package HashList import NoWurst import MagicFunctions import Hashtable /** * HashLists are used if you require quick contains operations * on a large list object. LinkedLists should be generally used, but are slow in this regard. * Removing elements from a HashList is slower than of LinkedLists. */ public class HashList private static hashtable ht = compiletime(InitHashtable()) private static hashtable occurences = compiletime(InitHashtable()) private int size = 0 private HLIterator staticItr = null construct() /** Create a new list by copying all elements from another list into it */ construct(thistype base) for elem in base add(elem) /** Returns the number of occurences of an element in this list */ function count(T elem) returns int return occurences.loadInt(this castTo int, elem castTo int) private function addOccurences(T elem, int delta) occurences.saveInt(this castTo int, elem castTo int, count(elem) + delta) private function incrOccurences(T elem) occurences.saveInt(this castTo int, elem castTo int, count(elem) + 1) private function decrOccurences(T elem) occurences.saveInt(this castTo int, elem castTo int, count(elem) - 1) /** Add an element to the end of the list */ function add(vararg T elems) for elem in elems ht.saveInt(this castTo int, size, elem castTo int) incrOccurences(elem) size++ /** Set an element at the given index. If the index is higher than the list's size, the list will be resized with null elements added between the index and the previous size. */ function set(int index, T elem) if index < size decrOccurences(get(index)) else addOccurences(null, index - size) size = index + 1 ht.saveInt(this castTo int, index, elem castTo int) incrOccurences(elem) /** Add all elements from elems to this list */ function addAll(HashList elems) for T elem in elems add(elem) /** Remove all elements from this list without destroying it */ function clear() ht.flushChild(this castTo int) occurences.flushChild(this castTo int) size = 0 /** Removes and returns the element at the given index */ function removeAt(int index) returns T decrOccurences(ht.loadInt(this castTo int, index) castTo T) let tmp = ht.loadInt(this castTo int, index) castTo T for i = index to size ht.saveInt(this castTo int, i, ht.loadInt(this castTo int, i + 1)) size-- return tmp /** Removes the first occurence of t from this list. Returns true if an element was removed from the list. */ function remove(T t) returns boolean var result = false for i = 0 to size - 1 if t castTo int == ht.loadInt(this castTo int, i) result = true removeAt(i) break return result /** Get the size of the list */ function size() returns int return size /** Return whether the list is empty */ function isEmpty() returns bool return size == 0 /** Get the element at the given index from this list */ function get(int index) returns T return ht.loadInt(this castTo int, index) castTo T /** Return whether the element exists in the list */ function has(T elem) returns bool return count(elem) > 0 /** Return whether the element exists in the list */ function hasAt(int index) returns bool return index > -1 and index < size /** Get an iterator for this list */ function iterator() returns HLIterator return new HLIterator(this) /** Returns a shallow copy of this list */ function copy() returns HashList let list = new HashList for elem in this list.add(elem) return list /** Executes the closure for each element */ function forEach(HLItrClosure itr) returns HashList for i = 0 to size() - 1 destroy itr return this /** get the static iterator for this list */ function staticItr() returns HLIterator if staticItr == null staticItr = new HLIterator(this) staticItr.reset() return staticItr /** Removes the element if the predicates returns true */ function removeIf(RemovePredicate predicate) let itr = iterator() for elem from itr if predicate.shouldRemove(elem) itr.remove() itr.close() destroy predicate function getRandomElement() returns T return size > 0 ? get(GetRandomInt(0, size - 1)) : null ondestroy clear() public interface RemovePredicate function shouldRemove(T element) returns boolean public interface HLItrClosure function run(T t) public class HLIterator protected int i = 0 protected HashList list construct(HashList list) this.list = list function hasNext() returns boolean return i < list.size() function remove() list.removeAt(i - 1) i-- function next() returns Q i++ return list.get(i - 1) function reset() i = 0 function close() destroy this