Started by an SCM change Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/EBR/workspace > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git -c core.askpass=true fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision e64123d5ef34fdc1fd73687819e133ddc8ca9831 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f e64123d5ef34fdc1fd73687819e133ddc8ca9831 > git rev-list 90ab7f5902751365cf92245868e94b699103cfa7 # timeout=10 [workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + java -Xmx1000m -jar ../../Wurst/workspace/downloads/Wurstpack/wurstscript/wurstscript.jar ../../Wurst/workspace/downloads/Wurstpack/wurstscript/common.j ../../Wurst/workspace/downloads/Wurstpack/wurstscript/blizzard.j ./wurst -lib ../../StdLib2/workspace/ -lib ../../Frentity/workspace/ -runcompiletimefunctions Variable LinkedListModule_next is null. Variable LinkedListModule_next is null. Variable LinkedListModule_next is null. Variable LinkedListModule_next is null. Variable LinkedListModule_next is null. Variable LinkedListModule_next is null. Variable LinkedListModule_next is null. Variable LinkedList_dummy is null. Variable OrderStringFactory_orderStrings is null. compilation finished (errors: 0, warnings: 32) Warning in File Weapon.wurst line 91: Mixing tabs and spaces for indentation. Warning in File Builder.wurst line 209: Mixing tabs and spaces for indentation. Warning in File GlobalShop.wurst line 24: Mixing tabs and spaces for indentation. Warning in File Minion.wurst line 43: The variable escaper is never read. Warning in File Boss.wurst line 44: The variable escaper is never read. Warning in File EscaperClasses.wurst line 59: The variable source is never read. Warning in File UnitRecycler.wurst line 46: The variable stackId is never read. Warning in File UnitRecycler.wurst line 46: The variable entity is never read. Warning in File Json.wurst line 83: The assignment to local variable p is never read. Warning in File Json.wurst line 83: The local variable p is never read. Warning in File Encoder.wurst line 67: The assignment to local variable cur is never read. Warning in File Encoder.wurst line 85: The assignment to local variable cur is never read. Warning in File Encoder.wurst line 86: The assignment to local variable i is never read. Warning in File Decoration.wurst line 3: The import ChannelAbilityPreset can be removed, because it is already included in BaseObject. Warning in File TileData.wurst line 7: The import BuilderConstants can be removed, because it is already included in RegionData. Warning in File Pedestal.wurst line 12: The import CodeManager is never used. Warning in File MinigameTeleporter.wurst line 5: The import Invisible is never used. Warning in File LobbyTeleporter.wurst line 5: The import Invisible is never used. Warning in File ReviveManager.wurst line 2: The import UnitObjEditing is never used. Warning in File ReviveManager.wurst line 3: The import ObjectIdGenerator is never used. Warning in File ReviveManager.wurst line 4: The import Assets is never used. Warning in File RevivePointModifier.wurst line 3: The import BuilderConstants is never used. Warning in File SyncWrapper.wurst line 5: The import CodeManager is never used. Warning in File Intro.wurst line 2: The import PlayerData is never used. Warning in File Intro.wurst line 3: The import Camera is never used. Warning in File Intro.wurst line 4: The import Builder is never used. Warning in File Intro.wurst line 5: The import TerrainModder is never used. Warning in File FourthCitadelle.wurst line 5: The import EscaperKillers can be removed, because it is already included in Startmaze. Warning in File Startmazes.wurst line 16: The import ObstacleObjects can be removed, because it is already included in Startmaze. Warning in File LZW.wurst line 5: The import TypeCasting is never used. Warning in File JsonParser.wurst line 5: The import TypeCasting is never used. Warning in File FileIO.wurst line 6: The import TypeCasting is never used. Finished: SUCCESS