package Questlog init var q = CreateQuest() QuestSetTitle(q, "|cffFFD700Commands") QuestSetIconPath(q, "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNOrcCaptureFlag.blp") QuestSetDescription(q, "|cff4d50ddJoin our discord|r:\n\n" + "|cff787888Available Commands:|r\n" + "-|cffFFD700clear|r (clears textmessages)\n" + "-|cffFFD700smode|r (Toggles revive selection, also effects camera pan)\n" + "-|cffFFD700cam |r[|cffFFD700select|r | |cffFFD700cam|r | |cffFFD700both|r] (sets camera distance)\n" + "-|cffFFD700cam lock|r (locks the camera onto your escaper)\n" + "-|cffFFD700cam unlock|r (unlocks the camera)\n" + "-|cffFFD700frev|r (revives your escaper, in case of bugs)\n" + "-|cffFFD700info|r (shows basic information about the current Area)\n") q = CreateQuest() QuestSetTitle(q, "|cff0084ffCredits") QuestSetRequired(q, false) QuestSetIconPath(q, "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNtemp.blp") QuestSetDescription(q, "|cff4d50ddJoin our discord|r:\n\n" + "|cff787888Special thanks in unsorted manner|r:\n" + "-kari0003\n" + "-menag\n" + "-Crigges\n" + "-WaterKnight\n" + "-Hiveworkshop ppl\n" + "-old friends whose names I forgot ;( good ol' times\n" + "-Geronimo\n" + "-The koreans: pockpoong, kagu, sayack\n" + "-Gamestargamer" + "-Garfield1337\n" + "-Masterstryke\n" + "-SFan042\n")