package ConfigEffectance /* Table killer_effectamce_ability_id int object_count = 13 public module ConfigEffectance Table effectance Easier Handling with tables. 0 escaper 1 bigkiller 2 smallkiller 3 tank 4 galive 5 bigrandkiller 6 smallrandkiller 7 spinner 8 powernode 9 bomber 10 teleportertarget 11 bombertarget 12 arrow 13 terrainchanger construct() for int i = 0 to object_count effectance.saveBool(i,false) function enableOther(boolean value) for int i = 1 to object_count effectance.saveBool(i,value) function toggleEffectance(int id) effectance.saveBool(id,not effectance.loadBool(id)) function isEscaperEffected() returns boolean return effectance.LoadBool(0) init effect_on_ability_id.saveInt(0, 'Abil') effect_off_ability_id.saveInt(0, 'Abil') */