NEXT [LIST] [*] Re-worked the lumber redistribute event to occur instantly, which should improve predictability. [*] Restored intro narration [*] [/LIST] 0.20q [LIST] [*] This update features a lot of rebalancing to make late game obtainable and the 5+ arena more fun [*] Acolyte special now spawns units in front of itself and has reduced range. Also spawning has been more randomized [*] Buffed the fallen down troopers, as this mainly happens late game [*] Stun traps' lumber cost has been reduced to 5 [*] Final boss and infernal HP have been nerfed [*] All enemy units now have a timed life of 5 minutes to prevent stacking and getting stuck [*] Fix respawn protection for revived builders [*] Builder selector is now automatically selected and camera centered, to prevent confusion in case it got deselected [*] Slightly increased fat builder movespeed, slightly decreased the elven builder movespeed [*] Reinforcements now no longer have collision and thus don't block builders [*] Boss spawn sounds have been fixed [*] Coin and lumber spawns have been adjusted to spawn less overall, but more in lategame than before [*] Healbacktower now gains some HP on each upgrade [*] Magic trease healing range has been slightly increased [*] Updated to latest stdlib, replaced DamageMod with DamageEvent [/LIST] 0.19r [LIST] [*] Amazing new final boss with custom abilities by kari! [*] Reduced Acolyte zombie spam [*] Improved intro [*] Increased coin and lumber drops in late game [*] Improved performance [/LIST] 0.19o [LIST] [*] Troopers now fall down and continue fighting when the TrooperTower dies [*] The fourth boss no longer gets stuck in midair and is overall more dynamic [*] Fixed critical error from healback missiles near end of game [*] Now using active icon for destroy spell [*] Nerfed infernal boss a bit [/LIST] 0.19e [LIST] [*] rebalance infernal boss and later waves [*] slightly adjust terrain of small area [*] fixed more bugs related to builders dying and not reviving [*] balanced healback tower [*] revamped last boss [/LIST] 0.18w [LIST] [*] New Tower: "Healback Tower" [*] Flamethrower has been changed to reduce fps impact [*] New catapult special missile visual [*] Living wall attack range decreased [*] Glaive damage slightly reduced [*] Improve creep spawn balance and terrain fidelity on big arena [*] Prevent builders from permanently dying yet showing alive on multiboard [*] Some reference leaks have been fixed that caused fps issues on low end machines [/LIST] 0.18s [LIST] [*] Adjust rocket visuals [*] Fix final win message [*] Slightly buff archer attacks [/LIST] 0.18r [LIST] [*] Removed unused imports [*] Use colored nametags for selection [/LIST] 0.18q [LIST] [*] =Fixes= [*] Supercharge item no longer changes repair auto-cast state. [*] Lumber dispersion is now disabled when there is only one player left [*] Fix builders not getting selected after pick [*] Readded original start sound effects [*] Stop final wave timer when builders have lost [*] =Changes= [*] Builders now don't lose their items and controlgroup upon death anymore and are revived at the caster's position [*] Slightly reduced restock delay of all consumable items [*] Slightly increase effectiveness of reinforcements early and late game [*] Slightly increased jump distance and decreased jump speed for fourth boss [*] Reduced selection scale for some creeps [*] Creeps now spawn slightly random on each side instead of a fixed point [/LIST] 0.18n [LIST] [*] Initial Release on THW [/LIST]