package PQuest import LinkedList import HashMap import PrintingHelper import public PQuestGen import Config import Player import UnitData import initlater PlayerData import ItemData import SoundHelper @configurable constant real QUEST_EVENT_RANGE = 1500. @configurable constant real TALK_DURATION = 4. public function giveQuestRewards(int playerId, int gold, int exp, string itemName) var rewardMsg = "Reward:\n" if gold > 0 players[playerId].addGold(gold) rewardMsg += gold.toString() + " Gold\n" if exp > 0 xGetPlayerHero(playerId).addXp(exp, true) rewardMsg += exp.toString() + " Exp\n" if itemName != "" let itm = xCreateItemForPlayerHero(playerId, itemName) rewardMsg += "Item: " + itm.getName() printTimedToPlayer(rewardMsg, 10., players[playerId]) public function isPlayerWithQuestItemInRange(vec2 pos, PQuestItem questItem) returns boolean ENUM_GROUP.clear() ENUM_GROUP.enumUnitsInRange(pos, QUEST_EVENT_RANGE) boolean found = false for u in ENUM_GROUP if u.xIsHero() let pid = u.getOwner().getId() if questItem.getState(pid) == PQuestState.DISCOVERED found = true break return found public interface TalkAction function onTalk(int playerId, unit npc) function unitSetQuestMarkE(unit npc, int playerId) unitRemoveQuestMarks(npc, playerId) string path = "" if GetLocalPlayer() == players[playerId] path = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\TalkToMe\\TalkToMe.mdl" let sfx = npc.addEffect(path, "overhead") npc2QuestMark[playerId].put(npc, sfx) function unitSetQuestMarkQ(unit npc, int playerId) unitRemoveQuestMarks(npc, playerId) string path = "" if GetLocalPlayer() == players[playerId] path = "TalkToMeQuestionMark2.mdl" let sfx = npc.addEffect(path, "overhead") npc2QuestMark[playerId].put(npc, sfx) function unitRemoveQuestMarks(unit npc, int playerId) let sfx = npc2QuestMark[playerId].get(npc) if sfx != null sfx.destr() npc2QuestMark[playerId].remove(npc) function questMsg(int playerId, string msg) printTimedToPlayer(msg, 10., players[playerId]) new Sound("Sound\\Interface\\QuestActivateWhat1.wav", 1000, false).playForPlayer(players[playerId]) if GetLocalPlayer() == players[playerId] FlashQuestDialogButton() // Dont change! Will break Saveload System. public enum PQuestState UNDISCOVERED DISCOVERED COMPLETED public interface CompleteQuestAction function questCompleted(int playerId) public class PQuest static thistype array allPQuests static int numPQuests = 0 LinkedList questItems string title string icon string description CompleteQuestAction completeQuestAction HashMap thisQuest HashMap state // for talk-discovered quests: string talkText = "" TalkAction talkAction = null construct(string title, string icon, string description) allPQuests[numPQuests] = this numPQuests++ questItems = new LinkedList() this.title = title this.icon = icon this.description = description completeQuestAction = null thisQuest = new HashMap() state = new HashMap() for int pid = 0 to NUM_OF_PLAYERS-1 let q = CreateQuest() thisQuest.put(pid, q) QuestSetTitle(q, title) QuestSetIconPath(q, icon) QuestSetDescription(q, description) QuestSetEnabled(q, false) state.put(pid, PQuestState.UNDISCOVERED) function addItem(string descr) returns PQuestItem return addItem(descr, 0) function addItem(string descr, int maxCount) returns PQuestItem let qi = new PQuestItem(this, descr, maxCount) questItems.add(qi) return qi /** * Adds a PQuestItem that is completed by killinug units/collecting items of the specified type. * If count is > 1, killing/collecting will update the PQuestItem until the specified amount of targets were killed/collected. */ function addItemKillCollect(string descr, int objectRaw, int count) returns PQuestItem let itm = this.addItem(descr, count) raw2qi.put(objectRaw, itm) return itm /** * Adds a PQuestItem that is completed by talking to the the specified npc. * Further a text and TalkAction may be specified which will be printed/executed after the PQuestItem is completed. */ function addItemTalk(string descr, unit npc, string text, TalkAction action) returns PQuestItem let itm = this.addItem(descr) itm.talkNPC = npc itm.talkText = text itm.talkAction = action return itm /** * Specifies a text and TalkAction that is printed/executed when a player discovers the PQuest by talking to a npc. */ function setDiscoverTalkData(string text, TalkAction action) talkText = text talkAction = action /** * Enables the quest to be discovered for the specified player by talking to the specified npc. * Adds a "!" quest mark to the npc. */ function setDiscoverable(int playerId, unit npc) npc2QuestDiscoverOnTalk[playerId].put(npc, this) unitSetQuestMarkE(npc, playerId) function setDiscovered(int playerId) let q = thisQuest.get(playerId) state.put(playerId, PQuestState.DISCOVERED) questMsg(playerId, "New Quest Discovered: " + title) if GetLocalPlayer() == players[playerId] QuestSetEnabled(q, true) for qi in questItems if qi.initDiscovered qi.setDiscovered(playerId) function setCompleted(int playerId) let q = thisQuest.get(playerId) state.put(playerId, PQuestState.COMPLETED) if GetLocalPlayer() == players[playerId] QuestSetEnabled(q, false) if completeQuestAction != null completeQuestAction.questCompleted(playerId) function getState(int playerId) returns PQuestState return state.get(playerId) function setCompleteAction(CompleteQuestAction action) completeQuestAction = action /** Returns true if all questitems are completed. */ function allItemsCompleted(int playerId) returns boolean var allCompleted = true for qi in questItems if qi.getState(playerId) == PQuestState.COMPLETED allCompleted = false break return allCompleted function reset(int playerId) var q = thisQuest.get(playerId) DestroyQuest(q) q = CreateQuest() thisQuest.put(playerId, q) QuestSetTitle(q, title) QuestSetIconPath(q, icon) QuestSetDescription(q, description) QuestSetEnabled(q, false) state.put(playerId, PQuestState.UNDISCOVERED) static function resetAllQuests(int playerId) for int i = 0 to numPQuests-1 allPQuests[i].reset(playerId) static function getQuest(int id) returns PQuest return allPQuests[id] static function countQuests() returns int return numPQuests ondestroy printWarning("Attempt to destroy PQuest object.") public class PQuestItem PQuest parent string description int maxCount boolean initDiscovered HashMap thisQuestItem HashMap state HashMap count PQuestItem next boolean completesQuest // for talk-quests: unit talkNPC = null string talkText = "" TalkAction talkAction = null construct(PQuest pQuest, string descr, int maxCount) // TODO: protected this.parent = pQuest this.description = descr this.maxCount = maxCount thisQuestItem = new HashMap() state = new HashMap() count = new HashMap() next = null completesQuest = false for int pid = 0 to NUM_OF_PLAYERS-1 count.put(pid, 0) state.put(pid, PQuestState.UNDISCOVERED) function setInitDiscovered() this.initDiscovered = true function setDiscovered(int playerId) state.put(playerId, PQuestState.DISCOVERED) let q = parent.thisQuest.get(playerId) let qi = QuestCreateItem(q) thisQuestItem.put(playerId, qi) var desc = description if maxCount > 0 desc += " (0/" + maxCount.toString() + ")" QuestItemSetDescription(qi, desc) questMsg(playerId, "Quest Update:\n" + desc) // if talk-questitem: talkNpc2qi.put(talkNPC, this) unitSetQuestMarkQ(talkNPC, playerId) function setCompleted(int playerId) state.put(playerId, PQuestState.COMPLETED) let qi = thisQuestItem.get(playerId) QuestItemSetCompleted(qi, true) if next != null next.setDiscovered(playerId) if completesQuest parent.setCompleted(playerId) /** * Increases killcounter by 1. * If max value is reached, setCompleted() is called and true is returned. */ function incCounter(int playerId) returns boolean var completed = false var c = count.get(playerId) + 1 count.put(playerId, c) let newDescr = description + " (" + c.toString() + "/" + maxCount.toString() + ")" QuestItemSetDescription(thisQuestItem.get(playerId), newDescr) questMsg(playerId, "Quest Update:\n" + newDescr) if c >= maxCount setCompleted(playerId) return completed function getCounter(int playerId) returns int return count.get(playerId) function getCounterMax() returns int return maxCount function getState(int playerId) returns PQuestState return state.get(playerId) function setNext(PQuestItem next) = next function setCompletesQuest() this.completesQuest = true ondestroy printWarning("Attempt to destroy PQuestItem object.") HashMap raw2qi = new HashMap() HashMap talkNpc2qi = new HashMap() HashMap array npc2QuestMark // Quest Marks: (playerId, npc) -> effect HashMap array npc2QuestDiscoverOnTalk // PQuest.discoverOnTalk: (playerId, npc) -> PQuest: init for int pid = 0 to NUM_OF_PLAYERS-1 npc2QuestMark[pid] = new HashMap() npc2QuestDiscoverOnTalk[pid] = new HashMap() // registerCollectItemEvent: let pickupItemTrigger = CreateTrigger() pickupItemTrigger.registerAnyUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM) pickupItemTrigger.addAction(() -> begin if raw2qi.has(GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())) let qi = raw2qi.get(GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())) ENUM_GROUP.clear() ENUM_GROUP.enumUnitsInRange(GetTriggerUnit().getPos(), QUEST_EVENT_RANGE) for u in ENUM_GROUP if u.xIsHero() let pid = u.getOwner().getId() if qi.getState(pid) == PQuestState.DISCOVERED if qi.getCounterMax() > 0 qi.incCounter(pid) else qi.setCompleted(pid) end) // registerKillUnitEvent: let killUnitTrigger = CreateTrigger() killUnitTrigger.registerPlayerUnitEvent(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH, null) killUnitTrigger.addAction(() -> begin let creep = GetTriggerUnit() if raw2qi.has(GetUnitTypeId(creep)) let qi = raw2qi.get(GetUnitTypeId(creep)) ENUM_GROUP.clear() ENUM_GROUP.enumUnitsInRange(creep.getPos(), QUEST_EVENT_RANGE) for u in ENUM_GROUP if u.xIsHero() let pid = u.getOwner().getId() if qi.getState(pid) == PQuestState.DISCOVERED if qi.getCounterMax() > 0 qi.incCounter(pid) else qi.setCompleted(pid) end) // // talk events: let talkTrigger = CreateTrigger() talkTrigger.registerPlayerUnitEvent(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL, null) talkTrigger.addAction(() -> begin if GetSoldUnit().getTypeId() == TALK_DUMMY UnitApplyTimedLife(GetSoldUnit(), 'BTLF', 1.) // remove after 1 second so other events have time to run let pid = GetBuyingUnit().getOwner().getId() let npc = GetTriggerUnit() // check assigned quests: if npc2QuestDiscoverOnTalk[pid].has(npc) let q = npc2QuestDiscoverOnTalk[pid].get(npc) if q.getState(pid) == PQuestState.UNDISCOVERED // TalkData: if q.talkText != null printTimedToPlayer(q.talkText + "\n\n", TALK_DURATION, players[pid]) if q.talkAction != null q.talkAction.onTalk(pid, npc) q.setDiscovered(pid) unitRemoveQuestMarks(npc, pid) // check assigned questitems: if talkNpc2qi.has(npc) let qi = talkNpc2qi.get(npc) if qi.getState(pid) == PQuestState.DISCOVERED // TalkData: if qi.talkText != null printTimedToPlayer(qi.talkText + "\n\n", TALK_DURATION, players[pid]) if qi.talkAction != null qi.talkAction.onTalk(pid, npc) unitRemoveQuestMarks(npc, pid) qi.setCompleted(pid) end)