result.first.backface = true return result /** Finds the intersection point of the ray and a triangle in 3D space defined by 3 points. Returns tuple result3d(intersects, point, distance, backface) where 'backface' depends on the order of the given points. */ public function ray3d.castToTriangle(vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3) returns result3d var result = FAIL_3D let lengthSq = this.direction.lengthSquared() if lengthSq > EPSILON let length = SquareRoot(lengthSq) let dir = vec3(this.direction.x / length, this.direction.y / length, this.direction.z /length) /* Working with barycentric coords aka Möller–Trumbore algorithm. */ let v1 = p2 - p1 let v2 = p3 - p1 let pv = dir.cross(v2) let det = if det.abs() > EPSILON let invDet = 1 / det let tv = this.origin - p1 let u = * invDet if u.isBetween(0, 1) let qv = tv.cross(v1) let v = * invDet if v >= 0 and u + v <= 1 let t = * invDet if t >= 0 result.intersects = true result.point = this.origin + dir * t result.distance = t result.backface = det < 0 return result /* ============== TEST ============== */ @Test function testProjection2d() let ray = ray2d(vec2(-5, 3), vec2(1, 1)) var test = vec2(-4, 8).project(ray) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec2(-2, 6)) test.distance.assertEquals(4.2426, EPSILON) test = vec2(-9, 0).project(ray) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(ray.origin) test.distance.assertEquals(0, EPSILON) test = vec2(-9, 0).project(ray2d(vec2(-5, 3), vec2(0, 0))) test.intersects.assertFalse() @Test function testLine() let ray = ray2d(vec2(4, 2), vec2(-1, 1)) var test = ray.castToLine(vec2(-3, -2), vec2(2, 4)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.distance.assertEquals(2.8284, EPSILON) test.point.assertEquals(vec2(2, 4)) test = ray.castToLine(vec2(-3, -2), vec2(5, 1)) test.intersects.assertFalse() test = ray.castToLine(vec2(-3, -2), vec2(-4, -1)) test.intersects.assertFalse() test = ray.castToLine(vec2(-3, -2), vec2(0.50001, 0.00001)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.distance.assertEquals(0, EPSILON) @Test function testRay() let ray = ray2d(vec2(4, 2), vec2(-1, 1)) var test = ray.castToRay(vec2(-3, -2), vec2(1.5, 4)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec2(0, 6)) test.distance.assertEquals(5.65685, EPSILON) test = ray.castToRay(vec2(-3, -2), vec2(-1, 1)) test.intersects.assertFalse() test = ray.castToRay(vec2(-3, -2), vec2(3.50001, 2.00001)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.distance.assertEquals(0, EPSILON) @Test function testSegment() let ray = ray2d(vec2(4, 2), vec2(-1, 1)) var test = ray.castToSegment(vec2(8, 5), vec2(-4, 3)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec2(2, 4)) test.distance.assertEquals(2.8284, EPSILON) test = ray.castToSegment(vec2(0, 6), vec2(4, 2)) test.intersects.assertFalse() test = ray.castToSegment(vec2(6, 25), vec2(5, -2)) test.intersects.assertFalse() test = ray.castToSegment(vec2(3, 1), vec2(5, 3)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec2(4, 2)) test.distance.assertEquals(0, EPSILON) @Test function testCircle() let ray = ray2d(vec2(0, 6), vec2(1, -1)) var test = ray.castToCircle(vec2(2, 4), 1.414213) // Two test.first.intersects.assertTrue() test.first.point.assertEquals(vec2(1, 5)) test.first.distance.assertEquals(1.414213, EPSILON) test.second.intersects.assertTrue() test.second.point.assertEquals(vec2(3, 3)) test.second.distance.assertEquals(4.2426, EPSILON) // Tangent test = ray.castToCircle(vec2(-2, 4), 2.828427) test.first.intersects.assertTrue() test.first.point.assertEquals(vec2(0, 6)) test.first.distance.assertEquals(0, EPSILON) test.second.intersects.assertFalse() // Inside test = ray.castToCircle(vec2(-1, 7), 2.828427) test.first.intersects.assertTrue() test.first.point.assertEquals(vec2(1, 5)) test.first.distance.assertEquals(1.414213, EPSILON) test.second.intersects.assertFalse() // Origin on circle test = ray.castToCircle(vec2(-2, 8), 2.828427) test.first.intersects.assertTrue() test.first.point.assertEquals(vec2(0, 6)) test.first.distance.assertEquals(0, EPSILON) test.second.intersects.assertFalse() // No intersections test = ray.castToCircle(vec2(-3, -2), 3.5) test.first.intersects.assertFalse() test.second.intersects.assertFalse() test = ray.castToCircle(vec2(-2, 8), 1) test.first.intersects.assertFalse() test.second.intersects.assertFalse() @Test function testProjection3d() let ray = ray3d(vec3(-5, 3, 0), vec3(1, 1, 0)) var test = vec3(-4, 8, 12).project(ray) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec3(-2, 6, 0)) test.distance.assertEquals(4.2426, EPSILON) test = vec3(-9, 0, -1).project(ray) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(ray.origin) test.distance.assertEquals(0, EPSILON) test = vec3(-9, 0, 45).project(ray3d(vec3(-5, 3, 8), vec3(0, 0, 0))) test.intersects.assertFalse() @Test function testPlane() let ray = ray3d(vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(0, -1, 1)) var test = ray.castToPlane(vec3(1, -5, 5), vec3(0, -1, 1)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec3(0, -5, 5)) test.distance.assertEquals(7.071, EPSILON) test.backface.assertFalse() test = ray.castToPlane(vec3(1, -5, 5), vec3(0, 1, -1)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.backface.assertTrue() test = ray.castToPlane(vec3(1, -5, 5), vec3(0, 1, 1)) test.intersects.assertFalse() test = ray.castToPlane(vec3(1, 5, 5), vec3(0, -1, 1)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.distance.assertEquals(0, EPSILON) test = ray.castToPlane(vec3(1, 6, 5), vec3(0, -1, 1)) test.intersects.assertFalse() @Test function testDisk() let ray = ray3d(vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(0, -1, 1)) var test = ray.castToDisk(vec3(1, -5, 5), vec3(0, -1, 1), 25) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec3(0, -5, 5)) test.distance.assertEquals(7.071, EPSILON) test.backface.assertFalse() test = ray.castToDisk(vec3(1, -5, 5), vec3(0, -1, 1), 0.5) test.intersects.assertFalse() @Test function testSphere() let ray = ray3d(vec3(2, 1, -6), vec3(1, 0, 1)) // Tangent var test = ray.castToSphere(vec3(5, 4, -3), 3) test.first.intersects.assertTrue() test.first.point.assertEquals(vec3(5, 1, -3)) test.first.distance.assertEquals(4.2426, EPSILON) test.first.backface.assertFalse() test.second.intersects.assertFalse() // Two test = ray.castToSphere(vec3(3, 1, -2), 3) test.first.intersects.assertTrue() test.first.point.assertEquals(vec3(3, 1, -5)) test.first.distance.assertEquals(1.4142, EPSILON) test.first.backface.assertFalse() test.second.intersects.assertTrue() // I have too much free time test.second.point.assertEquals(vec3(6, 1, -2)) test.second.distance.assertEquals(5.6568, EPSILON) test.second.intersects.assertTrue() // Inside test = ray.castToSphere(vec3(3, 1, -5), 3) test.first.intersects.assertTrue() test.first.point.assertEquals(vec3(5.121321, 1, -2.87868)) test.first.distance.assertEquals(4.4142, EPSILON) test.first.backface.assertTrue() test.second.intersects.assertFalse() // No intersections test = ray.castToSphere(vec3(-2, 1, -8), 3) test.first.intersects.assertFalse() test.second.intersects.assertFalse() test = ray.castToSphere(vec3(1, 5, -2), 3) test.first.intersects.assertFalse() test.second.intersects.assertFalse() @Test function testTriangle() let ray = ray3d(vec3(-2, 1, 3), vec3(-0.2, 0.7, 0.3)) var test = ray.castToTriangle(vec3(1, 6, 8), vec3(-5, 9, 5), vec3(-7, 7, 7)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec3(-4, 8, 6)) test.distance.assertEquals(7.874, EPSILON) test.backface.assertTrue() test = ray.castToTriangle(vec3(1, 6, 8), vec3(-7, 7, 7), vec3(-5, 9, 5)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec3(-4, 8, 6)) test.distance.assertEquals(7.874, EPSILON) test.backface.assertFalse() test = ray.castToTriangle(vec3(-2, 1, 3), vec3(-4, 8, 5), vec3(-6, 15, 9)) test.intersects.assertFalse() test = ray.castToTriangle(vec3(8, -1, 5), vec3(-2, 1, 3), vec3(-6, 0, 9)) test.intersects.assertTrue() test.point.assertEquals(vec3(-2, 1, 3)) test.distance.assertEquals(0, EPSILON) test.backface.assertTrue() test = ray.castToTriangle(vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(1, 1, 1), vec3(-1, -1, -1)) test.intersects.assertFalse()