package Buff import public BuffObjEditing import public DamageEvent import LinkedListModule import Squares import TextTagEntity import ClosureTimers import LinkedList import ErrorHandling import UnitIndexer import Frentity import ClosureEvents /* * Use Frentity Buffs for your custom buff needs. * 1. Create your buff object using `createDummyBuffObject`. * 2. Create a class for your buff that extends one of the preset buffs. * 3. Apply the buff via `new YourBuff().apply(target)` * * Buffs have 2 lifecycle hooks: * * function onApply() * function onEnd() * * and api for attack/defense modifiers. * * function attackModifier() * function defenseModifier() */ public constant BUFF_ANIM_PERIOD = 0.25 LinkedList array buffMap public function unit.hasBuffs() returns boolean return buffMap[this.getIndex()] != null public function unit.addBuff(Buff buffObj) if buffObj == null or this == null error("Cannot add null buff or null target") if not this.hasBuffs() buffMap[this.getIndex()] = new LinkedList()..add(buffObj) else buffMap[this.getIndex()].add(buffObj) public function unit.hasBuff(int buffTypeId) returns boolean return this.getBuff(buffTypeId) != null public function unit.getBuff(int buffTypeId) returns Buff if this.hasBuffs() for b in this.getBuffs() if b.typeId == buffTypeId return b return null public function unit.removeBuff(Buff bff) if this.hasBuffs() let itr = this.getBuffs().iterator() for b from itr if b == bff itr.remove().terminate() itr.close() public function unit.removeBuffById(int typeId) if this.hasBuffs() let itr = this.getBuffs().iterator() for b from itr if b.typeId == typeId itr.remove().terminate() itr.close() public function unit.getBuffs() returns LinkedList return buffMap[this.getIndex()] public function unit.clearBuffs() let buffs = this.getBuffs() if buffs != null for bff in buffs bff.terminate() destroy buffs buffMap[this.getIndex()] = null public function unit.transferBuffs(unit otherEntity) if otherEntity == null error("Target Entity may not be null") if this == null error("Origin Entity may not be null") let buffs = this.getBuffs() if buffs == null or buffs.size() == 0 return for bff in buffs if not bff.done bff.apply(otherEntity) destroy buffs buffMap[this.getIndex()] = null public abstract class Buff use LinkedListModule unit target = null real duration buffTuple buffData var done = false construct(real duration, buffTuple buffData) this.duration = duration this.buffData = buffData abstract function apply(unit target) function onApply() function attackModifier() function defenseModifier() function onEnd() function update() if duration <= 0. terminate() else duration -= BUFF_ANIM_PERIOD function refresh() refresh(false) function refresh(boolean forceRefresh) if not target.hasAbility(buffData.abilId) or forceRefresh target.addAbility(buffData.abilId) function terminate() if not done done = true onEnd() destroy this ondestroy if target != null target.removeBuff(this) target.removeAbility(buffData.abilId) target = null init // Call attack and defense modifiers of buffs DamageEvent.addListener() -> let def = GetTriggerUnit() let att = GetEventDamageSource() if DISABLE_TEAMATTACK and (def.getOwner().isAllyOf(att.getOwner()) or def.getOwner() == att.getOwner()) // Falsify teamattacks if DamageEvent.getAmount() > 0.5 DamageEvent.setAmount(0) if SHOW_SQUARE new TextTagEntity(def.getPos().toVec3(), vec3(GetRandomReal(-2,2),GetRandomReal(-2,2),GetRandomReal(8,10)), getSquare(), 10, .8, colorA(GetRandomInt(150,250),GetRandomInt(125,150),GetRandomInt(125,150), 255)) else if att.hasBuffs() for bff in att.getBuffs() if not bff.done bff.attackModifier() if def.hasBuffs() for bff in def.getBuffs() if not bff.done bff.defenseModifier() // Update the buff display on unit upgrade EventListener.add(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH) -> let upg = GetTriggerUnit() if upg.getIndex() > 0 doAfter(0.01) -> if upg.hasBuffs() for bff in upg.getBuffs() bff.refresh(true) // Remove buffs when a unit dies and all other triggers fired. EventListener.add(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH) -> let u = GetTriggerUnit() u.clearBuffs()