package SpellIntimidatingShout
import SpellObjectGen
import SpellHandler
import StatHandler
import UnitData
import BuffHandler
import SpellList

constant int SPELL_RAW = 'AS15'
constant int BUFF_ABIL_RAW = 'AB15'
constant int BUFF_RAW = 'BB15'
constant string SPELL_ORDER = "curse"

public class BuffIntimidatingShout extends Buff
	StatList stats
	override function getName() returns string
		return "Intimidating Shout"
	override function getRaw() returns int
		return BUFF_ABIL_RAW
	override function getBuffRaw() returns int
		return BUFF_RAW
	override function onApply()
		stats = new StatList()..add(Stat.DAMP, -25)
	override function onRemove()
		destroy stats

class SpellIntimidatingShout extends Spell
	override function onCast()
		AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Taunt\\TauntCaster.mdl", caster, "chest").destr()
		ENUM_GROUP.enumUnitsInRange(caster.getPos(), 600.)
		for unit u in ENUM_GROUP
			if u.getOwner() == Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE) and u.xIsCombatUnit()
				new BuffIntimidatingShout().apply(u)
	registerSpellcast(SPELL_RAW, () -> new SpellIntimidatingShout())
	registerSpellId(4, HeroType.WARRIOR, SPELL_RAW)
@compiletime function genObjects()
	genBuffObjectData(BUFF_ABIL_RAW, BUFF_RAW, "|cffff0000Intimidating Shout|r", "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNReincarnation.blp", "This unit has reduced attack power.")
	genSpell(SPELL_RAW, 6, 25, SPELL_ORDER, "Intimidating Shout", "R", "Reduces the attackpower of all enemies in range by 25% for 15 seconds.", "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNReincarnation.blp")