package Entity import public TimerUtils import public ClosureEvents import public DupletListModule import public TerrainUtils import public PhysicsConstants import public LinkedList import public MapBounds import initlater DebugInfo import initlater Json import public FText import public ErrorHandling import public UnitIndexer import public Frentity import Heightmap public constant KEY_X = "x" public constant KEY_Y = "y" public constant KEY_Z = "z" public constant KEY_TYPE = "t" public vec3 serializeOrigin = ZERO3 UnitEntity array entities public function unit.getEntity() returns UnitEntity return entities[this.getIndex()] public function unit.setEntity(UnitEntity e) entities[this.getIndex()] = e // Item entities still use userdata as they aren't indexed public function item.getEntity() returns Entity return this.getUserData() castTo Entity public function item.setEntity(Entity e) this.setUserData(e castTo int) public interface Serializable function serialize() returns Json function deserialize(Json json) function debugPrint() returns string let s = new BigString() let json = serialize() json.addToBigString(s) destroy json let st = s.getString(0, BIG_SUBSTRING_LEN) destroy s return st /** Base Entity Class */ public abstract class Entity implements Serializable use DupletListModule /** 3d position */ protected vec3 pos /** 3d velocity */ protected vec3 vel /** gravity */ real gravity = defaultGravity /** radius */ real radius /** squared radius to speed up distance checks */ real radius2 /** speed factor (multiplied to velocity) */ real speedFactor = 1. /** owning player */ player owner /** sleeping or active? */ var flying = false var done = false var sleeps = true var idleSeconds = 0 construct() setupEntity(ZERO3, ZERO3, DUMMY_PLAYER, 0.) construct(player owner) setupEntity(ZERO3, ZERO3, owner, 0.) construct(player owner, vec2 pos) setupEntity(pos.toVec3(), ZERO3, owner, 0.) construct(player owner, vec3 pos) setupEntity(pos, ZERO3, owner, 0.) construct(player owner, vec3 pos, real radius) setupEntity(pos, ZERO3, owner, radius) construct(player owner, vec3 pos, real radius, vec3 vel) setupEntity(pos, vel, owner, radius) function setupEntity(vec3 pos, vec3 vel, player owner, real radius) this.pos = pos this.vel = vel this.owner = owner this.radius = radius this.radius2 = radius * radius if pos.z > (DYNAMIC_Z ? pos.getHeightMap() : 0) setFlying(true) allocationsPerSecond++ function getPos() returns vec3 return pos function setXY(vec3 pos) this.pos = pos function setPos(vec3 pos) this.pos = pos if pos.z > pos.getHeightMap() and gravity != 0 activate() function addPos(vec3 pos) this.pos += pos if pos.z > pos.getHeightMap() and gravity != 0 activate() function getVel() returns vec3 return vel function setVel(vec3 vel) this.vel = vel activate() function addVel(vec3 vel) this.vel += vel activate() function scaleVel(real factor) this.vel *= factor function setTarget(vec3 tpos, real speed) var t = pos.distanceTo2d(tpos) / speed let tangle = pos.angleTo2d(tpos) var e = 0. if DYNAMIC_Z e = tpos.getHeightMap() if t < 1. t = 1./speed let startZVelocity = ((-gravity * t) / 2 - pos.z/t + e/t) setVel(tangle.toVec(speed).withZ(startZVelocity)) function setFlying(boolean flag) flying = flag /** This function is called every ANIMATION_PERIOD tick if the Entity is active */ function update() if sleeps and not flying and vel.lengthSquared() < 1.5 deactivate() else let tz = DYNAMIC_Z ? pos.getHeightMap() : 0 if pos.z >= tz vel.z += gravity setFlying(true) else pos.z = tz - 0.01 setFlying(false) setXY(pos + vel * speedFactor) function slowUpdate() idleSeconds++ function terminate() if not done done = true destroy this override function serialize() returns Json let json = new Json() getPos() json.addProperty(new Property(KEY_X, (pos.x-serializeOrigin.x).toInt().toString())) json.addProperty(new Property(KEY_Y, (pos.y-serializeOrigin.y).toInt().toString())) json.addProperty(new Property(KEY_Z, (pos.z-serializeOrigin.z).toInt().toString())) return json override function deserialize(Json json) // pos = vec3(json.getReal(KEY_X)+serializeOrigin.x, json.getReal(KEY_Y)+serializeOrigin.y, json.getReal(KEY_Z)+serializeOrigin.z) function unit.getDynamicPos() returns vec3 if DYNAMIC_Z return this.getPos().withHeightMap() + vec3(0, 0, this.getFlyHeight()) return this.getPos().withZ(0) abstract public class UnitEntity extends Entity unit actor = null construct(unit actor) super(actor.getOwner(), actor.getDynamicPos(), 0) setupUnitEntity(actor) construct(unit actor, vec3 pos) super(actor.getOwner(), pos, 0) setupUnitEntity(actor) construct(unit actor, vec3 pos, real radius) super(actor.getOwner(), pos, radius) setupUnitEntity(actor) function setupUnitEntity(unit actor) = actor getPos() if not actor.isAlive() terminate() error("Trying to assign entity to unit that is not alive") else if actor.getEntity() != null terminate() error("Trying to assign entity to unit that already has an entity") actor..setEntity(this)..addAbility(HEIGHT_ENABLER)..removeAbility(HEIGHT_ENABLER) if DYNAMIC_Z pos = actor.getDynamicPos() actor.setXYZReal(pos) else pos = actor.getPos3Fly() actor.setXYZ(pos) override function update() pos = actor.getPos3with(pos.z) super.update() function setNewActor(unit u) if u == null or not u.isAlive() or u.getEntity() != null error("invalid actor replacement") actor.setEntity(null) actor.remove() actor = u actor.setEntity(this) override function setXY(vec3 tpos) if tpos.inPlayable() pos = tpos if DYNAMIC_Z actor.setXYZReal(pos) else actor.setXYZ(pos) else Log.error("out of bounds: " + tpos.toString()) setPos(ZERO3) override function setPos(vec3 tpos) super.setPos(tpos) if DYNAMIC_Z actor.setPosReal(pos) else actor.setPos(pos.toVec2()) override function getPos() returns vec3 if not active if DYNAMIC_Z pos = actor.getDynamicPos() else pos = actor.getPos3Fly() return pos ondestroy if actor.getEntity() == this actor.setEntity(null) if actor.isAlive() if KILL_ACTORS actor.kill() else actor.remove() actor = null abstract public class ItemEntity extends Entity item actor = null construct(item actor) super(DUMMY_PLAYER, actor.getPos()) = actor actor.setEntity(this) construct(item actor, player owner) super(owner, actor.getPos()) = actor actor.setEntity(this) abstract function onPickup(UnitEntity entity) abstract function onDrop(UnitEntity entity) abstract function onUse(UnitEntity entity) function setNewActor(item i) if i == null or not i.isAlive() or i.getEntity() != null error("invalid actor replacement") actor.setEntity(null) actor.remove() actor = i actor.setEntity(this) actor.setPos(pos.toVec2()) override function setXY(vec3 tpos) if tpos.inPlayable() pos = tpos actor.setPos(pos.toVec2()) else terminate() override function setPos(vec3 tpos) super.setPos(tpos) actor.setPos(pos.toVec2()) override function getPos() returns vec3 if not active pos = actor.getPos().withHeightMap() return pos ondestroy if actor.getEntity() == this actor.setEntity(null) if actor.isAlive() actor.remove() actor = null function onItemUse() let idata = GetManipulatedItem().getEntity() let edata = GetManipulatingUnit().getEntity() if idata != null and not idata.done if edata != null and not edata.done (idata castTo ItemEntity).onUse(edata) function onItemPickup() let idata = GetManipulatedItem().getEntity() let edata = GetManipulatingUnit().getEntity() if idata != null and not idata.done if edata != null and not edata.done (idata castTo ItemEntity).onPickup(edata) function onItemDrop() let idata = GetManipulatedItem().getEntity() let edata = GetManipulatingUnit().getEntity() if idata != null and not idata.done if edata != null and not edata.done (idata castTo ItemEntity).onDrop(edata) init EventListener.add(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM, () -> onItemPickup()) EventListener.add(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DROP_ITEM, () -> onItemDrop()) EventListener.add(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM, () -> onItemUse())